Love Bound (11 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

BOOK: Love Bound
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Louise and Stede Bonnet had been
holding their Halloween costume party for the island's faculty, spouses, and
friends for the past nine years. The annual affair was considered one of the
most exciting events in the school year. Almost every teacher and school system
employee attended—it'd be a wonderful opportunity for Lacey to finally
socialize with her fellow educators and solidify several fledgling friendships,
if she could just deal with her shyness, and her too revealing costume.

Philip sure liked her costume. His
eyes had virtually bugged out when she'd hesitatingly opened her farmhouse's
side door wearing her Wonder Woman rip-off with the tall high-heeled boots.
She'd almost felt he might try to grab her and steal a kiss her right there in
her doorway. Drop dead handsome, or not, she wasn't quite ready to fling
herself into his arms just yet.

Blushing with embarrassment as her
generous boobs threatened to topple out of her too tight satin top, she'd tried
to ignore the look in his eyes as he'd held her coat open for her, and she'd
shrugged inside. Feeling his eyes look down her costume, she'd clutched the
coat tightly to her body, and scurried to his Cherokee. She'd been looking
forward to a fun time and maybe a little light romance. Phil obviously was
after a much bigger prize.

* * * *

The Bonnets' white shingled manor
house squatted in the center of ten heavily wooded acres on the North side of
the island, a mile south of where meandering Blackfish Road ran into the
infamous Break Neck Hill Road. Pulling his battered Jeep Cherokee even with
Principal Sweetling's vintage Rolls, Phil jumped out first to help his date
weave her way through the two dozen vehicles already scattered around the
Bonnets' private road.

Eighteen year old Heidi Kane, head
cheerleader at Dyer-Paine High School, answered the front door dressed as an
enticing French maid in black satin, and white lace, her long blonde hair done
up under a prim maid's cap. Seeing Heidi's costume, Lacey didn't feel like
quite such a shameless slut, until she realized Heidi
her body. Feeling herself begin to blush again, Lacey excused herself, stopped
a minute to ask Louise Bonnet the location of the bathroom, and headed upstairs
to join the waiting queue of guests waiting to make a deposit.

Philip watched as his lovely date
scampered away, her plump ass swaying seductively in her silly stars and
stripes costume.
Shy little bitch! For a minute there, he'd thought she was
actually going to refuse to come with him. That would've sucked! Principal
Sweetling would never have let him live that one down. Cunt! All he wanted to
do was get her alone, and nail the little twat. No big deal.

"Well, Phil, I see you convinced
our Miss Rodriguez to honor us with her presence. Our little "ice
princess" looks damned yummy—nice costume, by the way. Talk her out of it,

"Gerry, don't start."

"Hey, she looks good enough to
eat in that patriotic crap. I'm betting you can't wait to get your superhero
hands inside her little white bra and grab those big puppies."

"Got that right, boss. Woman's
got some magnificent tits. Sure going to take a chance at walking through her
black forest too, once I get those satin panties off. Seems my patriotic duty —I
mean, wearing a flag down there ought to be illegal, don't you think?"

"Well then, take it off her then,
Phil. You're the man, my friend. You're the superhero here, and her boss. She's
just some damned fine piece of ass. Naive as all hell."

"Almost sounds like you'd like a
whack at her yourself, Gerry."
"Maybe after you, buddy. Get her some of Bonnet's wine. Get the cunt
liquored up. Here, put this in her drink—it'll make her more...friendly. Show
her a good time, but make sure you end up in the Bonnets'
play room."
some commotion behind them both, Phil and Principal Sweetling turned to where
Stede Bonnet was greeting Julie Parker and her date; the only other truly
handsome dude in town.

"Aw, shit. Watch yourself, Phil.
It's the fucking fuzz."

* * * *

As Lacey headed downstairs,
was there. The hottest man on the island, police officer, Jamie MacLeod. Lacey
couldn't take her eyes off the man, as he returned to his date with a couple of
glasses of spiked cider. Julie Parker, one of Lacey's slowly growing list of
friends, waved, making sure Lacey saw who
brought. The man looked
in her direction, smiled, and then went back to talking with Julie. Still,
Lacey felt his eyes wandering towards her as she started down the stairs. It
was as though he had some sort of animal magnetism; she wouldn't have been
surprised if fiery sparks had been flashing back and forth between them. Of
course, maybe it was just wishful thinking on her part. The guy really rocked

Feasting on MacLeod's physique as she
descended the staircase, Lacey caught one heel of her tall red boots, and
almost stumbled, making a foolish spectacle of herself. She noticed MacLeod's
costume was a modified version of his police uniform, torn, but complete with
badge, gun and handcuffs. He seemed to be going for the look of a current
cinematic werewolf heartthrob, but all she saw was one incredibly gorgeous
looking bad boy. As she got to the foot of the stairs, he looked her way again,
saw her staring, and smiled.
Oh my god, with that light brown hair, those
deep blue eyes
...Lacey felt like her knees were knocking, her legs
turning to jelly.

"Everything come out all right,
Lace? You look scrumptious, by the way. Here ya go, Hon." Meeting her at
the foot of the stairs, Philip thrust a huge glass of red wine in her face,
totally oblivious that her naked look of lust
for him.

She'd been about to tell Philip she
wasn't feeling well, and wanted to go home. She'd been looking forward to going
out with her handsome boss; maybe sharing a kiss or two, even a little more if
he was really nice; but Phil had made her feel like a piece of raw meat
sticking her with this flimsy costume. Listening to the snide comments of the
other guests as she waited in the bathroom line, she'd realized most of the
other teachers thought she looked like a slutty tramp. The few males in line,
leered at her, blatantly wanting a chance to fuck her. Yet seeing MacLeod's
smile, she meekly took the offered wine, and drowned her angry words.

* * * *

As the evening progressed through
apple-bobbing, and all the Bonnets' other silly Halloween games, Philip made
sure Lacey’s wine glass was never empty. One thing about Stede; he kept a good
wine cellar. Lacey appreciated fine wine, and within the hour, Phil noticed her
"Ice Princess" facade beginning to melt. Of course, Sweetling's
little potion might've helped her on her way. It disturbed Philip a little bit
when his good looks and charm alone weren't enough to sweep her off her feet,
much less into his arms, and onto Mr. Happy. A couple times he'd caught her
sneaking doe-eyed peeks at that island cop, MacLeod. So much for the bitch's
good taste.
The guy's a penniless nobody, Hon. You could have me, you
stuck-up cunt.

Positioning himself behind her, Phil
waited until Lacey finished her wine, and wobbled the glass onto a tray of
empties. He quickly snared her wrists, and dragged her arms behind her, making
her his prisoner. When she began to moan, he moved in close, and whispered
maybe he should borrow officer MacLeod's handcuffs.

"No, Phil—don't. I really don't
like feeling tied up or helpless."

"Okay, babe, okay. Just kidding
anyway. Jeez. Our kinky cop's probably planning on using them on Julie, anyway.
Unless, she snaps them shut on him."
Interesting development. Well,
Lace, you're shit out of luck, cause a little more of Doc Sweetling's magic
brew, and you will be quite helpless.

Starting to really fume, Phil nuzzled
up against her back, his fingers pattering across Lacie's satin-sheathed ass.
He slipped one hand around her waist, and gave her a little tug back into his
chest. Looking up at him, she smiled, and let herself slip back against him,
one hand reaching up to caress the firm line of his jaw. Turning around, she
stood on tip-toes, and gave him a peck on one cheek.

"Look, Phil—I don't want to ruin
this evening. Can we start again—Hon?"

 Eager to get on with it, he moved to
take her mouth, his hand holding the wine glass sloshing the liquor down the
open front of her costume.

Venting a startled gasp, and stifling
her sudden flare of anger, Lacey wriggled out of Phil's clutches, excused
herself and hurried back to the bathroom. The front of her costume, and her
breasts inside, were soaked.

As she fled upstairs, Phil noticed
with happy smugness, the exaggerated sway of the little drunken twat's heart
shaped ass. Stuff's finally working. When she got back, he'd definitely take
her on the 'tour' and nail her pretty little body.

* * * *

Julie found her friend in the

"Hey, Lace, you all right?"

Wearing her tear spattered glasses, Lacey
Rodriguez turned, attempting to force a weak smile, and lied.

"Oh—Hi, Julie. Yeah—I'm fine.
J-just cleaning up. I spilled wine all over myself. I'm so klutzy." Lacey
turned back to the Bonnets' red marble vanity , and finished reapplying her
makeup as she stared in the huge mirror. She'd obviously been crying.

"So, you're here with Phil
Weazel, I see. Way to go, girl. Aim right for the top! He's such a handsome
stud—you do know the rest of us all
you tonight?" Julie made
it sound like a ball-busting joke, but there was a definite stench of serious
jealousy there. "Nice choice of costume too. You've got those big plump
puppies—might as well flaunt them. Give Philly boy a feel yet?"

"Julie! You know me better than
that. Phil's really good looking, and he's been...nice. But I'm not that kind
of girl. We've barely shared a kiss."

"Hate to tell you, Miss I'm Prim
and Proper, but your costume screams otherwise."

"Actually, Phil seems kind of—fast."
Feeling she'd already said too much, Lacey tried to change the subject. "
seem to be doing all right—showing up with Mr. hunky cop."

"Yeah, I thought so too. Until he
clamped his eyes on
. He's the one sent me up here, to see if you
were all right." Without another word, Julie gathered up her sexy witch skirt,
spun around and stormed out of the bathroom, right into Phil Weazel.

"Ah, there you are, Lace. Ready
for our tour of the manor? Hurry up, Babe, the night's a wasting!"

"Oh—it's you, Philip. I really
think I'd like to go..." Suddenly feeling light-headed, Lacey leaned back
against the vanity, one hand fluttering to her temple.

For a second, Phil looked like he was
going to follow her into the bathroom and close the door, but then Mrs.
Trencher, the High School's math teacher, scooted by him, and he backed off.

"I see you were able to get the
wine out of your costume. Had me worried there a minute—I'd hate to have to
return it to the costume shop with a big stain. Don't forget to ditch those
glasses." Thrusting a small plastic cup full of a shocking pink liquid at
her, Phil played the irritated parent. "Here, drink this."

"What is it, Phil?"

"Just drink it! I mentioned to
our hosts you weren't feeling quite up to par, and they generously offered this
to settle your stomach. They're into natural herbal cures and all that crap, you
know. So, come on— drink up."

Reluctant to make a scene, Lacey did
as she was told and downed the chalky liquid in one gulp. Realizing it had a
rather pleasant aftertaste, she licked her freshly applied lipgloss, and smiled
up at Phil.

"All gone, master."

"Good girl. Well, are we going to
do this, or what?" Phil did nothing to hide his growing irritation with
his reluctant conquest.

"I-I guess, so Philip. I don't
want you to think I'm a poop or something."

don't be,
Lacey. I
want to show you the Bonnets' fantastic 'playroom.' Of course, I have to warn
you—our tour might involve a little kissing."

"I-I don't mind, Phil. I'm sorry
I've been such a bore. I really
like you."

"Well, then, let me amend myself,
and say the tour might include a lot of kissing, my dear."

Suddenly wobbly and light-headed,
Lacey giggled.

"Lean on me, Miss Rodriguez, and
we'll get started.
Lots of kissing, and something else, definitely, babe.
Lots of something else.

* * * *

"How's your friend, Julie?"

"Lace? Oh she's a little drunk,
that's all. Phil's taking care of her—she's in good hands there. He's way out
of her league. Silly girl doesn't seem to realize she's dating the
guy on the island."

Julie Parker moved closer to Jamie,
her over-powering stench of nicotine engulfing him as she placed one
cigarette-stained hand adorned with chipped black nail polish on his shoulder,
and put her face near his.

"Why, do I detect a certain
interest there, Mr. Policeman? Isn't one very sexy witch enough for you to

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