Love Me Like No Other (10 page)

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Authors: A. C. Arthur

BOOK: Love Me Like No Other
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“And now you do.”

She nodded. “Yes. Now I do.”

They were silent.

He pulled her down on top of him, hugging her tightly, inhaling the scent of her hair. “Do me a favor?”

Anything, she wanted to say but instead said, “What?”

“Make love to me one more time before you go.”

Jade didn’t speak but lifted up from him. She reached to the nightstand and plucked a foil packet from the box he’d discarded last night. Taking his already erect penis into her hands she slipped the condom on him.

He sucked in a breath but was otherwise quiet.

She straddled him keeping her eyes on him as she slid slowly down onto his shaft. His hands came to her hips and he gripped her.

“Thank you,” he whispered then thrust his hips up into her to seal their joining.

Blissful sensations moved through her and she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out. “Don’t thank me. My job’s not finished yet.”

Then they found a rhythm and no further words were spoken. The only sound echoing in the room was that of satisfied lovers finding their mutual release through a sensual dance as old as time.


Beside him she slept, silent and content, words he never thought he’d use to describe Jade Vincent. She had the type of personality that made anybody like her. She was smart. She was spirited. She was caring and conscientious. And she was damned pretty—animated at times and pigheaded at others. She was a variety of things all rolled into one very attractive package.

The most recent trait he could add to her repertoire was loyal. He was still trying to get his mind around the fact that she’d agreed to this week with him to save her sister. His thoughts on that matter were conflicted. On the one hand he was angry with her sister for being selfish enough to let her agree to something like this to save her ass. On the other hand, he was glad her sister was irresponsible enough to lose the money, otherwise he would most likely have never run into Jade again.

Still, it wasn’t right. She wasn’t here of her own free will. Even though he’d offered to release her from the deal she’d refused, stating that she’d given her word and she wanted her sister’s slate wiped clean. She loved her sister an awful lot, there was no question about that. But was her sister worthy of that love? He was determined to find out.

Chapter 8

inc was late for breakfast. He’d left Jade still sleeping in the bed and gone to the den to make a few calls.

By the time he entered the dining room everyone was talking and enjoying the meal. Everyone except Jade, that is. This was unusual and he was sure he wasn’t the only one who noticed it.

“The party wasn’t the same after you and Jade left, Lincoln.”

“I’m sorry about that,” Linc said honestly. “But we had some things to discuss.”

“And did you…discuss things?” Trent asked.

Linc took his question to mean what they’d spoken about yesterday at the pool, about him looking into Jade’s background. And while he’d initiated his own investigation, he knew all he needed to know about Jade’s background. But again, these were things Trent did not need to know. “Yes. Everything is resolved.” He turned to her for support. “Isn’t that right, Jade?”

She looked up from her plate. “Yes. Everything is resolved.” She smiled and his gut clenched.

Showering and dressing alone this morning gave him time to think about how things had changed between them. He was first to admit that sleeping with her again had, in fact, changed the dynamics of their relationship. But it was changing before then. He felt closer to her now than he ever had to anyone in his life. He wondered how she felt about their situation now. He still hadn’t gotten the chance to talk about making it more permanent but he’d get to that after he took care of a few other things.

“So we’re heading into town for a day of sightseeing. I’ve rented a motor coach for everyone who doesn’t want to drive,” Beverly told them.

Jade seemed thankful for the change of conversation. “That sounds like fun.”

For unknown reasons Linc tensed. “Actually, I already made plans for us.” He was used to making plans and calling the shots.

Jade looked at him questioningly. He wasn’t used to having those shots questioned, by anyone. Still he could see her mind trying to figure out why they wouldn’t be going on the family outing. Last night she’d told him that she was still staying partly because of the deal she’d made on her sister’s behalf and partly because she didn’t want him to have to answer his family’s obvious questions. So their deal was still on. She was still staying for the week. And that still wasn’t long enough for him.

“Really? What are you two lovebirds doing today?” Henry asked.

Linc hesitated, not sure he wanted everybody to know about the day he had planned. But then her eyes found his again and the urge to do whatever he could to make her happy overwhelmed him. “We’re going to spend some quality time together.” He spoke in a tone that dared anyone to comment and since his family knew him so well, they didn’t.

The dining room cleared shortly after that declaration. Then they were alone.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said from across the table.

A slow smile spread across her face. “Hey, yourself.”

This time there was no doubt that her smile was just for him and that fact warmed him. “So, you ready to get started with our day?”

“I thought we were supposed to be keeping up the pretense for your family.”

Linc remained quiet for a moment. “A loving couple would undoubtedly want some time to themselves, right?”

“I guess they would.”

He rose and came to stand beside her. “I just want to spend the day with you. Alone. Is that okay with you?”

The smile she gave him this time put all others to shame and he found himself smiling equally as broad.

“That’s just fine with me,” she said, taking the hand he’d offered. “So, what do you have planned?”

“It’s supposed to be a beautiful day, ninety-two degrees. It’s a perfect beach day if you ask me.”

She frowned. “Is there a beach around here?”

Unable to resist touching her again Linc rubbed his knuckles over the soft skin of her cheek. “No. And that really bothered my mother when they purchased the land. So much so that Dad made one for her.”

Jade looked incredulous. “Really?”

“Yes. My mother loves the beach so he built her one.”

She sighed. “That’s so sweet.”

“You think so?” His hand moved to her hair. He loved touching her.

“Yes. It is.”

“I’ll have to ask him for some tips on sweet things to do.” And then because they were so close and she was so alluring, he dropped a soft kiss on her lips.

“I missed you this morning.”

“Then how come you were gone when I woke up?”

“I had some things to take care of. I wanted to make sure I was completely free for the day with you.”

She tilted her head as she looked up at him. “That’s sweet.”

Her words were music to his ears and going right along with his plans. He wanted to get their day going then realized there was one more thing he needed to handle first. “We’ll spend the day on the beach, getting to know each other better. It’ll be fun.”

Jade’s eyes sparkled, just the way he liked to see them. “Yes. It’ll be fun,” she said.

“I just have one call to make and I’ll be ready to go.” He held her in a loose embrace and yet his blood had already begun to warm.

“I thought you said you took care of everything earlier.”

“I did, but there’s just one phone call that can’t wait until tomorrow.”

“Okay. I’ll go to the kitchen to see about getting us a picnic lunch. Then I’ll change and be ready.”

“Great. I’ll only be about fifteen minutes.” He kissed her again for good measure then left the room with a pep in his step he couldn’t remember having before.


Almost an hour had passed and Jade had secured their lunch and changed her clothes. But Linc was nowhere to be found.

That was just as well because it gave her a little time to get her thoughts together. Last night had surpassed all the dreams she’d ever had. Linc had been more than she’d remembered. Then he’d asked her about her business and her life and she’d told him what he needed to know. She’d told him about Noelle and her real reason for being here. And he, to her surprise, had offered her a way out.

Now in the light of day she realized she should have taken that way out. The mere fact that he offered it could only mean that she was disposable to him. But she’d been caught up in the euphoria of their lovemaking and she’d thought of the deal
she made. If she wasn’t known for anything else in this life, she’d be known for keeping her word. So she was staying.

That meant she needed to make another difficult choice.

Picnic basket in hand she climbed the stairs to check their suite one last time. Although what she had to tell him would be difficult, butterflies danced in her stomach as she thought of spending the afternoon with Linc. She could go up these stairs and tell him right now. She could say it and be done with it. But he’d planned a day at the beach. She didn’t want to totally spoil his plans.

“I thought you said half an hour.” Dropping her picnic basket to the floor Jade walked toward him and stood while he looked at some papers on his desk. “You really do work too much, Linc. This beach thing was your idea and you haven’t even changed yet,” she exclaimed.

“I know. And I’m just finishing up.”

She waved a hand toward the papers. “They’ll be here when we get back. You were supposed to be getting into your swimsuit.” She crossed the room to his closet and swung it open, only to find it full of suits, dress shirts and slacks. He really needed to relax more. Even the two pair of jeans he had were starched and draped over a hanger.

“I can find my own clothes, Jade.”

He sounded amused but she was on a roll and wasn’t about to leave him to the task again. “Sure you can but once you’ve started working your mind gets distorted.” She pulled open a drawer and moved things aside until she found what she was looking for. With trunks in hand she turned to face him.

A seductive grin spread over his face. “Will you dress me too?”

Stuffy business clothes or not he was still gorgeous and he was headed directly for her. A tingle of warmth and a lick of growing excitement fizzled in her belly. In an attempt to suppress her wayward thoughts she responded in what she thought was an appropriate manner. “Do you want me to?” Touching him again would be heaven. It would be dangerous and it would undoubtedly stall their trip to the beach, but it would certainly be worth it.

He stood directly in front of her now, large as life and sexy as hell. He didn’t move but waggled his brows, reducing her insides to jelly. Only he had the power to do that.

“Unless you’re afraid to dress me.”

Her lips tightened. He was incorrigible. And she, as he well knew, could not resist a challenge. Reaching up she loosened his tie, pulled it free from his neck and let it fall to the floor. Her hands slid over the broad expanse of his chest before settling on the buttons of his shirt.

Linc watched her closely while she commandeered his clothing, not moving a muscle. Jade’s heart thumped in her chest. Through his shirt she felt the hardened ridges of his chest and remembered kissing him there. “Once we get you into something a little more suitable we can hit the beach,” she said in a shaky voice.

“I’m not sure we’re going to make it to the beach,” he said through clenched teeth.

The power she held was irresistible and she let her nails scrape over his now bare chest. “Now I know you have more control than that, Lincoln.”

He sucked in a breath and caught her wrists. “You test my control.”

Just as he shattered hers, she thought with rising desire. “I apologize. I’ll keep my mind on the business at hand from now on.” She hastily moved to his pants and had him completely undressed in seconds. Thrusting his trunks toward him she looked down at his marvelous erection. “You might want to do a little less concentrating yourself,” she said and skirted around him.

Her throat was tight with the pain of being close to him. They’d been intimate and it showed. In the way he looked at her and in the way that he talked to her. It was apparent that they were lovers.

But was that all he intended them to be?


Linc parked the car and came around to open her door for her. She stepped out and was about to go around to the trunk for the picnic basket when he cupped her chin and tilted her head to look at him. “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.

The sunlit sky was a brilliant backdrop to his chiseled good looks. Even with her new resignation she was not immune. She licked her lips nervously. “Sorry for what?”

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “For leaving you eight years ago. I was selfish and stupid. I hurt you and for that I can’t apologize enough.”

If she thought his words caught her off guard then the kiss he laid on her could have stopped the world from turning. It was different than the other kisses they’d shared, softer, sweeter and definitely more potent. His lips were barely touching hers, then his tongue was stroking slowly, sinuously over hers, taking complete possession of her mouth and her senses.

He wasn’t making this easy. Here she was prepared for a knock-down, drag-out round of renegotiation of their terms and he was charming the pants off her.

“Come,” he said when he finally broke the kiss. “The beach is this way.”

Her legs felt like molded Jell-O but she managed to follow him down a slope and through a brush of trees. Her breath caught as the sound of a waterfall echoed from the distance. White sand stretched for about five miles before falling into a circle of crystal-clear water. Never had she seen such a sight in Las Vegas. It was a secluded spot. A spot for lovers. And she was there with Linc.

“Let’s sit over there.” With the picnic basket in one hand and her hand firmly in the other Linc led her to a small spot near a huge tree offering shade. If she really concentrated she could dismiss this feeling of elation spreading throughout her body. At best, she could convince herself that it was simply a product of lovemaking afterglow, or his way of seducing her into another night. Both of which she was probably going to fall for. Still, his touch was gentle, his words sweet and her heart way too vulnerable.

He put the picnic basket down then flipped it open to pull out a beach blanket. He chuckled as he pulled out another one of her shopping spree purchases. “Tweety Bird? We’re sitting on a Tweety Bird blanket?”

That had actually been a whimsical find, one she hadn’t planned on him actually seeing. But when he brought up the day at the beach she knew
it would be perfect for lounging with its thick fleece material. “Yup, I have a Tweety Bird fetish.”

He gave her a smoldering look. “There’s nothing wrong with a fetish.”

She looked away as he spread the blanket out. His eyes were different today, like dark windows to his innermost thoughts. She could get lost in those eyes and in this man. And realized with a start that she was already headed down that road. The realist part of her wanted to keep her distance, to preserve her heart. But her heart wanted her to take the plunge and either sink or swim.

“Do you have suntan lotion in here?” he spoke from behind her.

Taking a deep breath she turned. “Sure do.” Sinking down to her knees she leaned over the picnic basket and retrieved the tube.

Linc almost groaned. She might as well just ditch the shorts—they weren’t doing anything to cover body parts too enticing to be displayed. It’s a damn good thing they were on a private beach or he’d spend most of the day fighting off the men bold enough to stare at her.

“You want me to put some on you?” she asked when she’d returned to a sitting position beside him.

“No. I want to put some on you.” He took the bottle from her hands and flipped the top open, needing desperately to get his hands on her.

“That’s not necessary. I put some on already,” she told him.

“The sun is scorching today. I wouldn’t want you to burn.” He poured a generous portion in his hand. “Turn around,” he instructed.

She took a moment to consider his words then acquiesced. “Okay, I guess a little more couldn’t hurt.” She turned so that her back faced him.

Rising up on his knees Linc gently smoothed the cool lotion onto her warm skin—soft and tempting didn’t begin to describe it. His fingers moved over her shoulder blades, slowly inching down. Lifting the thin strap of her top, he covered her middle back, gradually massaging down her spine and over her rib cage. Squeezing more lotion into his hand, his jaw clenched as he moved farther down her torso until brushing the rim of her shorts.

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