Love & Loss (52 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: Love & Loss
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‘Right back at you baby, I’ll never grow tired of being with you. Lie there, I fancy eating you out while you suck my cock.’

‘Dirty boy,’ I grinned.

‘Just how you like me,’ he shot back.

‘No, just how I love you,’ I replied with a kiss before he laughed and pulled out of me and got into position with a happy sigh as I took his girth into my mouth and groaned.


I held out a pair of his fitted boxers as he walked past me, heading for bed and he looked at me surprised.

‘In case Lexi comes in during the night,’ I advised.

‘You think she will?’

‘I hope so, if not I’m going over there whether she likes it or not.’

‘Do you think that’s wise? Wouldn’t she ask for you if she wanted to talk?’

‘Please, this is Lexi. She rarely wants to talk unless prodded, but she’ll probably need a cuddle. I’ve always been the person to make her feel better with a cuddle, so if she doesn’t come in, I’m not taking no for an answer.’ I twirled his boxers around my index finger until he grabbed them with a sigh and pulled them on.

‘You owe me a weekend of hot uninterrupted sex for this.’

‘Damn, just a weekend? I was hoping you’d make it a week,’ I grinned as I pulled on some knickers and a thin vest.

‘A week? How much stamina do you think I have?’ he asked as he grabbed my hand and led me to bed.

‘I’m hoping plenty, I only picked you because you were young, fit and hung you know.’

‘Picked me?’ he laughed. ‘Getting you to agree to a date was like pulling teeth.’

‘You saying I wasn’t worth the effort?’ I asked as I lay down on my side and faced him. He reached up and clasped my chin, sweeping his thumb over my lower lip.

‘I’d have moved mountains to get you Mia. I knew in my gut the first time I saw you in that bar that you were going to be mine and I’ll move them to make sure you stay happy and never leave me.’

happy with you Gabe, I love living with you, falling asleep with your arms around me and waking up with you every morning. It’s better than I ever imagined.’ I felt my stomach twist again as I looked into his happy sparkling eyes.

‘For me too,’ he grinned and pulled me into his arms. ‘You’re my everything baby.’

‘And you’re mine.’ I sighed happily as I kissed his throat. I smiled as I heard him make a little groan of contentment.


I woke up feeling too hot, the windows were still open, but with Gabe draped across me I was stifling. I managed to wriggle out from under him and turned onto my side and let out a startled gasp to see Lexi lying there facing me.

‘Jesus,’ I muttered as Gabe stirred behind me and mumbled incoherently.

‘Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you. You looked kind of cosy all wrapped around each other.’

‘You were watching us?’ I exclaimed and she shrugged. ‘That’s kind of creepy Lex.’

‘You look really happy, it’s nice to see.’

‘How about you? Are you really happy or still pissed at me?’

‘I was pissed, but you never do anything unless you think it’s for my own good.’

‘Was it?’

‘I think so,’ she nodded as she bit her lip. ‘I rang him.’

‘Lex.’ I reached out and grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

‘I’m sorry I shut you out Mia. I just … I was angry, then when I got over that and wanted to speak to him I couldn’t bear you being disappointed if he told me to sod off and I was all upset.’

‘That’s why you asked for Doug instead of me?’

‘Sorry,’ she sighed with a nod.

‘Hey, I was hurt at first, but sometimes I go to Gabe instead of you, we can’t be each other’s crutches for everything.’ I let go of her hand and stroked her cheek and she closed her eyes and sighed. ‘So what happened?’

‘He was really surprised, obviously. He’s remarried with some teenage kids. Said he had a breakdown when he left us and spent some time in a psychiatric care place.’ I nodded, I already knew this from the file I’d had sent over. ‘He rang Mum to ask how I was when he got out and she told him that I never wanted to see him again, that I hated him and he needed to stay out of my life.’

‘She never?’ I gasped.

‘That’s his side of it, says he tried to ring me at Rowleys, but Mum had given them instructions that they were only to deal with her as she was my primary carer. So they refused to take any messages or put him through. So he figured that I didn’t want him in my life.’

‘I can’t believe she did that Lexi. Have you spoken to her?’

‘No! Why would I? As far as I’m concerned that woman is no more a mother to me than Richard is a father to you. I’m done with her. How could she do that Mia? Keep my own Dad from me?’

‘Maybe she was jealous of your relationship. So what about your Dad?’

‘He wants to meet me,’ she nodded as her eyes started filling up.

‘O Lex that’s wonderful,’ I smiled. ‘It is wonderful right?’ I asked as she started to properly cry.

‘Yeah, I’ve missed him so much,’ she mumbled. I wriggled over and pulled her into a bear hug as she cried in the crook of my neck. ‘He’s working in London, he’s still a Stockbroker there. He’s asked if I’ll go down this weekend, he’s transferring me some money for the train and a hotel.’

‘You’re going alone?’

‘Would you come, in case it doesn’t go well and I need you?’

‘Sure. I’ll have to run it past Gabe first.’

‘He could come too, just in case it does go well, so you’re not all alone.’

‘Then I’ll ask him when he wakes up ok?’

‘Ok,’ she nodded as she sniffed. ‘I think Dad would like to meet you too. I told him all about you and how amazing you were and how Mr. and Mrs. P had taken me under their wing. He was really impressed that you’d all been so good to me.’

‘I’d love to meet him Lexi.’ I planted a kiss on top of her head. ‘So you got on ok on the phone?’

‘It was a bit awkward at first, but once he got over the shock yeah.’ She pulled her head back and snuggled into the pillow as she looked at me. ‘Thank you,’ she whispered.

‘You’re welcome,’ I smiled. ‘Sorry to interfere but it helped me so much dealing with Richard, so I wanted you to have that option too.’

‘How did you find him?’

‘I hired a private investigator.’

‘Like Hercule Poirot?’ she giggled.

‘Think more Jonathan Creek,’ I giggled back as I thought of Mason and his slightly long curly hair, he’d not been at all what I’d expected when Robert had introduced us.

‘That must have cost you a load of money Mia.’

‘It was worth it to know that you’re finally going to see him again Lex.’

‘How am I ever going to repay you for everything you do for me?’

‘You’re not, that’s what families do for each other Lex.’

‘I love you.’

‘I love you too. Now come on, try and get some sleep. We have a lecture tomorrow.’

‘About that,’ she sighed. ‘Please don’t be mad with me, but I’m going to drop out.’

‘What?’ I uttered as I looked at her in amazement.

‘I’m not the Uni academic type Mia, not like you. I’m not really enjoying it, I’m finding it hard and I only applied because I wanted to stick with you wherever you went.’

‘You can’t quit just like that Lexi.’

‘It’s not just like that Mia. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I think I know what I’d like to do and I need to apply now to get a place for September.’

‘What do you want to do?’ I could hardly believe my ears, she’d not said a word to me about this.

‘I’d like to train to be a counsellor, to help other people with their problems. I mean I’ve got some experience of dealing with shit, so why not turn that around so I can help someone else?’

‘How long have you been thinking about this?’

‘A few months,’ she shrugged as she chewed her lip again.

‘And you didn’t tell me?’

‘I thought you’d be disappointed in me. You’ve put yourself out for me financially and helping me study and I didn’t want to let you down.’

‘Lexi.’ I flicked her forehead with my middle finger making her jump. ‘You’re such a bloody idiot sometimes. I want you to be happy, so if Uni isn’t your thing and you’ve already lined up something else to try then I’m cool with that. I just want you to be happy, I don’t care what you do as long as you enjoy it and I still have you in my life.’

‘You’re the best,’ she beamed. ‘Sorry for soaking you with Zinfandel earlier.’

‘I can still smell it in my hair,’ I giggled. ‘But I’ll get you back and I’ll find that damn Jelly Belly stash if I have to rip the apartment to shreds.’

‘You could just buy your own.’

‘You tight old mare,’ I laughed then pulled a face at her as I felt Gabe stir behind me. He moaned my name and his hand snaked around my waist as he nuzzled the back of my neck and pressed up behind me. I smiled and stroked his hand and Lex made some vomit noises. ‘I’m happy,’ I protested.

‘I know and I’m happy for you. Don’t let him go, he’s really good for you.’

‘He is,’ I smiled. ‘And Lex?’


‘You’re going to make a wonderful counsellor.’





I clapped happily as I looked out of the helicopter window and turned to give Gabe a quick kiss before returning my gaze to the sight below me. We were scooting along the top of the Grand Canyon and it just took my breath away. Doug had helped me pick out a decent digital camera and had spent time showing me how to use the manual settings for better pictures instead of relying on the automatic ones. The shades of red and orange that glowed under the baking heat of the sun were so incredible in real life I wanted to capture them perfectly in picture.

Gabe and I were nearly at the end of our three week summer holiday and it had been amazing. We’d flown to San Francisco and had a few days there, then hired a convertible and had driven through the Napa Valley, visited the Jelly Belly Factory, then followed the Pacific highway down the West coast of California, stopping in places like Carmel, Monterey Bay for the aquarium and Los Angeles. I’d been over the moon to do the Hollywood Studio’s tour before we headed to San Diego and did SeaWorld, then Anaheim for Disneyland. We’d flown to Vegas and picked up another convertible for our last five days staying at Wynn Encore in a luxurious Parlour Suite. We’d simply had the most amazing time, fantastic sights, amazing food and of course the sex. Plenty of sex. When Gabe was in holiday mode his sex drive increased and mine was having no trouble keeping up with him. I tore my eyes away from the Grand Canyon, it may be one of the natural wonders of the world, but I had number one on the list sitting right next to me.

His blond hair had gone lighter and his skin was a beautiful golden brown. He always relaxed when we were away from home, but he looked completely chilled and happy which warmed my heart. I scanned his body as he looked out of the helicopter window on his side. He was dressed in a loose white shirt, rolled up at the sleeves, stone knee length combats and black Paul Smith flip flops with his mirrored aviator sunglasses.
He really should be a top international male model
I thought as I looked at him. He suddenly turned his head to look at me and smiled to catch me staring. I blushed and went to look away, but he captured the side of my face with his hand and leaned in and kissed me. ‘
Ok baby,’
he mouthed. I smiled, nodded and clasped his hand as I looked back out at the view.


I stretched up my arms and stuck my hands out of the open roof of the car and screamed happily as Gabe zipped down the freeway back towards Las Vegas.

‘O my
, this trip has been
Gabe, I’m so happy right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.’ I grabbed his hand off the gearstick and plastered it in kisses making him laugh.

‘It has and it’s not over yet, we don’t fly home until tomorrow.’

‘Don’t remind me of home. I could stay on the run like this with you forever,’ I grinned.

‘Me too,’ he smiled back. ‘But the solicitor is expecting you Friday so you can sign all the paperwork.’

‘I know,’ I nodded. ‘And I’m looking forward to starting this new venture with you, but I’ve just loved being alone with you for so long.’

‘We’ll have more holidays baby.’ He flashed me a smile before returning his eyes to the road. I was happy about how things were going at home, but being here, just the two of us with Gabe so happy had been bliss.

Lexi’s meeting with her dad had gone really well. Gabe and I had joined them for Sunday lunch and Mr Clarke had embarrassed me by repeatedly telling me how grateful he was to Mum, Gerry and I for looking after her. I was so happy for her, he kept putting his hand over the top of hers and it was obvious how much he’d missed her. He was buying my apartment off me and we were completing on Friday. Lexi was going to pay him minimum rent on it, but it would be her house. Richard had purchased it for £260,000 but Mr Clarke had paid me £290,000, which he insisted was the market value. I’d tried to repay Richard all of it, by liaising with Christine his PA, but she’d refused to give me his account details and said she’d rip up any cheques if I sent them. She’d actually surprised me by saying
“Mia, I may work for him, but the man is an arrogant, heartless bastard. Keep the money, he won’t miss it. Maybe it will make up for some of the crap he’s put you and your sister through over the years. Of course I’ll deny ever saying that if it ever comes up, I want to keep my job. Go and enjoy it.”

Mum, Gerry, Gabe and Robert had ganged up on me and insisted that I did keep it, so when Gabe told me that the nightclub on floor 27 of his dad’s office building was up for a new owner, he suggested we take it over as business partners, gut and remodel the place and turn it into an exclusive strip club. He still didn’t want me dancing, but agreed that I could work with the girls we recruited to train them and help come up with new routines.

Robert was acting as a silent partner and paying the upfront lease payment and monthly payments until we could afford to pay him back from the profit and the documents were all being signed for that on Friday as well. We’d had quotes off Tom for £60,000 to redesign the massive space, so I was putting in £30,000 and was seeing Gabe’s broker to invest the rest of my money from the apartment sale for a monthly income, plus I’d be earning a salary as general manager of the club alongside Gabe. Doug and Lexi were going to share assistant manager positions and run the bar between them for us too. Things were just going so perfectly for Gabe, Lexi and I that I was worrying that it was all too good to be true. I smiled as Gabe squeezed my thigh and I picked up his hand and kissed it, before he returned it to the wheel. I put my hand up on my chest and toyed with my ring through my vest top and bit my lip as I looked out at the desert and rocky landscape.


‘That was a seriously lovely meal,’ I sighed as I put my napkin back on the table. We were eating outside, on the veranda of the restaurant in the Paris hotel, after having taken a trip up the mini Eiffel Tower.

‘It was good,’ nodded Gabe as he cleared his plate of the lemon tart.

‘This has been my best holiday
Gabe, thank you so much for bringing me,’ I smiled. He lifted his head and blew me a kiss.

‘It’s been mine too baby. I can’t wait to plan our next one.’

‘Will we be able to go on holiday if we’re running our own club?’

‘We’ll make damn sure that Doug and Lexi are up to running it for us while we’re away. We’re still reachable anywhere there’s Wi-Fi,’ he reminded me.

‘To our next holiday then,’ I smiled as I lifted up the remains of my glass of water, it had been a teetotal holiday, as good as a detox.

‘To us,’ Gabe replied as he clinked back. ‘So what would you like to do this evening Miss Page?’

‘I’d actually love to go and sit on the wall over there and watch the Bellagio fountains and listen to the music, then go back to our room and have a bubble bath with you and have sex for the rest of the night.’

‘We’ve done it three times today,’ he reminded me. ‘Some people would be over the moon to do it three times a month, let alone three times a day,’ he chuckled, quoting my words from Edinburgh back to me.

‘Well I’m not most people,’ I replied with a cock of my head and a wink.

‘Damn it baby. I’ve been hard all night with you wearing that dress again and now you’re begging me for sex?’

‘I’ll get on my knees if that helps?’ I offered. I knew wearing this outfit I’d worn on our fantasy date in the bar in London would get him going. Plus with all the parts of me that weren’t covered, it was cooling in this ridiculous heat.

‘I like you on your knees,’ he replied with a wiggle of his eyebrows, making me laugh. He leaned forward and grabbed my hand. ‘Especially when my big cock’s in that succulent mouth of yours.’

‘You have such a way with words,’ I giggled. He kissed my hand and gestured the waiter over and settled the bill, before helping me up and putting his arm around my waist as we headed over to claim a spot sitting opposite the fountains. I’d particularly wanted to see the showing with Andrea Bocelli’s Con Te Partiro,
Time to Say Goodbye
, it seemed fitting on our last night. Gabe helped me onto the wall and I crossed my legs as he sat next to me and took my hand, his thumb rubbing it. There was a light breeze, which was so welcome and I smiled as I watched him again, his blond hair lifting and falling as the wind caught it. I was convinced that he was the most handsome man who ever walked the earth, and the looks he was getting as he sat there in his black shirt and grey trousers confirmed it. Yet he seemed totally oblivious to all the attention, he really was mine.

‘I thought we came to watch the fountains,’ he chuckled without looking at me.

‘We did, but I just wanted to admire my handsome man while I sat here waiting.’

‘Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight,’ he smiled as he turned to face me.

‘Just a few times,’ I smiled.

‘You take my breath away baby, I’m so in love with you.’

‘And me with you Gabe,’ I whispered and he leaned in and planted a soft, gentle kiss on my lips as a load of clapping and cheers went up. We laughed as we heard the music start, the crowd was excited for that, not for us having a tender moment. I felt goose bumps all over my arms as the music reached a crescendo and the water shot high in the air, it was breath taking to watch and I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks. I just knew that I was never going to be as happy as I felt right now with anyone but Gabe. And it wasn’t the money, his gifts, or the lavish extravagant trips. It was moments like this, where we sat in comfortable silence, where he looked at me like I was his everything, how he’d go to the ends of the earth to protect me. I uncrossed my legs and quickly hopped off the wall and turned and pulled his knees apart as I tucked in, clasped his face and kissed him passionately.

‘Mia?’ he looked surprised as I pulled away. I was missing the finale of the show.

‘I love you Gabe, I’m never going to love anyone the way I love you,’ I said sincerely as I held his gaze. I reached down my cleavage, extracted his ring then pulled the necklace holding it over my head. He looked at me with a puzzled expression, that turned even more confused as I put the necklace over his head. ‘I’m ready, I’m ready for you to ask me again Gabe,’ I whispered and cried a bit more as his face lit up.

‘You mean it? You really mean it?’ he uttered on a choke of emotion.

‘I do, with all of my heart Gabe Austin. You’re the love of my life, my best friend and my soul mate and I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me every day.’

‘As my wife?’ he asked, his voice full of hope.

‘As your wife,’ I nodded and started crying properly as some tears of happiness rolled down his face too. He grabbed my face and kissed me with such passion, I slumped against his chest and my legs started to shake as the realisation hit me that I’d effectively just proposed to him, well given him the green light to propose to me in the knowledge that I was going to say yes this time. I, Mia Page, self-confessed commitment phobe with issues over relationships and marriage, had just taken the biggest leap of my life, yet was stunned to realise that it was less scary than standing on the glass skywalk over the Canyon earlier today. Gabe slid off the wall and pressed up against me, his heart beating wildly as he held me in his arms and looked into my eyes with pure contentment. I reached up and wiped the drops off his lashes. ‘Are you happy Mr Austin?’

‘Absolutely ecstatic Miss Page, you’ve made me the happiest man in the Universe. Come on we need to get back.’

‘But the show hasn’t finished.’

‘I don’t care. I need to buy you something to go on this necklace to replace the ring that I’ll be giving back to you one day. We can stop at Cartier on the way back to our suite, because I have a sudden need to make you come over and over again, until I put you into a happiness induced orgasm coma so you know exactly how you just made me feel,’ he grinned.

‘Well please tuck my ring into your shirt, that’s a lot of money swinging around and I don’t want it snatched off you.’ I picked it up and dropped it down his shirt as he laughed. I kissed him again and took his hand as we headed back to the hotel. I was finding it hard to keep up with his determined march, so he swooped me up into his arms and carried me back, all the way into Cartier, much to my mortification. He purchased me a white gold and diamond love pendant to go on my chain and took my necklace off and asked them to box up my ring, which they agreed to do, much to my surprise. I asked him to wait outside, while I purchased him a black leather and stainless steel Cartier money clip. I wanted him to have something to remember the occasion.

As soon as we got back to the room, he put the ring in the safe and tugged me to him and put my necklace with the new pendant around my neck.

‘I love it Gabe, thank you,’ I beamed. ‘And here’s a little gift for you to mark the occasion and to thank you for my wonderful trip.’

‘Mia I love it, thank you,’ he smiled as he picked it up and examined it.

‘The idea is you keep your money safely in it, not out of it buying me extravagant gifts and holidays.’

‘You never give up do you?’ he laughed.

‘No, now what about this orgasm coma you promised me?’

‘Coming right up baby,’ he winked and threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the bathroom as I screamed with laughter.


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