Read Love Song Series Box Set Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Love Song Series Box Set (32 page)

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“What’re you talking about? What’s this got to do with Jenny?” Julie asks.

“Do you want to tell her?” Jase asks, and then continues on after I shake my head no. “Then, I’m gonna have to. She has to know. She has to know what you’ve done for us.”

“Please, no!” I scream, fearing my best friend’s reaction when she finds out what I’ve done.

“What are you two talking about?” Brandon growls out, clearly frustrated with the secrets Jase and I share.

Jase’s gaze moves to his. “It took me awhile, but I finally figured it out. I know why she let him keep hurting her.”

I can feel the tension running through Brandon’s body when he asks, “What’s he talking about, Bethany?”

Visions of my sweet little Jenny float through my mind as I whisper. “Dean made me… he made me do things.”

“I know, baby.”

I try to pull away, but again, he refuses to let me. Held close to his body, I finally tell my deepest secret of all. “It didn’t stop when I grew up. He kept hurting me, until I moved to Cromwell.”

“What?” Brandon asks, his voice so low that I can barely hear it.

I stay quiet, not sure I can say the words out loud. Finally, Jase leaves me no choice. “You tell them why, or I will.”

Closing my eyes, refusing to look at anyone as I bare my soul, I tell everything. “I moved out the day I turned eighteen. I had saved enough money to live on my own until I started college. Luckily, that was only a month and a half away.”

Taking in a fortifying breath, I continue with my story. “I didn’t see my parents or Dean much for two years. He was gone to Duke to go medical school, so he wasn’t around, and my parents didn’t care enough to visit me. Those were the best two years of my life.”

Opening my eyes, I search the room until I see a red eyed Julie. “I loved living with you and Kristen. Having Jenny there just made it better.”

I go quiet, not really sure what to say next. Brandon gives me a little squeeze. “Finish it, baby.”

“Then, one day, Dean showed up out the blue. It was the day he met Julie. After that, everything was ruined again.” I lift my head and look at Brandon, needing him to understand what I’m about to say. “I tried to tell Julie about him. I swear I did. I just couldn’t. Every time I tried, I would freeze up.”

“I know,” he says gently, moving his hands up and down my back. “I know you did.”

Forgetting that anyone else is the room, I stay focused on him. “Before I knew it, they were married, and he was hurting her just like he did me. I tried to make him stop. I threatened to go to the police, but he just laughed. He knew that Father would get him out of trouble again. He was right. Father did. Time and time again, all of Dean’s crimes were swept under the rug.”

“I don’t understand,” Brandon asks in voice with confusion and care. “What does this have to do with Jenny?”

Even though he didn’t say it, I also knew he was wondering what it had to do with my relationship with Dean. “After they were married for a few years, Dean came to me to make a deal.”

I can hear Julie gasp before moving to stand by the end of the couch. “What did he do to you?”

I slowly turn my head to look at her. “He made me do things… do things with him. I didn’t want to, but it was either her or me.”

Julie’s face turns white as the meaning of my words sink in. “Oh my God! No, Bethany. Please tell me that isn’t true.”

“I had to protect her.” As I say the words, I feel a shudder run through Brandon’s body.

I look up and see his eyes glistening. There are no tears, but they are being held back by sheer will. “She was just a little girl. I couldn’t let her be hurt.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? We could’ve left,” Julie asks through hiccupping breaths.

“I was afraid.”

“Of what?” Brandon asks, his voice strained.

I wiggle in his lap until I’m facing Julie. “He said if I told you, he would do worse than just hurt you. I didn’t know if he would really do it, but I couldn’t take the chance. It was entirely my fault that you were with him.”

“No, that’s not true,” Jase says, leaving no room for argument. “None of this is your fault.”

“Jase is right. You didn’t do anything wrong,” Brandon says as he leans down places his forehead against mine. “You are the bravest woman I have ever met. You’re my little warrior.”

I slowly close my eyes and let the tears fall without even trying to stop them. “I would do anything to protect Julie and Jenny.”

“I know, baby. Believe me, I know,” he whispers as he pulls back just enough to touch his lips to mine. “And, I will do anything to protect you.”

Slowly, he pulls away and settles against the back of the couch. Bringing my head to the crook of his neck, he starts to rub slow circles over my back. Within seconds, I feel my eyelids grow heavy again. This time, I don’t fight it as the blackness takes over.

Chapter Eight

The sound of the door opening and shutting wakes me up. As I open my eyes, I find myself staring at the scar on the side of Brandon’s face. It’s an angry red color, letting me know that it hasn’t completely healed. Without thinking, I raise my hand and run my finger across the puckered skin. He jumps at my touch but doesn’t move to remove my hand. “Did this happen in the accident?”

Nodding, he replies. “Yes, but I’m not sure how. I was knocked unconscious as soon as the bomb went off.”

“I’m so sorry about your friends.” I’m not sure why I say it, but I mean it just the same.

“They weren’t my friends. They were my brothers.” His is voice is rough but not harsh. It’s as if talking about them is nearly impossible, and he has to force the words past his lips.

Sitting up, I cup his scarred cheek. Repeating his actions from earlier, I place my lips on his. “I’m sorry about your brothers.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, he is kissing me, not a gentle peck but something fierce and aggressive; a claiming kiss. His lips devour mine as his tongue enters my mouth. A soft caress to the inside of my mouth has me squirming against his chest. The kiss goes on and on, leaving us both breathless and wanting more. Yes, for the first time in my life, I want a man to touch me.

Pulling back, I say the only thing I can think of. “Wow.”

An arrogant smile crosses his lips. “My thoughts exactly.”

A throat clears, and I jerk my head to the doorway leading into the kitchen. When I see Shane standing there, staring at us, I nearly jump from Brandon’s lap. Only his arms, wrapped around me like a vice, keep me in place.

“Julie asked me to come get you two,” Shane says, looking at Brandon before his eyes settle on me. I see a slight bit of jealousy in them, but mostly, I see acceptance.

“We’ll be right in,” Brandon answers before placing a kiss against my temple.

At any other time, by any other person, I would think the kiss was meant as a friendly gesture, but right now, I know it’s Brandon’s way of telling Shane that I am his. When I sag against his body, resting my head on his shoulder, it’s my way of telling Shane that Brandon is also mine.

Shane’s eyes flare before he gives me a slight smile. “Well, at least I don’t have to watch Twilight now.”

I let out a laugh, something I wasn’t sure I would ever do again. That right there is why I adore Shane. He is a good man, and someday, he will find a good woman, but she won’t be me. “If you think you’re getting out of watching Twilight, you are crazy.”

“Fine, but this time, you’re paying for dinner.” He chuckles before turning around and walking back into the kitchen.

Brandon’s arms tighten around me again. “I hope you know, you’re not going on any more dates with him.”

“Why not?” Yes, I’m fishing. I want to hear the words. I need for him to say it.

“Because you are mine. You have been since the first time Julie showed me your picture.”

“What?” I ask, shocked by his words.

“Right after she moved in with you and Kristen, she sent me a picture of the three of you. As soon as I saw the sexy little red head with the shy smile, I knew I was gonna make her mine.”

“But, you didn’t like me when we first met.” I hate to even bring up that day, but I need to understand what he is saying.

“Yes, I did. When you told me your name, it made me think of your brother. I know it’s no excuse for acting like a complete jackass, but it’s the truth.”

“I’m sorry about De...”

“Don’t.” He stops me before I can go on. “I don’t want you to ever say you are sorry for something that fucker did again.”

“But, you said….”

Again, he cuts me off. “I said a lot of shit, but that was all it was. Shit. I wasn’t mad at you. I was pissed as fuck at myself. I felt like I should’ve protected Julie and Jenny, and I didn’t. I took that anger out on you, and for that, I’m sorry.”

I start to reply, but stop when Julie sticks her head in the room. “Are you two coming in here?”

“Yeah, sis,” he says as he lifts me from his lap, holding onto me until my feet are firmly planted on the floor. “Are you ready for this?”

I look toward Julie then back to him. “I don’t know what’s going on.”

When I fell asleep, there was only the four of us in the house. Judging by the sounds coming from the kitchen, I would guess there is now a house full.

“Julie’s boss is here. He wants to speak with you about what your parents have planned.”

“They don’t know, do they?” I ask almost frantically as my mind goes over all the things that were talked about earlier. There’s no way I can go in there if everyone knows what has happened in my past.

Wrapping his hand around mine, he starts to shake his head. “No, and they never will.”

I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and nearly collapse with relief. “Yeah, I’m ready.” As we walk into the kitchen, I see Julie’s boss, Mr. Friedman, sitting at the table and shuffling papers around. Shane is standing near the back door, talking quietly on the phone, and Jase is holding Julie in his arms. She isn’t crying any longer, but judging by her puffy eyes, I doubt her tears stopped very long ago.

“Alright, what’s going on?” Brandon asks as he leans against the doorjamb and pulls my back flush to his front.

Without looking up, Julie’s boss starts to talk. “According to District Attorney Miller, Lillian Daniels has sent paperwork requesting to become Bethany’s Guardian ad litem. The claim has not been filed as of yet. If Bethany does not return to her parents’ home by
Monday, the papers will be filed, and a hearing will be held to decide if she is fit to care for herself.”

“Bullshit!” Brandon says, anger making his body vibrate. “They can’t do this shit.”

“I’m afraid they can. If the court rules in her mother’s favor, she will have to return to Missouri with them,” says Mr. Friedman.

“Do you think they will win?” I ask in a voice only slightly above a whisper.

“I would like to say no, but I’m not sure. According the paperwork your mother sent the District Attorney, you suffer from severe depression and along with proof of multiple hospitalizations for mental instability, so it’s hard to say.”

“I’ve never…” I start to deny his words, but then I realize what he is talking about.

“The suicide attempts. I had to stay in the hospital for three days each time,” I say for Brandon’s ears only.

“But, you were a minor. Nothing like that has happened since you turned eighteen, has it?”

“No. The only time I’ve been in the hospital since I was a teenager is after Dean attacked Julie.”

“Medical records do not fall under the same laws as criminal records. Age does not matter,” Mr. Friedman says, obviously eavesdropping on our conversation.

“That was over ten years ago. Can they really use something that happened back then against her now?” Brandon asks.

“That doesn’t seem right,” Jase pipes in.

Mr. Friedman finally lays the papers down and turns to address the room. “It may not be right, but it is the law.”

“What can we do?” Julie asks.

“Bethany has three choices. She can give up and return to Missouri to live with her parents, where I can only assume legal action will be taken to ensure she is not allowed to leave again.”

“That’s shit’s not happening,” Brandon says, pulling me impossibly tighter.

“She could also take her chances at court. It’s likely that the judge will look at the evidence her mother has and throw the case out.”

“Is that what you think I should do?”

“In any other case, with this type of evidence, that would be my recommendation.” Mr. Friedman pulls his glasses off and starts to clean them with his shirt, an action that seems almost rehearsed.

“But?” Julie asks, wondering why my case is so different.

I know the answer, so I give it to her. “My father.”

“Yes dear, your father. I’m not sure how a judge from a small town in Missouri has so much pull, but he does. Mr. Miller told me that if your father wanted you back in his house, he would get you there.”

“I’ve never understood that either,” Julie says, still leaning against Jase.

“Money,” I tell them, stating the most sensible explanation. “He has a lot of money, enough to buy anything, including me.”

Mr. Friedman lets out a defeated sigh. “I wish I could tell you that money doesn’t matter when it comes to the law, but that’s not always true. I believe we have some good people in our local government, but I cannot guarantee that there isn’t someone who may be willing to take a bribe.”

“I thought that shit only happened in shitty movies,” Shane says, finally adding something to the conversation.

“Looking at the paperwork, I would say it has already happened,” Mr. Friedman says, motioning toward the papers scattered across the table. “It’s the only explanation of how this mockery has gotten as far as it has.”

“You said there was a third an option,” Brandon says, still holding me securely in his arms.

“Well, that option is a little tricky. Some people may even say it’s unethical.”

“If the outcome is me not living with my parents, then I’m okay with unethical.”

Mr. Friedman looks at me in a way that demands my full attention. “If you were married, then your parents would not only have to have you declared incompetent, but also find your husband unfit to care for you.”

I feel Brandon tense behind me, his tension mirroring my own. “You think that would work? She’d be safe if she got married.”

“That would depend on whom she chose to marry. Let’s say the man was a decorated war veteran. Then, I believe her parents wouldn’t stand a chance of winning in court.” He shrugs, remaining quiet long enough to let his words settle in. “We live within an hour of Fort Campbell Army Base. No judge in his right mind would even consider taking a soldier’s spouse away from him.”

Brandon immediately spins around, taking me with him. “We need to talk.”

Not giving me a chance to say a word, he grabs my hand and marches us down the hall. Passing the bathroom, he leads me up the stairs and into my old bedroom. As soon as we step inside, he slams the door and turns to me. “Will you marry me?”

I knew this was coming as soon as Mr. Friedman started talking about marriage. Even before he laid the soldier thing on so thick, I knew Brandon was going to propose. I also knew that I had to say no. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

“What?” he asks, sounding angry and a bit confused. “Why the hell not?”

Just as I open my mouth to explain, he interrupts. “You know what, don’t answer that. I don’t care. I’m not asking. I’m telling you that you are going to marry me.”

I shake my head and back away, stopping only when my back hits the wall. “No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

Anxiety wreaks havoc on my brain, causing me to say things without even realizing it. “I love you too much to let you do this.”

“What?” he asks as he starts walking toward me.

I ignore his question and keep my mind focused on what I’m trying to say. “You deserve to marry someone you love, not someone that you’re trying to protect. You need to find a wom…”

He stops my words by placing a hand over my mouth. “You love me?”

I play back all the things I’ve just said, realizing what I had blurted out. Oh my God, no. I try to speak, but his hand is still blocking my mouth. He slowly moves it, resting it on my jaw. “Do you love me, Bethany?”

“I, uhmm, I…” The words just won’t come out. How can you explain to a man you just met that you have been in love with him for years? After a moment’s hesitation, I decide to go with the truth. “I fell in love with your letters.”

“My letters?” he asks as his eyes take in my face. I can tell he’s trying to read me, to see if I am telling the truth.

“I think I started to fall in love with you the day I read the letter about the football.”

His face becomes confused before he asks, “What football?”

“Julie sent you a football in one of the care packages.”

He tilts his head just a hair before finally nodding. “That was like ten years ago. Maybe longer.”

“It was while we were in college.”

I go silent, so he lifts his chin, letting me know he wants me continue. “A few months later, you sent her a letter. You had given the football to one of the children in Afghanistan.”

He nods again as a faraway look covers his face. “That kid used to watch us play all the time. He didn’t have any toys. He lived in a war zone, he was lucky to have food.”

“I know. You told Julie all that in your letter. You also told her that you gave the football to him, the same football you had asked her to send you because you and your brothers were going crazy with boredom.”

“Anyone would have given it to him.”

I shake my head, knowing he is wrong. “No, not anyone, but you did.”

His eyes focus on my face again. “So you fell in love with me because of a football?”

“No, that was just what started it. There was also the fact that you took the time to write Jenny letters, even when you knew she was too small to read them, or the way you were constantly sending Julie pictures because you wanted her to see what you saw. Mostly, it was because the love you felt for Julie and Jenny jumped off the pages of every single letter I read. I wanted to be loved like that.” I say the last in a whisper, not brave enough to say it any louder.

BOOK: Love Song Series Box Set
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