Losing Control (23 page)

Read Losing Control Online

Authors: Mila McClung

Tags: #mystery, #Suspense, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Losing Control
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“It is like we’re on top of the

“Yeah! This is exactly how I dreamed
it would be! Me and the love of my life, making out on this balcony.”

“Hurry Taury!”

“No, I’m taking it slow.”

“You’re mean,” she pouted though she
was loving every second of it.

His teeth gently grabbed at her
nipples, making them harder still. She moaned, tried to keep quiet but it was
impossible with his fingers rubbing her flesh.

“I’m bursting, Taury! I can’t wait!”

“Then go! I’ll get you back up with
my tongue.”

She relaxed; let the release come.
After being pent-up for so long the force of her orgasm seemed to gush out of
her like water. He let her calm down then moved his head between her thighs and
lashed at her with that wicked tongue. It was only minutes before he had her
rocking again, begging for him to put it in her.

He was bullet hard, sent it into her
like a gunshot. Fawn wailed, pounded her hips upward to increase his desire. He
couldn’t hold it one moment more, thrust himself deep into her and came with a
quaking that shook them both to the bone.

Exhausted, he laid down beside her,
stared into the star-speckled sky.

“Was it as good as your dream?” she
asked, rubbing the golden tuft of hair beneath his belly button.

“It was better! I’m not sure my heart
could have taken the strain if I’d held off much longer!”

“I know what you mean. It was
insanely good. Still, I don’t ever want to wait that long before we make love
again. It’s scary how painful it is to be without you.”

“We’ve come a long way, haven’t we,

“Yes, we have. Where do you suppose
life will lead us now?”

“I can’t say for certain. No one can.
But I have something in mind, if you think you’re ready.”

“What?” She rose up, tried to peer
into the deep set blue eyes. “Tell me!”

“Well, you know how I cleaned out the
second bedroom in the bungalow?”


“I did that so we could put a crib in

Fawn was silent for a minute, trying
to get her brain around the word ‘crib’.

“A baby? Us?”

“Sure, why not? We can adopt one, and
give him a great home.”

“Do you think we could try?

“That depends … can you share me with
someone else?”

“With a baby? Oh, of course I can! I
won’t be like Connie and I know you won’t be like Beau. We have tons of love to
give to a child. Or two.”

“Two? Maybe twins? That’d be great!”

“And we could name them Constance and

“Beaufort, really?”

“Well, just Beau then,” she laughed.
“Or maybe James, after your father! And think how many others will be there to
give them love besides us. Mom and Dad, and Inger and Steph; there are so many
good people in our lives!”

“Yeah, there are. Our kids will be
pretty lucky. I called my lawyers while you were napping, and told them to get
the ball rolling.”

“You were awfully sure of yourself!”

“No, babe, I was sure of you!” He
kissed her, snuggled into her side, set cool arms about her. “Let’s sleep out
here tonight! I want to watch the sunrise lying naked with you.”

“Won’t someone see us?”

“Hell, I don’t care! Might give
somebody a bit of early morning inspiration, if you know what I mean?”

“Ha! If they’re anything like you, I
know exactly what you mean!”

Taury brought out a soft blanket to
cast off the chill then they settled in for the night. Fawn turned her hazel
gaze towards him, enjoyed the rhythm of his breathing in the pale moonlight,
content in his company as he drifted off to sleep.

Her thoughts wandered to the future.
She could see them living a long, meaningful life in the Malibu bungalow with
their two beautiful children, surrounded by family and friends. Of course there
would be trials and sorrows and frustrations. But those things only served to
give the good things more credence.

She sighed happily, kissed Taury’s
sweet cheek, already anticipating their morning encounter.





have three more books you might enjoy. They are in a series called MAN SEASON.
Here are their Amazon pages, descriptions, and an excerpt from each book. I
hope you like them:


Tess Jenkins impulsively agreed to join Kylie Preston on a hunt for billionaire
husbands in the Cayman Islands she had no idea what kind of trouble they’d get
into – or that she’d fall head over heels for a gorgeous beach bum named Angel.
But is he all he seems to be, or someone completely different?


There was a screeching
noise just to her left. She turned, holding her heart in shock, as she watched
a black motorcycle fly over her head and land abruptly in a mound of sand. But
where was the driver? She quickly scanned the grassy area beneath the hilltop
road. He was there, lying in a ditch.

Tess ran to him; began to examine him
for injuries. There weren’t any, but what she saw there disturbed her all the
same. He was insanely handsome, with chin length, naturally blue-black hair,
and a rugged, tanned body that oozed “Come take
” from every pore. And his eyes –
whoa – when he looked up at her she thought her heart had stopped completely –
they were green with strange flecks of blue that made them glitter like jewels.

“Are you okay?”

“Sure, just a skinned elbow and a
sore bum.
Serves me right for thinking I could make that curve at 100 miles per hour!
I’ve never seen you. What’s your name?”

“Tess Jenkins.” She was shy under the
heat of his stare. You’d think he had never seen a girl before.


St. Clair works in a florist shop in
, and
fantasizes about her dream man, Fleet Westcott, the billionaire film producer
who owns the studio across the street, never imagining that she could ever meet
him in real life.


Then Fleet steps out of her dreams and into her bed,
and she is swept up in a passion so electric it leaves scars. But Fleet is a
complicated man, with some dark, dangerous secrets. Can Tegan find the courage
to save him, even if it means her own life is on the line?


He knelt down in the
darkness, hiked up her skirt and yanked her panties down. Then he lifted her
hips and began to drink at her like a cup. Tegan couldn’t help but gyrate
beneath him, the orgasms building in little waves until they burst out of her
in a torrent of pleasure. She put her hand to her mouth to keep from screaming.

“This is so not right,” she

“But it’s so good, hum?” he asked,
raising his head to smile at her. “My turn,” he said hoarsely.

Tegan kept her eyes closed tight as
she bent to his lap and took him into her mouth. He groaned as if in torment as
she explored him with her mouth and tongue. The scent of him was dusky and
sweet, arousing her back to a crest of desire. He realized she wasn’t through
and eased his hand between her thighs.

“Stroke it, that’s right,” he sighed.
Tegan dared open her
watched his silhouette as
he flung his head backwards, his chest rising up and down in quick bursts of
anguish. “Now, get ready, get ready…”

She moved her lips over him in a
dizzying motion, felt his need growing and expanding. His flesh was hot, firm,

Finally he came, shooting into her
mouth so forcefully she was afraid she’d drown. But she took all of him, and
more, until he couldn’t spare a drop. He raised her off of him, zipped his

Without a word he started the Jaguar
and steered them away from the curb. Tegan readjusted her clothing, sat looking
straight ahead, fearing she’d done something to displease him.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Fine,” he answered curtly.

“Was I horrible at it?”


“Then I don’t understand why …”

over. It was good.
Great, in fact.
I’ll take you home
now, and you can clean up before your mother gets home.”


Styles heads out to
learning she has inherited an island estate, Moonsea, from a father she never
knew existed. Once there she falls in love with the beauty of the island – and
she loses her heart to the beautiful young man who lives like a recluse in the
moon temple on the cliffs. Dio excites her like no one ever has before – but he
carries a tragic burden that could destroy any chance they have for happiness.
Can Toby find a way to break the bonds that hold him – without losing him


Toby couldn’t take her gaze off of him. His face was pale and sorrowful
but exquisite, with high cheekbones, a lean, perfectly aligned nose and a full,
sensuous mouth. His eyes seemed on the verge of tears, glowing like emerald
pools. And his body, dressed only in tight, faded jeans and a white T shirt,
was as perfectly muscled as the ancient athletes depicted in bas-relief on the
temple walls. Toby felt faint, not from the fall but from the overwhelming
desire that was building like a tidal wave within her. His touch was like a
cold fire, inciting her – she impulsively moved her lips towards his, kissed
him tenderly. He was shocked at first then began to kiss back. She found
herself clinging to him, using her tongue to explore that glorious mouth. It
was not like her to make the first move, or to get intimate with strangers, for
that matter. But something happened to her when she saw him, a gate of some
kind seemed to open, a door offering pleasures she’d never dreamed of before.
Dreams – she thought to herself – he was in my dream!


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