Lost in Barbarian Space (14 page)

Read Lost in Barbarian Space Online

Authors: Anna Hackett

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Military, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Barbarian Space
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But Colm was confident of winning. They both wanted this.

Finally, her hands went to her suit and pulled it off. Next, she slipped all the buttons of her shirt free, then shrugged the garment off. Her trousers followed. She glanced at him again, and then it only took her seconds to skim out of her underwear.

And then Honor Brandall stood above him, naked.

Colm sucked in a breath. She was strong, ripe with curves, and beautiful.

Her hands moved up her body, skimming over her belly and then cupping her breasts. She shot him a teasing smile and Colm groaned.

“Straddle me,” he growled.

“Bossy.” But she did as he asked. She took her time settling over him until the heat of her was pressed against his belly. His cock was so hard against his trousers that he felt like it would burst.

He surged upward and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.

“Colm.” Her hands tangled in his hair, tugging hard. She undulated her hips against him.

Colm kept sucking. He let his hands come up, shaping her ribs until they cupped her full breasts.

Then strong hands pushed him back until he was flat against the fur. He felt desire surge and his nanami flare.

“Now I’m in charge.” Her eyes flashed.

No woman had ever taken the lead in lovemaking with him before. He was used to being the aggressor.

She scooted backward onto his thighs and her hands went straight to the buckle of his belt. She unfastened it, then fought the leather and bindings of his trousers. She pulled his cock free.

Her eyes widened. “Holy hell, Colm. That will not fit inside me.”

“It’ll fit. You’ll feel it, but I prepared you for me.”

Her face softened. “Is that what you were doing earlier? Looking after me?”

“Yes.” Always.

She wrapped one hand around him, and gave his cock a few pumps, sending Colm’s hips jerking upward. Then she lifted her hips.

Colm watched eagerly as she lined the thick head of his cock up with her inner thighs. Then she sank down, inch by inch.

He groaned. It was a torturous feeling, the tight walls of her slowly sinking over him. Her body accepting him. Her mouth was open, her cheeks flushed.

He gripped her hips, and then he slammed her down.

“Oh.” She quivered above him.

“You’re in charge, Honor. Now what?” His words were hoarse.

“This.” She started to ride him.

The sensations crashing through him were incredible. As Honor’s beautiful body rose and fell above him, illuminated just by the beautiful light of the moss, Colm decided he’d never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.

Inside, his nanami were buzzing. He wanted, he needed…he needed everything from her. He growled, surging upward, and lifting her off him. She made a sharp sound of protest. He spun her around onto his knees, and pulled her back against his chest, her sweet curves nestled against his cock. Then he slammed her back down, and his cock slid home.

He reached up and gripped her chin. “Look.” His other hand slid around and cupped her breast. “Look at us.”

He watched her look…and see their reflection in the shiny ice. She started to ride him again—up and down, up and down.

“Watch us.” He pushed her thighs wider over his.

In the icy mirror, her lips parted.

“Can you see where my cock slides into you?”


“Where it joins us?”


“Right now, you are mine, Honor.”

“Yes. Yours.”

She continued to slam up and down on his cock, and he slid his hand around and down her belly. He felt his own release gathering at the base of his spine, but he fought it off.

First, he wanted to watch his beautiful woman come.


Honor had never felt so consumed. She was writhing on the edge of her orgasm, and she was filled with Colm. He stretched her with a pleasure-pain that felt so good.

It was so sexy watching in the ice mirror as his thick cock disappeared between her legs. Her body accepting him. She thrust back against him, loving that with him, she didn’t have to worry about her strength.

His finger pressed down on her clit in firm, slippery circles. Oh, so good. His touch was a little rough. Just how she liked it.

“Yes, Colm. I’m going to come.” Her movements got faster, less controlled.

“Come. Come on my cock. Milk me, my little warrior.”

She did, her husky cries surrounding them. Electricity raced through her body.

Colm slammed her down hard. He held her down, she was so full of him. He growled, grinding against her as his own release hit him. Then his growl became a roar.

Honor couldn’t hold herself upright, so it was lucky when Colm collapsed back, taking her with him into the fur.

He made sure his cock stayed lodged inside her and his big body curled around hers, keeping her warm. He nuzzled her hair with his face. “This is where you compliment me on my warrior stamina.”

She laughed, and it sounded suspiciously like a giggle. God, she felt good. Well loved, cherished.

With that thought, a touch of tension invaded her languid body. It was silly, really. He’d made it clear he wanted her in bed, but nothing else. Silly to feel cherished.

“What?” he growled.

She realized she’d tensed up…and he was sensing it. She forced herself to relax. “Nothing.”

She leaned her head back so she could see him. “So how long until you warriors are ready for round two?”

He pulled away from her, his cock slipping out of her. She wrinkled her nose at the loss.

But then he grabbed her—God, the man was so strong to handle her like she weighed nothing. She found herself on her back in the fur, an aroused warrior lowering his body on top of hers. He lifted one of her legs and pushed it against her chest.
. She was wide open to him.

Then she felt the probe of the thick head of his cock between her legs.

“Why don’t I show you?” he murmured.

Colm showed his ruthless side this time.

He thrust inside her hard. His hands slid along her arms, his fingers tangling with hers, and then he slammed her arms above her head. His hips powered forward as he pumped in and out of her.

“Yes, Colm, don’t stop.” Honor felt the soft fur at her back, the hot, hard warrior above her.

She should have known this ruthless warrior would use the same focus and determination he had on the battlefield in bed.

His hands slid back down, and then Honor found her legs on his shoulders. He knelt between them, his hard cock powering inside her. She looked up at him.

His face… It was set in fierce lines of need. He stared down at where his cock was spearing in between her swollen folds.

“You look very pretty stretched around me, Honor.”

“Make me come again,” she panted.

“I will.”

He thrust deep and she felt the orgasm slam into her. The pleasure rippled through her body. She turned and sunk her teeth into his arm.

He growled, plunged in again, then pulled out. She heard him groan and felt the hot splash of his seed on her belly.

Colm dropped her legs down and collapsed beside her. She was gratified to feel his chest heaving. She wasn’t the only one completely wrecked by this.

His arms closed around her, pulling her head against his chest. “Mine.” A masculine rumble.

The sweat and the results of their loving glued them together, and she held on. She wanted to believe he meant it.

She knew he didn’t want a partner or a mate. She was an interesting diversion for her warrior.

He didn’t want someone to delve into the angry secrets she knew he was hiding.

A hand stroked down her back, leaving a shiver of sensation in its wake.

Just enjoy, Honor
. His hand moved over her ass, slipping between her legs to stroke her. She trembled under his bold caress. For now, that was all she could do.


Chapter Eleven

Colm came awake suddenly.

What had woken him? He took a second to take in the warm woman snuggled in his arms, the warm fur wrapped around them. He breathed deep, drawing in the sweet smell of her.

But his nanami were vibrating. He let them expand, his senses moving outward.

He heard sounds. The scrape of something—a foot?—on ice. A quiet grunt. An answering grunt.

He shook Honor awake. “Get dressed,” he said on a soft breath.

She sat up, pushing her hair from her face. She blinked at him, and his serious look must have gotten through. She jumped to her feet and grabbed her clothes. She pulled on the bottom of her enviro suit and strapped the top of it to her backpack.

Colm felt a brief sting of disappointment as she covered her naked body, but he pushed it away. Now was not the time for those thoughts. After he dressed, he helped Honor stuff their belongings in their bags. He snatched up his coat and tied it to his backpack.

“What’s going on?” she whispered.

“We have company.”

With his hand, he gestured for her to head out into the tunnel. To the right, it was easy to hear that someone, or something, was coming.

Together, they turned left and quietly slipped deeper into the tunnels.

Finally, after putting some distance between them and their mysterious visitors, Honor grabbed his arm.

“Who was it?” she asked.

He shook his head. “I couldn’t see. But I believe the question to ask is ‘what was it?’”

“So not the pirates. Why are you so worried, Colm?”

“It wasn’t wolves, Honor. Whatever they were, they were searching. And they were communicating.”

“Shit.” A line creased her brow. “An intelligent species?”

“Maybe. For now, we keep moving, and put as much distance between them and us as we can.”

They snaked their way through the twisting tunnels. Every now and then, Colm stopped and strained to hear something.

He was finally deciding they were safe, when faint sounds reached him again.

“I can hear grunts. They’re following us.”

Honor tilted her head. “I can’t hear anything. But I trust you.”

Hearing those words made Colm’s chest go tight. He knew she was a woman who didn’t trust lightly. To have a woman like Honor’s trust meant the world to him.

The grunts got closer and louder.

Honor’s eyes widened. “I can hear that.”


They sprinted down the tunnel. Moving so fast meant that at times they both slipped on the slick ice. But they kept moving.

They were deep into the ice tunnels now. Finding a way out would be tricky. But for now, he focused on evading their pursuers and keeping Honor safe.

They turned a sharp corner, and ahead, a huge, white creature appeared.

Colm cursed, and he and Honor skidded to a halt. He took a second to take in the white fur on the massive humanoid body.

The creature roared at them.

Colm drew his sword.
Protect Honor
. That single imperative beat inside him.
Protect Honor.

His nanami flooded him with energy, more than he’d ever felt before.

He charged at the beast. It let out another roar and charged to meet him.

The beast swung out with sharp claws. Colm ducked and thrust his sword forward. He felt the sting of claws on his chest. He saw the spurt of red blood on the creature’s side, bright against the white fur. Ignoring the sting of his wounds, Colm attacked again. Three more thrusts of his sword and the creature fell, collapsing onto the icy floor.

Colm stepped back, dragging in air. Power raged through him, and he couldn’t rein it in.

“God.” Honor appeared, clutching her pistol. “More are coming, Colm.”

Let them come. He wanted to shed more blood. His hand curled around his sword.

“Colm?” She stepped in front of him, her worried gaze on his face. “What’s wrong? We need to go.”

Why was she questioning him? He was a warrior. He knew how to fight. He felt his hearts drumming in his chest, a muscle ticking beneath his eye, rage flooding his veins.

Was this how his father had felt?

Colm froze.

“Colm?” Her voice edged with concern. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

“No…control. Move away.”

Her eyes narrowed and she stepped closer. “You are the most controlled man I know.” She pressed her hands to his cheeks. “Let me help you. What can I do?”

Just the warm touch of her seemed to help. It seeped into him, and he managed to draw a deep breath into his chest.

“I feel better.” Now he could hear the grunts and snarls approaching them quickly. He grabbed her arm and pulled her forward. “Come.”

They ran again. The sounds of the creatures echoed down the tunnels.

Honor and Colm rushed out of a tunnel and into a huge ice cavern. The white-blue walls glittered and the ceiling was a huge dome above them.

“Over there.” Honor pointed across the cavern. “We can climb the wall. It’s cracked, so we should be able to find toe and hand holds.” She smiled at him. “I hope you can climb, warrior.”

They reached the wall and Colm watched Honor start upward. She didn’t rush, taking her time to find cracks to jam her feet and hands in to.

Colm took a breath and followed her.

A few times, his hand slipped. The wall was slick; some of the cracks wouldn’t hold his greater weight and crumbled. Above him, Honor looked like a Markarian monkey. Damn, she was good.

“Come on, Colm. Almost there.”

Finally, he pulled himself onto a high ledge beside Honor. He saw another tunnel entrance nearby. Quickly he reached out and touched her face, just to reassure himself she was okay.

She pressed her palm over his hand, turned her face into his touch.

“You okay?” she asked.

He nodded. He was. For the moment.

Then he heard noises below. He pulled back, holding a finger to his mouth. Together, they leaned over and looked down.

Five of the white-furred creatures had entered the cavern below. Even from up high, they looked huge. Their white fur was thick and covered every part of their body. The lead beast moved around the cavern, searching, sniffing.

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