Love Lessons (9 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Fox

BOOK: Love Lessons
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“What are you suggesting?”

“I’m suggesting we both call in sick and spend Valentine’s Day together right here, in this bed.  I mean, you did say you’d be my Valentine, right?”

She arched a brow.  “What, no flowers and chocolate?”

He brushed his thumb over her mouth, and she leaned into him.  “Are you craving something sweet, baby?”

She shook her head.  “No.  All I need is standing here right before me.”

“And all I need is standing right before me, too.”  He frowned and fingered the top button on her blouse.  “There’s only one problem, though.”

Her eyes dimmed with desire as he pushed the button through the hole.   “What’s that?”

craving something sweet, and your clothes are seriously in his way.”





Thank You!


Thank you so much for reading, Love Lessons.  I hope you enjoyed Nate and Gracie’s adventure as much as I loved writing it. Please read on, I’ve included an excerpt from Wasted Summer (Book two in the Stone Cliff series) ! I hope you enjoy!


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Wasted Summer

Cathryn Fox


Chapter One


Speed walking along the pebbled curb leading up to Stone Cliff Resort, a popular tourist retreat in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, Melody Spencer sidestepped a deep puddle and cursed under her breath. How she’d managed to miss the last afternoon shuttle from town to the resort was beyond her. She gave a hard shake of her head, realizing that wasn’t entirely true. Mr. Johnson, the elderly pharmacist at Deerfield Convenience liked to chat, and since he was one of the few people in town who was nice to her, she couldn’t bring herself to cut out on him—even if it did mean missing her ride. But seriously, hadn’t she learned that nice girls finished last? Or in this case, had to hoof it up Mount-Frigging-Everest because her next shift started in fifteen minutes. She couldn’t be late, not again. The summer vacationers were all beginning to pile in, and if she wasn’t dressed and in the dining room for the first dinner seating, her boss would have her ass—and her apron. Mel’s full-time summer job might be running camps for kids, but she needed the money from this second job if she was ever going to get out of this God-forsaken town and move to a place where no one knew her, or her past.

Dark clouds knitted together overhead. Thunder rumbled with a deafening boom that shook the ground beneath Mel’s feet, making her jump. Damn. Damn. Damn. Not only was she going to be late, those black clouds were seconds from opening up and soaking her to the bone. She looked at her thin tank top and frowned. The last thing she wanted was to show up in the staff lounge and have her boss think she’d participated in a wet T-shirt contest. There were enough rumors circulating as it was.

She clutched the small brown paper bag she was carrying closer to her chest. Her purpose was twofold: Shield herself from the imminent downpour, and keep the contents inside the bag dry. Mel wasn’t one for luxury or brand names—every penny counted toward getting out of Deerfield—but when it came to her feminine needs, she had no problem forking over the extra money. She’d be damned if she’d borrow another Maxi pad from her friend Jaelyn. How anyone could wear those God-awful things was beyond her. Cripes, she might as well slap on a diaper, right?

She sucked in a breath as lightning zigzagged across the dark sky, and she glanced up in time to see the tall, metal spire on the resort’s main registration building puncture the low hanging clouds. She exhaled a breath of relief at seeing the familiar landmark, now confident that she could make it back without getting drenched. Just then, a very expensive, very posh sports car sped by. The flashy vehicle swerved toward the rocky curb, aiming for the deep puddle ahead of her.

The wide tires split the puddle, sending water into the air. Mel gave a little yelp, but before she could dodge the deluge, cold rainwater splashed up and fell over her in a wave, soaking her from the top of her head right down to the sole’s of her rubber flip-flops. Sputtering and gasping for breath, Mel’s feet slipped around in her shoes and it took all her balance to keep herself from landing on her ass. Her arms flailed and when she finally managed to stand straight, she worked to blink the fat droplets from her eyes. She pushed her long, wet hair from her face and looked at the boys hanging out the windows, laughing and pointing as they sped by.

Fury raced through her. She wanted to scream, she wanted to hit something, hell, she wanted to throw her bag of tampons at them. Instead, she took a breath and reminded herself that soon enough she’d be away from this place, away from all the snotty rich boys who vacationed at the resort every summer and looked down their noses at her—until they wanted to get into her pants. And eventually they all wanted to get into her pants. She hadn’t met a guy yet who didn’t want to go a round with the town slut.

She cursed under her breath and gathered a handful of hair. She squeezed out the excess water, breaking a fingernail in the process. Taking deep, concentrated breaths as a cold shiver wracked her body, she closed her eyes and wiped her face with her palm. When she heard another car approaching, she cringed, wishing she had a place to hide. The last thing she wanted was to get doused again. She inched closer to the embankment when a black Jeep slowed beside her. Keeping her focus on the ground, she tried to hurry to get ahead of it. She gripped the squishy, rubber flip-flops with her toes for traction, yet with each flop, water shot up the back of her legs and she slipped a little more.

The engine revved as he caught up to her. “Hey, are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she shot back, keeping her head down and her eyes on her toes.

“You don’t look fine.” The familiar eastern accent had her angling her head. She looked at the driver, but wished she hadn’t. Ryeland Montgomery. Hot. Rich. Smart. Tight friends with the guys who’d just soaked her. She saw the iPhone on his dashboard. Perhaps he’d only slowed to get photographic evidence, so they could all laugh about it later.

“I’m fine,” she said again.

He rolled the passenger window back up and sped ahead. For a second she thought he was going to leave her alone, but then he swerved onto the curb and parked directly in front of her, blocking her path up the hill. The next thing she knew he was climbing out of the driver’s seat and walking toward her with that sexy, confident swagger of his, one that drove all the girls crazy, vacationers and locals alike.

Correction, not
the girls. She wasn’t about to be drawn in by his charming smile and good looks. Even if she wanted a boyfriend—which she didn’t—she certainly wouldn’t fall for a guy like him, one who left a string of broken hearts behind each summer when he returned east, to a lifestyle that happened to be the polar opposite of hers. Not that she was judging. She wasn’t. What he did and how he lived his life was none of her business.

Pewter-flecked eyes that reminded her of the silver spoon he’d been born with raked her over, going from the top of her sodden head to the toes curled into the soles of her mushy flip-flops. Those odd-colored irises slowly made their way back up again, and when his pupils dilated despite the lack of sunshine, Mel became fully aware of the way her shirt clung like a second skin, showcasing her ample cleavage and hard nipples—compliments of the cold puddle water. Oddly enough, his eyes didn’t linger on her breasts, although she couldn’t understand why, considering he was a guy and all.

He raked his hands through thick, dark hair, his glance moving over her face before settling on her eyes. “You’re soaked.”

“Way to state the obvious,” she huffed out. “I guess you really are as smart as they say.”

The corner of his mouth twitched. “Uh, did I do something to piss you off?”

“Look, I was already running late for work when your friends thought they’d get their kicks by soaking me, so I don’t have time for this, okay?”

Something dark moved over his face, but she wasn’t about to take the time to examine it, not when the clock was ticking and her job was on the line. Instead, she pushed past him but he touched her arm to spin her back around. She flinched, and every muscle in her body tensed, ready to put her self-defense classes to work. Shifting her stance, she prepared to fight, recalling the last man who’d tried to touch her without her permission. She had been only thirteen at the time, and well… Her stomach clenched as painful memories intruded.

Forget it, Mel…just forget it.

Ryeland stepped back. “Whoa, sorry.”

“What do you want?”

Looking confused, he shifted back and forth in his designer sneakers, his pale blue polo shirt rasping over his broad shoulders. Silence lingered for a moment, and his forehead creased, probably because he was trying to figure out why she wasn’t falling all over him like every other girl he’d gifted with his presence. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, and when she was about to turn back around and hike up the hill, he finally spoke.

“I’m sorry my friends are such assholes, but all I’m trying to do here is give you a ride to make up for it. You don’t have to go all Karate Kid on me.” He dipped his head and his voice was soft when he said, “I’m trying to help.”

Surprised, Mel narrowed her eyes to really look at him. Was he for real?
wanted to help
? Surely there had to be something in it for him. Maybe he was tired of the rich, Barbie doll blondes falling all over him and thought he’d go slumming this summer.

“Why would you want to help me?” she asked bluntly, her back straight, shoulders squared, still on the defense.

He stared at her for a moment, an equal mixture of confusion and intrigue backlighting those fascinating pewter eyes of his. “Why wouldn’t I?”

While she could stand there and list a dozen reasons, mainly how those from his social circle didn’t associate with girls from the wrong side of the tracks—except to sleep with them—she knew she had to get a move on it.

She backed up an inch. “You know what, I don’t know you and you don’t know me, so let’s just both be on our way. Besides, I’m sure your friends are wondering where you are.”

“You’re wrong, you know.”

“Wrong? What am I wrong about?”

His thick bicep muscles flexed as he drove his hands into his pockets, pushing his jeans a little lower on his hips. While she tried not to glance down—some unknown force pulled her gaze to the flash of tanned skin between his shirt and pants —he took a small step forward, moving into her personal space. He was close, too close, and while she knew she should turn and hightail it out of there, her stupid legs took that moment to betray her. Unable to drag herself away, she exhaled slowly and wondered what the heck was going on with her.

“I know you,” he said, his voice so low, so incredibly soft, it momentarily caught her off guard.

She held his gaze, and when warmth moved over his handsome face, softening the hard angles, a strange, unfamiliar sensation mushroomed inside her belly. What the hell?

Despite the fact that she wanted to end this conversation, she blurted out, “How do you know me?”

He gave a lazy roll of one shoulder. “Everyone does.”

“Right.” She shook her head and berated herself for momentarily letting down her guard. Good God, she never let down her guard. Ever. Otherwise the things people said behind her back might get to her. Things like “slut”, “town whore”, “no good drunken mother”, and “deadbeat dad”.

Oh yeah, everyone knew Mel Spencer. Or at least they
they did. Although she had to admit, some of the rumors
true. She mentally kicked herself for thinking he might actually be different, that he might actually know something other than the stories people spread behind her back. But how could he? She never let anyone get too close. Not anymore anyway. And truthfully, why did she even care what Ryeland Montgomery thought? He meant nothing to her, and his opinion mattered about as much as her broken nail.

“I’m Ryeland.”

“I know,” she answered and turned to go.

“So you know me, then?”

She caught a pebble in her flip-flop, stopped to shake it out, and moved on. “No,” she lied, tossing the words over her shoulder. “I don’t know you.”

He jogged ahead and stepped in front of her, once again blocking her path.

Mel planted one hand on her hip and tilted her head to meet his gaze straight on. “Do you mind?”

His white teeth flashed in a smile and instead of answering he said, “You know my name and you said I was as smart as everyone says.”


He stepped closer, closing the gap between them. Holy hell, did this guy know nothing about personal space? He dipped his head, and as she became the sole object of his focus, an unexpected curl of heat wound through her, chasing the chill from her body.

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