Look After Us (2 page)

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Authors: Elena Matthews

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Look After You series, #book 3

BOOK: Look After Us
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I turn my head to look at him, squinting with intrigued confusion, a small smile lifting along my lips. “Um … yeah,” I say a little hesitantly, trying to figure out what he’s got up his sleeve. I’m guessing it’s something naughty by the way his eyes flare with arousal.

“Meet me in the bathroom in two minutes.” My eyes double in size as he slides past me and heads in the direction of the restroom. Meet him in the bathroom in two minutes? Oh my God. He wants to join the mile high club? Is he serious? Holy shit. We can’t have sex in the bathroom.

“Ashton,” I hiss out, desperately trying to get his attention so I can get his horny ass back down on the seat. I hear him chuckle, but he ignores me and continues towards the bathroom until he’s out of sight. A laugh escapes as a bout of excitement surges through me, and lust begins to heat its way through my body at the thought of having sex in a public yet very confined space. We can’t have sex in the bathroom. Can we?

I spend the next two minutes fidgeting nervously in my seat, inwardly compiling a pros and cons list of joining the mile high club, but the way the blazing heat between my legs becomes more intense—scorching almost—I find myself swaying more towards the pros to give a crap about the cons. Trying to find the courage to stand, I peek my head over the seats and when I don’t see a single flight attendant in sight, I sheepishly rise to my feet and hurriedly head towards my fiancé. When I reach the door, my eyes frantically dart around me as I begin to have second thoughts. I almost turn back around to return to my seat, but when I see that the coast is clear, and no curious eyes are on me, I push through the hesitation and quickly make my way inside the cramped bathroom. I lock the door behind me before turning to face an amused Ashton, our chests colliding with one another’s since the space around us is constricted.

“Took your time, didn’t you?” he whispers before pressing a sensual kiss against my lips. I bring my fingers up to his hair and melt into the kiss. After a brief moment, I tear my lips away from his. “I had to check that the coast was clear. I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I giggle with disbelief, trying to keep my voice low. A flash of excitement soars through me at the anticipation of what we’re about to do, especially with how close we are, and even after all this time, his nearness still does crazy things to me. Even in this tight, compact bathroom. Ashton sees the sudden flare in my eyes, and in a smooth move he glides his hand over my ass and lifts my leg, hooking it around his hip, grinding his hardness against me, showing me just how turned on he is.

“You’re so sexy when you’re horny,” he growls under his breath, his words almost causing me to combust at the way his southern twang slides effortlessly over the words.

“Ashton …” I moan as he nips at my lips with his teeth.

“Turn around,” he demands with a circle of his hips, eliciting a moan to slip from my mouth at the way his cock grinds against me. My insides clench with desire and I find myself doing as I’m told; maneuvring my body in the tight space until I’m facing forward, ignoring the slight pain that jolts against my hip as I bump into the sink. He caresses the spot where I banged myself, and continues his pursuit around my hip until he’s reached the zipper on my jeans. Just as he’s undone the top button, doubt begins to seep in my mind and I turn to face him, bumping my hip for a second time.

. Ashton, we can’t do this, not in here. What if we get into serious trouble? I don’t like the idea of having a criminal record because I wanted to screw my fiancé in the plane’s bathroom.” He bursts out laughing, and I have to slam my hand over his mouth to silence him.

“Ssh, I’m serious,” I hiss out before I remove my hand from his mouth.

“I love when you get all angsty about things. It turns me on.” I scowl at him, which only makes him laugh again, but this time a lot quieter. “We’re child-free this weekend, and if Lily were here we wouldn’t be able to be so reckless. Live in the moment with me, Ava. Let’s join the mile high club. I know you want to.” He wiggles his eyebrows and I can’t keep the smile off my face.

“We’re in here now, and the moment we walk out of here, everybody is going to think we had sex anyway, so we might as well just have sex.” He pulls me closer to him and my breath hitches when I feel his fingers brush against my jean-clad pussy, burrowing his fingers deeper against my mound. “I can imagine you’re dripping already. Soaked for me.” His fingers move from my pussy, away from the pool of wetness I can feel gathering in my panties, to my zipper. “Baby,” he drawls as he drags the zipper down. “Let me make love to you. Please … let me feel you
riding my cock

My eyes flutter and I’m unable to supress the moan that escapes my lips at his words. “Ashton?” I whimper, and his signature smirk sinks into place. He knows he’s got me wrapped around his little finger. He knows I’m unable to resist his charm. It’s the reason why I fell in love with him in the first place.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Fuck me …

His fingers—which have now moved to my hips—tighten their hold. His eyes are a blaze of pure fire. “My pleasure, ma’am.” He pushes my jeans and panties over my hips and down my thighs until they’re around my ankles. He roughly spins me around, and the palms of my hands slam against the door, leaving me utterly breathless as I try to gain momentum of my balance. I love it when he takes charge. It’s so damn sexy. After everything I went through, it took me a long time to push through the comfort barrier of our sex life, but eventually, with Ashton’s unconditional love, I began to love my body again, and the moment my confidence returned, so did my sex drive. Ashton is incredibly sexy and my libido knows it. It’s the reason why I followed Ashton to the bathroom, and why we’re moments away from joining the mile high club.

I gasp as his hand slaps my ass. I turn my head to look at him just as he’s taking his beautiful, long cock from the confinements of his jeans, and I’m unable to drag my eyes away from his impressive length. He gives himself a few gentle strokes before he gets comfortable on the closed toilet seat, a wicked grin on his face. He drops his cock from his hand, and with unruly impatience he takes me by the waist and pulls me down on top of him. A loud shriek leaves my lips as I’m impaled on his cock and his hand slams over my mouth as he chuckles huskily in my ear.

“Ssh, baby, we gotta keep quiet.” I moan as the sensual feeling heats through me and the urge to ride his cock increases. I lift myself off his lap before dropping back down on him,
and we both groan out at the heavenly feeling that shudders through us. Ashton takes my earlobe into his mouth, tugging slightly against the flesh with his teeth. “I won’t last thirty seconds if you keep doing that. Fuck, that was
,” Ashton whispers. I smile around his fingers that are still forcefully on my mouth as I raise my body from his cock before slamming myself back down on him.

“Ashton …” I whimper as the feeling of him buried deep within me electrifies me to my core. I rock against him, and soon enough we get into a quick rhythm.

I feel his lips on my neck, sucking against my skin as he rams inside me, meeting me for every thrust. Each thrust tears through me and as I feel the peak of my arousal nearing, a heat begins to fill my veins, so unbearably hot that I almost forget the fundamentals of how to breathe. Ashton’s ragged breath isn’t much better, but the warm air blowing sensually against my neck sends electrifying chills along the ridge of my spine.

Being trapped in such close quarters heightens every one of my senses, and being forced to be quiet is beginning to take its toll, especially as my climax is nearing by the second, my body beginning to tremble on its fast approach. I can feel a bead of sweat begin to roll along my collarbone as I work hard to contain the euphoria that rips through me. But it’s hard when every touch is more sensitive … when every thrust is more exhilarating … when every subtle kiss has enough power to light up an entire city.

My body is telling me to let go and scream to my heart’s content, but with the plane full of people sitting outside the door of this minuscule cubicle, I have to fight against my natural instincts and keep my pleasurable moans to myself.

After another deep-filled thrust, I let my head fall back against Ashton’s neck as I explode around him, my groans muffled as his fingers clamp harder against my lips. In the midst of my toe-curling, body-trembling, tingled-ridden orgasm, I feel his body clench and still under mine as his own climax hits him, and the fingers that have a firm hold against my hip becomes almost bone-tight.

I choke out with a restrained groan as his teeth graze lightly against my shoulder, his lips clamping down as he comes deep inside of me. Our bodies tremble in unison.

Sated from the intense climax, I turn my head towards him, pressing delicate kisses along his jaw. I can’t help the light giggle that escapes as my body runs hot and cold with pure adrenaline. I think maybe after this he may have cured my fear of flying forever.

“That was …” I try to find the right words but my mind is a jumbled mess after one of the most intense orgasms of my life.

Ashton pivots his head to look at me, his eyes shimmering with a look of adoration, with an added devilish glint. “I know, that was …” I laugh as I realize he, too, has lost the ability to speak and finish a simple sentence. Instead, he brushes his lips against mine before pulling away.

“Come on, now for the walk of shame,” Ashton says, finally able to string some words together. I inwardly groan, knowing the moment we exit the bathroom, everybody is going to know exactly what we’ve been doing.

I clumsily stand, overcome with dizziness for a moment as my world begins to spin, no doubt caused by a mixture of the high altitude and the mind-blowing sex. Ashton follows suit and zips himself up. Then, similar to the way he stripped me from my jeans and panties not even five minutes ago, he gently pulls them back up my thighs and fastens them back into place. My eyes flutter at the way his fingers skim against me as he pulls my zipper up. His slick breath hovers over my ear. “My baby wants more, huh?” His hands rest against my hips, giving a seductive pinch, which, in turn, has my thighs squeezing together.
Damn him
. He always has my mind in a spin. He chuckles in my ear, causing me to shiver at the impact of his velvety breath. “I love how I can turn you on with a simple touch.”

“Ashton …” I sigh with frustration—sexual frustration, even though I’m still trying to come down from my last climax. It’s scary how much influence this man has on me, how my body can react at the barest of touches.

“Come on. I promise to blow your mind later.”

After cleaning myself up and splashing some water over my face, in a bid to cool the heat that has risen to the surface but doesn’t do a thing to cool me down, we exit the cubicle and I suddenly want the floor to swallow me whole. All eyes are on us. I ignore the stares from the fellow passengers that I can feel searing into us and allow Ashton to guide me to my seat. Once we’re back safely in our seats, I can’t keep the bout of laughter from escaping as I hiss, “Everybody was staring at us.”

Ashton snickers beside me, looking at me with a mischievous smile. “It sure was fun though.”

I roll my eyes. Of course it wouldn’t bother him knowing the entire plane knew exactly what we were doing. Just as I’m about to say something, I jump out of my skin at the sound of the flight attendant and I look up at her like a deer caught in the headlights. Positive she’s going to reprimand us for having illegal sex in the bathroom, she surprises me when she asks, “Can I get you both something to drink?”

I ignore the way Ashton laughs huskily beside me, no doubt laughing at my expense, and let out a breath of relief. “See, I told you that you had nothing to worry about,” he whispers in my ear before popping his head around me and giving the flight attendant a charming smile. “I’ll have a beer, please. Ava?”

“Um, a beer sounds perfect.”

“Two beers please,” he says to the attendant before taking a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet.

Once we’ve been handed our drinks and the flight attendant moves on to the next passenger, I forgo pouring the alcohol into the plastic cup provided and take a desperate gulp of the ice-cold beer straight from the can. After a satisfying drink, I place the can back onto the pull-out tray, feeling relatively calmer than I did five seconds ago. I look at Ashton and my breath catches at the back of my throat at the intensity of his stare. He leans in closer and caresses my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “God, I love you.”

My insides turn to mush and I find myself automatically drawn to him as my lips meet his. Pulling away I lean my head against his, looking straight into his beautiful green eyes. “I love you, too.”

After a long, tender moment, we manage to tear ourselves apart and I take my Kindle out of my purse. I curl up against his warm frame, sighing in content at the way his heart beats steadily against my ear.

I hate flying but he makes my fear less …
. And as long as I have him by my side, I’d easily fly to the ends of the earth for him.

Plus, the mile high club is pretty damn sexy. I totally see the fascination now. Although, I’m pretty sure that was the first and last time. I’m not daring enough to risk the punishment.

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