Love in the Fortress (11 page)

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Authors: Caris Roane

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult, #Fantasy, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Love in the Fortress
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He couldn’t believe this had happened, this miracle of an escape. Fulton and his men would have taken him down had it not been for Sandra’s strange gift and his own advanced abilities because he’d bonded with a blood rose.

He could recall one of the rumors that had made its way through the enslaved portion of the camp, talk involving the blood rose phenomenon. Many believed it had arisen specifically, coming from the Goddess herself, to counteract Margetta’s intention to bring the Nine Realms under her control.

He knew one thing for certain: He couldn’t have escaped the fortress without Sandra. He’d followed her video-like images to the letter, which had allowed him to defeat Fulton and his men as well as to navigate a very specific pathway through Margetta’s mist. He’d always sensed there was an escape route through the Ancient Fae’s spell, but he couldn’t have found it by himself.

Yep, the whole thing was a blood rose miracle for which he’d be eternally grateful.

But Margetta’s fortress wasn’t the only thing he’d escaped. Until he’d met Sandra, and become her friend, his life had been a burned down forest where new growth would never take root. Battling for the past century had been his life, and he’d been happy to serve, built as he was for facing off with bad guys of any kind.

He was a protector and he’d been proud of it.

But he’d also been alone, suffering the effects of chronic pain, disconnected from all meaningful relationships except with his brothers-in-arms, and living his life on the outskirts of society.

Now, his life felt complete. He held a woman tight to his right side and he knew she’d stand with him no matter what happened in the coming days, weeks and years. She was that kind of woman.

He felt blessed beyond understanding and grateful beyond words.

He began his descent to the village of Juniango, his warrior eyes slowly searching for any sign of Invictus activity. Along Main Street, he saw several members of the Troll Brigade standing guard. Because dawn hadn’t yet arrived, there were still a number of fae and vampires out, a few of them drunk and others finishing up some last minute shopping before being housebound the rest of the day.

He landed near the local pub, the Trollhead Inn, and carefully released his hold on Yvonne and Sandra. He didn’t let go of either of them completely because for the uninitiated flight could cause dizziness.

Yvonne, especially, listed on her feet. “I’m so sorry, Mastyr, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“You’re not used to flight. Let’s go inside and have a pint. And if we need to, Sandra and I can spend the day here, in the inn.”

She glanced up at the sign. “The Trollhead.” She put a hand to her chest. “Am I home? Am I really home?”

Sandra was much steadier on her feet and left Griffin to join Sandra on her other side. She slid her arm around Yvonne’s waist. “Come on. Let’s have a drink then find out where your family is.”

These words, however, caused the troll to put both hands to her face and burst into tears once more. Sandra, the good woman that she was, dipped down and surrounded the much shorter troll with both arms, holding her close.

While the women were speaking softly to each other and now weeping together, the door to the Trollhead opened. Griffin immediately stepped in front of the women, then lowered his knees and shoulders ready to face whatever opponent would come at him. He’d been sparring for so long with conscienceless freaks that this habit wasn’t going to disappear any time soon.

What met his gaze, however, was the long leather, sleeveless coat of the Camberlaune Guard, thigh boots and leathers. And the red hair of one of his brothers-in-arms. “Owen?”

Owen stared at him unblinking for several seconds. “Griffin, holy fuck! I saw you last at Wayford. We thought you were dead! Where the hell have you been, you ugly bastard?”

The next moment, Owen’s beefy arms surrounded him and the crushing tightness of the man-hug made his eyes burn and his throat ache. His thoughts had been all for the women, getting them to safety, and seeing if he could restore Yvonne to her family.

The last thing he’d expected was to run into a friend out here in Juniango.

When Owen pulled back, he slapped Griffin on the shoulder. “Damn, you’re lean, but I see you’ve still worked out.”

Yeah, he’d worked out, wielding weapons against the Invictus in practice sessions for the past year. He didn’t say that. Instead, he explained where he’d been then gestured to Yvonne and Sandra. “We could use a drink.”

Owen pulled him inside and called out to the troll bartender. “Four pints, Virginia. We’ve got some celebrating to do over here.”

“Coming up, Big Guns.” His nickname fit. Owen had a pair of massive biceps and played it up constantly. He’d left off wearing the woven Guardsman shirt as well, following Mastyr Ian’s lead who headed up the Camberlaune Guard.

All four of them sat at a table. A moment later, Virginia brought brimming mugs over and passed them around.

Owen took a drink then got on his phone, ready to alert the rest of the Guard, but Griffin shut him down. “Don’t. I know for a fact Margetta has a spy network in Camberlaune and I don’t want anyone to know where we are. You good with that?”

Owen stared at him for a long moment. “Sweet Goddess, Griffin. Are you shitting me?”

He shook his head slowly. “I picked up a lot of information from the camp, but I’m not saying another word to you or anyone else until I speak with Mastyr Ian.” Griffin took a long swig.

Owen’s expression grew serious. “He’s been hunting for the Ruby Fae this past month. We’ve hardly seen him. She’s somewhere in the Dauphaire Mountains. Wait. Why are all three of you smiling at me? Oh, shit, you’ve seen her.”

Griffin nodded. “And we’re hopeful she escaped tonight. But you’ll probably know more about that over the next twenty-four hours.”

Virginia returned to the table to join in the conversation, then settled her gaze on Yvonne. “Wait a minute. I know you. Aren’t you Eva’s mother, the one who disappeared? Why it has to be decades now.”

Yvonne set her pint down and put both hands to her chest. She looked suddenly frightened, her lips pinched. “I am.”

Griffin watched her swallow hard. He understood. She was afraid she’d be hearing bad news.

Virginia put a hand on her shoulder. “Eva lives around here, you know. She has a farm about ten miles east. And she just had another baby about a year ago, a little girl.”

“She does? She did? Oh, my.” More tears, then Yvonne turned to Griffin. She stared at him but didn’t say a word.

He glanced toward the windows. The sky still wasn’t light out, but he felt a strong warning vibration down his spine. When Sandra placed her hand on his arm and nodded her encouragement, he made his decision. “Get me directions. I can get us over there in time, but Sandra and I will have to spend the night in Eva’s home.” He finished his beer and shoved Owen from the booth.

Owen bear-hugged him again, as Virginia whipped her phone from her pocket and made the call. “No, Eva, they can’t talk. They have to get airborne right now or you’ll have a fried vampire on your hands as well as a blistered fae.”

She ended the call and as they moved toward the door, Virginia told them how to get to the farm.

Griffin put his hand on Virginia’s head. “Make picture in your mind.”

“You can do that?” Virginia asked, eyes wide.

“Hell, yes.”

Virginia closed her eyes and concentrated.

“Got it.” To Sandra and Yvonne, he added, “This is going to be quick. Get ready.”

The women trailed after him as he headed to the door. He heard Owen say to Virginia, “Dawn’s coming. Looks like I’m going to have to spend the night here. Got an extra room?”

“Nope. But I’ve got a bed and you’re welcome in it.”

He heard Owen chuckle in that deep, rowdy way of his.

After listening to his brother-in-arms, Griffin was hit hard but in the best way that he’d made it out of the fortress alive. He was home.

He waved to Owen, and Owen lifted his chin then smiled.

Yeah, he was home.

Once outside, each woman hopped up on his foot and the moment he had them tight against his sides, he shot into the air. He could feel the dawn coming like a freight train.

~ ~ ~

Sandra’s heart raced as Griffin flew north past Juniango and into a rolling countryside. She held Yvonne’s hand across the broad stretch of Griffin’s chest.

The trip took a whole fifteen seconds. Had to be a new record.

When Griffin began his descent, the housekeeper’s grip on her hand increased. Sandra’s heart thumped so loud that she felt as though she was the one coming home and not Yvonne.

Griffin landed fifteen feet from the front door on a gravel path. Pansies in a variety of colors had been planted by the scores on either side of the walkway. A well-kept winter lawn also showed the love and care of a serious gardener.

The front porch light came on and the door opened. A lovely female troll with a baby on her hip opened the door. Her lips were in a round ‘o’. “Mama?”

“Eva!” the housekeeper cried as she stepped off Griffin’s boot. She didn’t lose her balance this time, not even a little. She ran to the woman and an embrace followed that soon had the baby crying.

Eva drew back and comforted the child. “We got the phone call from Juniango barely a minute ago. We all thought you were dead.”

“Not dead. But after all this time, I wasn’t even sure you’d remember me.”

Eva looked shock, her complexion paling. “You’re my mama. How could I ever forget you?”

More tears followed, including the baby’s. But Griffin had to disrupt the reunion since he could feel the dawn pounding a warning inside his head.

Eva apologized profusely for keeping them standing outside, then invited them into her house.

A few minutes later, Sandra stood off to the side of the large living room, Griffin’s arm around her, his hand on her waist. She leaned against his chest, his summery field scent giving her comfort.

It was a beautiful thing to be with him while she watched Yvonne and Eva sitting side by side on the couch, hands clasped tightly together. Each smiled with tears brimming and rolling. Sixty years had passed since mother and daughter had seen each other.

Eva’s husband sat across from them, holding their most recent offspring in his arms. The one-year-old had fallen asleep in his arms. Yvonne’s son-in-law was a handsome troll with brown hair combed straight back.

As the sun rose, Sandra remained safely in the house with Griffin, away from direct sunlight. Eva’s extended family began to arrive. Sandra greeted and received the thanks of Eva’s grown children and their spouses and what were Yvonne’s grandchildren and even a few great-grandchildren.

The house quickly grew crowded and before long a full-blown celebration was in progress. Neither Sandra nor Griffin could leave the shelter of the home, but the trolls had free rein of the outdoors and the barbecues soon lit up.

Food began to arrive as well, slabs of meat ready for the grill, all sorts of salads, and chips, a plethora of home-made berry pies, and an obligatory keg of beer.

The homecoming brought tears to Sandra’s eyes more than once. She didn’t have a family of her own, nor did Griffin, one of the reasons perhaps they’d been able to relate to each other so well. Each was essentially an orphan in the Realm world. But when Eva’s husband moved to sit beside his wife, their daughter still asleep on his shoulder, other memories intruded.

She put a hand to her mouth and turned into Griffin.

What is it?

I had a family once.

He rubbed her back, but for a long time didn’t say anything. Finally, he moved through her mind gently,
I’ll be your family now, Sandra. And maybe, if the Goddess wills, we’ll have babies of our own and can create a dynasty as Yvonne has.

She drew back a little and looked up at him.
Those might be the best and sweetest words you could have ever said to me.

He leaned down and kissed her. Sandra was pretty sure he’d meant only to offer comfort. But the moment his lips touched hers, a profound longing rolled through her to be alone with him.

He drew back, a frown between his light blue eyes.
I need to be with you.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe I was feeling your desire as much as my own.
She glanced around.
Do you think we’d be missed if we retired to our room? Although, it looks like most of the party has moved outside.

I’m sure it’ll be fine. Besides, this has been a long night and I think both of us could use some sleep.
His lips curved.
And I know I could use a shower.

When he released her, Sandra was going to search for either Eva or Yvonne when the latter moved back into the house from the kitchen door.

Sandra drew close. “We’re feeling the need to retire.”

Yvonne nodded and ordered the rest of the friends and family in the house to join everyone else outside. Once they’d disappeared into the backyard, Yvonne extended her hands to them. Sandra took one, Griffin the other.

“I have no words, except thank you.” Her eyes grew watery once more as she drew first Sandra’s fingers to her lips and kissed them, then Griffin’s.

With pinched lips, she nodded to each, and once more said, “Thank you.”

She then released their hands with a definitive jerk as though working hard to control her emotions. “Earlier, I told Eva you’d both need your sleep soon. In her basement, is a room she keeps on hand for any of the Camberlaune Guardsmen who might get caught out here too close to dawn. She had two of her daughters make up the room for you. You’ll both be safe through the day, and there’s a proper bed for your Guardsman stature.” She waved a hand up and down Griffin’s six-five frame.

Sandra smiled. “Thank you so much, Yvonne. And thank your daughter for us.”

“Yes,” Griffin added. “Add my thanks as well.”

“Of course. And now I have something for you to take to your room.” She drew a tray from the back counter. “In the middle of all the bustle, I prepared you a meal.” She handed the tray to Sandra. “There’s a mini-fridge downstairs as well, so help yourself to anything that’s inside.”

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