Louisiana Moon (27 page)

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Authors: Lani Rhea

BOOK: Louisiana Moon
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A silhouetted figure, screeching, attacked the Reaper. She wanted to scoot away and shut the door, but she was too weak. Instead, she watched with horror as, several times, the two figures threw each other back and forth across the room.

Then… silence.

Soft footsteps neared, echoing throughout the living room. Finding some strength, Kris managed to push back over the floor. A dark figure appeared, and with it, the fog vanished and she received her second shock.

Her father stood before her smiling. “Hi, kiddo. How’s my Krissy doing?”

The familiar blackest-of-night hair was messy. Blue eyes, much like her own, were soft and kind. She blinked. He’d called her Krissy. Only her father had done that. Hot tears stung her eyes, threatening to fall and she covered her mouth with her hand. How could it be her father at the door?

He stepped forward and reached out a hand. She lifted hers, and he pulled her off the floor and into his embrace, hugging her tight. “I’m here for you, Krissy. Don’t ever forget that. I’m around all the time.”

The tears trapped in her eyes slid down her cheeks as she crushed her arms around his waist. She didn’t want to let him go—he felt too real.

“I wanted to visit you and tell you I’m here. I will always be here. But I have to go.” The last of his words whispered near her ear.

No. He couldn’t just show up and vanish. “Dad, don’t go. I need you here with me.”

“I know, Krissy. But I don’t belong in this world and only had enough time to be here now.” He held her out at arm’s length and smiled again. “I’ll tell your mom you said hello and that you miss and love her.”

She couldn’t respond, only nodded, knowing he understood her all too well.

Her dad drifted from her, into the light and disappeared. She wanted to yell for him to come back. More hot tears rolled down her cheeks. Wrapping her arms around her torso, she cried like the day she’d found her parents’ bodies. She closed her eyes and wished to be awake. Not to be alone. She needed Ryant.

When she woke with Ryant was exactly where she was. He held her as she shuddered in his arms. She didn’t know how much more of the nightmares she could take.





For the gathering, the night Kris was to announce her acceptance of a Throne seat, Club Fifteen shut down. She stood in Ryant’s bedroom tilting her head to the side as she inspected the elaborate creamy chocolate gown with the tight-fitting bodice. Without the straps, she felt exposed. Beneath it, a strip of crimson sprinkled with diamonds encircled her chest. The bodice squeezed, just bearable enough to breathe.

Her gaze lowered, following the flow of the material as it puddled on the floor, over the diamonds glistening like tears. Enough room lay beneath the skirt bell for her to run, fight, whatever to kick some demon ass.

She had argued with Ryant over which pair of shoes to wear. No way would she wear heels, but he kept insisting so she would be taller. To get her way, she’d offered to wear tennis shoes under the gown, but promised to wear the heels later that night. He’d grinned wickedly at her idea and agreed.

The bedroom door opened.

Speak of the devil himself
. Ryant strolled in with a box in his hands and stopped before he smiled sweetly at her. As his eyes lingered too long over her breasts, she inspected his attire; he was striking in the elegant black three-piece tuxedo. A smile twitched at her lips at the sight of the dark hanky matching her gown tucked into his pocket. He shut the door and made his way to her.

With shaking hands, she smoothed the dress over her stomach. Heat flushed her cheeks at his sweltering nearness. Coming up behind her, he placed a kiss on her bare shoulder, trailing up her neck to her cheek.

“You look gorgeous.”

“I resemble a Holiday Barbie.”

“I’d buy and keep you.” He kissed her cheek again. “I’ve got something for you.” As he opened the box, her jaw dropped. A small ruby-studded crown gleamed under the glow of the candlelight.

Too scared to touch it, she stared at the treasure.

With careful fingers, he slipped the crown from the box and held the precious piece in his hand. “This belongs to you, to finish the whole look.”

As she looked into the mirror, he centered the crown atop her head. He secured it with pins and pressed his lips to her shoulder one more time. “Perfect,” he purred against her ear lobe, sending goose flesh over her body.

Unable to stop herself, she closed her eyes relishing in the thrill of his closeness.

“What do you think?”

She opened her eyes and twisted her head from side-to-side to get a better view. How her auburn hair was pinned up delicately in curls in the back was astonishing. She’d never been able to fix her hair in that style before. Hmm. She’d have to remember to thank V again. Sweeping aside the feathered bangs, she leaned in for a closer inspection. “I like it.”

“I love it.” An arm snaked around her waist, hugging her firmly, crushing his chest to her back. “I’m really glad you’re with me. I’ve missed you.”

“I’m glad I’m with you too. But to be truthful, I’m nervous about tonight.” Her insides shook like an earthquake and no, it wasn’t the beast inside shaking—it was her. What if one of the demons showed and tried to kidnap her when she least expected it? She knew she would fight like hell to escape but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t be able to overpower her.

Ryant turned her to face him. “Everything will be fine. We have guards stationed in locations no one will detect. Several more will be in the crowd. You’re all covered, love.”

“But what if?”

“There are no ifs, only security. I will be by your side the entire night.” He touched his mouth to hers, tracing his tongue over the seam and she opened. Not in a rush, he deepened the kiss as he tucked her body into his. His hand inched to the small of her back and further. As he cupped her ass, he rubbed his erection into her belly.

A rumble from his chest vibrated through hers. “I can’t wait for tonight.” Ryant glanced to the side to where the spiked heels he’d bought sat. “You’re going to make me so lucky in those.”

She giggled. “You’re wearing my lipstick.” Plucking a tissue from the box on the corner of the dresser, she wiped the berry color off his mouth. “There. Better.” She tapped him on his chest a couple of times. He stepped back, and she patted her hair and smoothed the dress.

After reapplying lip color, she took a deep breath and said, “Let’s do this.”

He presented his arm and she looped hers through his as they walked out the door. In the hall stood Darin and V ready for action. Same as her and Ryant, they had color coordinated with royal blue—V’s dress and his hanky.

“Hello, you two.” Kris smiled as they passed. Darin and V fell in behind them.

This damn bait plan better work. Ready to be rid of the demons, she fine-tuned her senses with the wolf, waking it from its slumber.
And you—you better be with me tonight.

The power of the creature charged through her body. The extra security dissolved the fear. The swishing of fabric rubbing sounded like a saw cutting through wood. The scent of copper and furry moss on the walls blended to woodsy marsh and rotting leaves.

At the main door, she sucked in a strengthening breath. Ryant squeezed her arm as they entered the grand room. A spotlight clicked and beamed on them. Not able to see a damn thing because of the glare made her uneasy. The crowd clapped, and he walked her down the red carpet. As they stood dead center in the room, she smiled her best until her cheeks hurt.

He leaned in, whispering, “You’re doing wonderfully.”

Here beasties, come and get it.
Damn straight, she planned to be the best bait.

One couple at a time greeted her. She exchanged a few words as the people fawned over her. Through the long reception line that didn’t seem like it would ever end, she held her position and waited and waited. Even as she greeted others, her thoughts wandered. Thore had expressed that tonight’s event was only to lure the demons.

The longer they stood there, the more she doubted the plan. She should have known it wouldn’t work. Even setting statues around the room had failed to draw the sneaky bastards. Tugging at her dress, she moaned inwardly as the plan to announce her as a Throne to draw out the demons deflated like a disturbed cake when checked too soon. She’d continue and do her best to finish the night and then they’d come up with another plan. One that didn’t involve her being a Throne.

Finally, the line ended as the guests mingled. Ryant took her by the hand and led her through the throng. “These people are who need to know you to make the plan work.”

With his thumb, he caressed light circles on her inner wrist. He tried his best to soothe her, bless his heart. But she didn’t know if the nerves would go away.

She looked around the room. Her gaze swept over each family crest banner draping from the balcony to the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Overnight, the club had been transformed into a miniature palace. It was so different she hardly recognized the place. If she hadn’t known beforehand it would happen, she never would have guessed it was the same place.

She and Ryant stood before a man who appeared more human than anything preternatural yet Kris smelled the wolf inside him. His wife, she presumed, had the same scenario. They both had that earthy aromatic blood expelling from their pores.

“Kristina, this is Ultra Westberg from Scandinavia. After your training, he will be one of your supervisors.” Ryant smiled.

She faced the man and pretended the best she could. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Westberg.”

Ryant rested his hand on the small of her back and plucked at her dress. Every nerve ending in her body sparked alive with his touch, and she quivered. A frown tightened her lips. She didn’t need the distraction. Channeling her body’s reaction to his touch, she put a pleasant smile back on her lips.

“I was very pleased to hear your announcement for Throne leader. I do look forward to working with you.” Ultra bowed his head. “This is my wife, Alleta.”

“Nice to meet you.” Kris shook Alleta’s hand. Something dark behind the woman moved fast on the balcony.

Her hand tightened around the woman’s.
So the fuckers are here. Let the party begin
. Then again, since her senses are all riled up maybe she’d seen something else.

Ryant, did you see that? The shadow?


Wincing, Alleta tugged at her hand. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Kris let go.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Westberg, Mrs. Westberg. I need Kristina to make the rounds. Maybe later this evening we can catch up.” Ryant dipped his head and firmed his grip around her waist as he led her away. Passing through the crowd, they went to stand in the center of the room.

Sparky, gather security. We saw a shadow.

His words rang loud and clear, like crystal, through her mind. Her wolf zoned in on the area where she’d seen the shadow and her gaze narrowed. The upper balcony was pitch black. She couldn’t make out a damn thing.

From one corner to the next, she scanned the room. Was it possible they could hide themselves so well she couldn’t sense them? Gods, that would be horrible. Her hands fisted and unclenched.

One of the crest banners over to her right fluttered. Undercover guards swarmed to the balcony to investigate. Adrenaline pumping through her veins fired her nerves.
Come on, fuckers. Come and get it.
She turned in circles and a few partygoers looked at them strangely.

Ryant raised a hand at the studio booth and music played as he looped his arm around her waist and dragged her to the dance floor. “Kris, you need to calm down and not be so obvious. They are just testing us.” He stroked her back, the rhythmic motion easing her tension. “We will not let them get the best of us.”

He was right. She was going to blow the whole thing. Even as he soothed her, his attention was intent on the balcony. Jaw muscles clenched as he awaited news of what had been discovered. Guests filled the area to dance. With her and Ryant dancing, it was a great cover up.

Kris glanced over his shoulders with each turn of the waltz. V and Darin joined them and despite the appearance they were only into each other, she could smell their alertness. With each step, Darin made sure V’s attention was on the balcony. Just like Ryant.

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