Lonely Souls (29 page)

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Authors: Karice Bolton

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal & Fantasy

BOOK: Lonely Souls
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The glow from the fire was bouncing off his skin, but his eyes no longer held the kindness I treasured. He was so commanding that I was afraid to move. I didn’t think he would dare do anything to me, but I’d never seen him like this either. My legs buckled with the realization that they were no longer my own. As my arms attempted to prop me up, the pain from my shoulder shocked me as I touched down to the grass.

With the tears streaming down my face, I watched Logan take a step back from the flames as he began the chant that could change the complexion of our lives forever. His arms held up high, against the flaming night, created a fear deep within my soul that I cursed myself for ever bringing to life. If Logan fell back to black sorcery, I’d never be able to live with myself. I didn’t want to lose what we had just begun. The smoke from the flames began burning my throat and lungs, along with the guilt that was flooding my system.

Ubi Veronica Spires Latentes Locant, Ubi Veronica Spires Latentes Locant, Ubi Veronica Spires Latentes Locant
,” he recited, as his voice gained clarity and strength with every verse chanted.

“Logan, please don’t,” I cried continually over and over. But he would not respond.

Not listening to his orders to close my eyes, I watched the swirl of the flames create a wall of images. A mountain range not matching the Northwest’s terrain flashed against the flames, followed by a stone structure of some sort, then a river flashed quickly leading to a home that resembled a castle more than a home, and then to my horror, an image of my mother rested on the flames. She was collecting herbs, looking quite fulfilled, wandering around much like she did here with me, but these weren’t images of her here with me. I didn’t know whether to be excited because she was possibly alive or livid because it was as if I didn’t exist. If she were alive, how could she be seemingly so happy? Logan was no longer chanting. He was viewing the same images as I was, standing several feet in front of me. I wanted to be held by him, but after tonight, I wasn’t certain if that would ever be a possibility again.

Loneliness, disgust, and sadness washed through me while I tried to stay focused on what I was witnessing. The last image of my mom flashed on the makeshift fire screen with her sitting on a couch, reading as if nothing ever happened. And there it was, the image of my father that matched my dream at the covenstead appeared, with him reaching around my mother’s waist, bringing her close to him. They were together.

Logan recited something that I didn’t care to listen to as the flames vanished, and the night sky turned back to black. My body was trembling, and I didn’t know what to do. By the look of it, my mother was happily living a life that no longer included me, and the one person who possibly loved me, I managed to guilt into performing a very dangerous ritual that might throw him back to the dark side.

I looked over to where Logan was standing, and he was still facing where the flames had been extinguished. His arms were inside his cloak now, close to his body.

“How could you do this to me, to us, after I just told you how I felt?” I sobbed.

“I did what you wanted, Triss. I did it because I love you,” he said, his eyes blazing, now turned toward me.

“But you promised you wouldn’t turn into my father,” I cried.

“What is it you want, Triss? You wanted to perform this ritual, and I knew it was too dangerous for you. I did this to make you happy, to find your mom. Isn’t that what you wanted?” he asked, kneeling in front of me, holding my head to his chest.

“But I don’t want you to turn,” I whimpered.

“I won’t, Triss. Our bond is too strong. Our life together isn’t over. It has only just begun, but I know until I can provide you with the missing piece that your heart so desperately seeks, we can never truly be one,” he said, kissing my hair as the tears continued to flow.

“I’m here, baby. It’s okay. I’m not turning to the other side. Your pull is far greater than anything else I’ve encountered in my life. You have nothing to worry about,” he murmured. “Now let’s go get your mom. She’s the one who needs saving, not me.”

I looked into Logan’s scorching blue eyes as his lips found mine, searching for approval that I was scared to give him.

“I love you, Logan. I just don’t want to lose you. I couldn’t bear it.”

“Aw, Triss, I thought we had something special,” Trevor’s voice crawled up from behind me.

Logan held me tighter as I shut my eyes quickly, wondering if Trevor was as foolish as he appeared to be. I knew Logan would stop at nothing to ensure my safety. Logan’s anger was brewing quickly, and I could feel his heartbeat through his chest. This wasn’t going to end well for Trevor. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath in. I had finally found my mother, and I wasn’t going to lose her.

“Don’t move, you two,” Trevor’s voice snarled, “I’ve brought company.”

My heart dropped as several sets of red eyes encircled us, while Logan held me tightly. A familiar slither wrapped itself around my ankle, and I knew the fight was about to begin.




Chapter 27


“Play along,” Logan’s lips hovered near my ear. “We’ll get through this.”

Taking in one long deep breath, I let the words sink in.  Squeezing Logan just enough to signal my understanding, he released me.

Even in the dark of the night, I could see the fury in Logan’s eyes as he backed away from me.  He stood tall meeting Trevor and his entourage.

“What is it you want, Trevor,” Logan’s voice hushed with the rage he was attempting to hide.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Trevor’s voice was distant and nothing like the person I had come to know.  “Her father’s ready to have his family back, and you seem to be standing in the way.”

I couldn’t keep the anger from erupting, regardless of Logan’s instruction, and I stood up quickly to confront Trevor’s accusation.  The figures with the red, glowing eyes took one step closer to Logan and I.

“His family?” my voice seething with anger, as my jaw clenched.  “He abandoned his family 18 years ago.”

“Your mom seems fine with the concept,” Trevor grinned, rocking back on his heels.

“What are you getting out of this, Trevor?” I glared at him, brushing off his comment about my mother.  I wasn’t going to fall for any mind games, especially coming from Trevor.

“You,” he whispered. His grin became wider, and he tumbled out his hand gesturing for me to take it.

“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but that’s not going to happen,” I replied, reaching for Logan’s hand.

“Your mom thought the same thing, but she’s pretty happy,” Trevor’s words sliced through me.  “She doesn’t look like she wants to leave.”

I never fully understood hate until now, but it was pulsing through me like a virus, and it was only multiplying with every second that went by.  There was nothing left to say to Trevor.  He chose his own path, and I wasn’t going to follow like a puppy dog.

“Walk away, Trevor,” Logan’s voice boomed.  “You’re in way over your head, even with these clowns that you brought.”

“You think I’m going to take commands from you?” Trevor growled, quickly eyeing his backup.

“You do realize that you weren’t her dad’s first choice for this mission?” Logan’s eyes had the darkness to them that I so often recognized, and for once I was grateful to see it emerge.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Trevor’s voice wavered slightly. “He’s been planning this for years with me.”

Logan nodded, bringing me in closer to him.  He lightly kissed my cheek, not taking his eyes off Trevor.  Logan was doing everything he could do to get under Trevor’s skin, and it was working.

“I’m sure he was,” Logan laughed, mocking Trevor.  “I don’t doubt it.  The only crucial piece of information that you’re missing is that he went to you after I turned him down and left the dark arts.”

I looked up at Logan as he spoke, watching his lips taunt Trevor with every syllable uttered.  For added drama, I nuzzled my head on his shoulder as I wrapped my arm around Logan’s waist.

“You’re second best,” Logan continued.  “And that puts you at a severe disadvantage in our world.”

I felt Trevor’s eyes on me and looked over to see him glaring at us.  I smiled at him, only infuriating him more.

“Is this the history you want to create for yourself, Trevor?” my voice found its strength once more.  “You want to put a spell on me like my father did to my mother?  That seems like the hard way to get a girl.” 

My eyes narrowed, and I hugged Logan a little tighter, knowing that the fight was about to begin.  Logan’s eyes darted to the outlying forest quickly, and I knew what he was telling me, and I would do as he said when the moment arrived.

My fear had been completely replaced with anger, and I hoped it would last.  Knowing my mom had been placed under a spell put things in perspective, and I was ready to fight for her.  I was ready to fight for myself, and I was proud to have Logan by my side.

“Now!” Trevor hollered to his cohorts, grabbing his wand, pointing to the night sky.

Logan released me, and I ran to the covering of the forest as the flames began shooting through the sky.  I was climbing up the fir tree as fast as I could, with the limbs scratching and tearing at my flesh as I made my way up the safety of the tree.  I found a strong limb to perch myself on that would give me the perfect vantage point.

Logan ripped off his cloak and threw it to the ground while the group started circling him.  My heart was beating so fast with the fear that began trickling through my system again.  Maybe, I shouldn’t have left him.  I couldn’t let the fear squash the anger that was still brewing.  I had to stay in control of my emotions. 

“Get her!” Trevor hollered, pointing to one of his puppets.  The figure bowed quickly and took off in my direction.

Propping myself on the limb, I slowly reached down to my ankle and unwrapped the reptile from its resting spot.  Curling the snake around the limb above me, I prayed my coordination would work when it dropped.  If I missed and it landed on the forest floor, we’d be in trouble.

Mutare serpens ad auxilium sagittariis,”
I whispered, watching the serpent turn into the bow before falling into my hand.

My eyes darted quickly to Logan and Trevor, who were still sizing each other up, before my eyes landed on my first target coming toward me.  Once my fingers landed on the string to draw back, the element of surprise would be over.  I couldn’t do it too soon.

A cackling began rumbling through the air as I watched Logan point his wand directly at Trevor.  Trevor was laughing, letting his confidence get the better of him.

“You can’t have her.  She’s not a piece in a game to toss around for your own entertainment,” Logan’s voice low.

“I doubt her father agrees,” Trevor shot back.

“Do you think we care what her father thinks?” Logan asked, only inches from Trevor’s face.  It looked like Logan would rather pulverize him than resort to magic, and I didn’t blame him.  Trevor began a low chant that I didn’t understand, and I forced myself to look away.  Logan was skilled.  He promised me that he was.  He would be okay.

I steadied my breath as my focus became clear on my intended target.  I wouldn’t miss, and I knew what this shot was going to do.  But I had no choice.  As the glowing, red eyes created the perfect shot, I pushed down the nausea that began to make its presence known.  This wasn’t an easy decision, but one of us was going to die, and it wasn’t going to be me.  The figure stilled on the outskirt of the forest beneath me as my fingers graced the string.  Flame was not needed now.  The arrowhead would cause enough devastation, and the silence of the kill was what was necessary.  I was no longer the prey.  I was the predator.

As my fingers released the first arrow into the air, I watched the dark sorcerer meet his destiny as he fell to the woodland floor.  My head was pounding with the gravity of what I had just done, but Logan’s holler brought me back to the seriousness of our situation.

My eyes darted to the clearing where Logan and Trevor were in full combat.  It looked as though Logan had the upper hand, but things could change in an instant.  Trevor must not have known I took out one of his own because he wasn’t sending anymore after me.  With my bow in hand, I very carefully slid down from tree limb to tree limb.  It would only be a matter of time before Trevor commanded the help from his group to try to defeat Logan, but right now it looked personal.  Like he wanted to take care of Logan himself.  Flames darted over the clearing at the same moment a strike of electricity landed in the area I planned on heading.  Landing on the ground, I did my best not to look at my kill.  I needed to remain strong, and regardless of this sorcerer’s intent, I still didn’t feel good about what I had just done.

Not taking my eyes off of Logan, I watched as he pushed Trevor down to the ground, placing his foot on his chest, he pointed his wand directly at Trevor.

“Give up, man.  Don’t make me do this,” Logan yelled.

I knew it was killing him inside to have to do this.

Situating myself behind a rotten stump that had huckleberries growing out the top, I prayed that no more lives would need to be taken, but as those thoughts went into the world, Trevor signaled to the sorcerers to take over.  My heart was heavy with the knowledge that the fight was far from over.

Logan finished casting his spell, and Trevor became limp as the sorcerers converged on Logan, hauling him off of Trevor.  My breath caught as I watched Logan struggle against the sheer number of sorcerers.  I couldn’t let him get hauled off into the forest.  Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in as I steadied myself in the kneeling position.  Raising my bow, my fingers touched the string bringing another arrow into my sight.  The shot was close, too close.  If I missed, I very well could take out Logan, but I had no choice.

Drawing back the recurve, my back muscles tightened and released as I let go of the string once more, watching as the arrow struck my intended target.  This first arrow was silent and deadly.  I got my shot, and Logan’s left side had been freed.  Quickly, raising my bow back up to the ready position, I uttered, “
Fragor Sagitta,”
releasing the flaming arrow toward my next victim.  The sorcerer holding Logan down saw the flames coming toward him but it was too late.  He dropped instantly, allowing Logan to jump up and regain control. 

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