Love Immortal (11 page)

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Authors: Linnea Hall

Tags: #urban fantasy, #contemporary fantasy, #twilight

BOOK: Love Immortal
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The blonde nurse seemed particularly
interested in the whereabouts of Collin Sykes. Did she, like him,
know what he was? Why was she so agitated that he had been taken
from the hospital? What information did she have that he

After he watched the blonde nurse leave, he
carefully hobbled over to the nurses’ station. “Can I get you
something Mr. Durand?” The nurse’s voice was short, clipped. None
of the nurses liked Edgar; he didn’t know why.

“I need a pad of paper and a pencil.” She
grabbed the same pad the blonde nurse had used and slapped it on
the ledge in front of him along with the pen sitting next to

“No, I said a pencil.” He said this slowly,
as if talking to a slow witted child, putting special emphasis on
the word pencil.

The nurse with the mud colored hair looked at
him for several moments as if trying to understand. Edgar remained
silent, staring at the woman, fuming internally at the nurse’s slow
response. Finally, she huffed, pushed the chair back and walked to
a cup at the other end of the desk. Picking it up, she tipped it
toward her face, squinting and peering in trying to locate a pencil
among the many pens, highlighters, and markers also filling the
cup. Finally, she shook the cup a little and reached two fingers
into the bottom. She pulled out a small orange stub. With a smirk,
she walked back and set the pencil lightly on the desk. She looked
at Edgar as if daring him to complain about her effort. He should
have, but he didn’t; this pencil would work.

Edgar gave the nurse his most charming smile,
reclined his head in a slight nod, picked up the paper and pencil,
and hobbled back to his room. Using the crutches while carrying the
paper and the pencil was not easy; he struggled as he tried to hold
on to his items and still keep the weight off his injured leg. As
he turned his back to the door of his room so that he could push
the door open with his back, he saw the nurse watching him from the
nurses’ station, her arms crossed under breasts, snickering at his
efforts. He smiled again, and pushed backward into his room.

With the pad of paper and pencil in his hand
he sat on the bed and raised the back so that he was in a sitting
position. He reached to pull the tray toward him to create a table
upon which he could work.

First he picked up the pad of paper and
turned it towards the light. He tilted it back and forth trying to
see if an impression of the previously written words were still
embedded in the paper. As he tilted the pad toward him, he saw what
he was looking for. He laid the paper on the table and started
gently moving the pencil back and forth across the middle of the
page. He was patient, careful in his work. As the white paper began
to turn silver gray, he was rewarded for his efforts when words
began to slowly appear in a slightly lighter color.

The pad had been used often. There were many
words from which he had to derive the information he sought. He
could make out the word Jaffa across the top of the page. His heart
quickened at his discovery. The Knights Templar had transported
pilgrims from Jaffa to Jerusalem. The Knights Templar found the
Holy Grail in Jerusalem in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. It
was an exciting coincidence linking Collin Sykes to the Holy

Below that, he could make out what looked
like an address. It was difficult to read. He could make out Bor du
Lac Drive, but the number was difficult to discern. This didn’t
bother Edgar. He could drive to Lake Charles, find the street, and
ask for directions to the Jaffa Continuing Care Center as soon as
he checked out.

Chapter 15


Collin heard the front door open, and heard
the laughter of his uncle along with the voices of two people he
recognized vaguely. Of course he knew it would be Uncle Carl and
Aunt Dot. He had spoken to them on the phone, usually to thank them
for Christmas or birthday gifts, but it had been years since he had
had any contact with them. He had never met them in person.

He saw one of the French doors leading into
the parlor crack slightly and his uncle’s face appeared in the
opening. “I’m awake,” Collin called, knowing that his uncle was
anxious to introduce his guests to the “nephew” they had never

His uncle entered first, followed by a young
couple holding hands. They were perhaps a little older than him,
probably mid to late twenties. Collin was startled by how young
they were considering that he had known them for several years. The
man approached boldly, arms held out as if to embrace Collin’s
bedridden body. The woman behind him was a bit more timid. She
waited silently by the door until her husband had finished greeting
his heretofore unmet family.

“Collin! Wow! It’s great to finally meet you.
It seems like you have grown up so fast! How old are you now,
twenty-five, twenty-six?”

“Twenty-three,” Collin responded, smiling,
infected by his ‘Uncle Carl’s’ contagious grin and untamed energy.
He took an immediate liking to this man that he felt he would soon
consider his friend.

“This is Dot!” He gestured to the petite,
pixie like woman standing by the door. She had short, very
straight, dark hair, cut short in the back and tapered so that it
was slightly longer in the front. She had very light skin, and
beautiful green eyes. “Come on Dot,” Carl called to her. “The boy’s
not going to get up and come over to meet you!” He smiled warmly at
his other half, holding out his hand encouraging her to move into
the room.

Dot walked into the room, a little more
boldly than Collin expected based on her initial behavior, and took
Carl’s hand. She smiled warmly into Carl’s eyes before looking down
at Collin. “You know, you look just like your mother,” she said

“How do you know I look like my mother?”
Collin asked, curious.

Dot hesitated, looking at Carl before
answering. “I’ve seen pictures. She was lovely. It’s so wonderful
to finally meet you.” She leaned over Collin, giving him a careful
squeeze and a kiss on his cheek.

“He doesn’t look too bad, does he?” Carl
asked looking at Dorothy.

“Not at all.”

“To hear Percy tell it, we were expecting to
see a mangled bloody mess lying in the bed. Heard about the Mustang
too. Tough break! I’ll make sure your uncle replaces it with
something appropriate!” Carl winked at Collin.

“Let’s let the boy rest,” Percy gently nudged
his two friends toward the door. “We have some things to talk

“You’re right Percy. The more rest he gets,
the sooner he’ll heal.” Dot took Carl’s hand and they walked to the
door. Percy and Carl held the door to wait for Dorothy to pass
through, and then followed, Percy closing the door behind. The door
opened a crack, and Collin saw Dorothy’s face poke back in to throw
him a quick kiss.

As the doors clicked closed Collin considered
turning on the television. He looked to the table next to him to
find the remote, when he started to hear the conversation in the
other room. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t eavesdrop, but
he heard his name mentioned twice.

“…need to tell Collin.” That was Carl’s

“…doesn’t need…know yet.” Uncle Percy.

“His safety…” From Dorothy

“Is not a concern right now!” Percy’s voice
had risen so that Collin heard the whole sentence.

“…think about…” Carl.

“When it’s right! He’s my responsibility. I
have kept him safe for twenty-three years; I will keep him safe as
long as I have to!”

“Percy…will find out.” Carl again.

“Your…is not being fair.” Dorothy’s voice was
strained with concern.

“I will tell him when I am ready to tell him,
and not a moment before. If you cannot respect my decision on how
to raise my nephew, then you can get back on your plane and go
home. Or you can walk for all I care!” Collin heard his uncle
storming up the stairs.

“He’s scared.” Gladys had joined the
conversation. “Percy hoped that Collin would be a skip. He hasn’t
prepared himself for this eventuality.” Her voice was clearer and
easier to understand. Collin figured she was standing in the
hallway outside his door.

“What was he going to do if he was a skip?
Just leave him?” Dorothy’s voice had increased in volume now as
well. It seemed the conversation was making everyone agitated and
as a result, raising the volume of their voices.

“He’s done it before. People die. It would
hurt Collin, but it wouldn’t be unexpected.” Gladys was speaking
emotionally. Collin could hear tears choking her voice.

“…needs to tell him soon.” Carl’s hushed
voice floated through the door.

“…he’s ready. …knows…to be soon.”

Collin heard Gladys’ footsteps as she walked
down the hall toward the kitchen. He heard plates and cups clinking
and shortly smelled the aroma of coffee drifting down the hall.
There would be no more discussion tonight.

Collin closed his eyes and dreamt of a
beautiful blonde nurse with clear sky blue eyes and a heart as big
as the ocean.

Chapter 16


At Hugh Payne’s house, the Louisiana Chapter
of the Knights Templar sat in the living room, some on couches,
others on chairs, and some on chairs brought in from the dining
room. Hugh Payne stood in the center of the circle with Nicholas
Babineaux. While meetings of the Inner Circle occurred every month,
this was a special meeting.

The group consisted of nine members, one each
to represent the original nine members of the sect. The knights
upheld the overall function of the Templar Knights, to serve the
community, and to protect those in need. However, there were
individuals that required special protection. These people, the
Infinitas, when identified, became the primary responsibility of
the Templar Knights.

This tradition began in the twelfth century
with one of their own. In 1138, Peredur Kilkenny, one of the
Knights Templar was seriously injured while guarding a group of
pilgrims. His wounds were fatal. He was carried to the Temple where
the Knights witnessed a miracle. The knight, thought dead, began
showing signs of life. The Templars enlisted the aid of healers to
help the young knight recover. They believed that this was truly a
miracle from God; a testament to their cause.

The young knight fully recovered. He
continued his purpose as a Knight but as the original knights aged,
the young knight did not. For nearly two hundred years, he carried
on his duties as one of the Templar Knights. Many believed that his
longevity was proof that the Holy Grail existed, and that it was in
the possession of the Templar Knights

When the Templars were accused of heresy in
1305, another sect, the Obsidian Knights, stepped forward to
testify against the Templars. They proclaimed their purpose was to
correct the wrong, kill the unjust, and reclaim what once was lost.
To seek out those that had stolen eternal life from the Holy Grail,
and mete out justice without mercy or trial. Since then, a
religious war has raged between these two sects.

When the Templars were gathered Hugh Payne,
the Grand Master of the group, looked each in the eye, testing
their commitment to their duty. “Gentlemen, an Infinitas has been

The group gave a collective gasp. The
Infinitas were rare, and seldom discovered. To protect their lives,
the Infinitas took great pains to remain unidentified.

Nicholas Babineaux went on to describe the
situation occurring with Collin Sykes. “Apparently, Collin has been
living with his Infinitas uncle, Percy Knighton, but does not yet
know that he is Infinitas. It is also likely that Collin does not
know what the Infinitas are.

“Dr. Knighton has been reluctant to give his
nephew too much information, concerned for his nephew’s safety. Dr.
Knighton had seen signs that his nephew carried the trait, but
after Collin’s accident, it is certain.

“Understandably, Dr. Knighton did not want to
reveal where he’s staying, but he did specify that more Infinitas
may be joining him in the coming weeks. At this time, they don’t
want to leave the area but they’re ready to move at a moment’s
notice.” Dr. Babineaux paused to pass around several pictures.

“These are photos of Dr. Knighton and his
nephew. Dr. Knighton provided us with the picture of his nephew
prior to the accident. He said that the picture is about two years
old, though my observations in treating Collin show that his
appearance has not changed in those two years.”

He paused while the pictures were passed from
person to person. Each man carefully studied the photographs to
ensure that they would be able to recognize both people. While it
was unlikely that the Infinitas would have reason to come in
contact with the group, should they see either person or believe
that they were in apparent trouble, the Templars were to act
immediately. The loss of a single Infinitas was considered a
failure to the Templars.

After the pictures had been returned to
Nicholas Babineaux, he sat down to give Hugh Payne an opportunity
to speak. “Among us, we have three firefighters, two sheriffs, a
doctor, and three police officers in different precincts. We should
be able to provide the protection required. Should any of you hear
or see anything suspicious, it is your sacred duty to use whatever
resources are necessary to protect the Infinitas from harm until
they are able to leave the area.” He paused to look around the
room. “Does everyone understand?”

“Yes, Grand Master,” came the unified
response from the group.

There was a solemn silence as the group
replaced displaced furniture and slowly left for their cars. They
all were aware of the import of the task that lay before them.

Chapter 17


Jewell had been to Ashley’s apartment before.
It was a nice, two bedroom apartment in a gated apartment community
in Mandeville. Although the walls were standard Apartment White,
she decorated her apartment the way that she picked out her
clothes; with style and class. Her taste was impeccable.

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