Love Comes Home

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Authors: Ann H. Gabhart

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BOOK: Love Comes Home
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© 2014 by Ann H. Gabhart

Published by Revell

a division of Baker Publishing Group

P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287

Ebook edition created 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

ISBN 978-1-4412-4519-9

Scripture used in this book, whether quoted or paraphrased by the characters, is taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Published in association with the Books & Such Literary Agency.

Praise for
Angel Sister

“This book will leave you changed as it uncovers family secrets and draws you into the days following the First World War and the Great Depression. It will astound you how the characters persevere while making difficult decisions amidst heartache and their determination to make it through the toughest of hard times.”

RT Book Reviews

Angel Sister
paints an inspirational portrait of forgiveness and grace in the midst of trial and hardship. . . . It reveals how forgiveness brings freedom, not so much for the one forgiven as for the one doing the forgiving. Two major strengths to Ann Gabhart’s writing include her deeply textured characters and rich atmosphere. She moves the plot forward by weaving the past with the present. . . . There are many levels to this deftly written novel.”
Praise for
Town Girl

“The characters of Ann Gabhart’s
Small Town
pulled me into their lives and did not let me go. This love story, painted upon the canvas of a small Kentucky town struggling with WWII, is one of the most riveting historical romances I’ve ever read.”

Serena B. Miller
, winner of the 2012 RITA award for Inspirational Romance

“Gabhart writes wonderful, fast-paced stories with faith-driven, hardworking protagonists who find time for love amidst mistakes, misunderstandings, and miscommunications.”

RT Book Reviews

“A classic. Ann Gabhart pens an enduring tale from the very first line of
Small Town Girl
. Rosey Corner is a world you won’t want to leave, rife with spiritual truths, rich romance, and memorable characters that linger long after!”

, author of
The Colonel’s Lady
Love’s Reckoning
To the Hawkins sisters whose wonderful stories and laughter made my Rosey Corner stories come to life


Title Page

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A Parting Note from Ann

About the Author

Books by Ann Gabhart

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he news was good. The news was wonderful. Kate Tanner grabbed her notebook and headed out of the newspaper building to join the people spilling out onto the Lexington, Kentucky, streets. Tommy yelled that she could get a better view from the upstairs window, but she wasn’t worried about the best view. This wasn’t just the chance for another story. Her feet wanted to dance in the streets too.

The boys were coming home! Japan had surrendered. The bombs, the terrible bombs, had finished the fighting. The war was over.

The instant she stepped out on the sidewalk, a stranger grabbed her, lifted her off her feet, and spun her around. He was smiling. She was smiling. He said something when he turned her loose, but she had no idea what as church bells and horns drowned out his words. He laughed and slung his hat up in the air with no thought of retrieving it before he ran on up the street.

Everywhere people waved handkerchiefs and papers in the air. Kate joined in with her notebook. Sal from the restaurant
across the street grabbed her in a bear hug and knocked her notebook out of her hand. It didn’t matter. She didn’t need to take notes. Every second of this scene would be burned in her memory forever. The shouts and laughter. The boys shimmying up the lampposts who wouldn’t have to go to war now. The girls sparkling at the thought of their sweethearts coming home. Sparkling like Kate.

She felt the crackle of Jay’s last letter in her pocket. His words played through her mind.
I love you. I’ll be coming home to Rosey Corner soon unless
I have to ship out to the Pacific. Nobody’s
sure what’s going to happen there.

But now he could be sure. They could all be sure.

He was in Germany. Not fighting anymore. Blessedly not fighting since the Allied forces rolled through Berlin in May. Hitler was dead and the Germans defeated. The prison camps had been liberated. Mike, her sister’s husband, was free after two years in a German stalag. Praise the Lord neither he nor Jay would have to go to the Pacific. The only place they had to come now was home. Home to Rosey Corner, Kentucky.

Kate wished one of the happy people pushing past her was Evie. Her sister would surely be dancing in the streets in Louisville where she worked. It would be even better if they were both in Rosey Corner with their other sisters. Lorena would be singing, her beautiful voice calling Jay and Mike home. Tori would be celebrating too, or trying to. She’d be happy for Evie and Kate. She would. Sincerely happy, but tears would be under her smile. Not all the boys would be coming home. Tori’s Sammy would not.

Sadness stabbed through Kate. How many other wives and mothers watched the celebration with sorrow in their hearts? Those like Tori who had taken down their Service flag
to cover the blue star with a gold one, showing the terrible price of the war? She shook away the thought. This wasn’t the time to weep for the dead. It was time to rejoice that the dying was over.

Two girls she knew from the dime store grabbed Kate’s hands to pull her on up the street. Not to get anywhere, but just because if they didn’t move, they might explode from the joy. The boys were coming home!


hen Graham Lindell burst through the door of Merritt’s Store in Rosey Corner, Victoria Harper whirled around from stocking the shelves to see what was wrong. He’d lost his hat and his gray hair was poking out in every direction. Chaucer, his mottled tan and gray shepherd, was right on his heels, barking like he was chasing a bear. Out front, Mr. Henderson blasted his horn even though Tori’s mother was right beside his car, ready to pump his gas.

Tori’s little girl, Samantha, let out a wail when Graham rushed past her without so much as a glance.

“What in the world, Graham? Did one of the Redlegs hit a grand slam?” Tori stepped out from behind the counter to pick up Samantha, but she wouldn’t be placated. In all her two years, she’d never had Graham completely ignore her. He was her best buddy.

“Way better than that, Victoria.” He grabbed Samantha out of Tori’s arms and swung her around, changing her tears to giggles in an instant. “It just came over the radio. The Japanese surrendered. The war’s over.”

Tori stared at him while the words sank in. The war was over. Good news for sure, but not soon enough for her and Samantha. For her husband, Sammy. She leaned back against the counter and burst into tears.

Graham stopped in mid-spin, and Samantha stared at her mother and stuck her fingers in her mouth. “Aww, Victoria, I reckon it’s hard for you to feel happy, what with Sammy dying over there in Japan.” He patted her shoulder, awkward in the face of her tears. Chaucer stopped barking and pushed his nose up against her leg.

“I’m happy.” Tori swallowed hard and wiped her face with her apron, but the tears wouldn’t stop. “Happy tears.” She managed a smile, glad nobody else was in the store to see her falling apart. She’d gotten better. She really had. She hadn’t shed tears in front of anybody for months now.

“Of course they are.” Graham gave her shoulder another clumsy pat.

“They are.” Tori took Samantha back from Graham and gave him a little shove toward the door. “Go on with you. I know you’re dying to tell the rest of Rosey Corner.”

Graham’s smile came back. “I done told your daddy. He’s headed down to the church to ring the bell.”

“Everybody will think there’s a fire.”

“Maybe so, but then we’ll tell them the good news.” Graham threw his hands up in the air and Chaucer let out another volley of barks. “Don’t you know your sisters are happy up in their big towns? And where’s that Lorena? We need to tell her.”

Another horn began honking out on the road and then the church bell was tolling. Lorena raced through the door, a smile all the way across her face. She was as tall as Tori
now but beanpole skinny. People who didn’t know Lorena had been adopted into the family were always saying how much she looked like Tori. It was their black hair, although Tori’s was straight and Lorena’s exploded in curls. Other than that, they didn’t look much alike. Tori’s eyes were green and Lorena’s brown as buckeyes. Tori knew she wasn’t hard to look at, but even in the midst of the awkwardness of being fourteen, Lorena could make people stop for a second look. She was that striking, especially when she was as happy as she was this moment.

She threw her arms around Tori and Samantha in a hug that had Samantha smiling again. Then Lorena grabbed both of Graham’s hands and pulled him in a circle like a kid playing ring around the rosie. Chaucer danced around them, his tongue spilling out the side of his mouth in a goofy dog grin. Scout, Lorena’s dog, jumped up on the screen door and whined in protest at being left outside with that other dog inside.

More horns started blowing and the church bell kept ringing. Tori could imagine her father’s smile as he pulled the bell rope. He hated the war. Every bit of bad news from the battlefronts had weighed him down. In the spring, he’d caught a cold that lingered, and now here in August he still had a wheezy cough. Aunt Hattie blamed it on the mustard gas in the Great War, the one Daddy fought in before Tori was born and that people claimed would end all wars. They had been wrong about that. Very wrong.

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