Love Storm (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer McNare

BOOK: Love Storm
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She felt like she was burning up as Ryan’s other hand
drifted along her waist and then moved around to her back as he pulled her up
against him.
She could hardly contain a
moan of pure pleasure as he then shifted her onto his lap, all the while
kissing her until she was breathless and lightheaded.
Good lord, she thought in the back of her
mind, as much as she’d adored him, Kevin’s kisses had never made her feel like
this, not even close.
Only in her
dreams, when it had been Ryan kissing her instead of Kevin, had it ever felt
anything even remotely like this.

Straddling Ryan with her breasts pressed tightly against his
rock-solid chest, their lips fused together, and the hot, bubbling water lapping
around them, it was as if all of her dreams and fantasies had finally become
And then, when he gently coaxed
her lips open with the tip of his tongue, it was all she could do to keep from
groaning aloud as he kissed her with an intensity that she’d never truly
experienced before.
She never wanted it
to stop.
She wanted all of it, and
As Ryan’s lips and tongue continued
to ravish her mouth, kissing her into a near mindless state of euphoria,
Brooklyn was only vaguely aware of his hands as they moved to the back of her
bikini top, to the two tiny silver hooks that held it together at the base of
her shoulder blades, and then to the single tie that held it closed around her
It was only when Ryan tugged the
tiny scrap of material from between them and tossed it aside and she felt the
unmistakable brush of her puckered nipples against his bare skin, that she
became fully aware of the fact that she was now naked from the waist up.

As Ryan released her lips, dipping his head to the rounded
curves of her breasts, Brooklyn felt a brief moment’s hesitation as she
realized that things were quickly picking up speed.
But despite her momentary flicker of
apprehension, she knew that she didn’t want him to stop.
And then, when he opened his lips, drawing
one of her taut pink nipples into the hot recesses of his mouth, swirling his
tongue around and around the sensitive peak, she no longer cared.

She’s absolutely perfect Ryan thought to himself as his hand
moved to cup her other breast, while his mouth continued to lavish attention on
the first.
He felt the increasing
movement of her hips and thighs as he kissed and caressed her nipples, her
pelvis brushing back and forth against his throbbing erection, exerting a
torturous, yet exquisite pressure upon his long, rigid shaft.
With his free hand, he reached down and slid
it past the waistband of her bikini bottoms, cupping her rounded bottom with
his palm, pulling her even closer against him.

Brooklyn gasped softly as Ryan’s hand exerted a gentle, but
firm pressure on her derriere, slowly rocking her pelvis back and forth against
his rock-hard erection.
It felt so
incredibly good, even better than she could have imagined.
Although she and Kevin had never gone all the
way, they
done their share of
fooling around, but nothing they had done had ever set her blood on fire, not
like it was now.
She’d tried to explain
it to Julia once, that with Kevin, it had been like the excitement and
anticipation of getting dressed up for an evening out on the town, all the
while knowing that the babysitter was going to call at the last minute to say
that she couldn’t make it.
This however,
was completely different, in more ways than one.

Dropping his hand from her breast, Ryan’s lips trailed a
path of fire up to Brooklyn’s throat, as his free hand joined the other at the
base of her spine, and then slowly began tugging her bikini bottoms downward.

Reality pushed its way through her passion-clouded
“Ryan, wait,” she breathed.

“What’s wrong?”
lips continued to brush along the side of her face, slowly moving downward, but
his fingers stilled.

she said hesitantly.
“It’s just…there’s
something I need to tell you.”

“Now?” he murmured against the side of her throat.

“Yes, now,” she said, trying not to lose her focus as his
lips and tongue traced along the curve of her neck.

“Alright, tell me,” he whispered, nipping softly at her

“Do you remember when we were talking last night, during

“Um hmm.”

“Do you remember…,” she gasped as his warm breath tickled
her ear.
She tried again.
“Do you remember when I told you…”
She faltered as the tip of his tongue moved
to trace along the line of her jaw.
“When… I told you about my ex-boyfriend, Kevin.”

That got his attention.
He stopped and pulled his head back, looking at her curiously.
Wait, this was about her old boyfriend?
Was she serious?
“We need to talk about this now?”

She nodded.
“What I
mention, was that Kevin was very…

He eyed her in confusion.

Brooklyn bit down nervously on her lower lip, and then
dropped her gaze.
“And well…he didn’t
believe in…premarital sex.”
There, she’d
said it.

Ryan tried to make sense of what she was saying.
“So you and he never…”

She shook her head.

“And you haven’t dated anyone else since the two of you
broke up?”

Again she shook her head.

Wow, he thought incredulously, this Kevin must have not only
been seriously religious, but some kind of masochist as well.
He glanced down at Brooklyn’s lush breasts.
Either that or he was secretly gay.
“So you haven’t had sex in over two years?”
he asked in disbelief.
, and here he’d thought that two
months was rough.

She looked back up, meeting his bemused gaze.
“Well, not exactly.”

“Not exactly?”

“What I mean is…I’ve never actually had sex…ever,” she
She watched his eyes widen,
his expression going from bemused to slightly dumbfounded.
“I just thought you should know.”
Utterly embarrassed, she longed to drop her
gaze once again, but she forced herself not to.
“So you wouldn’t be surprised know…” she finished lamely.

Ryan was stunned.
Brooklyn was a virgin.
He tried
to wrap his head around it.
Yeah, he
thought, that definitely would have been a surprise all right.

Brooklyn eyed him uncertainly.
“It doesn’t matter, does it?”
please say it doesn’t matter,
she thought.

He studied her for a long moment, watching as she bit down
on her lower lip once again.
Did it?
Of course it did, but even so, clearly they both wanted this to happen.

“Hell yes it matters,” he finally said.
Her face fell.
He raised his hand and brushed his thumb
along the tip of her chin in a soothing caress.
“If this is your first time, and if you’re certain you
want to do this,” he said eyeing
her intently, “then we’re definitely going to need to slow things down just a

Ryan’s slow, sexy grin nearly brought tears to her eyes as
relief washed over her in waves, and her expression brightened at once.
She smiled back at him.
“I’ve never been surer of anything in my


Stepping from the hot tub a few minutes later, they quickly
dried themselves off, pulled on their robes and then slipped off their wet
bathing suits, tossing the wet garments onto the edge of the tub.
Naked under her robe, Brooklyn felt a tad
self-conscious as Ryan grasped her hand and led her back into the house, but it
was quickly overshadowed by excitement and anticipation as they made their way
to the master bedroom.

As they entered the moonlit room, Ryan pulled her forward
until they stood at the side of the bed, then he turned and pulled her up
against him, kissing her until she once again felt lightheaded and breathless
and her legs felt like jelly beneath her.
She clung to him, her fingers intertwining through the hair at the back
of his neck as she struggled to keep her legs from buckling.

Reaching for the belt of her robe, Ryan continued to kiss
her as he slipped the knot free.
slowly dragging his mouth from hers, he placed little nibbling kisses along the
entire length of her throat to the tip of her collarbone, his lips never
leaving the delicate softness of her skin as he took a half a step backward,
using his hands to part her robe and then gently slipping it from her

As her robe slid from her shoulders and dropped to pool at
her feet, baring every inch of her naked body to his hungry gaze, Brooklyn
reminded herself that this was Ryan, the man of her dreams, the man she’d loved
since she was eighteen-years-old, and her initial moment of self-consciousness
quickly faded away.
She wanted
She wanted him.
She’d always wanted him.
And as he continued to rain feather-soft
kisses along her warm, sensitive skin, his hands moving leisurely up and down
her back, she dropped her own hands from his neck, her eager fingers searching
for the opening of his plush, navy blue robe.
She pulled it apart, gaining courage as her hands moved upward along the
naked expanse of his muscled torso to his shoulders.
Pushing the robe from his shoulders, it fell
to the floor, joining hers in the terrycloth pool around their ankles.

Raising his head, Ryan looked into her vivid blue eyes for a
moment, and then took a deliberate step back.
His gaze dropped and his eyes swept slowly over her luscious body from
head to toe.
“Jesus you’re beautiful,”
he said softly.

Brooklyn felt her skin grow flushed and warm under his
intense regard, but she made no move to cover herself.
Instead, she dropped her own gaze, her eyes
moving eagerly from his chest, down to his waist, and then to his long, thick
appendage that seemed to pulse and throb between them.
With her eyes glued to his jutting manhood,
she raised her hand, tracing her fingers lightly from its base to the very tip,
and then slowly back down.

Ryan drew in a sharp breath as her fingers brushed lightly
along the length of his erection, and then groaned aloud when her fingers
curled themselves around his rigid arousal.
When she began to move her hand up and down along his shaft, he felt
like he’d died and gone to paradise.
Despite his promise to take things slow, with her touching him like
that, he wasn’t sure how long he could fight his rampant desire.
So, pulling her toward him, he guided them
backward to the edge of bed, snatching back the comforter with one hand, and
then taking her with him as he fell back onto the sheets.
He rolled her onto her side, kissing every
inch of her magnificent body as his fingers moved down her taut stomach to the
narrow patch of curls between her thighs.
His intimate exploration was both practiced and skillful, and within
moments he had her panting and writhing in pleasure beneath his expert touch.

With each little sound, each tiny quiver, and every little
movement of her hips, her body’s opening grew slicker and wetter under the
expert movements of his hand and fingers, but he continued to push her until he
knew she hovered at the very edge of release.
Brooklyn whimpered an unconscious little sound when Ryan pulled his hand
away, and he smiled as he pressed his lips against hers, gratified by her
Reaching for his wallet on the
nightstand, he mentally thanked his lucky stars as his fingers encountered the
thin, foil wrapper tucked inside.

When Ryan eased her onto her back a moment later, spreading
her thighs wide with the gentle pressure of his knees, Brooklyn felt no fear,
only a desperate, aching need to draw him deep inside her body.
She clung to him, urging him on as their lips
and tongues intertwined, just as their bodies were about to.
The brief flicker of pain she felt as he
pressed his manhood into her delicate folds, breaking the thin barrier of her
virginity, was nothing compared to the absolute pleasure that jolted her to her
very core as she and Ryan became one.

Ryan couldn’t help feeling an infinite sense of
gratification as he broke through the fragile barrier, knowing that he was her
first as he sheathed himself to the hilt within her velvety depths.
Reminding himself to take things slow and
easy, he fought the urge to drive them hard and fast to the peak, and instead,
moved slowly within her, drawing out the intense pleasure until neither of them
could take even a single minute more.
Then, with one last thrust of his hips, he pushed them over the edge,
capturing Brooklyn’s ragged cry against his lips as she convulsed and shuddered
beneath him.

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