Love & Loss (38 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: Love & Loss
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‘Told you your legs would look good in that leather look skirt,’ I nodded.

‘They do don’t they? How do my tits look?’

‘Amazing, you’d think they were real. Can I feel them? They’re begging to be touched.’

‘Go on then, don’t squeeze too hard in case you damage them,’ she chuckled.

‘Lex, they’re so firm,’ I giggled as I gripped the plastic cones. ‘You could take someone’s eye out with these tits, they’re so pert.’

‘Feels good.’ She nodded looking down at them and went to take a swig of her wine and dribbled it all down her mouth. ‘Shit, I’m all wet now Mia, look what you’ve done.’

‘You’ve dripped all over the carpet, quick wipe it up.’ I gasped. Cream carpet and pink zinfandel didn’t go. She groaned and bent over with a tissue and flashed her knickers as her skirt rode up. I couldn’t resist and pulled out a pistol, dropped to one knee and squirted her straight between the legs.

‘Mia,’ she screamed. ‘My bloody knickers are soaking now, stop,
,’ she screeched as she ran to get out of the blast radius and I giggled then gasped and put my finger to my lips as I heard a groan outside the door. I tiptoed over and flung it open and Doug was leaning on the door frame and went bright red.

‘What are you doing Doug?’ I asked.

‘What am
doing? I always suspected you two had a thing going on.’


‘I saw you come into her room and came to listen thinking you may be talking about me and heard you getting all frisky with each other, it was

‘Doug, you perv,’ I gasped and whacked his arm. ‘We weren’t getting frisky, I told you we’re not like that.’

‘Please, feel my tits, oooo they’re so pert, God I’m all wet and my knickers are soaking. Yeah right, nothing’s going on.’

‘We were talking outfits you degenerate.’ I grabbed him and dragged him into the bedroom and Lexi gave him a wave as his jaw dropped as he took in her outfit. ‘I was feeling her Xena fake tits and when she bent over to clean up some spilled wine and I sprayed her knickers with my water pistol.’ I blasted him in the open mouth to make my point and he choked.

‘You weren’t having hot lesbian sex?’

‘Give it up Doug, never going to happen. I’ll leave you two alone for a minute. Nice soldier outfit by the way.’

‘Thanks Lara,’ he grinned. ‘I’m Scott from Strike Back.’ He moved into some kind of ninja karate pose and unimpressed I just pulled my gun out, sprayed him in the face again and blew the end of it while he spluttered and tried to wipe the water out of his eyes as Lexi laughed.

‘Gabe in a better mood?’ I asked.

‘I had a word, I didn’t know he was returning to swimming until tonight either, we’ll take later when he’s a bit more chilled.’

”’ I nodded.

, quoting already,’ he nodded with a grin. ‘Go see Gabe, seeing that outfit will definitely cheer him up.’

‘“Really? That’s
cinating,”’ I replied in my best Angelina Jolie voice.

‘Damn you’re good,’ Doug laughed. I smiled and shut the door leaving them to it and headed over to our apartment and quietly pushed open the front door. I could hear Gabe finishing off in the shower and called for him, planted my feet on the floor and put my hands on my hips, waiting for him to come out. He wandered out tucking his towel around his hips and I nearly broke my Lara cover and had to stifle a groan when I saw him all damp with rivulets of water running down his flexing stomach. He looked up and stopped in his tracks as he worked his way up and down my body and I saw him gulp and the tip of his tongue flicked over his bottom lip, but it was the fast projection of the towel as he got aroused that really pleased me.

‘I’m teenage boy fantasy, sex bomb, kick arse, Lara Croft,’ I smiled. He just nodded and didn’t say a word. ‘Well I sincerely hope that you’re not coming like
. Not coming as in sexually coming, I meant coming to the party in just a towel.’ He shook his head and gripped himself. ‘Have you lost ability to talk?’

‘Yes,’ he uttered hoarsely. ‘Fuck, you look seriously hot.’

‘Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself, though I really would prefer you put some clothes on before everyone gets here.’

‘Do you have fake nipples in?’

’ I glared. ‘It’s all me, with my nipple revealing bra and crotchless knickers that you like so much.’

‘Do we have time for a quickie?’ he asked as he started walking towards me.

‘No we don’t,’ I gasped. If he thought he could be all mardy with me earlier then expect me to drop my shorts just like that he had another think coming. I pulled out my guns as he got closer and sprayed him with a giggle. He narrowed his eyes and growled.

‘Did you just squirt me?’

‘Did you just
at me?’

‘Come on baby, my two favourite fantasies in one, you
Lara.’ He advanced on me again and I sprayed him before squealing as he rushed me and I ran screaming to the other side of the island. ‘Get over here, now,’ he ordered as he faced off against me.

‘Make me,’ I challenged. He had a bit of sparkle back in him and I wanted him in a good mood.

‘O game on,’ he uttered as he moved quickly and I shrieked and started running. I left the safety of the island and dodged around the pool table and he leaned over and gripped the other end of it as he kept his eyes firmly fixed on my chest. ‘You know you don’t stand a chance right?’

‘O cocky boy’s back,’ I giggled and squirted him again. As he made a move to his left, so did I and broke back towards the island, but he changed direction and before I knew it he’d dropped to the floor, sliding across the oak and knocked my feet out from under me and caught me as I went down screaming. He rolled over, pressing my chest down into the floor as he lay on my back and licked my neck. I squirmed under him trying to get out, but he grabbed my hands and pinned them to the floor.

‘Cocky boy wins baby,’ he murmured in my ear. ‘For that I’m going to spank this round bottom pink and then fuck it.’ I groaned as he bit my neck and gently sucked as he ground his erection into my backside.

‘Like bloody rabbits you too, are you at it again?’

I lifted my head and saw Doug and Lexi standing in the doorway and I started giggling again while Gabe sighed heavily in my ear.

‘Obviously not,’ he muttered and climbed off me. ‘Seriously bad timing guys.’

‘Don’t leave your front door open on party night if you don’t want to be interrupted Gabe,’ shot Lexi. I scrambled up and adjusted my shorts and t-shirt and holstered my guns. ‘People are on their way up.’

‘Shit,’ groaned Gabe. ‘I’d better go get ready.’

‘I’ll entertain them, don’t rush,’ I advised, then frowned at him and nodded to his obvious erection. He shrugged and headed back to the bathroom.

‘Told you that outfit would cheer him up,’ Doug chuckled.

up, excuse the pun,’ nodded Lexi with a wink.

‘Stop it you two,’ I giggled. ‘He’ll be even more grumpy now he’s not had sex when he wanted it.’

I was thrilled to find that a load of the swim team had turned up, thankfully not Julie, but Doug introduced Lexi and I to them all and I wished I’d thought of organising name badges. I logged into Spotify off my iPad and clicked the playlist that Gabe and I had spent a few hours putting together. I wasn’t the only one in awe at the quality of the sound coming through the built in speakers dotted around the apartment, Gabe had gone all out on a superb system that our iPads or iPhones could hook into. I cranked it up. It was a bring your own bottle party, though we’d supplied crates of beer and loads of plastic cups, so I told everyone to just help themselves to drink. Gabe had already locked up his favourite whiskey and my liqueurs in case they got downed as well. I was chatting to James, one of the swim boys when I felt a body press up behind me and fingers slide around my waist over my bare stomach. I recognised Gabe without even looking, the smell of his clothes, body wash and skin were instant olfactory stimulants.

‘James, you chatting up my girl,’ he asked as he kissed my temple.

‘As if Gabe, just nice to finally meet her, you’ve been hiding her away.’

‘For good reason it seems from the looks she’s getting tonight.’

‘Cool apartment.’

‘Thanks,’ Gabe and I replied together and laughed.

‘Well I’ll go get another beer, you want?’ James asked.

‘No thanks,’ we both replied and this time he laughed. Gabe let go of me and I turned around and groaned as I saw his outfit. He was dressed like Doug, in army camouflage combat pants with army boots and a
tight fit khaki t-shirt that showed off every defined muscle he had, topped off with dog tags and black stripes on his face.

‘Stonebridge I presume?’ I smiled.

‘I was going to come as Harvey, but Doug said it was too boring to come in a three piece suit and I couldn’t bring myself to slick my hair back,’ he grinned. I was pleased to see he was in a better mood.

‘I’m happy for you to Harvey up for my own private entertainment one night Gabe, but this look is also
hot on you.’ I ran my palms up his abs and pecs and let out a groan.

‘As is this look on you, I was so pissed off when Doug and Lexi interrupted us.’ He yanked me against him and pulled my pony tail to tilt my chin up. ‘I’m going to kiss you now and I expect you to respond properly, I don’t give a fuck who’s watching. Clear?’

‘Clear,’ I sighed and crumbled as his lips smashed against mine and he ate hungrily, one hand still fixing my hair, while the over moved to squeeze my bottom, virtually lifting me off the floor as he pressed me against him. Desire pooled at the apex of my thighs as his tongue worked its way around mine. He only pulled away as we heard a load of whooping.

‘It’s not midnight yet mate,’ yelled Doug over the music and I blushed as Gabe released me and saw everyone was watching us, including Milo and his friends. I looked at Gabe and sighed, he hadn’t been overjoyed that I’d invited Milo and he’d obviously spotted him coming in and put on that display for him. Gabe tucked me into his side as they came over and I felt him stiffen as all the boys kissed me on the cheek and commented on my outfit. I was slightly relieved to see that he shook hands with them all and pointed them in the direction of the beers and I gave Milo a discreet wink and smile.

‘Are you going to remain glued to me all evening?’ I asked.

‘Just making sure everyone knows you’re with me.’

‘Everyone already knows that Gabe, we invited them as a New Year house warming party for the two of us.’

‘You don’t want to spend the evening with me?’ he frowned as he looked down at me.

‘Not every second of the night, I’d like to mingle and chat to people without them feeling on edge that I have a personal bodyguard within three inches of me all night.’ I watched as his frown deepened. ‘I’ll be kissing you at midnight and I’m a sure thing to come home with you. Give me a bit of leeway now and I may even throw in a Lara Croft pole and lap dance,’ I coaxed. The crinkles in his brow smoothed out as his eyebrows raised.

‘Now you’re talking.’

‘So kiss me again and go mingle,’ I ordered.

I was glad that we’d invited all the neighbours from the building, we’d left the doors to our two apartments open so people could wander between the two and with the music, talking and laughter we were rowdy. I screamed as Cindy turned up and we hugged as she introduced me to some of the other dancers from Peppers and one immediately spotted my pole and clapped her hands. Before I knew it we were having a Pole off with each other, much to the delight of all the boys. I half expected Gabe to come and drag me off it when it was my turn, but he stood with his powerful arms folded across his broad chest with a proud smile on his face as he watched everyone looking at me. I blew him a kiss as I dismounted and grabbed my beer and headed over to number five to get some food. I was leaning back on my old desk eating a Cajun chicken wrap when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked around mid-mouthful to see Milo.

‘You’re full of surprises,’ he smiled.

‘I am?’ I mumbled with my hand in front of my mouth.

‘How long have you been pole dancing?’ he asked and I pointed at my mouth and nodded my head as I chewed and swallowed.

‘A couple of months, I’m a trained dancer, ballet and general and took it up after our visit to Peppers.’

‘You dance there?’ he exclaimed his eyes wide. I hadn’t planned on telling him, but I didn’t want to lie. I knew Gabe wouldn’t be impressed, but he was the one who’d stuck the pole in the lounge, for any visitor to see. Robert’s expression when he’d seen it had been priceless.

‘Only the once, but I’ve been offered more shifts and I need the cash.’

‘O my God, Zane will go crazy if he hears you’re dancing, I’m amazed he’s not here now following you around like a love sick puppy,’ he laughed as he did a check around us.

‘God please don’t say anything, I’m not sure how I’d feel about you guys coming to watch, plus I know Gabe wouldn’t be impressed.’

‘My lips are sealed. Cool costume.’

‘I need to reload my guns, I’m all out,’ I smiled. ‘I have no idea who you are though,’ I commented as I looked him up and down. He was in black combat pants and a tight khaki granddad shirt and was wearing black gloves and had a large syringe sticking out of his pocket. Milo laughed.

‘You obviously didn’t watch Dexter?’


‘Amazing show. Serial killer who worked for the police department in Miami and killed killers that had got away with murder. He injected them with animal tranquilizers to knock them out until he took them to his lair and dismembered them.’ He waved the syringe at me and I grimaced.

‘Amazing show? Seriously? I’m not sure I’d like watching that.’

‘Sounds weird but trust me it’s gripping. It was amazing how he got away with it for so many years when he was surrounded by the very people who were hunting him.’

‘I’ll stick to my super hero shows thanks,’ I laughed. ‘Give me Arrow any day.’

‘That’s an awesome show too,’ he nodded. I smiled as Lexi came in and she frowned and gestured with her head to come over.

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