Lord of Pleasure (22 page)

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Authors: Delilah Marvelle

Tags: #Historical

BOOK: Lord of Pleasure
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Lesson Twenty-Eight

Depending on how you went about collecting your happily ever after, know that it may cost you a good thing or two thereafter.

—The School of Gallantry

Two days later

Alexander knew Madame de Maitenon would one day ask that he pay his dues for favors rendered—for the French were like that—but he simply hadn’t expected that the request would come so damn soon. Or with such ridiculous expectations. Especially when he was so mindlessly preoccupied with setting the last touches on Caroline’s wedding before he could start to plan his own.

“What is it?” Charlotte, who was visiting his family for afternoon tea, swept into the study. Her dark brows rose inquiringly. “You look harried.”

Alexander blew out a breath, leaned far back into his chair, and waved at the letter sitting on his desk. “Madame is calling in favors. And what is worse, she wants me to do the impossible.”

Charlotte rounded his desk, sat on his lap, and lovingly wrapped an arm around his neck. “Madame would never ask for the impossible.”

“Is that so? Then perhaps I ought to read this little missive to you.” He reached around her, firmly pressing her softness against his chest with one hand, and grabbed up the letter with the other.

He snapped the paper stiffly up before them and read aloud in his best forged French accent, “
Lord Hawksford. Unfortunately, school will not be in session this upcoming week due to unexpected complications. Hence my little letter. As I once helped you, I know you will help me. I want you to arrange a rendezvous between my granddaughter and the Duke of Rutherford. Sometime by the end of this week. As you may know, I am still in a very delicate state of health and refuse to be subjected to the further theatrics that we all know love creates. I have faith that you will see to my request accordingly. Do not disappoint me or my granddaughter
. Merci.
Madame de Maitenon.

Alexander tossed the letter toward his cluttered desk. “And here I thought winning your heart was an undertaking.”

Charlotte let out a small laugh, grabbed the sides of his face with both her hands, and soundly kissed him right on the lips. “Considering all that she’s done for us, we really should try and help.” She paused, a thoughtful look crossing her features. She tilted her dark head to one side, a small smile now playing on her lips. “No one really knows about our engagement just yet. Aside from Madame and your family, that is.”

“And a few others at Caldwell’s party,” he added.

She met his gaze for a long moment. “Actually, I have a rather brilliant idea on how we can bring them together.”

He slowly leaned toward her, wrapping his arms possessively around her waist. “Is it devious?”

She slid her hands from his face and let them playfully and seductively travel down the length of his chest. She lowered her chin. “’Tis
devious. For we would be forced to play the only game that ever truly prompts results. You’ll have to make me jealous, and I’ll have to make you jealous. And in turn, we will make Maybelle and her duke jealous. Of course, it would probably involve drinking, scheming, and unforgivably crude behavior that the
would never approve of.”

Alexander grinned. “I can do that.”

Charlotte’s mouth curved into an equally big smile. “Yes, I know you can.”

“Do you want to know what else I can do?” Alexander waggled his brows and caught his tongue between his teeth, squeezing her tightly against himself.

Charlotte giggled and playfully smacked at his shoulder. “Save it for our wedding night, you relentless beast.”

He leaned slightly back, appearing somewhat concerned. “I am
waiting that long. I have needs. Hell, don’t you?”

Charlotte paused, shifting slightly in his lap, and glanced back at the open doors of the study behind them. Turning back toward him, she poked him in the chest and quickly whispered, “I’m supposed to be having tea with your mother and Caroline in twenty minutes. Which would only really give us ten.”

“A lot can happen in ten minutes, I assure you.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” She gave him a pointed stare. “The cellar. In exactly four minutes.”

He blinked. She already knew where the cellar was? Hell. He quickly rose, lifting her up and off his lap, then growled down at her, “Make it two minutes.”

“Two it is.” She blew him an enchanting, amorous kiss, then hurried around his desk and disappeared out of the door and into the hall.

Alexander straightened, carefully smoothed back the sides of his hair, and strode determinedly right after her. Now
was what a Hawksford would call a very happy ending.

And a very happy ending it was for him, indeed.

ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2009 by Delilah Marvelle

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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ISBN: 1-4201-1108-6

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