Love Jones For Him (6 page)

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Authors: Mia Loveless

BOOK: Love Jones For Him
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“It’s too soon, right?” Gordon asked softly, when she didn’t reply. He grasped her face tenderly, and yet the blaze in his eyes was ferocious, flushing her with heat. Her very nipples tingled beneath her dress, and she was sure they were digging into his chest against which they were pressed.

“It’s not that,” she said, biting on her lip. How could she explain? Uncertainty, caution, and fear of the unknown…they warred deep within right next to her unrivalled desire for the man before her. She was no vestal virgin, but she wasn’t so immune to certain bouts of nerves. What if it ruined everything? It had been so long for her. What if it wasn’t perfect? And she wanted so much for it to be perfect…

He was staring straight down into her face. “I could leave right now if you said the word. I’ll never ask you to do something you’ll regret. This feels right, Victoria. To me…and I know it does to you. Whatever you think is standing between us, it doesn’t matter.”

A frown creased her brow, and she felt confused about what he meant. Then it struck her that he might think she was worried that he was white, and she was black – well, to be exact, mixed race, but that was an inconsequential distinction at the moment.

“I know,” was her final reply, as her hands lifted to hinge upon his still cupped around her jaw. Even in the darkened hallway, his eyes glimmered as she forced herself to meet them. She could tell that her indecision wounded him somewhat, and yet she knew he’d leave if she asked him to. In fact, something told her that if she hesitated one more minute, he’d walk out the door anyway.


She blinked at the sound of her name on his lips, a sense of déjà vu hitting her for a second. Where had she heard that exact warning note before? It rang compellingly in his deep, rumbling tone, causing her heart to trip in sudden recognition. Her daydream. Just like now, she had held back, unsure. And her dream Gordon had disappeared without a trace, leaving her with a feeling of loss and ache.

She knew then and there that he wasn’t going to coerce her in anyway. He would want her to want this, with her whole heart. Because if she didn’t, he would go and not look back. And she just might regret it for a long time to come.

A shy yet alluring smile quivered on her lips as she finally looked up at him through her lashes. Once more, her hands went to link behind his head.

“I’m going to need a lift up those stairs, handsome,” she told him, and was rewarded with the most feral, victorious grin.

Oh my Lord, she thought, as he easily swept her into his strong arms like she was a bag of feathers. Stealing a kiss from her lips, he headed straight up to her bedroom.


Breathe Victoria, just breathe.

She had to keep reminding herself of this as she lay naked beneath the warmed, lithe body of her ravenous lover. Her dress lay in a discarded pool on the floor next to the bed. Her bra and panties were flung to the far corners of the room. His own clothes had received the same treatment. It had been a mad rush for both of them as just moments earlier, they’d shed every inch of covering that separated them.

Now, there was nothing to come between their contrasting skin; his golden-toned, hers several shades darker with a dash of honey. He’d placed her gently on the bed, and for several moments, had subjected her to the most intense, probing scrutiny from the top of her head to her toes.

She’d never felt so self-conscious in her life. And yet, she’d never felt so beautiful, especially with the way his hands lifted to sift worshipfully through her rippling dark curls, then slid down her neck to feather over her rounded, thrust-out breasts. Then he spanned her concave belly, and finally, he laid his hand flat against her sex. She jumped, and veritably seeped from her folds and unto his waiting palm.

“Taking things slow will surely be the death of me,” he surmised thickly, finally looking up to meet her hooded gaze. “I’ve wanted and wished this so long – almost since the first day we met. Your beautiful, gleaming skin, your soft lips, your eyes…every night for the past few weeks, I’ve dreamed of how it could be - if only I had one chance.”

His head drew lower to hers, his warm touch still heavy on her secret mound. She bit on her lips as her eyes fastened on his slowly descending mouth. Gosh, that first kiss downstairs had tasted so good. She wanted to taste those manly lips once more, to have him fill her mouth with his delicious, thrusting tongue. Heavens above, she had to be soaked right through – there was no way she could hide this, not with his hand covering her shaved and swollen flesh.

Their lips were just a breath apart now, and she had to once again force herself to remember the simple act of drawing in air. The heat pouring off his perfectly formed frame was enough to make the insides of her belly flip about in excitement. Something thick, long and powerfully pulsed close to her naked thigh. When he’d stripped off earlier, she’d had another bout of shyness and had closed her eyes before she could catch a glimpse of his manhood. And now, the unmistakable girth and length nudged against her, making her wish she could pluck up the nerve to reach down and grasp him…

“Tell me you want me,” he said, kissing on her parted lips once, twice. Hard, quick possessive kisses that made her tremble like a leaf beneath him. “I need to hear you say it.”

He really wanted her to speak; seriously? She wondered dazedly, as just then he slipped a finger easily into her saturated pussy. She could only manage a short gasp, her body arching forward, her mouth widening in an “O”.

He groaned as if in pain, and followed that finger with another. He began to shaft her slowly, deliberately, crooking the knuckles and jabbing unerringly at some magical spot in her she never even knew existed. She let out a sob of deep-seated arousal, her cheeks growing hot at the undeniable sounds of wetness evinced from her core as he finger-fucked her with unerring skill.

“It feels so good inside you,” he said in a lust-thick voice. He nibbled on her bottom lip, his teeth sinking deep. She drew air laboriously through her mouth, their breaths mingling. The atmosphere was filled with erotic electricity; each moment rocked them closer, pushed them higher up on the quest for that peak of ultimate pleasure. She could barely think or reason out the words he said, but his voice sounded good in her ears, adding to her already bursting arousal.

“So tight, hot, wet,” he added hoarsely, and drove in deeper, ripping a tortured cry from her lips. It was a sweet, slightly stinging invasion, and nothing had ever felt so good. His thumb began to flicker lightly over her now hard and hungry clit, and she bucked into his hand, her lower body feeling like a mass of wanton jelly.

“I’m waiting,” Gordon reminded her, “Look at me, baby, and tell me…tell me this is exactly what you want. You and me; here and now.”

“I want this, Gordon,” she said clearly, her tongue whetting her already moist lips. It was so thrilling to be holding his piercing gaze when she said the words, adding, “I want you.”

“I need to feel like you mean it, Victoria.”

“Damn it, Gordon, I want you so bad it physically hurts,” she confessed half in agony, half in frustration. Her body was clamoring for so many things: his lips, his hands, and his cock. She wanted to spread her legs as wide as they would go, pull his body down to her, and guide him straight into her waiting canal. No preliminaries required, not this first time. She wanted it thorough, fast and hard. She’d held back for far too long and suddenly, she couldn’t stand the torment.

“Just take me, Gordon,” she pleaded, pushing herself into his hand. “Please. I need you inside me now.” As she spoke, her hands dipped boldly lower to envelope his staff.

Hot, steel-like, throbbing and alive. She held it in her hand and it felt like she had a part of him to call her own, even if just for a few delicious moments. Even if only for tonight.

A deep-throated growl rumbled like thunder from his chest as she stroked him with both hands. He was immense, dwarfing her small palms. Growing bolder, she gazed down beyond his washboard belly to that thickly veined, surging pole. Her fingers circled the tiny slit in the middle of his purpled mushroom cap, which dripped with precum. Smudging the moisture on her fingertips, she lifted them hungrily to her lips, and tasted him. It was such a deliciously wanton thing to do – but she needed to taste him. And damn, he tasted so good. He watched her suck on her fingers, and once more, he groaned, the sound echoing throughout the room.

His whole body seemed to tremor as she explored his length, masturbating him firmly with one hand while the other hand cupped his swaying sacs. There was no question of her now being able to wait. Even if it meant flipping him on his back and impaling herself on him, she’d do it. This was her point of no return: a minute’s more delay would drive her insane.

The urgency in her touch, in the way she writhed beneath him – in her loud, aching moans, registered well enough with him. In seconds, he’d retrieved a condom and slipped it on. She took that moment to settle back on her elbows, her knees parted invitingly in wait for him by the time he was ready. He viewed her glistening pussy lips with eyes that blazed darkly. Her name spilled from his lips, the sound full of passion, even yearning. She smiled beguilingly, her hand lifting to cup and squeeze on her breast.

“I’m so ready, Gordon,” she informed him, simply for effect since he could very well see she was positively dripping with need for him to take her. His lips parted as air rushed into his chest, then was expelled again in a bracing rush.

“As am I,” he returned – another needless declaration, what with his cock lengthening to incredible proportions right before her eyes. It seemed hard to fathom that he could get any bigger. Would he ever stop growing, she marveled, as the rearing entity at his groin looked like a separate part of his body. Her inner walls clenched and unclenched on the emptiness within, and she was almost in tears with want.

This could be over very quickly, she feared. Not that she feared his prowess, no. She was more afraid of her own reaction. Something told her that one single thrust of that monster cock might just finish her. She would try to hold on as long as she could, and no matter how good it felt, she vowed to savor every moment. It was a prospect of stamina that she almost couldn’t wait to explore…

Chapter Ten


That was one word he could use to describe her. She had pulled him close, opened wide to him. Now he braced himself above her, his eyes locked with hers. He wanted to be looking into her beautiful face when he claimed her. Damn it, he’d also wanted to linger over every moment, explore every delectable inch of her, and draw out the pleasure…

But now, neither of them could wait. He settled between her parted thighs and nudged his cock against her slick opening. His teeth gritted and a hissed breath escaped from his lips. It would kill him, like he’d told her, if he tried to take things slow. So he decided to give her just what he knew she wanted, and make it hard, fast, deep.

Gordon surged into her. Her whole body stiffened as he settled deep within her in that first, powerful plunge. Her eyes widened, her lips parting in a loud gasp. Gordon shuddered as her velvety sheathe wrapped snug around his shaft. She was so wet and soft, sending him farther past her clenching walls than he would have ventured so soon. He didn’t want to hurt her; he could see her bite on her lip in discomfort. But her dark brown eyes also glowed with delight, ecstasy stamped all over her face.

“Victoria…hell,” he groaned, rocking his hips as he began to fuck her in long, strong strokes. She wrapped one leg around his waist, her hands lifting to slide up and down his back.

“Oh…yes, yes,” she breathed, and he could feel her muscles tighten and relax reflexively around his cock. “More, Gordon. I need more.”

Another groan ripped through him at her words; finally he shed all restraint. His thrusts went straight from the pace of an oil-well pump, into piston mode. He slammed into her hard and fast, their pubic bones smacking together. She started to moan aloud and he swallowed the sounds into his mouth, kissing her roughly. Her fingernails raked down his back, but he was oblivious to the sting.

His senses were filled with her taste, her softness, her smell. It sent the fire raging right through him and made the blood pump faster and hotter within his veins. Needing to have even more of her, he broke from her lips and bent to her breast, latching to one brown, eraser-thick nipple.

Her cries of pleasure rang in his ears, as her fingers grabbed fistfuls of his hair and tugged his head this way and that as he sucked and nipped on her nub one after the other. She made him so hungry for her, made him want to devour her whole till he was drunk on her flesh, her sexiness. She was so hot, so full of feminine responsiveness that it was a wonder he could keep from ripping her to pieces with the savageness of his need.

Barely able to hold back, he quickened his wild, heedless rhythm. She writhed and quivered beneath him, matching his pace by bringing her hips up to meet his thrusts.

There was a mighty onrush coming straight for him like an immense tide. He could feel it rising, threatening to engulf him. It was a matter of moments, he knew, before he’d be awash within the thunderous waves.

It took all of his willpower not to explode; he pushed back the orgasm which was pounding fast to bring him to the finish. He held it off long enough to watch Victoria erupt with a long, piercing shriek. She clung to him with her arms and the vice-like muscles of her pussy. He could feel every spasm that went through her body, her grinding tunnel finally milking him into his own volcanic climax.

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