Love Bound (4 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

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April slammed her head back against
the wall, clenched her eyes shut and screamed. Her orgasm seemed to come
boiling up from the very soles of her feet, shooting sparks along her legs and
her body convulsed in a wracking spasm of release, her hips jerking upwards
towards his punishing fingers in a savage lurching motion. She yanked hard
against the chains as her belly flexed so tight with each wave of savage
trembling joy that she thought she might snap her own bones like twigs.

The Doctor shoved two fingers up
inside her, stretching her cruelly, but the pain was delicious relief to her
aching emptiness, and she felt her own internal muscles grabbing at him in
return in their selfish orgasmic greed, trying to draw him inside into her
aching emptiness.

He kissed her then, eager to taste her
pleasure in her breath, and she panted through her nostrils like a wild and
desperate animal, her eyes rolling up sightless into her head as her body convulsed
again and again in waves of furious sexual release.

When at last the spasms subsided, she
seemed to fall apart, all the strength leaving her limbs like sand from an
hourglass, and like a marionette with the strings suddenly cut, her legs gave
out and she would have fallen had not the Doctor put his strong arm around her
waist and held her up, pressing her body to his as the last twitches and quakes
of her mighty orgasm shot through her body.

He quickly and quietly unfastened her
wrists and picked her up in his arms as though she were a child. He carried her
to the bed and laid her down upon it, then climbed onto the bed next to her and
pulled the thin blanket over them. He took the trembling girl in his arms and
held her tightly as she sobbed against his shoulder with the overwhelming
relief she felt.

He knew that soon there would be
questions, reproaches and recriminations as she fought through her shock and
bewilderment to try and understand what had happened to her. But he knew too
that the flood of sexual feelings he had unleashed was just a mere turning of
the tap. This woman’s feelings ran deep, deeper than he had ever seen, and he
almost shuddered as he realized the preciousness of the woman he now held in
his arms, her tears wetting his chest.

One other thought he had: In a woman
of this ardent a temperament, what other depths of feeling might she be capable
of? He had only toyed with her. What would happen when he unleashed his full
passion upon her, his entire panoply of techniques, the fruits of his years of
laborious research?

He did not know. His erection throbbed
painfully against her body. He closed his eyes and willed himself to be calm,
buried his face in her sweet smelling hair and held her all the more tightly.

About Elliott Mabeuse

Mabeuse is an award-winning author with four books published by
Ellora’s Cave
, including Overcoming
Abigail, nominated for a 2005 Cupid and Psyche Award for BDSM from the Romance
Studio and A Game of Dress-Up, winner of a 2006 EcataRomance Critic’s Choice
Award. He’s also published with
, and makes his debut with
in May of this year.


to his novels may be found on his
and he maintains an open
Yahoo group
. He
also publishes extensively at
where he can often be found hanging around instead of writing.


him at
[email protected]
. He likes
getting mail and does his best to answer.


his biography, Dr. Mabeuse says: “Everyone connects to the world in some way,
and I seem to connect through sex. I’m drawn to the extreme and the
extraordinary in all things, and I like to explore the farther edges of passion
and desire in what I write. What interests me now is not so much the things
people do, but how they feel about what they do—male and female dynamics, how
we connect to ourselves and each other and to the world at large. I tend to be
intense and my writing shows that, but I really value my sense of humor above
all, and I expect it to sustain me should the fires of sexual passion ever burn

Office Games

By J. E. Taylor


“Hey what-cha-doin?” I smiled into the
phone when he answered, being my facetious pain-in-the-ass self.

“Getting ready to head home, why?”

“Just wanted to give you some grief.” I
chuckled. “Besides I’ve got another stinkin’ hour to burn before I head to a
late meeting. I’m the only one down here and it’s really creepy.”

My office was one of thirty high
walled cubicles in the dead center of the building. Marble hallways lined the
room on all four sides, creating an almost sound proof area leaving it
unearthly quiet. Mornings alone in this closed off space never bothered me, but
then again I knew eventually someone would come in. But after the last of the
staff went home, this room took on an eerie, morgue-like quality, silent air,
broken only by the constant cool flow from the air-conditioning vent above.

I shivered.

“Perfect opportunity for you to come
scare the hell out of me.”

His laugh traversed the phone line. “I’ll
be right down.”



Relief washed over me when Jake stepped
into the room and crossed to my desk looking around. “You were right, it is
kind of creepy.”

I spun my chair in his direction and
waved to the seat lining my back wall and he parked there. Only a foot
separated the distance between our knees and I was aware of every last inch of
that space and I swiveled nervously in the chair. Utterly alone, we were
utterly alone and just a few inches from trouble.

My concentration crumbled and I
rambled, talking a mile a minute about everything but what was really going
through my mind, talking about everything but the desire flooding my veins. Having
him this close was as intoxicating as a dozen shots of tequila and equally as

Conversation tapered off and he smiled
a knowing smile, the one that sent shivers from my toes to the tip of my head,
tripling my heart rate and the temperature in the little cubicle skyrocketed. Hell,
if there was a sprinkler system, the current between us would have tripped it.

“I should be going.”

I returned his smile, a little disappointed.
This situation, no one in the office, secluded, cut off from everyone, didn’t
happen, not in the place we worked. It was like all the stars aligning for that
brief span of time, the weather patterns falling into place to form the perfect
storm. Exactly the situation we both dreamt of and yet all I could muster was a
lame “Ok.”

He paused, getting ready to stand but
not quite. “You surprised me.”

My eyebrows rose in response. “How

He waived his hand, a silent comment
on the sheer emptiness surrounding us and then flashed that smile again.

Oh my god, he thought I’d make the
first move. That’s why he shot downstairs so fast. I almost laughed out loud
but I kept the question in my eyes.

“You’re all talk, aren’t you?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m not.”

He nodded, settling back in the chair.

“What we need is some conference to go
to, a couple drinks . . .” I let the rest go unsaid, our imaginations

“That would be particularly

My turn. I cocked my head and teased
with a bite of my lower lip before I spoke. “How so?”

“A hotel room . . .” A single eyebrow
rose, the insinuation complete. Jake let that hang in the air for a moment,
glancing around the empty office. “You’re all talk.” He grinned. “No one’s here
and yet you didn’t even broach the subject.”

My smile faded. “That’s because you’ve
been putting distance between us lately. On purpose.” It was something I
inherently knew, just like I knew he felt the same things I did. That miracle
sixth sense of mine, yippee, and he was nodding confirming what I already knew,
studying his hands, the wedding band catching the light just so.

“Sorry about that.”

I nodded, shooting a quick glance at
the diamond gracing my hand before raising my eyes back to his. “I’m not all
talk like you think I am. I’m not about to make the first move here, not after
the conversation we had last fall. You made it clear you weren’t comfortable
with stepping over the line and I would never put you in that position.” The
playful flirting, the dirty references, the innuendo, all part of the game we
played, thrilling but safe and that’s the way he said he wanted it. “Soooo,
maybe you should be going.”

He lingered, his grin infectious. “Maybe
I should.” Yet he didn’t move a muscle.

“Besides, if anything
have to be the instigator.”

“Really?” His grin widened.

I nodded, even as the wheels turned in
his head, his eyes making the slow scan of my body before returning to meet my
gaze. Slowly he put his notepad on my desk and leaned forward. Stopping a foot
or so short.

“And if I did this?”

I played the game, my heart pounding,
my hands slightly shaking from the electricity between us, the thrill of it
engulfing all sensibilities. I moved forward, stopping just shy of his lips and
smiled. “Then I’d probably do this.” Our eyes met for a fraction of a second
then in the same instant we closed the distance.

He tasted like peppermint, and the
kiss, ah, god, the kiss was the kind that made my knees melt, made me feel
seventeen all over again, first love kind of kiss. Sweet and slow, hot,
controlled . . . mesmerizing. I didn’t dare move closer, the kiss lingering
even though he was just as wired as I was. My heart leapt in my chest,
throbbing with the need now burning my veins. I wanted much more than just the
kiss, but we pulled away, both of us taking a deep breath before settling back
in our chairs.

I am so completely screwed!
I leaned back in the chair pressing my
hand to my forehead. Instead of just satisfying my curiosity, that kiss set the
small fire in my abdomen to a blazing all consuming inferno. “Oh man.”

His expression fell, but before he
could speak, I piped up. “No, I’m, I’m not upset. I’m just so, so screwed
because . . . because that was so much better than I imagined.” I stuttered through
trying to voice the flurry of thoughts in my head. A nervous laugh escaped. “You
weren’t kidding when you said you were a good kisser.”

The smile was back. “Neither were

I shrugged, shaking my head and
dropping my hand back to the armrest. The Billy Idol song
Rebel Yell
into my head
. . . I want more, more, more!
“At least my curiosity’s
satisfied, but I’m not sure what good that’ll do me now.” I joked, trying to
lighten up the profound, overwhelming current between us.

“Yeah, but mine wasn’t.”

Ah yes, the conversation from last
fall flooded back, he was a breast man and wanted a feel. I nodded my consent,
might as well get another taste of his lips while he satisfied his curiosity. Sweet
again, and his hand tender, lightly caressing through my shirt, enough to fuel
my imagination and crave his hands on my naked flesh. Neither of us attempted
to move closer, knowing that if one or both breached the space between the
chairs, clothing would start to come off and an office cubicle was not the
place for that.

When he pulled back, his smile was
reward enough.

We stared, silent and I wondered what
thoughts were going through his mind. Me, I just wanted to jump the distance
and say screw the consequences while Jake just smiled in that holy-crap-sizzling
way he had.

“Do you,” he started, swallowing and
beginning again. “Do you think this will change things?” Only when he finished
the question did his gaze find mine.

“God I hope not.” I sat back. His
friendship meant a great deal to me, which was why I backed off last fall,
letting him be the one to take the lead into the hotter topics most of the
time. I didn’t always adhere to that, but I tried, because, while I was more
than willing to take the chance, he wasn’t.

Until today.

And for the briefest of moments, I
thought I shot myself in the foot. All I could imagine was him running for the
hills and my heart actually stopped beating for a second.

He rolled his bright eyes and twirled
his finger, meaning the room. “No I meant do you think they’ll figure it out?”

My heart resumed, lighter than a
moment ago, relieved. I shook my head. “As long as we don’t stop behaving like
normal, I don’t think anyone will be the wiser.” And normal for us was always
on the side of politically incorrect.

He was glancing at the ceiling. “Think
there are cameras?”

made me laugh. “No just the damn air conditioning vent
blowing arctic air on my desk.” I tilted my head. “You know, this is the first
time I haven’t been freezing at my desk. I’m kind of grateful for that cold
flow right now.”

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