| as dehumanization, 163, 186, 189-90
| as dominance and control of women, 170, 176
| filing assault charges for, 170-71, 177, 197-98, 201
| and gender discrimination, 203-4
| and gender role socialization, 172, 183, 190
| inability of victim to leave batterer, 176-77, 183-84, 190
| learned helplessness, 177, 183, 198, 204, 206
| lesbian battering, 171
| by men of color, 169, 170, 190
| men's responsibility for, 153
| misleading descriptions of, 183, 198
| in monogamous relationships, 44, 94, 112, 171, 176-77, 178
| and murder, 176, 189