Love Me Tonight - Four Erotic Romance Stories for Valentine's Day - Boxed Set (2 page)

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Authors: Kandi Kayne,Mimi Strong,Catou Martine,Cassia Leo

BOOK: Love Me Tonight - Four Erotic Romance Stories for Valentine's Day - Boxed Set
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“Good morning, Mrs. Maxwell,” he said as he helped me out of the car.

I couldn’t convince the guy to call me Brina. I finally figured out it was because Luke told him he wasn’t allowed to call me by my first name. He didn’t want Perry to get too friendly with me. Luke didn’t fly into fits of rage or argue with me much, but he could be terribly possessive at times. One look at Perry Thompson and one could understand why Luke would hesitate to allow me to get too personal with him.

He was six feet plus two inches of pure muscle, with brown skin that gleamed in the sunlight—not that there was any today. February in Seattle was pretty bleak. It hadn’t started raining yet, but it would before the day was out.

Perry led me to Luke’s boat and helped me up the gangway, all the while glancing around to remain vigilant of photographers. The paparazzi didn’t bother us much while we were dating because Luke was an expert at evading them, but after we married everything changed. The latest story was that I was pregnant again and our marriage was on the rocks. I laughed it off, but Luke didn’t find it very funny. When a photographer got a picture of me sunbathing topless on the deck of Luke’s sailboat—in the middle of the ocean!—Luke took action and hired Perry the next day.

I wandered around the deck, trying to imagine where Luke would hide a clue, then it hit me. I descended the steps into the cabin and Luke was standing next to the bed with his hands behind his back and wearing a cunning smile.

“The hunt is over already?” I asked, as I walked toward him.

He dropped his hands from behind his back and held out another red envelope. “Not yet. This is a clue for where to find your gift on the boat, but I have another gift I want to give you before you begin your search.”

He clasped his hand around my nape and exposed my neck to him. He kissed my neck then worked his way down to the valley between my breasts.

“I’m worried about Lucas,” I said. “My mom hasn’t called.”

“He’s fine.” He pulled my dress up and I raised my arms so he could pull it off. “You won’t need this today,” he whispered, before he took my nipple into his mouth.

He sucked gently, stoking the fire between my legs, then he laid me down on the bed and I watched in the mirror above us as he slipped my panties off. I smiled as he slid down, and his hot lips covered my clit. I looked down as he pulled his head back and looked up into the mirror above us. He moved his head to the side and smirked as he caught a glimpse of me in the mirror.

“Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, before he buried his face in me again.

His tongue swirled around my clit, massaging me, and flicking me in a slow, delicious rhythm. I let out a deep sigh as my body relaxed. He thrust his tongue inside me a few times, and I gasped as he licked his way back up to my swollen nub.

“Keep going,” I begged.

He sucked me gently then thrust two fingers inside me as he lightly tickled my clit bringing me down hard into a shattering orgasm. He kept his mouth on me and his fingers inside me until I begged him to stop.

He chuckled as he slid over me and kissed me hard. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mrs. Maxwell.” He stood from the bed then picked up at the red envelope I dropped on the floor. “I’ll see you at the final stop. It shouldn’t take you long to get there.”

I opened the red envelope and found a picture of the inside of a drawer with a key lying inside. I recognized it as the inside of the drawer in the small galley kitchen on the boat. I didn’t bother getting dressed as I plodded into the kitchen and began opening drawers. The third drawer I opened had the key.

It was a simple gold key. It could be used for anything: a house, an office, a safe. That was it. Luke had a safe on the boat. I made my way back past the bed and toward the seating area. I lifted one of the cushioned seats and stuck the key in the safe. I heaved open the door and found a plain white box tied with a red satin ribbon.

I pulled the box out, locked the safe, and replaced the cushion. When I opened the box, I found a beautiful cream knee-length organza dress with a red leather belt. The belt did not go with the strappy silver wedges I’d worn with the black dress Luke just pulled off me, but if this was what he wanted me to wear I could sacrifice a bit of fashion sense just today—especially after the glorious orgasm he just gave me.

I changed quickly then opened another red envelope I’d found tucked in the folds of the dress. This one contained a picture of Greene’s Coffee and Tea: the location of our first date.


When Perry pulled into the parking lot at Greene’s, I told him to wait in the car. I would only be a minute.

I entered the café and instantly felt out of place in my fancy dress. After a few seconds where everyone ogled me, they issued their standard greetings. At least everyone here still called me Brina. Nine months married to Luke and I still hadn’t gotten used to being Mrs. Maxwell so, of course, Luke found every opportunity to call me by my married name.

“Hi, Brina,” Lany called out to me from behind the café counter.

She was actually smiling and waving a red envelope over her head. Lany got over her jealousy of my relationship with Luke once we got married and she realized there was absolutely no chance, not a million years, that she would ever get her hands on him.

I guess I could be a bit possessive of Luke as well.

“Hi, Lany,” I said, as I reached the counter and took the envelope from her hand. 

Then she pulled from behind her back a single red rose in full bloom. Before I could take it from her, she chopped off the stem with scissors so the stem was just a few inches long.

"What the hell, Lany?"

"Luke told me to do that. He said the flower is for your hair."

I take the rose from her and tuck the stem behind my ear. “Did he give you any clues as to where I’m going next?”

She shook her finger at me. “Nuh-uh. I’m not telling, but I’ll give you a hint: I’m super jealous.”

“That’s not a hint, that’s your default state.”

She smiled as she shoved my shoulder a bit harder than a friendly shove ought to be. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, as I turned and waved at everyone as I exited the café.

I opened the envelope in the car and pulled out a photo of Luke and me lying in our bed at home. It was a picture he’d taken of us with his phone the morning after our wedding, when we woke for the first time as husband and wife. Just seeing the picture gave me butterflies.

Perry reached into the back of his Mercedes and pulled from the back seat another white box tied with more red ribbon. “This is for you.”

I opened the box. Inside rested a gorgeous pair of peep-toe pumps I’d seen in a magazine the other day while Luke and I were lying in bed reading. I'd swooned over them and he'd made fun of me for being a typical girl. He remembered. And they went perfect with this dress and this belt. He had to have had some help picking out this dress.

“Turn the picture over,” Perry said in his deep voice.

I turned it over and I saw this famous saying written in Luke’s messy scrawl: There’s no place like home.

“He said I’m not allowed to take you home until you put on those shoes and click your heels together while you read that out loud three times.”

I looked at Perry incredulously and he smiled big showing all his perfect white teeth. “He would do something like that.” I slipped the red shoes on and planted my feet on the floor of the car then clicked my heels together. “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.”

Perry cackled so hard I thought he was going to burst a lung.

“Ha, ha. Can you take me home now?”

Perry shook his head as he tried to compose himself. “He never said you had to do that, but I couldn’t resist.”

I punched him in the arm and he continued to cackle as he pulled out of Greene’s parking lot.

When I entered the house, I was surprised to hear the sound of cartoons coming from the living room. I walked through the foyer and found Luke stretched out on the sofa with Lucas asleep in his arms.

“What happened? Is he okay?”

A million scenarios went through my mind as to why Lucas would be home early: my parents got sick of his fussiness; he was running a high fever; he fell off their bed and cracked his head open.

Luke shushed me as he glanced over his shoulder. He pointed the remote at the TV to turn it off as I came around the sofa. Lucas’s chubby cheek was mushed against Luke’s solid chest—it was no surprise Lucas preferred sleeping on Mommy.

I sat next to Luke and softly stroked Lucas’s head. “What happened?” I whispered.

“I was going to take you to Vegas, but then I realized that no matter where I took you, it would just seem like a cliché and neither one of us would be as happy as we are when we’re at home together.”

I smiled as I realized we both had the same idea. “Do you know what I was going to give you for Valentine’s Day?”

“A watch?”

“Very funny. I was actually going to cook for you and give you the best blow job you’ve ever had in your life.”

“Better than the one you gave me last night?”

“Even better.”

“What the fuck did I do to deserve you?”

“You gave me three orgasms last night and one beautiful child last year. Not to mention this dress and these shoes. What the hell, Luke? Did you pick these out?”

He smiled as he looked me up and down. “I had some help from Reese.” Reese Maxwell was Luke’s gorgeous fraternal twin sister. “She picked out the dress, but I remembered the shoes.”

“I’m awfully dressed up to go nowhere.”

“Dinner’s in the oven and the table is already set… on the bed.”

I let out an adoring sigh. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“You carried this spawn,” he said, as he laid a soft kiss on Lucas’s forehead. “And you carry my heart. I have to treat you right so you don’t drop it. That’s why I called Josh and told him he’s not allowed to call me after six p.m. After six I belong to you.”

“Do you want me to put him down?”

“I can do it. You get the dinner ready. It’s just some take-out I picked up on the way home.”

I set up our Chinese take-out on fancy plates then placed them on the breakfast trays he laid on top of the bed. I cracked open a bottle of champagne, and by the time I got to the bedroom with our drinks, Luke was in the bedroom setting the trays of food on the floor.

“I thought we were going to eat?”

He took a glass of champagne from me and held it up. “What shall we toast to?”

“How about we toast to gorgeous red shoes and deliciously looooong blow jobs?”

“I’ll toast to that.”

We clinked our glasses together and he downed his entire glass. I took a small sip of mine then made my way toward the nightstand on the other side of the bed.

“What are you doing?” he asked, as he followed me.

“I'm taking my pill.”

“Take it when we're done,” he said, as he grabbed my glass and gulped down the rest of my champagne.

He dropped the glass on the carpet and gave me that smoldering look that always got him whatever he wanted. I reached for his belt buckle.

“I knew you weren’t hungry,” he said, as he reached behind me to unzip my dress.

“Oh, I’m hungry all right, just not for Chinese.”

I pushed him onto the bed as my dress dropped to the floor and he stared up at me wide-eyed. I licked my lips as I watched his erection grow inside his boxer briefs.

“That is so hot,” he said, as I kicked my dress aside and knelt before him.

I slid his briefs down and tossed them aside as I breathed his scent. I raked my fingers down his chest as I positioned myself between his legs. I wrapped my fingers around the head of his beautiful erection and slid my hand down to stretch the skin nice and taut. I could sense the tension in his body as I licked the moisture off the tip.

“Mmm….” I hummed.

“Baby, you’re teasing me.”

I licked my lips then wrapped them over my teeth as I took him into my mouth. He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth and I slowly pulled my head back. I sucked gently on the tip then licked my way down to his balls. I took one into my mouth and sucked as I gently massaged it with my tongue.

“Oh, fuck,” he moaned. “That feels good.”

I pumped my fist slowly up and down his cock as I paid the other ball some attention then ran my tongue down the underside of his sac. I licked my way back up to his glorious erection and took him fully into my mouth.

“Oh, yeah.”

I bobbed my head about ten times before I pulled my head back and swirled my tongue around the sensitive ridge, paying close attention to the bottom side.

“I don’t think I can take much more of this,” he groaned, as he reached down and pulled me up so I straddled him. “Sorry, baby, but I just want to be inside you.”

I eased myself down onto his cock as I kissed him. His hands roamed over my breasts and my back before coming to rest on my waist. He lifted me up and down on top of him as I kissed the column of his throat.

“I love you so much,” he said, as I took his face in my hands. “I will never do anything to jeopardize that.”

“I love you, too, babe.” I kissed him hard as he came. “Let’s try to do this date thing at least once a month.”

“Okay, but only if you promise me one thing.” He leaned his forehead against mine, panting as his cock throbbed inside me. “I want one more baby.”

I grazed my fingers down his neck and over his chest before I kissed him slowly. He grabbed my butt and just like that his erection began to grow inside me. He flipped me roughly onto my back and slid me further up the bed.

“Is that a yes?” he asked, as his hand slid under my knee and he sank deep into me.

I gasped and dug my fingernails into his back. “Oh, yes,” I breathed. “That’s a big yes.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”

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