Losing My Religion (25 page)

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Authors: William Lobdell

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Grant, Mary, 97–98, 100

Grant, W. V., 176

gratitude, 237–38, 243, 278

Gray, James, 118

Great Divorce, The
(Lewis), 14, 163–64

Gregory, Dick, 10–11



Hammer, MC, 195

Hanegraaff, Hank, 71–72

Harris, Father Michael (“Father Hollywood”), 61–62, 89–90, 91–100, 107–20, 137, 138

charisma and style of, 91–94

loyalty to, 99–100, 115, 116

psychiatric evaluation of, 111–13

Harris, Sam, 270–71

Harvard University, 208

Harvest Crusade, 83

HBO, 187

healing prayers.
prayer hell, 163–64, 166–70, 218, 247

Hewitt, Hugh, 22–23, 25–26, 28–31, 127–28, 202, 203, 204, 244

background and beliefs of, 15–16

Hinn, Benny, 177–88, 192, 195, 212

Hitchens, Christopher, 270–71

Holy Trinity, 6, 22, 84

homosexuality, 29, 50, 192–94

Hubbard, Jen, 71–72

Huffman, John, 55, 235–43

Huffman, Suzanne, 237

Hunsinger, George, 168



If It’s Going to Be, It’s Up to Me!
(Schuller), 167

Ignatius of Loyola, St., 120, 203–4

intercessory prayer.
prayer Internet, 139

Isaac, 52–53, 248




“Jack Mormons,” 131

Jakes, T. D., 178

James, St., 203

Jefferson, Thomas, 269

Jesuits, 203, 204, 218–20, 227–30, 232–33


Job, 201–2, 240

John (apostle and saint), 13

John XII, Pope, 161

John, Gospel of, 39, 209

John of the Cross, St., 120, 198–99

John Paul II, Pope, 93, 118, 142, 166, 256

Jolley, Clifton, 280–82

Jones, J. P., 49

Joshua, 50, 141–42

Joyce, James, 212

Judaism, 64–65, 72–76, 80, 121, 122, 128, 267, 271



Karcher, Carl, 54

Karcher, Father Jerome, 54

Kobuk, Peter (“Packy”), 215, 229–30, 231–34

Krol, Cardinal, 143



Laboure, Catherine, St., 225

Lamanites, 122

Latter-day Saints.

Laurie, Greg, 195

Law, Bernard Cardinal, 136–38, 142

Lazarus, 133

Leap of Faith
(movie), 178

Lenihan, Father John, 97

Leo IX, Pope, 147–48

Letting Go of God
(Sweeney), 247–50, 262

Levada, William Cardinal, 165, 256, 257

Leviticus, 50, 249

Lewis, C. S., 13–14, 76, 77, 163–64, 170, 275–76

Lobdell, Greer, 27–28, 54, 55, 258, 265

birth of sons to, 2, 26

character and hard work of, 244–46

marriage of, 2

religion and, 14, 54, 55, 85, 145–46, 159, 160, 245–46, 247

Lobdell, Jim, 6

Lobdell, Matthew, 270

Lobdell, Oliver, 270

Lobdell, Taylor, 2, 14, 270

Lobdell, Tristan, 26, 245, 270, 271, 272, 278

Lockwood, John, 230

Los Angeles, Archdiocese of, 95, 101

Los Angeles, Diocese of, 62, 94, 95–96, 117

average sexual abuse settlement in, 227

Los Angeles Times,
57–65, 86–94, 137, 140, 176–95, 225–34, 244, 253–59, 259–60, 280–82

coverage of clergy sexual abuse charges in, 102–18, 144–48, 151–59, 171, 226–27, 230

Lobdell’s spiritual journey essay in, 260–74

Orange County edition of, 33–37, 39–53, 58, 60

Loyens, Father William (“Lom”), 220–22

Lubavitchers, 73–76

Lundowski, Joseph, 229–30, 232, 234



MacLeod, Gavin, 195

Mahony, Cardinal Roger M., 118, 151, 152

“Manifestation of Conscience,” 218–22

Manly, John, 108, 110–11, 113–14, 118, 215–28

Mariners Church, 8–12, 14, 54

Mark, Gospel of, 50, 209

Martin, Steve, 178

Mary, mother of Jesus, 140, 225, 233, 249

Mater Dei High School, 61, 92, 93, 108, 110, 114

Matthew, Gospel of, 10–11, 63, 125, 135, 166, 195, 209, 280

McAndrew, Father John, 87, 88

McCain, John, 195

McFarland, Bishop Norman, 86–87, 223–24


Christian, 187, 195

clergy sexual abuse cases and, 36–37, 93, 95, 97, 98, 102–3, 135

coverage of religion in, 28–37, 45–47, 121–22, 143, 144–45, 146

Ten Commandments for religion journalists, 80–84

See also

mega-churches, 8–12, 14, 54, 68–71

Melthratter, Randy, 186–87

Mencken, H. L., 259

Mere Christianity
(Lewis), 14

Milla, Rita, 100–102

Miraculous Medal, 225

Moorlach, John, 36–37

Mormonism, 122–33, 271, 280–82

Mormon Tabernacle, 130

Moroni (angel), 122

Moses, 31

Multmann, Juergen, 242

Muncaster, Jan, 42

Muslims, 48, 80, 121, 128, 267, 271



National Catholic Reporter,
144, 157, 206

Native Americans, 122, 123, 280, 281

Nephites, 122

Newport Beach

Costa Mesa Daily Pilot,

15, 26, 27

specific publications
New Testament, 13, 84, 126, 168, 195, 249

New University
(student newspaper), 59–60

Nixon, Richard, 14, 15, 55

Noah and the Ark, 248

Norbert, St., 43

Norbert, Sister Mary, 43–44

Norbertine nuns, 43–44, 85

Norris, Chuck, 195



Occam’s Razor, 213

O’Grady, Father Oliver, 218

Orange, Diocese of, 33, 62, 85, 151–55, 218

clergy sexual abuse cases and, 92–97, 98, 109, 110, 113–17, 119, 223–24

Osteen, Joel, 194–95

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 88–89

Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, 85, 88



papacy, 147, 161–62

papal infallibility, 140

Pascal’s Wager, 213

Pasco, Jean, 61–62, 89–90, 100, 107

Paul (apostle and saint), 52, 104, 198

Peale, Norman Vincent, 55

Pecharich, Father Michael, 151–56

Peter (apostle and saint), 91, 206

Peters, Justin, 181

Philadelphia, Archdiocese of, 143–44

Pius XII, Pope, 140

Portland, Archdiocese of, 256

Poynter Institute, 282

prayer, 13, 14, 25–28, 160, 202–3, 246–47, 276

divine intervention from, 244

evangelical 24-hour vigil, 31–32

God’s plan vs., 211–12, 237

healing power of, 207–10, 212, 236

for personal gain, 26–28, 31, 32–33, 35, 60, 243

Rosary and, 120, 224, 233

studies on efficacy of, 207–10

unanswered, 48–49, 236–37

“prayer warriors,” 207

Presbyterianism, 16, 55, 84, 168, 169, 235

Price, David, 114–16

priest paternity cases, 254–58

Prime Time Live
(TV show), 176

prison ministries, 14, 87–88

proselytizers, 32, 83

Prosperity Gospel, 175, 177

Protestantism, 55, 84, 161, 162.
See also
evangelical Christians;
specific churches

Purpose Driven Life
(Warren), 69



Reform Judaism, 64, 65

Rehab, Larry, 113, 115

Religion Newswriters Association, 137

Revelation, 13, 51, 166

Robertson, Pat, 17, 20, 29

Rodda, Madge, 39–41, 62

Roman Catholicism.
Catholic Church

Roosa, Ken, 226–27

Rosary, 120, 224, 233

Ross, A. Larry, 178, 181

Rossetti, Stephen J., 112



Saddleback Church, 33, 42, 68, 70, 166–67

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 55, 159–60, 235

Saint Francis of Assisi
(Chesterton), 14

St. Luke Institute, 109, 111–13

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5–7

St. Mary Major Basilica, 142

St. Michael Island (Alaska), 215, 227, 228, 229–34

St. Philomena Church, 100

saints, 62–63, 198–99, 200

Saint Thomas Aquinas
(Chesterton), 14

Salas, Ed, 66

Salas, Timothy, 66

Samueli, Susan and Henry, 64–65

San Francisco, Archdiocese of, 164–65

San Francisco Solano Church, 151, 152–56

Santa Ana Catholic Worker, 67

Santa Margarita High School, 61, 93, 109, 115

Satan, 170, 190, 201, 272

Sawyer, Diane, 176

Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience, The
(Sider), 205

Schleimer, Jon, 265

Schneerson, Rabbi Menachem M., 73, 74, 75

Schuller, Robert H., 167, 194–95

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 103

Scientology, 121, 271

Screwtape Letters, The
(Lewis), 14

Seattle University, 220

Sechrest, Alan, 49

Sechrest, Ethan Shigeru, 48–49

sexual abuse.
clergy sexual abuse cases

sexual teachings, 84, 85, 93, 206

Sider, Ronald J., 205

sin, 6, 28, 99, 271

Sipe, Richard, 217–18, 228

60 Minutes
(TV show), 184

Smith, Al, 55

Smith, Dwight, 66–68

Smith, Joseph, 122, 123–24, 126

Smith, Leia, 66–68

Smith, Roger, 261, 264

Smithsonian Institution, 122–23

Society of Jesus.
Jesuits Socrates, 260

Soto, Jaime, 156

Spade, Will, 144

Stations of the Cross, 140

Stern, Howard, 263–64

Story of a Soul
(Therese of Lisieux), 199

Strobel, Lee, 14, 197

Sundborg, Father Stephen, 219–20

Sunstone Education Foundation, 280

Supreme Court, California, 111

Supreme Court, U.S., 82–83

Survivors Network for those Abused by

Priests, 97, 146

Swaggert, Jimmy, 177

Swaim, Will, 2–4, 8

Sweeney, Julia, 247–50, 262

Swinburne, Richard, 208



Tamayo, Father Santiago (“Henry”), 100–101

Trinity Broadcasting Network televangelists, 13, 17, 70, 167, 173–95 media characterization of, 29

Temple Beth El, 65

Ten Commandments for religion journalists, 80–84

Teresa, Mother, 199–200

Theo Lacy Branch Jail, 87–88

Therese of Lisieux, St., 120, 199

This Is Your Day!
(TV show), 178

Thomas Aquinas, St., 14, 120

Thompson, Hunter, 58–59

Thousand Pines Christian Camp & Conference Center retreat, 16–22, 203

Tilton, Robert, 175–76

Times Community News, 33, 53, 56–57

tithing, 47, 70, 124–25, 205

transubstantiation, 84

Tribune Company, 56

Trinity Broadcasting Network, 177, 180, 187, 188–95

Trinity Foundation, 174, 175–77, 179–80

Twain, Mark, 207, 253, 275



Unitarian Church, 121, 246

United States v. Ballard
(1944), 82–83

University of California, Irvine, 58–59, 64

Urban VI, Pope, 161

Urell, Monsignor John, 110–11, 113–14

Uribe, Father Arturo, 254–58


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