Lonestar Secrets (36 page)

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Authors: Colleen Coble

Tags: #Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Lonestar Secrets
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Then Brister dropped his arms, and the horse turned toward Shannon. He breathed into her hair, and his big, soft lips nuzzled her neck. Jewel pranced back. His great head swung from Shannon to Brister, then he turned and galloped away.

"Thank you for that," Brister said, his eyes wet. "I deserve every dollar of that money to give up a horse like that. He might live forever, you know."

Shannon's gaze swung back to catch a final glimpse of her horse. "I know." She knew it was impossible, but wasn't that what faith was all about? Believing when you couldn't quite see?

She and her family took the old man back to the MacGowan ranch and watched until his plane lifted into the approaching twilight. Jack walked hand in hand with the girls back to the house, where Enrica met them to spirit the girls off to their baths. Jack went up behind them taking two steps at a time.

Shannon was as tired as she'd ever been. She put on a pot of coffee to help her get through the evening, then decided to take a shower herself while it brewed. She dragged herself up the stairs and down the hall to her bedroom.

Where she found Jack with an armload of her clothes. "Wha-what are you doing?" she asked, following him down the hall to his bedroom. Though sweet words of love had been spoken, they hadn't had the heart-to-heart talk that Shannon longed for. Jack still grieved his father, and the final days of practice had taken every moment.

Jack dumped the clothes on the bed and turned to take her in his arms. "I should have done this the first night," he muttered in her hair. "I knew I loved you, but some last remnant of loyalty to Blair kept me from moving you in here. Watching Jewel tonight made me see how foolish I've been."

"I don't understand." She relished the sensation of his strong arms, his skin against her cheek, the brush of his lips.

"Jewel still had feeling for Brister, and it was okay. Love is never wasted. Jewel moved on and kept some warmth, and I can do the same. I'll never forget Blair, but my heart is yours now. I want you here with me all the time where we can share our hearts, our dreams."

"I want that too," she whispered. "You're never getting rid of me."

"Thank the good Lord," he said, smiling. "Now let's get your stuff."

Shannon went to the bed to grab her clothes and hang them in Jack's closet. He hadn't closed the shades on the window yet, and she caught her breath when she glanced outside. A shadow moved through the light shining from the back of the barn. Jewel. He'd followed Shannon home.

The girls came running in, fresh from their baths. They ran to the window. "Mommy, the unicorn came!" Faith said.

Shannon had been waiting so long for this moment, and when she first heard the word Mommy on Faith's lips, it was so natural. Her gaze met Jack's. He knew how long she'd been waiting.

She and Jack joined the girls at the window. Jack put his arm around her and they watched the horse come up to drink from the trough. "He's come to watch over you," he whispered. "And I promise to do the same until I'm dead."

"Sh," she said. "If you go, you have to take me with you." She kissed him before he could say anything else.

Love was never wasted.



1. Are there certain types of people you find it hard not to judge? Why or why not?
2. Aunt Verna thought she was helping two people with her lie. Or did she just deceive herself?
3. Have you ever lost someone you love? Did you find yourself remembering only the good like Jack? Why do you think we do that?
4. Have you ever know twins or seen the connection they sometimes have? Why do you think that happens?
5. Shannon felt her occasional glimpses of the "unicorn" were a peek between heaven and earth. Do you ever think you catch a glimpse of something supernatural?
6. Shannon went home, the last place she wanted to go. In the end, she found it was the best thing she could have done. Have you ever seen God turn what seemed a bad thing into something for your good?
7. What did you think when Shannon proposed marriage that it was stupid or a brilliant way out of her mess?
8. What did you think of Jack's statement that it wasn't necessary to seek the limelight to live up to your potential, that to raise your family and be part of the community can be the best thing? Is striving for something more always good or bad?
9. Shannon had trouble trusting and sharing herself. Do you ever do that? If so, why?
10. When should Shannon have told Jack who the girls' father was?
11. Allie told Shannon love was a choice. Do you believe that? Why or why not?
12. When do you think Shannon should have told Jack about her MS?



Dear Reader,

It was so fun for me to go back to Big Bend, Texas! The place has a stark beauty that draws me, and I've enjoyed hearing from you all about the first book in this series, Lonestar Sanctuary. I try to remember every day that love is a choice for all of us in every relationship we enjoy.

My unending love and gratitude go out to myThomas Nelson family: publisher Allen Arnold, who was the midwife er, midhusband for this series; senior acquisitions editor Ami McConnell, my friend and cheerleader, who has amazing insight into story; editor extraordinaire Natalie Hanemann, who puts up with my numerous requests for help with a smile and a hug; marketing manager Jennifer Deshler, who brings both friendship and fabulous marketing ideas to the table; superorganized publicist Katie Schroder, who helps me plan the right strategies and is always willing to listen; fabulous cover guru Mark Ross (you so rock!), who works hard to create the perfect cover and does it; fellow Hoosier Lisa Young, who lends a shoulder to cry on when needed; editor Amanda Bostic, who is still my friend even though she doesn't work on my books anymore; and Becky Monds and Jocelyn Bailey, who fill in with more help than I even know. I love you all more than I can say.

My agent, Karen Solem, is my biggest cheerleader, and that includes kicking an idea to the curb when necessary. I wouldn't be anywhere without her. Thanks, Karen you're the best!

Erin Healy is the best freelance editor in the business bar none. Her magic touch on my book has to be seen to be believed. Thanks, Erin! I couldn't do it without you.

Writing can be a lonely business, but God has blessed me with great writing friends and critique partners. Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, and Denise Hunter make up the Girls Write Out squad (www. Girls WriteOut.blogspot.com). I couldn't make it through a day without my peeps! And another one of those is Robin Miller, president of ACF W (www. acfw. com), who spots inconsistencies in a suspense plot with an eagle eye. Thanks to all of you for the work you do on my behalf and for your friendship.

I have a supersupportive family that puts up with my crazy work schedule. My husband, Dave, carts me around from city to city, washes towels, and runs after dinner without complaint. Thanks, honey! I couldn't do anything without you. My kids, Dave and Kara (and now Donna) Coble, and my new grandsons, James and Jorden Packer, love and support me in every way possible. Love you guys! And thanks to my parents, George and Peggy Rhoads; my brothers, Rick and Dave Rhoads; their wives, Mary and Teresa; and my "other parents," Carroll and Lena Coble. One of them is often the first to hear a new idea, and they never laugh at me. Love you all!

Most important, I give my thanks to God, who has opened such amazing doors for me and makes the journey a golden one.

I love to hear from readers! Drop me an e-mail at colleen@a colleen coble.com and check out my Web site at www.colleencoble.com. There's a forum to chat about books, and I try to stop in, since books are my favorite things in the world. Thank you all for spending your most precious commodity time with me and my stories.

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