Love Thy Neighbor 1: Seducing Mr. Peterson

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Love Thy Neighbor (Part 1)

(Seducing Mr. Peterson)

By Joelle Cummings


Carmen is home from her first year of college, on holiday break. When she sees Mr. Peterson, her longtime neighbor, and her dads best friend for the first time since she’s been away. She never noticed how sexy Mr. Peterson was until now, something deep inside of her stirs awake. She sets out to seduce Mr. Peterson in his home while his wife is out.

Carmen doesn’t care that he’s married, or that he’s her dad’s best friend, there’s only one thing that she cares about, and it’s the desire between her legs. Mr. Peterson has always been such a good neighbor, and friend of the family. Will he give the recently 18 Carmen the welcome home that she wants? Or will he honor his relationship with his dearest friend, and his wife?


This book is part of a series, don’t miss out on parts 2 and 3 you can find them here:

Copyright © 2015 by Joelle Cummings


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact the author directly.

Chapter 1



I had just finished my first semester in college, and was happy to be headed home for the holidays. I had never been away from my family this long, and the truth was, I was homesick. I would never admit it to my parents, because they had finally stopped treating me like a baby. I was the youngest of 3 children, and even though being the baby of the family had it perks, I got tired of everyone holding my hand, and reminding me to look both ways before I crossed a street in life, that was a metaphor by the way, they weren’t that bad, but sometimes it felt like I was being smothered.


I decided to take a taxi home from the airport. I gave my dad the wrong time for my flights’ arrival. He demanded that I forward him my itinerary, but I lied and said that I only had the printed version. If I was going to be treated like a grownup, I needed to act like a grown up. The ride was nice. I know I had only been gone for a few months, but it felt like forever, and it was nice to peer out of the taxi window, and know that nothing had changed while I was away.


I finally arrived at my parents, and to my dismay there were no cars in the driveway. I couldn’t believe that there was no-one here to greet me, and to be surprised by me showing up. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I told myself to pull it together, there are things that come with being 18, and grown, and this was just one of those things. The worst part was, I had lost my keys my second day on campus, and even though my mom said she would, she never sent me the replacement key.


I was sitting on the porch steps when I noticed a black Camaro pull up in the neighbor’s driveway. I had never noticed that car before, and thought that maybe it was a relative visiting for the Holidays. The driver’s door opened, and Mr. Peterson stepped out of the car. Mr. Peterson was one of my Dad’s best friends, and had been our neighbor for as long as we’ve lived here. Pretty much all of my life. He looked different. He’d lost at least 50 pounds, and the beard that once covered his face was gone, all that remained was a sexy little goatee. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Something had definitely changed while I was away, and it was the last thing I would have ever expected.


“Hey Carmen” Mr. Peterson waved, and begin to make his way over to my parents’ porch, for some reason I suddenly became very aware of my appearance. I was sure I looked like shit, and After an 8 hour flight, and a 45 minute cab ride I probably smelled like it too. I suddenly became very self-conscious. I was tempted to give myself the “sniff test” but I was afraid that Mr. Peterson would see me, and think I was totally gross. I sucked it up, and finally spoke back. “Hey Mr. Peterson. How are you?” I said excited.

He reached the porch, and I was able to get a really good look at Mr. Peterson. I never noticed his striking grey eyes. I felt like they cut right through me. He was incredibly sexy, and even though he’d lost some weight, and a beard, I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t noticed his sex appeal before.


Mr. Peterson reached out for a hug, and I leaned into him. He hugged me so tight that he lifted me up off of my feet, nearly squeezing the life out of me. “Oh Carmen, it’s so good to see you. I can’t believe you’re all grown up, and going to college” Mr. Peterson beamed.

“Yep, finally 18.” I said, trying to drive the point home that I was of legal consenting age. I’m not sure why I felt the need to make sure he knew, but I didn’t want him thinking that I wasn’t “legal”.

“I can see that, and look at you. You’re quite the looker” He complimented me.

I blushed like the school girl I was, and said “Mr. Peterson, you’re not so bad yourself. You look great. What gives?”

He laughed “Well, I just felt like it was time for a change, I decided to get rid of the rug on my face, and started going to the gym almost every day. I feel great!”

“You LOOK great” I said, a bit too excited. I felt my cheeks grow hot, and Mr. Peterson seemed to blush a bit, and quickly changed the subject

“Are you locked out?”

“Yes, I lost my keys on campus, and haven’t had a chance to get a new set” I pouted.

“Well let me just call your folks, and tell them that you’re here” Mr. Peterson offered.

“NO! No, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shout, it’s just that I wanted to surprise them, and if I call them and tell them that I’m locked out it’ll ruin the surprise” I said

“Oh, I see” Mr. Peterson chuckled. “You’re more than welcome to come over to the house and wait, I was just about to start dinner. The misses should be home in a few hours”

“Oh Mr. Peterson that would be GREAT! Thank you so much” I said fully grateful

Mr. Peterson told me it was his pleasure, and took my bags from me, and carried them to the house. I noticed how his muscles were flexing while he was carrying my bags. He was so much more man than the guys on campus, and the new woman in me responded. My nipples hardened in arousal.

Chapter 2


When we got inside the house, Mr. Peterson went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. “Make yourself comfortable” He called out

“Do you mind if I use your bathroom?” I asked.

“No, go right ahead. I’m sure you remember where it is” He replied.

I did remember, and I rushed to the bathroom to get a look in the mirror. I was desperate to see how bad it was. I was pleasantly surprised when I got to the bathroom. I looked the same way I did when I left campus, just a little tired around the eyes. I splashed water on my face, careful to avoid my mascara. The last thing I needed was raccoon eyes while trying to seduce Mr. Peterson. I couldn’t believe I was having these desires, but I was an adult now, and Mr. Peterson was the sexiest older man I had ever seen


I had my work cut out for me. Not only was Mr. Peterson my dad’s best friend, he had known me since I was a booger pusher running around in pampers. Not to mention his wife was hot for her age, my friends put her in the MILF category, but it didn’t matter how hot Mrs. Peterson was. If I knew anything, it was that men get tired of fucking the same old cunt after a while, it doesn’t matter, they could be as hot as Pam Anderson, or Halle Berry, it didn’t matter. The trick was to remind Mr. Peterson how tired he was of his wife’s old pussy. Not that I had anything against the Mrs., but other than the fact that Mr. Peterson was my dad’s best friend, she was the only thing that could possibly stand in the way of having Mr. Peterson fuck me senseless. I decided that the best way to go about getting Mr. Peterson to fuck me, was to take a shower, and let him see my young firm body naked, wet, and available.


I went back to the kitchen where he was throwing ingredients in a pot now, he looked so sexy over the stove. There is nothing sexier than a grown man that knows his way around a kitchen. I wondered if Mrs. Peterson knew just how good she had it, wondered if she sucked her husband’s dick on a regular basis as he so deserved, if she rode his face eager to cum all over his chin, or if she was like most women her age that has been married for a while. Neglectful, and only gave blow jobs, on birthdays, and possibly Christmas, and only threw her pussy at him if she wanted a new piece of jewelry, or furniture. I sat staring at him for a while, lost in my naughty thoughts about seducing my dad’s best friend. “Carmen…..Carmen, hello…….?” I could hear him calling, I finally snapped out of fantasizing. “Are you okay?” He asked

“Yeah, yeah I’m okay. Um, do you mind if I take a shower? I smell like the airport, and I don’t want to smile like it when I see my parents” I said twisting my hair around my finger.

“Of course. I’m sure I can find some clothes of Jens’ for you to slip on, you look to be about her size” Jen was his daughter, she was married with kids, but they left her room the way that it was when she left.

“Okay, that sounds good. Thanks Mr. Peterson” I said softly stroking his strong arm.

“Follow me” He said, as he worked his way out of the kitchen, headed towards Jen’s old room

“Your wish is my command” I replied, looking at him seductively. Mr. Peterson looked back at me cleared his throat, and averted his gaze from mine. I giggled inside, I definitely had my work cut out for me. This is going to be fun.


After getting Jen’s clothes from Mr. Peterson I headed to the bathroom, ready to shower, and seduce. I watched myself as I took my clothes off. Damn, I am so sexy. My young body, is lean, and firm, and toned in all the right places. The landing strip between my legs gave my pussy a mix between a grown woman, and a barely legal teen. I looked over my body, my hands came up to my breasts, so firm, and ripe, they were perfect C cup, not too much, not too little. I hope Mr. Peterson will like them. Thinking about him touching my body, rubbing my titties, and touching my pussy was turning me on, I looked at my body through the eyes of someone else, and my cunt began to get wet, my clit swelled between my legs. I started to rub my wet desire with my right hand, pinching my nipple with my left. It felt so good, my wetness was intoxicating. I rubbed my pussy until I reached orgasm, staring myself in the eye through the mirror as I climaxed. When I came, I made sure to make as much noise as possible, I wanted Mr. Peterson to hear me, I wanted him to know that I was masturbating is his bathroom, naked, and alone.

Chapter 3


The shower was much needed, it helped me relax, and also made me feel more confident. It would be easier to throw my cunt in Mr. Peterson’s face smelling like flowers. I giggled at myself. I sounded totally twisted in my head, and I liked it.

I stepped out of the shower, ready to seduce Mr. Peterson. He had given me Jens’ old clothes to put on, but I walked right past them on my way to the kitchen. All I wore was a towel that hung loosely on my body, I held it closed with one hand. I walked into the kitchen, feeling like a sex kitten. When Mr. Peterson saw me wearing nothing but a towel, he immediately looked away. It was kind of exciting that he would be a challenge, the boys on campus were so easy, and immature. Mr. Peterson was a real man, and I would do everything in my power to get him to put his cock in my tight pussy.



“Carmen, were the clothes too big, or too small?” He asked confused.

“Um, not quite. I just felt like wearing my birthday suit. I’m always more comfortable in the nude.” I said in my most seductive voice.

“Maybe you should go put some clothes on Carmen, it’s not appropriate for you to walk around like that” He said.

I walked up to Mr. Peterson, looked him in the eye. “I want you Mr. Peterson. I want you to fuck me, right here on the kitchen table”

“Carmen, you really should go. This is not right. I’ve known you since you were a little girl for god sake, your dad is my best friend” He was practically whining, I could tell that I was getting to him.

“I’m all grown up now Mr. Peterson, and there’s nothing I want more than to have inside of me” I told him

I slowly started walking toward him, and he started backing away, a look of panic riddled his face. I looked down, and saw the bulge in his pants straining against the fabric. He saw me looking, and placed his hands in front of him. I giggled, it was so cute to him see act like this, he was turning me on even more.


He was up against the wall now with nowhere to go. Standing directly in front of him, I let my towel fall to the floor. His eyes widened, roaming my young body. I pressed my body up against his, and took his hands in mine. I placed them on my firm ass. He made no effort to remove them. I firmly planted a kiss on his lips, he stood frozen, while I tried to slip my tongue between his lips. He shook his head, my lips fell away “Carmen we can’t this is wrong, what would you….”

I cut off his words by devouring his mouth. My tongue danced in his mouth, finally I could feel his tongue dancing with mine. He started to knead my ass with his hands. His hands were so big, and strong, I wanted them all over my body. I broke the kiss, and turned around, and ass up against his bulging erection, I took his hands and placed them on my perfect breasts. He started pinching my nipples between this thumb, and index finger. I moaned in pleasure. I felt his hand trail down my flat stomach, where it found the tresses between my legs. 


Mr. Peterson played between my legs, like a musician playing guitar strings. His touch was perfect, the boys in school couldn’t compare. He continued pinching my taut, pink nipple with his left hand, and fingering my cunt with his right hand. I was moaning loudly now, I could feel his cock pressing up against my ass, and the thought that I was the reason that Mr. Peterson had such a fabulous erection made my clit swell with longing. He spread my pussy lips with his ring, and index finger, and flicked my jewel with his middle finger. I began to cum, right there on Mr. Petersons hand. My body bucked as my climax reached its peak, he held me steady, and didn’t stop playing with my cunt until the pleasure began to subside.


I turned around to face Mr. Peterson. “That was amazing. I’ve never cum so hard” I praised him

“I’m glad you enjoy me, it’s my turn, go bend over the kitchen table, so that I can give you what you’ve been asking for” He ordered me.

“Yes Mr. Peterson.” I said like the naughty school girl that I was

I bent over the table, looking sexily over my shoulder. Mr. Peterson started coming out of his clothes, and when he removed his boxers, I was surprised to see how well-endowed he was. To put it plainly Mr. Peterson was packing a nice big cock.


My pussy started to seep when I thought about how he was about to plow me with his cock.

“Spread your cheeks” Mr. Peterson said.

I did as I was told, revealing my pretty pink pussy, and virgin asshole to him. I heard him groan. He got on his knees, and started eating me from behind. My pussy went crazy, I could feel the juices coating his tongue, Mr. Peterson fucked me with his tongue, and I had never felt anything so sensual. When he stood up, he smacked me hard on the ass. It stung, and the fire from it made my cunt pulsate with desire.

“Fuck me Mr. Peterson. Fuck me nowwwww” I whined.

He stood up, and grabbed his cock in his hand, guided it towards my opening, and rammed his swollen cock into my freshman pussy. He was fucking me good, bottoming out with each thrust. Each time he made contact with my inner walls, a wave of pleasure shot through me.

“Reach down, and play with your clit Carmen” He commanded. I did as I was told, and it felt so good that I knew I would cum all over Mr. Petersons cock within moments.


When I was getting close to creaming all over his cock, Mr. Peterson put his thumb in his mouth, then slipped his thumb into my virgin asshole, moving it back and forth as he fucked my pussy mercilessly. I had never had anyone put anything in my ass before, and it felt incredible, He started moving his thumb in and out of my ass faster, and fucking me harder. I played with my clit feverishly. My orgasm was building, Mr. Peterson’s cock started growing inside of me as he was about to squirt his hot semen inside of my tight pussy. His new girth, pushed me over the edge, I came so hard, creaming all over Mr. Petersons enormous cock. My cunt muscles clamped around his cock, squeezing every drop of cum out of his dick. He cried out, saying my name. “Fuck Carmen, your pussy is amazing” He said, after I had drained him of his semen

“Your cock is amazing Mr. Peterson, and you fuck like a stallion” I said “I’ll be here for a few weeks, do you think you could make some time for your neighbor, little ol’ me?”

“Carmen, I will fuck you every which way until you go back to college, and every which way the next time you come home” He told me, kissing me on my cheek. “Now, get on your knees, and suck your pussy juice off of my dick”

I got down on my knees in front of Mr. Peterson, and licked, and sucked every bit of my juices off of his cock, I was sure to take each one of his testicles in my mouth, and give them a good cleaning too. He stood there watching me, and I put on my best performance. I could feel his cock growing in my mouth. He pulled me to my feet, and kissed me hard, nearly devouring my tongue.

“You’re lucky my wife will be home soon, or I’d bend you over that table, and take your virgin asshole” He whispered in my ear

I blushed red, and my pussy started to pulsate. A mix of fear, and desire swept over me. I pulled away, kissing him on the cheek as I went.

“Until next time neighbor” I said with a giggle. Escaping before Mr. Peterson could tear me a new one.




Before you Go!


This is part 1 to a series titled Love Thy Neighbor

Don’t miss out on parts 2 & 3


Check out some of my other titles on my author page, here:


Or go directly to my website, where you can stay up to date on the latest releases, and info here:

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