Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (63 page)

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Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

BOOK: Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3
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No more time to change the tune.


When you’re finally broken

There’s no last minute reprieve

No harsh words remain unspoken

All that’s left to do is grieve.


After the last notes on the guitar faded, for a couple of heartbeats there was complete silence. Even the bartenders stopped slinging drinks. Then their line buddy, Matt let out a long appreciative whistle which his pal Joseph echoed. The spell broken, the place erupted with thundering foot stomping applause.




IN BLACK SWEATS and a grey sweat stained t-shirt, hair still damp from his workout, Marcus stood over her. She lay sprawled out across the middle of the bed on her stomach, one arm over her head, both bare shoulders peeking out above the line of the grey silk sheets. He clenched his teeth so tight together that a muscle spasm twitched in his jaw. A web of her flame colored hair covered all of her face except for her full lips which were parted. Even as furious as he was, she tempted him. He took a couple of deep breaths before sinking down on the mattress beside her.

She stirred.

Avery,” he said but she didn’t move. “Avery,” he tried again, a little more forcefully.

She moaned and covered up her face with the feather pillow.

“Wake up.” He placed a hand on the creamy soft skin of her shoulder and swallowed before gently shaking her.

“Ugh. What time is it?” she asked voice muffled underneath the pillow.

“Ten.” He sighed. “Get up. I need to talk to you.”

She tossed the pillow aside, flipped over, and leaned back on her elbows, squinting over at the clock. Marcus’ gaze automatically drifting down to her bare breasts and tapered waist. His mouth went dry. Maybe talking her into sleeping in the nude hadn’t been such a brilliant idea. He forced himself to look away.

“Come back to bed,” she said, moving over to the edge on her knees and wrapping her arms around his middle.

“I’m all sweaty from working out,” he grumbled, untangling from her arms. “And anyway, that’s not why I woke you.”

The ominous tone of his voice must have gotten through to her. She sat up straight and clutched the sheet to her chest. A worried frown thinned her full rose tinted lips. “What’s going on?”

“You tell me.” Marcus tossed his cell on the bed next to her and stood. She picked it up. “What,” she started and then stopped as she saw the picture on the display. She flipped through the rest. She glanced up at him with her auburn brows drawn down into a v. “Who sent you these?”

“Beth. Apparently we have a bit of a PR issue on our hands.” He looked at her, blue eyes narrowed. “You wanna tell me what that’s all about, Avery? His voice rose. “What exactly were you doing in Ty’s hotel room?”

She swung her legs off the bed and stood wrapping the sheet around her like a sarong. “It was nothing, Marcus. I can’t believe you’d buy into that crap. Especially considering we made love after I got home last night.”

“Those pictures certainly lend a different impression.” He stood, spine stiff, arms crossed over his chest. “Looks like you were flirting with Ty at the Venue. You had your lips less than an inch away from his neck.” His expression turned dark.

She shook her head vehemently.

“Avery. You were photographed going into a hotel room with that man whore. Are you saying you didn’t?” he asked, his voice rough with emotion.

“I did!” she shouted, hands fisted tight. “But I was with Justin and the rest of the band the whole time. We just wanted to jam out with them.” She gave him a steady level stare. “You should know better than anyone how the media likes to misconstrue things.” She closed her eyes briefly and then opened them, her voice no longer defensive. “I guess I should have thought about that before I agreed to go.” She took a hesitant step closer to him. “I’m sorry. I’m still not used to being followed around by the press.”

He studied her beautiful face for a moment. Her emerald eyes were wide and shining with emotion. He snaked out an arm and crushed her hard against his chest.

Her breath blew out in a rush.

“I believe you. I’m sorry I got so mad. It was just a real sucker punch in the gut to get those pictures from Beth first thing this morning. And,” he swallowed, “just the thought of you with another guy makes me crazy.”

She snorted and leaned back to run her fingers down the defined line of his jaw. “Like another guy could compete.” She took a step back, arched an auburn brow, and unfastened the sheet from around her breasts.

Marcus watched it billow to the floor before his eyes returned to her body, taking in each and every sensual curve and contour of her naked form. His lips tilted into a slow smile. He reached for her but was surprised when she took another step backward further out of his reach.

She gave him a mischievous grin just before she darted past him. “Meet you in the shower.”




AVERY FELT THE heat of Marcus’ hand on the small of her back as they descended the short row of stairs into the private entrance of Blue Water Grill. Word had gotten out where the private dinner for the sponsors of the tour would take place. The front entrance of the upscale restaurant in Yaletown was swamped with paparazzi and fans. It seemed as though everything she or Marcus did somehow became public knowledge.

He held the door open for her. The warmth flooding from inside the basement was a welcome contrast to the nip of the late night air. He helped her shrug out of the car length coat she wore, handing it over to the hat check girl.

“Thanks,” she returned, turning around to face him.

“Hell no, Avery!” Marcus exclaimed as he took in her outfit.

“What’s wrong?” She feigned an innocent expression, understanding full well his objections.

He raised a dark brow and leaned in close, trailing his index finger underneath the braided silver chain and following its path over her bare skin down to where it ended just below her breasts. “You’re a little exposed here.” He began to fasten the buttons of the silk blouse she was wearing underneath the black mohair vest.

“Marcus Anthony,” Samantha Daniels admonished walking up with her hand on her hips. “Leave her alone. She looks fantastic.”

“I take it you’re the one responsible for talking her into wearing this.” Marcus turned to glare at Black Cat’s PR intern.

The petite woman shook her head. “Avery picked it out. You know just as well as I do. She makes her own decisions. I just helped her accessorize.”

“If she turns the wrong way, someone’s gonna get an eyeful, Sam.” Marcus resumed fastening buttons. Avery put her hand over his when he got to the one between her breasts. “I think that’s good enough, Marcus.”

“Mary’s in the Ocean room at the end of the hall,” Sam told him. “She wants you to see you.”

Marcus closed his eyes briefly. “Ok.” He kissed the side of Avery’s mouth and then pulled his thumb across her bottom lip, parting it. “No leaning over,” he warned.

Watching him walk away, Avery’s frown transformed into a distracted smile. He looked really good in those low pocketed jeans.

“Avery,” Sam called pulling on her arm.


“The necklace looks much better when it actually lies against your skin.” She pointed at Avery’s chest.

“Yeah, I know.”

“He’s a little controlling, huh?”

“You could say that,” Avery admitted. “He went ballistic this morning about some innocent pictures of me and Ty from Cold Snake.” She shook her head, the large hoop earrings she wore brushing against her jaw. “And all we did was jam together.”

“I saw those pics.” She raised a shaped brow. “I can see how he might have thought otherwise.”

“The media is becoming like a third person in our relationship.” Avery blew out a breath. “I guess I better get used to it.”

Sam nodded and took a step back looking Avery over, hand under her chin. “The brown leather pants look great with the green silk. And those suede ankle boots! Are they Michael Kors?”

“Yeah. I got ‘em yesterday.”

“Love, love them,” Sam drew out.

“You’re a bad influence,” Avery said with a half-smile. “Marcus says I’m going to need my own closet soon.”

“Fashion’s fun though, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess. I never gave much thought to what I wore before, but Mary wants me to work harder on my image. So, I might as well pick things out I like.” She tugged at the low waistband of the hip hugging pants. “These are so tight, though, I couldn’t even fit my cell in the pocket.”

“I don’t think you would hear it in here anyway. It’s pretty loud down between all the guests and the BS tunes piping in through the sound system.” She shrugged and pulled on Avery’s hand. “Come on. I’ll take you around and introduce you to some people.”

“Thanks, Sam. Avery sighed. “I looked through the packet of stuff you sent over and tried to learn all of their names but there were just too many.”

“No worries. That’s what friends and good PR women are for.”

Avery gave Samantha’s hand a squeeze. “How are things with you and JR?” she asked as they strode down the empty basement corridor side by side.

“Good. Real good.” Sam’s face lit up with a beautiful smile. “He’s a bit stressed out about being apart for three weeks though.”

“Duh,” Avery remarked. “Marcus has definitely been stressed about the tour. And we’re going together. JR’s gonna really miss you.” Avery stopped. “And so will I.”

Sam got a funny look on her face that Avery couldn’t decipher. “Me, too,” she eventually said.

After working their way around the Atlantic Room with its blue glass sculptured ceiling and exposed red brick walls, Avery’s face hurt from smiling so much. She never realized how many people had a hand in a big road tour, but she had just shaken about every one of them tonight.

Sam pulled her toward another room that was similarly appointed. Noticing the look on Avery’s face, she whispered, “Only one more after this. Mary has some announcements for the top sponsors, then dinner, and then you’ll be done.”

“Great,” Avery sighed.

Forty-five minutes later, Sam and Avery finally entered the Ocean Room. It was the largest of the private rooms, holding about eighty, with smoky sphere chandeliers hanging down from the exposed brown duct work and a kitchen and bar of its own.

Avery spotted Marcus across the room and gave him a weary look. One side of his mouth crooked up into a lopsided smile. Her heart ached in her chest. It was strange how the smallest things about him made her love him so much.

Next to him, Mary was decked out in a beaded black cocktail dress. Marcus leaned over and whispered something in her ear. She glanced across the room at Avery and nodded. “Ok, everyone,” she announced in a commanding voice, tapping a knife against a crystal wine glass. “Can I have the members of Brutal Strength up here in front with me?”

Avery, JR, and Dwight moved to stand beside her at the head of the two long tables as the evening’s VIPs turned their attention to Black Cat’s CEO.

“First, I want to thank you all for coming tonight and for sponsoring Brutal Strength on their latest tour. Given the number of you present tonight, I would dare say that interest in the band is at an all-time high.” She paused while the light laughter played out. “I’d like to take this opportunity to make a couple of important announcements. First after careful consideration, I’ve selected a tour manager. She’s young but very capable. Samantha Daniels, can you come forward?”

Avery’s gaze flew to her friend’s face. Sam’s smile was huge as she crossed the room. As she passed Avery to stand next to Mary, polite applause filling the room, Avery hissed in her ear, “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”

Sam grinned.

Avery glanced down the line at JR. The BS drummer’s mossy green eyes were shining with pride and adoration for the young intern who everyone knew had stolen his heart.

“Ok, folks, one more announcement and then we can all enjoy the delicious food Blue Water has provided.” Mary turned to Marcus. “I’ll let you make this one, since it was your idea.”

“Close your eyes, Ace,” he whispered, pulling Avery close to his side.

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