Love Songs (17 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Marie

Tags: #bestselling author, #5 Prince Publishing, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Bernadette Marie, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Love Songs
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“Ed’s lucky to have her.”

“We all are.” Carlos gave Clara’s arms a squeeze.

Warner began to follow them up the driveway and to the house. “Oh, I forgot the video. It’s in the car. I’ll be in in just a moment.”

Clara nodded and walked through the door with her father and Warner hurried back to the Jeep to get the video.

He also had a little surprise in the glove compartment for Clara.

When he had the video in hand and the small box he headed back to the house as his phone rang. He looked at the screen to see the ID read Jeremy Smith.


“Congratulations! Had no idea that was going to happen.”

“Yeah, kinda goes with the whole thought of eloping.”

He slowed his walk as he approached the house.

“It sure will make for some interesting TV,” Jeremy laughed, but Warner didn’t like that. “Anyway, can you be in my office at ten tomorrow? The others who are doing the show will be here and we need to do some paperwork.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

“Great. And again, congratulations.”

Warner tucked his phone into his pocket and walked into the house where the noise was nearly deafening.

He was greeted immediately by Darcy running to him and throwing her arms around him.

“God! I can’t believe you took her and got married. That is so romantic!” She yelled in his ear.

As soon as Darcy let go of him her Aunt Simone swooped in. “I like your style.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Curtis and I ran away too.”

“And then she left me on a yacht,” Curtis said as he slipped in behind his wife. “We got pregnant though.” He narrowed his eyes on Warner.

“Oh, we just got married.” He tried to smile though the fear that must have resonated in his voice.

Curtis laughed. “Congratulations.”

He hadn’t seen Clara in almost a half hour, by the time he was hugged and congratulated by the entire family. But it hadn’t gone unnoticed that Madeline was the last to walk up to him.

“Congratulations, Warner.” She kissed him hesitantly on the cheek.

“Thank you.” He made sure to catch her eye as she nervously looked around the room. “I love her very much. I’m going to take good care of her.”

Madeline let out a weak laugh. “Oh, honey, I think you’re in for a shock if you think she needs taking care of.”

“I didn’t mean that she did. I mean that I will love her and comfort and protect her for the rest of my life. I hope I didn’t offend you by getting married alone.”

Madeline shook her head. “I mean, she is my only daughter, I won’t lie that it stung a little.”

“I understand. I do have something for you though.”

He reached into his back pocket and pulled the CD case out. “I had this made for you and Mr. Keller. She was so beautiful and the night was so magical I knew she’d want to share it with you.”

Madeline tucked in her lips and batted away the tears that were threatening to fall. “I saw her on TV. I know that the wedding was leaked out by someone, but I agree. She looked beautiful.”

Warner pulled his new mother-in-law in for a hug and saw his wife smiling at him from across the room.

“Excuse me,” he said softly to Madeline. “I have a gift for my beautiful wife.”

He kissed his mother-in-law on the cheek and walked toward Clara.

“She’s sad, isn’t she?” Clara asked him.

“You’re her only daughter.”

“Damnit. I don’t want her sad.”

He caressed her cheek. “She’s fine. Listen I have something for you.”

Warner pulled the small box out of his pocket and handed it to her.

“What is this?”

“Open it.”

Clara opened the small box and inside was a gold band etched with musical notes and a treble clef.

He took the ring out of the box. “I saw it when we landed in Nashville and since I didn’t buy you a ring, I thought this would be a good starter for now.”

He slid it on her finger and noticed that the room had gone silent.

“Warner, it’s perfect.”

“We make beautiful music together and I don’t just mean when we sing.”

Clara wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re right. And no matter what we will always be in tune.”

Warner kissed her softly. Who would have thought Warner Wright would have fallen into such a perfect moment in his life?

His phone buzzed in his pocket again, this time a text message.

Interesting move WW. Did you knock her up? Just like your daddy aren’t you?

Clara held on to him, as she looked at her ring. “Who was that?”

“No one.” And he truly meant it.




Chapter Fifteen


Clara had taken her time rolling out of bed. Warner had already left for his meeting with Jeremy Smith. Arianna had told Clara to take the week and enjoy her time as a newlywed, but she did expect her back as soon as the set was taken down. They had work to do. They always did a new talent showcase in November and that was coming up. And Clara had helped put the cast together for their next production, she had to be part of getting rehearsals together.

It was old hat, but a part of her longed to just follow Warner around and write songs with him. In time.

At ten-thirty her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the phone number, but she never was one to let a call be missed.


“Clara Keller?” the man on the other end of the line asked.


“My name is Tom Wheeler. I represent Savannah.”

Clara’s hands shook. This was the call. This was Warner’s turn at the big time. She’d heard his songs and now she wanted him. Why he was calling her, she had no clue. Perhaps he thought she represented him. In a way she did.

“Yes, sir. How are you?”

“I’m well thank you. I know this is short notice, but I was wondering if it would be possible to meet with you over lunch.”

“I could make arrangements for that. What day are you looking at?” She was trying to sound as professional as she possibly could.

“Today at twelve. The Tavern on Broadway.”

“Today?” She looked down at herself still in her lounge pants and tank top. “Sir, that would be fine. I’ll be there at noon, but Warner is in a meeting today. I won’t be able to bring him with me.”

“Yes, we know. We want to meet with you.”

The line went dead and Clara stood there and stared at the phone.

She was his wife and as such she would represent him the best she could. He was about to have his dreams come true.




Warner sat in Jeremy Smith’s office with the other people that were featured on the TV show. There were two performers looking for recording contracts, and three song writers looking to sell their music, and then there was Warner. They had made it clear they had wanted him for his writing talent, but now that they’d heard him they thought that perhaps he would be perfect to spotlight with his performing too.

He’d cringed when he’d heard the name Patricia Little come up more than once, but he was going to keep his cool. Not one foul word was going to come from his lips in regards to the woman.

“We’re going to get preliminary interviews done today with you all. You’ll go into the studio and we will film you talking about your career and what you’re looking to do here,” Jeremy said from behind his massive desk. “We’re going to embed you into the Nashville music scene and people are going to know who you are.”

“Great. Are any of us going to get air time next to the stepchild of Cruella DeVille?”

Warner’s spine grew straighter, but Jeremy’s hand came up. “Mr. Wright here is a very accomplished performer and song writer. Ms. Little’s characterization on him is a little off balance.”

“Doesn’t matter. Seems to me he’s going to get double the air time. Our show—her show.”

Warner clenched his hands at his side in his chair.

Jeremy shook his head. “Show business, man. Nothing is fair.”

They were dismissed, but Warner didn’t like the way it all went down. Already there was a wall between him and the others. But what did it matter, right? Get his music out there and make it big, then he could treat Clara to the world. She deserved the world at her feet.

“Warner,” Jeremy called him back to his desk. “Don’t let them get to you. They know what kind of talent you have and their feelings are wearing on their sleeves.”

Warner nodded. “As long as this show doesn’t need me bad mouthing Patricia Little then we’re fine. She has her demons to live with and I have a career to build.”

A crooked grin formed on Jeremy’s mouth. “High road, huh?”

“Best one, I figure.”

“She bought out one of the leading record groups that we have looking at songs.”

Warner shrugged. “I figure you knew that going in and you still wanted me here.”

“I hold out that she’s one serious pain in the ass. I don’t like what she did to my show.”

“Then don’t make this one about her either. She’ll eat it up if you do.”

Jeremy nodded. “You’re right. By the way, your new wife has quite a talent of her own. Is that going to be a problem between you two?”

“Don’t see how it could be. She’s my partner in what we do.”

“What if she breaks into the industry sooner than you do? I mean she has been performing in Nashville since she was thirteen.”

Warner tucked his thumbs into his front pockets. “How many shows does this run? Ten?” Jeremy nodded. “I figure I’ve got one helluva shot. And if she’s lucky enough to get a shot too, all the better. But I know that she’s headed back to the theater next week to do what she loves to do. None of this,” he held up his hands as if the office encompassed all of Nashville, “comes second to my marriage.”

“I like your style, Warner. Regardless of the success of this show, I think you’re going to be just fine.”

“Been on my own most my life. It’s nice to have a partner to go home to when the lights that are forced on you are turned off.”

He left the office and headed for the studio. No matter what the man said, Warner still felt as though Jeremy Smith had hoped he’d roll over on Patricia Little. But if he was going to walk with the big boys in Nashville, he wasn’t going to do it by smearing her name. She was doing a fine job all by herself.




Clara had quickly showered and dressed as professionally as she could. Then she headed out the door toward Music Row.

As she parked she took in the ambiance which was one of the most famous areas in the nation. So much music was recorded in this area and so many artists walked the streets. Others walked them too, hoping someday they’d be recording music. She’d never given thought to being a recording artist. Truly she’d only thought she’d sing on the stage at her aunt’s theater. But singing on stage with Warner was a different feel. She loved the feeling of performing and the audience participating. And doing that with her husband was even better.

Husband. Oh how she loved that. She was Mrs. Warner Wright. Who would have thought that would have happened when he pulled up in that beat up truck and called out to her in the middle of the street?

Tom Wheeler was an impressive looking man with the perfect hair and an expensive suit. Handsome by most standards, but Ed had been right, had Clara married a suit she’d be miserable.

He stood as she approached the table. It was then that she realized he had been one of the people at the table with Savannah and Jeremy Smith when she and Warner performed the other night.

“I’m glad you could meet me on such short notice.”

“My pleasure,” Clara said sitting down across from the man.

He was easy at making small talk. They ordered their lunches and he had two more Jack and Cokes, but she’d assumed he’d already had a few.

She was half way through her lunch before Tom said, “Well, let’s get down to why I asked you to meet me.”

Good, she thought. It was time to represent Warner Wright. She smiled again, her husband.

“Jeremy had asked us to join him the other night when you and Mr. Wright performed.”

“Warner, my husband.”

Tom nodded. “I wasn’t sure that was the truth. So you did get married, huh?”

“We sure did.”


“Thank you.”

He rubbed his chin and leaned in over the table. “This might make my proposition a little awkward.” He sat back and sipped the last of his drink. “He’s starting production on Jeremy’s TV show, correct?”

“Yes, today was their first meeting. I haven’t heard from him yet, but I assume he is still there.”

Tom nodded as though he knew for a fact where Warner was. “Savannah was very impressed with the music you performed the other night.”

“They were all originals from Warner.”

“He certainly has a way with words, doesn’t he?”

She thought about when she’d met him, it hadn’t seemed as though he could even form a sentence then, but he was a master with words. “He most certainly is.”

“He wouldn’t have a problem letting you perform them, would he? Especially since you’re married now.”

Clara dropped her hands to the napkin in her lap and gave it a little twist. “We performed his music just fine before we were married. I’m sure now that we are married we would perform the same music.”

“No,” he let out a little laugh. “I’m specifically saying I want you to perform his music.”

Clara nodded slowly. “Me? Just me?”

“Savannah really liked your style. She thinks you would be perfect for her. She’d like to have you open for some of her shows on her current tour.”


“Is there a problem?”

“Well, yes. No. I mean, I’m an actress.”

“Yes, and you’re an amazing vocal talent and she saw you performing on stage singing original material and she likes you.”

“But Warner?”

“This is the
Woman On Top Tour
. The only men on this tour are crew.”


He signaled the waitress to bring him another drink. “You.”

She hadn’t been prepared for this. Where were the simple days of putting on a red wig and black Mary Janes?

Tom explained the logistics of the tour while he sipped on his new drink. She'd be almost a side show act at ten of the thirty cities, but it did mean she'd be on the road for almost a month.

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