Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida

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Authors: Debby Mayne

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Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida
© 2009 by Debby Mayne

ISBN 978-1-934770-80-1

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission of the publisher.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version
. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The town depicted in this book is a real place, but all characters are fictional. Any resemblances to actual people or events are purely coincidental.

Cover and Interior Design by Müllerhaus Publishing Group

Published by Summerside Press, Inc., 11024 Quebec Circle, Bloomington, Minnesota 55438 |

Fall in love with Summerside.

Printed in the USA.


Thanks to Jeff Jensen with the city of Treasure Island, Florida,
for all the great information about this tropical paradise.

Thanks to Phyllis Kelly for her mouthwatering description
of the delectable menu offerings at Captain Kosmakos.


This book is dedicated to my daughters Alison and Lauren,
my agent Tamela, and my friends Sandie, Paige, and Beth—
all women I respect, admire, and appreciate.

, Treasure Island is a delightful blend of old and new Florida. The quaint beach town, originally called Coney Island, received its current name from developers in the early 1900s who “discovered” wooden chests that they claimed were filled with treasure. The enticement brought an onslaught of visitors, and the name stuck. This barrier island is a year-round home to approximately 7,000 people and a vacation spot for international and domestic travelers seeking sand, sun, and a wonderful laid-back ambiance. During the day, fun-seekers can choose between golf, fishing, biking boating, parasailing, and other water sports. Then it’s time to amble down to the water’s edge to watch the spectacular, multi-hued sunsets of Florida’s west coast.

Chapter One

“Why are all the best men taken?”

“Huh?” Amanda Burns glanced up at her mother, who stood on the other side of the counter in her bicycle shop.

The former hippie chick shrugged and tossed her long, gray-sprinkled auburn hair over her shoulder. “I can’t find a decent man anymore. They’re either married or otherwise involved with someone.” She did an about-face and headed for the door. “Oh well, it’s no big deal.”

“See you tomorrow?” Amanda said.

Her mother stopped just as she reached the door. “I almost forgot— that’s what I came in here to tell you. I’m leaving on a cruise in the morning, and I won’t be back for a while.”

Amanda frowned. “Who’re you going with?”

“Some friends. You don’t know them.” She pushed the door all the way open and brushed past her other daughter, Lacy.

“Have fun on your cruise, Mom,” Lacy called out.

“Trust me, I will!”

Amanda narrowed her gaze at her sister. “How did you know Mom was going on a cruise?”

“She told me last night.”

Amanda didn’t bother asking any more questions. She figured it would be easier to let things unfold naturally rather than press her fragile sister for answers.

Lacy growled as she took their mother’s place in front of the counter. “I need your help.”

“With what?” Amanda asked, setting down her pen and giving her sister all her attention. “What happened this time?”

“One of the kids in my class is making me seriously reconsider teaching, and I don’t know what to do.”

“He’s in kindergarten. You’re his teacher. Can’t you make him behave?”

“No!” Lacy’s voice screeched. “And he’s making my life miserable. Timmy hurts the other kids, and he won’t do anything I tell him to.”

“What do you want from me?”

Lacy tilted her head and pouted as she whined, “I want you to tell me what to do.”

“You really need to get a grip on things,” Amanda warned. “What will you do if I’m not here when stuff like this happens?”

“But you’re always here.”

Amanda swallowed hard. Lacy was right. Every single day except Sunday, she was right here at her store, the Treasure Island Bike and Skate Shop, waiting on customers and watching them live full and meaningful lives, while all she did was remember the past. She reached out and gently placed her hand on Lacy’s shoulder. “See if you can figure this one out on your own, sweetie. I’m sure you can come up with a plan to outsmart a little five-year-old boy.”

Lacy yanked away and frowned as she glanced down at the shop’s appointment book Amanda had left on the counter. Her pout gradually faded, and a smile spread across her lips. “Jerry Simpson? That cute guy I met last year is coming in today? No wonder you’re acting all weird. I saw how you looked at him.” Lacy fluttered her eyelashes and giggled. “Your eyes sparkled.”

Amanda quickly turned away as her face heated up. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She took a deep breath, slowly let it out, then spun around to look Lacy in the eyes, hoping that some of her blush had faded. “Stop changing the subject. I hate when you do that.”

“Well, I hate how you always have to boss me around and make me feel like a child. I’m a grown woman.” Lacy sniffed and added, “I’ll be twenty-six soon.”

“You asked—” Amanda stopped herself mid-sentence. This was one argument she’d never win, so what was the point in continuing? “Look, Lacy, I have a ton of stuff to do today. Why don’t you have a talk with little Timmy and let him know how important it is for him to behave?”

Lacy shrugged and grabbed a handful of peppermints from the bowl on the counter. “I don’t think he’ll listen, but I guess I can try.” She headed for the door then paused. “You might want to put on some lipstick before Jerry gets here. You’re starting to look a little peaked.” She glanced over her shoulder, wiggled her eyebrows, then left Amanda standing there speechless.

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