Authors: Laurie Paige
“He and my dad have always been close. I grew up respecting him, and he's like a favorite uncle. I don't want anything to happen to him.”
“This could be serious.”
She already knew that, the possibilities having kept her awake the past few nights. Still, she realized Peter felt he had to put the probability into words, so that she could take it as a warning, so that she wouldn't deny what might be the cause of Ryan's problems. “I know this could be serious. But on the other hand, stress and tension could cause symptoms, too.”
“That's possible. We'll proceed one step at a time.”
Feeling as if she could stand there all day just
looking at Peter, absorbing his strength, his concern and his compassion, she gave herself a mental shake. She didn't need any of those things from him. Ryan did.
With a deep breath, she stepped away from Peter's powerful aura and walked toward the door. “You don't have to see me out. Ryan says he knows where your house is located, so I guess I'll see you tonight.”
“Tonight,” Peter agreed, his deep voice making the word sound like a commitment.
As Violet escaped into the hall and closed Dr. Peter Clark's office door behind her, she knew it was a commitment to Ryan Fortune.
Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Laurie Paige for her contribution to THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS: REUNION series.
Copyright © 2005 by Harlequin Books S.A.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-7343-0
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