Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles (40 page)

Read Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles Online

Authors: Audra Hart

Tags: #vampires, #reincarnation, #curses, #spell weavers, #magical immortal beings

BOOK: Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles
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“And you said, ‘I hope not, because I love
you too’,” he says with a smile. “Yes my darling I remember it
well. And I understand that kind of vanity and pride, because I
have it too.”

Then he kisses her cheek and says, “Do you
realize, you just remembered something personal from before the
attack in the glen?” he asks.

“Wonderful,” she whispers. “But you know
what? I also remember what we did after we declared our love, and I
would very much like to do something like it again. Minus the whole
virgin drama, I mean” Morna chuckles at that memory.

“Morna! I didn’t know you were a virgin. You
were a beautiful, mature Immortal woman. Baby, you were gorgeous
and ninety-two years old. It seemed impossible to me that you had
never made love to a man before that day. I had had plenty of
opportunities to see how the men of our Guild went out of their way
trying to impress you and catch your eye. You were a much sought
after woman. I had no reason to expect you were an innocent at that
kind of love. In fact, I might never have been brave enough to love
you like that if I had known. I didn’t feel worthy of such a
precious gift.” Luca admits honestly.

“Why not? I had been saving it for you.”
Morna says with a joyous smile.

Luca’s heart swells at those words, the truth
he knows they convey. He kisses her gently and then he starts
teasing her neck with his ice cold lips below her right earlobe. He
slowly, painstakingly works his way down her neck, onto her
shoulder, where he turns her around to face him so he can undo her
jeans. She kicks her sneakers off while he is undoing the zipper.
He trails kisses down her tummy, over her pubic mound and down her
left leg as he strips the jeans from her body. She raises each foot
in response to taps from him. Once he gets the jeans off her body
completely, he wads up the bulky fabric and tosses them over his
shoulder, and they laugh when they hear them bounce off the

He starts to lovingly kiss her soft belly and
trails kisses down over her mound, and inhales deeply. He rubs his
right hand between her legs and growls hotly at the moisture he
feels clinging to the crotch of the panties. He slowly peels her
panties off of her body and returns his mouth to that hot, wet spot
between her legs. He gently kisses her engorged lips and moans,
“Morna, I want to lie you down on this floor right now and bury my
mouth between your legs, to lick and suck and nibble…until you
can’t stand it any longer!”

Morna almost chokes at his words. With every
word he had uttered her heart raced a little faster, and blood
pounded into the very spot he had so passionately spoke of. “I want
that too,” she whispers so quietly that even Luca can barely make
it out. The need and longing that they know they share tears at
their hearts but also binds them even tighter to each other.

Luca rises and kisses her gently on her
trembling lips and says, “I do so love you woman. You truly know
that right?’ Morna moans into his mouth and then nods wordlessly.
Her heart is in her throat and words completely fail her, but her
eyes tell him everything.

He picks her up and carries her over to the
tub. He gently puts her in the water and starts taking his own
clothes off. Morna shakes her head to recover her wits about her.
She looks up to her mate and watches as he undresses. “Hmmm,” she
says, “and show too.”

“Well love, it’s just all part of the
service,” he grins and then winks at her.

“Well join me quickly then if you want a good
review of services rendered,” she says and winks back at him. He
slips into the water, and says, “It’s not that warm, I will cool
this off in no time.” He reaches out and flips the tab to allow
some of the water to drain out before sealing the drain again and
turning the hot water on. “Let me know if that is too hot,” he

He is seated beside her in the wide tub. She
snuggles into him and says, “Gee this is an awesome tub, wide
enough for cuddling. That’s not to say that the giant claw-foot tub
in our home isn’t great, this is just a different kind of great,”
she sighs contentedly. He suddenly twists around and kisses her
passionately. She is little taken off guard, and she looks at him
with questioning eyes, and says, “What brought that on?”

“You called the house at Chatsfield corner
‘our home.’ That is sweet music to my ears love,” he answers

“My home is where ever you are Luca, you know
that,” she says.

“Yes, I know that but it is nice to hear you
use the words.” And kisses her again and draws her over on top of
him. She giggles, and then resumes kissing him, reveling in the
close contact with the cold hardness of his eager lips and his body
under hers. He reaches behind her and caresses her ample butt,
kneading her willing flesh, pushing her closer into him. His
powerful erection throbs against her thigh with his own need. He
works his way up, kneading and massaging the flesh of her low

She chuckles, and says against his mouth,
“Sneaking a little PT in are we?”

He laughs too, and says, “Yes, I guess I was.
I just don’t want you to be in any pain Morna.”

She pulls back and smiles. “No woman on God’s
earth has ever been good enough to deserve a man like you,” she
says with feeling.

He uses his foot to shut off the hot water as
he says, “Not true.” And then he reaches out to turn on the jets in
the tub.

Morna enjoys the pulsating water from the
jets on her body. But she rises up a little and says, “Well we
could debate this or we could wash each other and then go to bed
and make love. I opt for the latter.”

He chuckles and says, “Right again, my love.”
She again rests her head against his hard chest. He picks up her
body wash and dribbles a little on her back and starts working up a
lather from her shoulders, down past her buttocks. Then he loops
one arm around her waist and gently flips them over in the water.
He uses the bath puff to scrub her gently from neck to knee, paying
special attention to her breasts and tummy.

Then he leans in and teases her right nipple
with his hard lips. He murmurs into her flesh, “You don’t how much
I wish I could take these beautiful globes into my mouth and suck
on them hard.”

Her body shivers at the minute thrill of fear
and overwhelming passion that his words engender in her heart and
mind as she thinks about his razor sharp, venomous teeth. And for a
fleeting moment a vivid image flashes through her mind of his
dangerous teeth tearing into her body, changing her forever. She is
shocked that she doesn’t feel any fear or revulsion at the
prospect, but a sense of rightness instead. A wild, fleeting
thought scurries through her mind; “When he changes you, he won’t
feel so cold and he can suck, nibble, lick and bite till your
hearts are content.” She sighs wistfully, and then gives herself
and mental shake and attends to his words so that she can answer
him coherently; “I think I have a pretty good idea darling. You
always make our loving good for me, but I am sure you miss being
able to use your mouth on my body like you could before the
attack,” she replies softly, trying to keep the deep sense of loss
she feels out of her voice.

“You always taste like honey and sunshine. I
truly miss eating my fill,” he says. “I guess that is why I am
always slipping little licks in here and there. Just to get a tiny
taste. It’s selfish, because I know my tongue makes your skin
sting, but sometimes I just can’t help it.”

“It is not selfish at all my love,” she
insists. “The slight burn and sting creates an amazing sensation,
and definitely adds to the intense pleasure you stir in my body. It
intensifies my arousal, and I really do like it Luca. ” Morna
watches him closely. She can see the regret plainly on his face and
says, “I’ll weave the iron-lion spell.”

“No love. I want us both to be able to feel
everything that passes between us. You have told me so many times
that the spell interferes too much.” Luca says softly. But he looks
away for a split second and there is a slightly shuttered look to
his eyes when he looks back. She knows he is trying to keep his own
regret from showing. This unspoken, but shared sense of loss
between cuts to the bone.

She draws his face up to hers, and kisses him
passionately. Then she darts her tongue out and gently traces
across his upper lip, barely resisting the urge to force her way
through his lips to his venomous teeth, and then traces his lips
again, going in the opposite direction across his lower lip. He
groans with intense pleasure. She then whispers, “Do it to me. When
the skin is intact and not weakened in anyway, the venom has no
lasting effect. Do it darling, it’s better than nothing right? We
enjoyed it at the little house… Right?”

“Morna, we enjoyed a good many things at the
little house that we probably should not have. I am not sure
exposure to too much venom is a good idea,” he says gruffly.

Morna smiles. She knows it is his own need
making his voice gruff and not anger. “Darling we are in the bath
tub, it will wash off before it has much chance to absorb. Try my
neck or my breast, my tummy, try wherever, just try. Let me give
you back some of what you give to me,” she insists. She sighs when
he resists and says, “I’ll just weave the iron-lion. I hate it you
deny yourself all of the time.”

He shakes his head no and then kisses her
again lingeringly then drops down slowly to her neck. It is
perfect, no thinning or weakness of any kind in the tissue. He
swirls his tongue over her flesh enjoying her taste, reveling in
the scent and taste of her skin. He inhales deeply to savor the
scent of his blood that further arouses his passion for her. He
groans in intense pleasure. She arches her neck up to meet his cold
tongue, savoring the tingle and slight burn. Then he cups a little
water in his hand and flushes the area, and holds his cold skin of
his hand against in case it stings.

“Luca, you don’t have to rinse it off right
away, I really enjoy the tingle and slight burn. I promise
darling,” she assures him.

He pulls back in looks her in the eyes, “I
don’t want to hurt you Morna.”

She smiles at him, “I promise, if it hurts, I
will tell you. Fair enough?” she asks.

“Are you sure?” he asks uncertainly.

“I am sure,” she vows with a wanton smile. “I
want this too, Luca.”

He starts trailing kisses down from her neck
to her right breast, where he teases the nipple with his lips, then
darts his tongue out to tease around the hard peak, and delicately
laps at the brown circle surrounding the peak. As the sweet burn
sets in she arches her body up to meet his tongue and moans deeply.
He moves over to her left breast where he encircles the nipple with
his tongue a few times then flicks his tongue repeatedly across the
hard peak, causing currents of desire to shock her body clean down
to her very core.

She entwines her fingers in his hair, not
wanting him to stop. He laps around the majority of her breast with
his tongue. He tugs hard at the hard, pebbled nipples with his
lips. Finally, fearing he has done too much, he brings his wet
hands up to cup both breasts and rinse them off with the bath

Morna chuckles and says, “Don’t think that I
don’t know what you did there darling. You are so gentle, so
caring. But right now, I want you to be a little daring, a little
selfish, do what would satisfy you. Please. I am not asking you to
risk biting me with your teeth. I wouldn’t ask that of you. But the
amounts of venom on your tongue are minute. It won’t cause me any
harm. Unless you just aren’t enjoying this, then by all means just
stop. There’s many other ways we can enjoy each other. But I
thought you wanted to taste me.”

“Oh God, I do Morna!” Luca groans. “You know
I am enjoying it, I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t hurt me, now taste all you want.
It gives us both immense pleasure, relax and indulge a little,” she
urges him calmly.

He goes back to her left breast and swirls
his tongue around the nipple again. Morna groans in intense
satisfaction. He trails his tongue down her belly and traces tiny
designs on her skin. Morna’s skin burns slightly and tingles in the
wake of his tongue. She finds it a very pleasurable sensation. The
heat in her body is rising dramatically. He puts his hands on her
hips and raises her out of the water a little more. Trailing his
cold tongue lower and lower.

Then he sets her up on the back of the tub so
that she can lean against the wall for support. He opens her legs,
and looks up into her eyes again and says, “You promise that you
will tell me if it hurts?” She nods mutely, eagerly awaiting the
cold tongue and slight sting she knows is coming. She puts her
hands behind his head and draws him closer to her eager and most
tender flesh. He manipulates her clitoris with his hard lips, and
then he pulls the outer lips of her labia back gently with his
fingers so that he can see her swollen clit. He moans deeply as the
sight and smell of her in her arousal. Then he flicks his tongue
out and wetly swashes over the little nub repeatedly.

Morna moans, and whispers, “Yes,” as she is
swallowed up in wave after wave of ecstasy. She shifts her position
enough to put her thighs on his shoulders. Luca moves his hands up
to caress her thighs as he eagerly continues to lap at her

He withdraws his tongue and places several
kisses with his cold lips on the exposed, aroused button of flesh.
Then he slides his hard cold tongue along the inner folds of her
labia. Morna treasures the intense burn and sting, as her
excitement builds to a fever pitch. He inhales deeply and slowly
inserts his tongue into the depth of her. Wiggles it around in
there for a couple of seconds, tasting her juices. They moan in
unison, and she arches her pelvis to try to allow him deeper

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