Long Hard Ride (2 page)

Read Long Hard Ride Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Western

BOOK: Long Hard Ride
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“Are you trying to see how far you can push me?”

“I suspect you’re embarrassed to admit you’d like to be pushed by me. Or tied up, trussed up, any way I want you. At my every wicked whim. And no doubt, shug, I know my way around wicked.”

Something about this straight-talking, sweet-talking man made her wild. And horny as hell.


“Ssh. When you wise up to what Jared really is doin’, come talk to me before you do anything rash, okay?”


“Promise me, Channing.”

“Okay. But why?”

“‘Cause, sweetheart, I’m dyin’ to show you what you’ve been missin’.”

Another hot burst of moisture exploded in her panties. “What about Jared?”

“Yeah, what about me, mate?” Jared said.

She wheeled around guiltily. Crap. Jared lurked less than two feet away, his hands rested accusingly on his lean hips, as he glared at them.

Colby released her and retreated. “Nothin’. You’re a lucky fella, that’s all.” He tipped his hat to Channing and winked. “Thanks for the dance.

See you around. Remember what I said.”

Channing watched Colby until he disappeared out the side door, a predatory cowgirl hot on his boot heels.

Jared snagged her hand and jerked her into an awkward embrace.

“What were you and King Cheese yapping about?”

“Nothing really.”

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“You should watch out for him and his buddy, Trevor. Nasty pair, those two.”

“What makes you say that?”

Jared tromped on her toe as he twirled her sideways. “Haven’t you seen the way the lasses gather around them? Not that I begrudge the blokes for taking their pick of pussy, but crikey. What they expect those chippies to do with not one, but both of them? At the same time?”

What would it feel like, writhing between two hard male bodies? Two sets of rough-skinned hands touching her. Two hot, hungry mouths, kissing, tasting, licking, tormenting every bared inch of her quivering flesh. Two big cocks demanding entrance into her body.

“You listening to me?”

“So, how have
seen them doing…things with one woman?”

“Well, yeah. They don’t hide it. Ask anyone what they done last year behind the chutes in Cheyenne.” He leaned in so she heard the full account. “They had this young chickie stretched out naked over a stack of saddles. Hands tied behind her back with a piggin’ string. A bandana covering her eyes.”

“Was she there willingly?”

He snorted. “Those kind of women always are.”

“What were they doing to her?”

“Using her like a blow-up toy. She was sucking Trevor’s cock as Colby nailed her from behind. Then they’d switch, like some kinda Chinese fire drill. Laughing, carrying on. They’ve no shame, either of them. No respect for women either, if you ask me. Then joking afterwards about that being the proper way to ‘break in a new saddle’.” His gaze narrowed. “Why? Did that cheese head proposition you?”

I wish.
“Umm. No.”

“Good. Stay away from their other traveling partner, Edgard.

Something about that bloke rubs me the wrong way.”

Jared’s foul mood required an abrupt switch in the conversation.

“Guess what? I won the wet T-shirt contest.”



Long Hard Ride

“As you bloody well should have. You’ve got fantastic tits, love.”

Jared’s hand snaked up her belly. He yanked up the damp shirt and cupped her bared left breast.

Channing squirmed. “Hello? We’re in public.”


“So, if you want to maul me, let’s go back to the room.” She tugged the shirt down to cover her belly.

“Ah. I see. You can flash these titties to the whole bar, but the minute I want to touch them, they’re off-limits? Crikey, I could’ve stayed in the Outback and gotten that attitude.”

An acute sense of unease built. “What is wrong with you tonight? You eat a bad kiwi or something?”


“Then knock it off.”

He laughed harshly. Meanly. “Little Miss Prim and Proper, are we now, love?”

Jared squeezed her nipple hard enough that it brought tears to her eyes. She slapped his hand.

“That wasn’t how you were last night.”

“How much have you been drinking?”

“Not nearly enough.” He puffed up with belligerence. “I oughta be asking
that question.”


“You know why. A little liquid courage is what you need.”

“Need for what, Jared?”

Jared clamped his hands on her hips, spun her until they were back to front and he dry humped her. “A few beers would loosen you up. When you gonna give up this tight ass? It’s been a week and I’m bloody well tired of waiting.”

Ignoring the burning in her cheeks, Channing twisted from his hold.

She latched on to his polyester shirt with both hands, hauling herself up until they were nose to nose. “Lower your voice.”

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“That bothers you? People hearing you love to do the nasty stuff? Or knowing you’re a hypocrite for begging me to use my fingers on your tight little hole, and then pretending it disgusts you?”

Infuriated, she released his lapels. “It doesn’t disgust me. The way you’re acting disgusts me.” She wasn’t ashamed of a thing they’d done behind closed doors. But him talking about it as if it were some big joke made her feel used and cheap.

“S’matter? Truth sting a bit, love?”

She stared at him. Who was this cruel man? Something had set him off tonight. Before she could formulate a snappy response, Cash Big Crow sauntered up and tapped Jared on the shoulder.

Cash was another heart-stoppingly handsome cowboy on the rodeo circuit. Native American, short and stocky, with long dark hair he wore in a braid, he had a grin as wide as the brim of his black Stetson. Cash was a little older than the youngsters on the circuit, and bit bowlegged from years spent riding bulls, broncs and “anything that bucked”.

. Hope I’m not interruptin’ a lovers’ spat.”

“You are,” Jared snarled. “What the bloody hell do you want?”

“Whoa, hold on, partner. Just wanted to return this to the lady.” He handed Channing her trophy. “You forgot it on the bar. Wouldn’t want some other gal to steal it, seeings you worked so hard to win it.” He winked.

“Thanks, Cash.”

“Oh, and this.” Cash held out a silver cell phone to Jared. “You left it in the can.”

Jared snatched it. “Appreciate it. Now move along, mate.”

Channing had endured enough of Jared and was tempted to ask Cash to take her back to the motel. Let Jared sort out his fit of temper on his own. She wasn’t his goddamn babysitter.

“What? You waiting for a tip?” Jared demanded.

“I’m going.” Cash took a couple of steps, then turned back. He gave Channing a pitying look before addressing Jared. “Your wife called your 14


Long Hard Ride

phone while I was in the bathroom, that’s why I picked it up. She wants you to call her back right away.”

Dead silence, ugly as the antelope-horn chandeliers hanging above them.

“Wife?” Channing repeated.

When Jared’s gaze zoomed to hers then flitted away, she knew the truth.

The bastard was married. He’d lied to her. Guilt, shame and fury arose inside her.

Jared spun on Cash to chew him out.

Without thinking, Channing blindly swung the trophy and clocked Jared in the back of the head.

He crumpled to the floor.

She froze. Shit. What had she done? What if she’d killed him?

Spending her life in a Southern prison wearing orange paper shoes wasn’t part of her big adventure.

Clutching the trophy like a shield, she dropped to her knees and accidentally squashed Jared’s hat. She gingerly touched his head. A big bump protruded from the back of his neck. No blood though. Good thing she had lousy aim. His chest rose and fell so she knew he wasn’t dead.

A sick sort of relief swamped her.

“Hey, slugger, you okay?”

She looked up at Cash. “No. Cash. Please. I didn’t know—”

“I figured you didn’t, sweets. You don’t seem the type to mess around with a married fella.”

“I’m not.” New experiences did not include becoming a home wrecker.

Her stomach churned. “Please get me out of here. I can’t stay with him.”

“Well, he can’t stay here to get trampled. Grab his boots. Let’s move him outta the way first before we figure out what to do with you.”

After they’d hauled Jared through the sawdust to a dark corner, he came around. He plopped his lopsided hat on and kept his face aimed at the floor.

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She doubted the jerk felt any shame. Only anger that he’d gotten caught.

Cash took her aside. “You stayin’ at the Silver Spur tonight?”

She nodded and hugged her trophy.

“Get your stuff and head over there. Double lock the door. I’ll make sure he don’t follow you and cause more trouble. I’ll check on you in the mornin’.”

“Thank you, Cash.”

“No problem, sweets. Just sorry you found out the way you did.”

Channing snuck out of the bar without talking to anyone else from the circuit. She unloaded her three pieces of luggage from Jared’s truck—and liberated his bottle of whiskey.

A six-foot neon sign shaped like a cowboy boot, announcing
Silver Spur Motor Inn,
flashed “NO VACANCY”. Luckily she’d already secured a room. She dragged her belongings across the highway and let herself into number 111.

Once locked inside, she panicked. What was she going to do? No way did she want to turn tail and run back to the tiresome life she’d fled.

Served her right for trusting someone. It would’ve been nice, for once in her life, not to have to be so damn self-reliant. Wrong again.

She should leave. Right away. Tonight.

Colby’s words surfaced:
Come talk to me before you do anything rash.

The scared part of her wanted to run to Colby right now. Demand to know why he hadn’t told her Jared was married.

But in his own way, Colby had warned her.

Reality check: She doubted this one-stoplight town had a rental car agency or even a bus stop. Nothing she could do about her predicament tonight. She’d deal with it all tomorrow.

A steaming hot shower and three generous slugs of whiskey later, Channing drifted off into an uneasy sleep.



Long Hard Ride

Chapter Two

The woman’s lips left a bright red lipstick trail down Colby’s blood-darkened shaft as she released his cock. “That’s it. Open wider. Like that. Take it all.”

The naked brunette bobbed her head. Her soft, hot mouth worked from the pulsing root to the throbbing tip of his cock. The wet sucking sounds coupled with her happy humming moans ricocheted in the tiny humid bathroom as an erotic echo.

Colby sighed and threaded one hand through her long hair, shivering at the sensation of the baby-soft strands teasing the inside of his thighs.

The pointed tips of her nipples stabbed his knee as her mouth rocked back and forth, making her big tits sway enticingly.

He slid his hands down her face and neck to roll those tightened nubs between his fingertips. Tugging. Pulling. Twisting. Making them harder. Redder. Wishing he hadn’t left those nipple clamps back in Salt Lake. This woman seemed the adventurous type.

She rubbed her slender thighs together, arching into his rougher touch. “More.”

“Yeah, me too.” He shifted his ass forward on the counter and spread his knees. “Play with my balls, baby.” He didn’t call her by name because, frankly, he didn’t remember her name.

He’d hooked up with her outside the Last Chance Saloon after he’d left Channing with Jared. Frustrated, he’d needed someone,
, to get him off. As quickly as possible. Sex always cooled his temper. And if he couldn’t be with the one he wanted, he’d be with someone who wanted him, even if for the wrong reasons.

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This chick knew the score; one night, no promises, and bragging rights that she’d blown the number two All-Around Cowboy on the Mountain and Plains Circuit. She’d gotten right down to business the minute they’d returned to the motel. Shedding her skintight clothes.

Fondling his buckle as she dropped to her knees, sucking his dick like a starving woman facing an opulent banquet. Hell, he hadn’t even kissed her.

His thoughts traveled to Channing Kinkaid. Jesus. Why was he so obsessed with that little spitfire? She wasn’t even his type. But one kiss from her and his cock had gotten hard as a railroad spike.

For a moment he let himself imagine it was Channing deep-throating him. Channing’s moans of delight reverberating up his shaft. Channing’s sweet-scented hair knotted in his hands. Channing’s wanton tongue lapping the come out of the slit in his cock.

Oh hell yeah.

Then long fingernails scraped across his balls and he inhaled sharply, expecting pain. But the woman expertly rolled his sac, knowing exactly how much pressure to use for maximum pleasure. Never missing a lick or stroke with that marvelous suctioning mouth and wickedly skillful tongue.

Good as it felt, much as he loved a no-strings-attached blowjob, Colby just wanted her to finish him off so he could escape.

“Faster,” he panted. “Suck harder. Yeah, like that. A few more strokes and you know I’m gonna shoot my load. Then Trevor will take care of you. Got yourself a twofer tonight, baby.”


The bathroom door opened. She never even lifted her head.

Colby glanced over at a grinning Trevor.

“She ready for me yet?” Trevor asked.




Long Hard Ride

“Hot damn!” Trevor shucked off his Wranglers and T-shirt. His big belt buckle clunked on the tile. Colby didn’t bother to gawk at his friend’s naked form. Threesomes were nothing new.

The crackling of a condom package ripping open sounded beside him.

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