Long Time Gone (Rough Riders) (10 page)

BOOK: Long Time Gone (Rough Riders)
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“Cal,” she breathed against his throat, “it’s happening again.”

“Don’t tense up, darlin’, just let it happen.” He nudged her face until she let her head fall back. He latched onto the sweet spot on her neck and sank his teeth in. In hindsight Cal hadn’t the foggiest on why he’d done that, but it worked.

Kimi gasped and thrashed, her hips driving upward, searching for that perfect amount of pressure until she found it.

She cried out his name. Her fingernails dug into his ass hard enough to leave gouges. Her pussy went tighter yet, so his cock felt as if he’d stuck it into a vacuum as it sucked out every bit of seed.

He came harder than he’d ever come before.

He came so hard that when he remembered he was still on earth, not in the damn stratosphere, Kimi was soothing him. Kissing his neck. Pressing her fingertips into his lower back. Murmuring sexy sweet nothings into his ear.

When Cal opened his eyes, Kimi looked at him with awe. Then she kissed him.

Not an ordinary kiss, but one that filled him with hope, and a sense of purpose.

This woman belonged to him. She was his purpose. She needed him in a way no one else did. And he sure as hell needed her.

So it sliced him to the quick when he understood in order to have her forever, he’d have to let her go for a little while.


He had no idea how long he’d been lost in bliss. He glanced down at her. “You are so damn pretty.” He kissed the corner of her jaw. “I’m thinkin’ I could chain you to my bed and just tell everyone you left. That way I could have you to myself.”

“Selfish, are you?”

“When it comes to you? Yep. Without apology.” Cal shifted slightly and she sucked in a sharp breath. “Sorry. I’ll move. Just hang on.” He pulled out as slowly as he could, studying her face for signs of pain.

She blinked at him and whispered, “I can still feel you inside me.”

“I suspect that’ll be the case for several more hours.” He bussed her forehead. “Stay put.” Then he scooted off the bed and headed to the bathroom. As he soaked the washcloth in cold water, he splashed water on his face.

A bout of nerves came over Cal and he returned to the bedroom. He hesitated by the side of the bed. Come to think of it…he’d never been with a virgin. Was he supposed to clean his seed off her and then hold the cool cloth between her legs as they cuddled under the covers and talked about what’d happened?

As he debated with himself, Kimi sat up and held out her hand. “Stop bein’ weird and get over here.”

He was so crazy about this woman. She just seemed to look at him and know what he was thinking. He relaxed and got back under the sheets.

Kimi rolled onto her belly and propped her head on his chest.

He pushed her hair off her damp cheek. “What?”

Her gaze continued to roam over his face. “A great lookin’ man like you shouldn’t even notice someone like me. But here I am. In bed naked with you.”

“Or…an old timer like me shouldn’t catch the notice of a hot young thing like you.”

“Why do you always counter everything I say?” she demanded.

“Because darlin’, it riles you up and I love it when you get feisty.” Cal pulled up the sheets and tucked her along his side. “You plum wore me out. Let’s take a catnap and when we wake up I’ll answer all those question swimming in your eyes.”

“Okay. But I’m pretty sure I’d rather have a hands-on demonstration on some of the…more explicit questions I’ve got.”

“That, I can do. As many times as you want.”

Chapter Eight

On day five of Kimi’s stay, Cal had been very thorough waking Kimi up. So thorough that he hadn’t realized he’d missed meeting Carson until he heard the crunch of tires on gravel through the open bedroom window.

He glanced at the clock. How the fuck could it be seven-thirty?

Shit. “Carson is here.”

Cal didn’t need his brother barging in and seeing Kimi’s things spread all over his house. He kissed Kimi and hopped off the bed, quickly jamming his legs into his jeans, foregoing his boxers. He yanked a T-shirt over his head and didn’t bother putting on socks or boots.

Kimi watched him, a satisfied smile on her sleepy face.

“Stay in here.”

“Even if Carson is your brother, it is impolite to show up at someone’s house at seven-thirty in the morning, Cal.”

“Seven-thirty is practically noon for ranchers and I was supposed to meet Carse an hour ago. And I’m never late, so he knows something is up.”

Gigi started barking like crazy. “Come on, girl.”

Cal closed the bedroom door behind him. Good thing Kimi had been adamant they lock the doors at night or Carson would’ve just walked in.

Gigi whined and raced toward Carson immediately after Cal opened the front door.

Carson crouched down to pet the pup. “Looks like
ready to move cattle, dog, which is more than I can say for him.” Carson gave Cal a once-over from his bare feet to his uncombed hair. “You sick or something?”

“Nah. I just stayed up too late and overslept. It happens.”

“It never happens to you.” Carson rolled upright. “I don’t imagine you were out tearin’ it up because you don’t reek like booze or look hung over. So I’m bettin’ your late night has something to do with that hickey on your neck.”

He shouldn’t love it so much when Kimi sucked and bit on him, but Jesus it got him so fucking hot he’d rather deal with shit than ever ask her to back off. “You caught me.”

Carson jerked his chin toward Cal’s bedroom. “She’s still here, ain’t she?”

“Yeah. So if you’ll give me a little time to get ready, I’ll meet you at Dad’s so we can get this underway.”

“You ain’t gonna introduce me to her?” Carson paused and gave Cal a big grin. “That’s because I know her, don’t I?”

“Don’t be a jackass,” he said with an edge.

It was the edge that tipped Carson off because normally Cal was even-keeled.

“So how long you need to get ready? I don’t see a car here so you’ve gotta run her home first?”

Fuck. He hadn’t thought of that. “Nope. She said she’s fine sticking around today.”

“Is this why you’ve been distracted the past couple days?”

“I haven’t been distracted,” Cal scoffed.

“Yeah, you have. Even Charlie mentioned it yesterday.”

“So I screwed up one goddamned thing. Like Charlie has room to talk. He’s been distracted the last

“Charlie thought I’d be preoccupied this week with all the shit that’s been goin’ on with the Wests. He volunteered to pick up the slack if I had to leave, which is why he mentioned it. He just didn’t think he’d have to be picking up your slack too.”

“I told you I’d do my part and you’re relyin’ on Charlie? That’s fuckin’ perfect, Carse. Next you’ll tell me that Casper’s watchin’ me too.”

Carson crossed his arms over his chest. “Even that shouldn’t worry you if you’ve got nothin’ to hide, Cal.”

Gigi barked and scratched at the door to go back inside.

“What’s with her?”

Cal ignored the question. “I’ll meet you at Dad’s in twenty, okay?”

“No can do. Tell me what’s goin’ on. You’re never this secretive.”

“I ain’t allowed to have secrets?” he snapped. “That’s bullshit. You’ve got your life with Carolyn which is separate from us workin’ together. I respect that. You need to learn to do the same for me.”

“Who is this woman who’s got you all twisted up in knots?”

The door opened behind him.

Kimi stepped onto the porch. “It’s me.”

Cal had never seen Carson so shocked. Under different circumstances his bugged-out eyes would’ve been funny as hell. Snagging Kimi’s wrist, Cal tugged her against the side of his body.

After his gaze winged between them, Carson said, “You’ve
to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me. You’ve been here since Cal picked you up?”


“And you two are what? A couple now? You’re livin’ together?”

Cal held his breath. He wasn’t sure what would fly out of Kimi’s mouth.

“What’s goin’ on with me’n Cal isn’t any of your business, Carson. I will say that he’s letting me stay here as I sort some stuff out.”

“That whole tale you spun in that letter to Caro about movin’ to Alaska was a lie?”

Kimi shook her head. “I’m still goin’. I just didn’t leave the day of the funeral.”

“When your sister finds out—”

keep your mouth shut, McKay,” Kimi snapped, getting right up in Carson’s face. “Carolyn is to know nothing of this. You hear me?
. My letter explained everything. She knows she won’t hear from me for at least a month. And I’m sure she’s got plenty of other shit to deal with and doesn’t need anything else piled on top of it. So just go about your business and let me’n Cal sort this out on our own time frame.”

Straight to the point. Kimi was a lot like him in that respect, so Cal didn’t feel the need to add anything else.

“But I fuckin’ hate keepin’ a secret this goddamn big from my wife. She finds out, who’s she gonna be pissed at? Me.”

“The only way she’ll ever find out is if you tell her,” Kimi shot back at Carson. “Promise me you’ll keep your mouth shut.”

Carson looked at Cal.

Cal pulled Kimi back and wrapped his arms around her as they faced his angry twin together. “I don’t ask for much, but I am askin’ you to respect mine and Kimi’s wishes on this, Carse.”

“Fine.” He stepped back. “Don’t bother showin’ up at Dad’s today to work. He’ll know something is up between us because I’ll probably spend the whole day pissed as hell.” He stormed to his truck.

Fuck that. “Explain to me why
pissed as hell,” Cal demanded.

Before he climbed in, Carson spun back around. “Because if Carolyn knew about the two of you bein’ involved? She’d be beyond happy. And my woman could use a dose of happiness this week. But I can’t even give her that.”

Cal kept Kimi close as Carson’s truck burned gravel down the road.

Neither of them spoke for a while.

Finally Kimi said, “Is this gonna cause problems between you two?”

“I won’t let it. Carson wants to give your sister the world. He knows there wouldn’t be anything on earth better for her than havin’ you with me, livin’ up the road from them.”

“I agree. But his concern is for you too. He probably thinks I’m just toying with you and I’ll leave you broken-hearted.”

He knew Kimi wasn’t toying with him, but the jury was still out on what her leaving would do to him. Not that she’d given him any indication of when she planned to go. “That’s why it’s better we keep this between us. No need to get her—or anyone else’s—hopes up for something that ain’t gonna happen.” At least not for a while.

Kimi spun into his arms. “I know we said we’d take this day by day. But the longer I stay with you, Cal, the harder it’s gonna be to go.”

“I know that, darlin’. For me too.” He framed her face in his hands. “So you’ve gotta pick a day and stick to it.”

Her eyes clouded and she bit her lip. “The day after tomorrow.”

“Let’s make every moment count.” Cal settled his mouth over hers and kissed the daylights out of her. “Now that I’ve got the day off, let’s celebrate.”

“Doin’ what?”

“What do you think?” He scooped her into his arms.

She laughed. But her laughter died when she noticed he wasn’t headed in the direction of the bedroom. “Uh, Cal? Where are we goin’?”


“Ooh, kinky. We gonna do it in the swing?”

“No, we’re gonna finish weeding the back section and then when it gets too hot we’ll spend the afternoon in the cool, dark bedroom, doin’ all sorts of kinky things at least until suppertime.”

“Gotta love a man with a plan.”


Being with Cal had been the best week of Kimi’s life.

Not only was he sweet, thoughtful, slyly funny and just so easy to be around, he made her body sing. And the bonus was the man was a horny devil; he made love to her morning, noon and night. Literally.

He had the most inventive ways to wake her up—his cock rubbing against her clit as he feasted on her tits and came on her belly. Hiking her hips in the air and eating her from behind, then slamming into her like a pile driver. Spooning in behind her, those skillful fingers manipulating her clit as he rocked in and out of her. But she’d woken up before him yesterday morning, taking his soft, sleeping penis into her mouth until it hardened. Then she sucked him off and wouldn’t let him touch her.

But Cal had made her pay at lunchtime. First he’d used piggin’ string to tie her arms together and tied them to the headboard. He’d swatted her ass hard while he whispered dirty talk to her that’d made her wet because she wasn’t expecting that from the laidback cowboy. The crazy man had made her come three times—once with his mouth, once with his fingers and once with his cock—and then he’d gone back to work with a smug smile on his face.

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