Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1)
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A sly smile spread across his face. "I like to see you squirm. This is kind of fun."

"What about some other chains?" I gestured toward the ones still attached to the skeleton in the corner. "I'd still be in chains, but I won't be hanging in the air."

He appeared to think about it. Then he turned to me. "No. I like the other one better. That's why you've been there this whole time."

"I'll go without my meal tomorrow."

"Stop begging. It's pathetic."

"I'm negotiating."

"No you're not. You have nothing to offer. Now move, before I shoot you."

I stared at the darts. Being tranquilized would be my best option if I had to hang in shackles in my wolf form. I jumped at my captor, knocking him onto the ground. Apparently, he hadn't seen that coming.

The dart gun flew from his hand and spun across the room. Our gazes met for a moment before we both scrambled to our feet and jumped after it.

He reached it first, turned to me and aimed for my chest. I didn't bother trying to move out of the way. It stung as it broke through my skin. A moment later, the hard ground flew toward my face.

When I came to, I was still in my human form and chained to the ceiling. This time, my ankles were cuffed, also. My bones ached with a greater intensity, indicating the shift wasn't far off.

This was likely going to be one of the worst shifts of my life.

A sharp pain ran from the base of my neck down to my toes. It was probably what had woken me from the tranquilizer.

My right cheek felt tender. He had probably taken advantage of me being passed out to hit me a few times.

Acute pain squeezed my shoulders and moved around through my body. My arms and legs fought fruitlessly to free themselves from the restraints.

The door opened, though I hardly noticed because of my torment.

"Still haven't changed?" came my captor's voice. "Because you're not out under the moon?"

My body convulsed, so close to the shift and fighting the upright position.

"I have a surprise for you."

"You're going to release me?" I struggled to focus on him.

"I'm going to shift, too. It's been a while, so I figure why not?" He turned his back to me and stripped off his clothes, throwing them into the corner. He flexed one butt cheek and then the other. "Like the show?"

I rolled my eyes and let my chin fall to my chest. My stomach and chest were already sprouting fur. I braced myself.

My wolf let out a howl. He was taking over. This time, we would shift as one. We needed to if we were going to fight a jaguar—while chained to the ceiling.

A roar echoed around us. Our captor had shifted, and his glowing yellow eyes stared right at us.

The door opened and two men in suits appeared. They threw off their clothes and shifted before my eyes.

Blinding pain overtook me. My wolf yelped. We fell to the ground, landing on our tail. My pants—what was left of them—lay next to us shredded into rags.

Our paws had been too small to keep us restrained in the shackles.

Three spotted jaguars crept toward us, growling and baring their teeth.

We scrambled to our feet. I felt myself melting into him. As one, we stood a chance. Fighting each other, we didn't.

One of the jaguars lunged at us. We ran in the other direction, needing time to think. The other two ran over and blocked us, growling.

What did they expect? That I would fight both of them? If it were true that they wanted to keep me alive for a while, they wouldn't kill me. But he seemed so giddy at the thought of making me suffer.

Play dead
, my wolf whispered.


Get bitten, and then we'll fall to the ground, tongue hanging out.


If they hold the door open for any amount of time, we can make a run for it.

It sounded better than anything I could think of.

He took over and ran to a corner. One of the jaguars cornered us. He jumped, roaring.

I tried to run out of instinct, but my wolf held us still.

Bitter pain surged through our shoulder as the beast's teeth sank into our flesh. Blood pooled into our fur.

Though it wasn't enough to take us down, my wolf threw us down. He forced our eyelids shut and our tongue hung out, resting against the nasty floor. It tasted of dried blood, vomit, and feces.

The jaguars bumped and nudged us. My wolf did a great job of keeping us still. Our captors would likely think they'd killed us.

One let out a howl. Another growled. One jumped on the other, and the two of them rolled around, hissing at each other. The third continued pushing us around.

Finally all the commotion stopped. Bones crunched, and I assumed they had shifted back.

"I can't believe you killed him," the owner exclaimed.

Something hit a wall.

"Hey, I didn't bite him that hard."

"Oh, right." Sarcasm dripped from our captor's voice. "Our end of the deal is to hand the wolf over
. It's pretty hard to do that if he's dead."

Sounds of pulling on clothes echoed around us.

"Check for breathing."

"I don't have time for this. You better hope he's still alive."


"Like I said, you better hope so. I have to focus on the wedding."

My ears perked. Surely, he couldn't mean Victoria and his son. He just couldn't.

Disappointment, fear, and anger ran through me. I couldn't tell which belonged to me and which belonged to my wolf.

The three humans left the room. My wolf and I were too shocked by the mention of the wedding to even consider attempting to escape.

The door slammed shut. After a few minutes, I got up and paced, limping on our bad leg. It felt like the jaguar had torn the muscle. Luckily, we healed pretty quickly in this form. The ache eased with each step.

It couldn't be Victoria's wedding. She'd just met the jaguar at the beginning of the school year. That had been—what? A month? The last full moon had occurred right before school started.

My chest constricted. Guilt tore through me. This was my payback for having had a relationship some years earlier. That's what this was. Even though Victoria had long been deceased, I should have never allowed myself to fall for another.

Wolves mated for life.

Technically, we never mated with Victoria,
my wolf told me.

I growled and snapped.
I'd given my heart to her.

You also spent almost all of your years since her death alone.

But I gave myself to another for a time.
I wanted to go back in time and knock some sense into my younger, dumber self.

And you also knew the girl's heart belonged to another. We all knew it wouldn't last. Let it go.

I shook our head and picked up our pace. Even though Victoria had been dead at the time, I'd betrayed her. If I did manage to win her back, I'd have to tell her about my indiscretion.

Then you'll be even
, my wolf said.
She's seeing that jaguar kid now.

But she doesn't remember being with me! I remembered her when I dated Alexis.

You couldn't have known Victoria would return. Also, it's not like you set out to date her. You were just trying to pull the girl out of a depression, right? Then one thing led to another…

Guilt continued stinging.
But still. My heart belonged to Victoria.

Hey, I told you dating a vampire was a bad idea.

I hung our head in shame.
I should have listened.

What if I'd lost Victoria forever?

Chapter 25




When I woke, the sun shone brightly through the blinds. Carter slept next to me, on top of the covers, with one arm resting over me, holding the now-dry washcloth on my forehead.

My body no longer hurt.

Could my dreams of Toby be real? If they were, that meant I was a werewolf.

That was totally crazy.

But then again, so was having my essence sucked out by a… a… whatever Soleil was. I'd been avoiding her like the plague, so I'd had no chance to find out what exactly she was.

Carter's arm twitched and he rolled onto his back, letting out a little snore. He shivered.

I pulled the comforter up from me, covered him, and crept out of bed without disturbing him. I tiptoed over to the window and lifted a blind. Water dripped from everything, the only remnant of the previous night's storm. Otherwise, it looked like a sunny autumn day with so many trees showing off their beautiful array of colors.

Carter whispered something. I went over to him. He mumbled something about cats.

I grinned. He was a cute sleep-talker.

He'd probably stayed awake a long time keeping an eye on me, so I decided to let him sleep. I went into the hall, found a bathroom, and took a shower. Normally, I wouldn't have been too excited about wearing the same clothes, but I didn't mind. I'd survived that horrible pain and other than that, had had a wonderful date with Carter—and he'd been the perfect gentleman, not trying anything.

My heart warmed, thinking about him. He was such a great guy. I'd really lucked out meeting him.

I went back to the bedroom and dug some makeup out of my backpack—Carter must have brought it upstairs. He was seriously the most perfect guy ever.

Once I was happy with the way I looked, I pulled out my laptop and worked on my midterm psychology paper. I had five thousand of ten thousand words.

After a while, Carter rolled over and rubbed his eyes. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice raspy from sleep.

"Like new. Thanks so much for everything." I set my computer aside and pressed my lips on his.

He backed up, covering his mouth. "I probably have morning breath."

"Me, too. I have no toothbrush here." I kissed him again.

Carter grabbed me and pulled down next to him. "We'll have to fix that, won't we?"

I giggled. "Maybe."

"How about we start with me giving you the day off?" His voice was husky and gave me the chills.

"Oh, that sounds heavenly."

He smiled and ran his knuckles along my jawline.

I took his hand and kissed a fingertip. "Oh, wait. I can't do that to Yurika."

Carter frowned. "Why not? I'll send one of the bouncers in to replace you if I have to."

"As much as I'd like to see that, I can't do that to her. There's a big wedding party, and we have to get them all ready."

He smacked his forehead. "My cousin's wedding! I'm supposed to usher. Crap, I totally forgot about that."

I checked the time. "We'd both better get going, in that case. I don't have much time—I told Yurika I'd be there a little early."

Carter scrambled out of the bed. "Let me just take a quick shower. Five minutes, I swear."


"Wanna join me?" He gave me pouty eyes.

"Sorry. I guess I'm just not that kind of girl."

He leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips. "And that's part of what I love about you. You're old-fashioned, and you won't bend on your standards."

My eyes widened. Love?

"I'll get you there on time, I swear. Five minutes."

I nodded, unable to speak.

Carter ran out of the room and soon I heard a shower running. I packed up my bag and mentally prepared myself for a busy day. So far, the spa had never had too many clients at a time, but Yurika had warned me today would be crazy—and that it was extra important that we do everything perfectly.

I'd been doing well, getting better every day. I could do this. In fact, I would impress Yurika.

He ran into the room, his hair slicked back and water dripping down his face. "Like I said, under five minutes. Let's go."

I wiped some drops from under his eye and brushed my lips across his. "You're simply amazing."

Carter closed his eyes. "You're going to have to stop, or neither of us will leave here."

"Right." I stepped back and grabbed my backpack.

"Let's go. Do you want me to drop you off at the Jag or take you to your car?"

"I'd better take my car to work. You're probably going to be busy with the wedding."

"You could always join me." He frowned and ran a finger across my mouth. "I'd love to show you off." He cringed. "That sounded bad. I mean to introduce you to everyone."

First love, and now he wanted me to meet his entire extended family? I adored him, but I wasn't ready for all of that. "You're the sweetest, but I have to work on Massaro's paper tonight."

Carter scowled. "That slave driver. Yeah, I should be working on that, too. Looks like another all-nighter for me."

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