Love to Bear: A Werebear Shifter Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Love to Bear: A Werebear Shifter Romance
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She leaned into me, bending on the tips of her toes. Her
lips were pursed, waiting for a kiss, though her body kept her from
crossing the last empty space between us.

My arms instantly coiled around her tighter. I kissed
her, starved for those sweet, ruby lips, a kiss much harder than her
gentle offering.

I'd felt her touch hours ago that morning. I wasn't
positive, but I knew she must have touched me while I slept, when she
crawled in beneath my blanket as I lay on the floor.

Damn. I was so close to her then. Close enough to
hear her heartbeat, feel her heat, feel that beautiful flesh pressed
up against me...

The memory quickened my hunger. I pushed into her,
devouring her lips, shoving my tongue between her parted petals for
the forceful satisfaction I needed.

I wanted to claim this woman, push my lust into her, set
us both on fire with incessant, satisfying friction.

Sam moaned with surprise as I slid into her mouth. Her
tongue caught mine, curled into it. I took it as a signal and led the
dance in her plush, warm mouth.

I kissed deeper, leading her tongue, making her copy the
love notes I scrawled inside her mouth. The base of my tongue licked
her lips, full and circling, making meditative laps like watching
steam rise from a hot spring.

I can't,” she whimpered, backing away from
me after gushing her confused lust one last time on my lips.

That's not true, and we both know it.” I
grabbed her wrists and held her into me, pressing my eager lips to
her ivory neck. “I know you've done incredible things here to
survive. Probably things you never expected you'd do, even if you
were immortal.”

She met my eyes. The look said I was right, and she
loved me and hated me for it at the same time.

I'll tell you what's going to happen here,”
I breathed, letting the fire inside me speak. “We're going to
go back to my cabin. We're both going to forget what happened out
here and in the town hall. I'm going to throw you on my bed and make
love to you the way I've wanted since I first saw you hiking in the
forest. Everything else can wait.”

I pressed into her. She shivered, but it wasn't out of
fear and reluctance. It was pure sweat, primal heat that matched
mine, and she confirmed it a second later when her hips pushed into
my bulge.


She was lucky to still be clothed. I couldn't do
anything about hiding my erection. Good thing shifters weren't
ashamed of their bodies the same way humans seemed to be.

And it's an absolute crime. To think that she doesn't
want to show off this beautiful body all the time. Make the world see
her as I do.

I grabbed the corner of my leather jacket and her
oversized sweater. I tugged, pulling it to the side, revealing the
creamy stretch of skin between her neck and collar bone.

I kissed her there. Soon, those kisses turned into
licks. I pushed into her body a little more, until her legs just had
to wrap around me, to ride up to my hips.

Take me home,” Sam purred, no doubt drunk
on the pressure of my bare bulge against her jeans.

So close, and yet so far. Oh, beautiful Sam, soon
I'll be inside you. Tasting, ravishing, and marking your sex.

Mine. All mine.

Her voice turned softer, sexier than her usual tone. It
was the tone of a creature that shared my aching need.

My hands found her hips and I yanked her into my arms.

It took another five minute stretch through the dark
woods to make it to my cabin. They were as long as the last
forty-eight hours had been, and even more desperate, stretched
unbearably long with the horny tension seething in our veins.

I kept looking into Sam's eyes to make sure there was no
hesitation. There was nothing but glowing embers, throwing their
sparks into me, fueling the barbaric hunger pooling in my groin.

I've always wanted a man to take control like
this. You're not a failure, Don. Not even close.” She kissed me
again, unable to contain the need to reach out and taste me when we
reached my doorstep.

Yeah? Then come inside. Feel how right you are.”

Okay, so I couldn't save her. Not yet. Not tonight. But
at least I could savage her and leave her breathless like no human
man ever could.

The bear inside me
paced back and forth, its tongue flopped out, groaning as it shared
my need to mate.
I demanded.

I practically kicked the door in. As soon as we were
inside, I pulled my coat off her shoulders, reached near her belt,
and yanked up her sweater.

Every nerve I had screamed to free this beautiful
female, if only for tonight.

I needed to feel her perfection with all my senses. But
mostly, I needed to own it.

V: What Bears Do (Sam)

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh!

He tore into my sweater. There was a loud ripping sound
like it was shearing clean in two.

I didn't know where I'd find another outfit my size in
the shifter world, or when someone could bring me a new one from

Did it even matter? Not when I had other things on my

Strange, muscular, wonderful things.

I stepped out of the scraps in his hands, pushing my bra
clad breasts into his chest. It felt good to lose a little clothing,
to be so close to this half-human Adonis on a rampage no sane woman
would stop.

importantly, it was
The minute I kissed him, I let go.

My kisses were equal parts forgiveness and hunger. I had
to show him I understood the beast inside him, especially when he was
so repentant.

But more importantly, I had to tame the one inside me,
and that meant burying old heartbreak forever in heaps of lust driven

Don lifted me off the floor and threw me over his
shoulder. He carried me down the hall to the bedroom, sneaking his
fingers beneath my belt.

Not so fast!” I whispered. “I don't
care about the sweater, but I can't afford to lose these jeans.”

Luckily, our destination wasn't far. I didn't trust him
to hold off the temptation to tear away the rest of my clothes for

I leaped out of his arms onto the bed, reached for my
belt, and began unclasping my pants before I'd rolled onto my back to
face him.

I can't believe how beautiful you are, Sam,”
he whispered down at me. “How fragile. How sweet. How
absolutely perfect!”

His breath hitched. I practically heard his heart
beating through his chest.

Excitement sang inside him and burbled out his lips. Its
sharp sonnet passed through my flesh and echoed into me, especially
when he lowered himself while I worked off my jeans, eclipsing me in
his unbelievable bulk.

kissed me again. Hotter and steamier before – just a few
degrees below burning. If the temperature went up anymore, I feared
I'd faint, and then I'd
get to sample his flesh the way I'd dreamed about since morning.

Hard to believe. All these terrible hours fighting
for my life, and he's the only thing that's been in the back of my
mind. The only thing that really matters...

Stop, Sam.” Baring his teeth, he grabbed my
wrist, and pushed my hand away. “I won't ruin anything. But I'm
going to to do this. I need to unwrap you for the first time myself,
and then claim all the parts I've been so hungry for.”

Who could argue with that?

I was beyond ready. No, eager to become a naked morsel
for this bear, this man, this beautiful god.

My arms shook lightly as I reached up, wrapping my hands
around his strong neck, pulling him closer.

Don slipped off my belt like a champ and went for my
zipper. The
greeted my ears like fire, half as hot as his
unceasing kisses. They started on my forehead, rolled down my cheek,
past my lips, past my neck, and nestled in my cleavage.

I moaned. My hips lifted on the bed, all the better to
push my breasts toward him. The motion also made it easier to rip
away my jeans.

He seized his opportunity. Don stripped me in the blink
of an eye, and then I was on the bed again, warm legs spread a little
wider, exposing my sopping wet panties.

He paused and breathed deep. The sound was comforting,
but it held its own tension, like embers crackling before a great
fire started.

That's the smell of heaven,” he growled,
whispering in my ear. “You, Sam, smell as perfect as you look.
I can taste your lust in every pheromone on my tongue, every savory
molecule of your desire.”

Wow. That's something no human man would say.

A short, intense shiver
cut through me. It hit me then, the realization that I was really
about to fuck this beautiful man. And he was a
but he was so much more too.

Lay back for me, pretty.” He waited until I
obeyed, laying as slack as I possibly could. “Now...I. Want.
These. Off.”

Don's words blurred into a bear-like growl. His hands
moved in a blur, all over my body. First, he reached behind my back
and popped my bra, yanking the cups up to him and tossing them across
the room.

Oh!” I chirped when his other hand was
suddenly on my waistband. His face moved lower, lower, raking his
faint stubble along my creamy thigh.

Wet lace shifted to my knees in one pull. I kicked my
legs involuntarily across his shoulders, and he carried on, sliding
my panties off my ankles and balling them up in one hand. They joined
my lost bra somewhere behind the bed.

Raw heat crashed through me like a flash flood in
summer. And the warm torrent turned to pure brimstone when he stuck
out his tongue, licking a curly trail to the place where my thighs

I wasn't the most experienced girl. But no man had shown
such eagerness, such brute speed to pleasure me there with his

Oh. Oh, God. Don!” His name exploded from
my mouth as he moved in for his prize.

My slit steamed, ached, and greeted his lips with thick
cream. Don lapped it up, pressing into me forcefully.

His lips drilled. They explored. They moved in a way I
didn't know human lips could, leaving me to wonder if he'd let his
other side take over after all.

I had to look down to make sure he hadn't turned into a
bear. No, still a man after all – and what a talented man!

His tongue dove deep inside me, cutting circles around
my lower lips the same way he'd done to my mouth. But this had a
wider arc, a stronger pressure, and a much wickeder intent than mere

I wouldn't hold up under this ecstasy for long. Don
grabbed my thighs as soon as they began to shake, growling as he
pinned them down on the bed's edge.

His tongue split me open, rough and all conquering. And
I knew it wouldn't be done until it reached its final target.

Huge mallets pounded on glowing metal in my head. The
heat roared, gushing to every nerve, a bonfire for destroying all the
fear and doubt I'd had before.

Everything melted – everything! All of it except
the rampant hunger.

I needed to come. Good thing his touch slashed up,
spreading itself wide and smothering my clit. Don's mouth opened and
he sucked it deep, holding it between his teeth as he cut quick,
merciless circles around my nub.

I lost it somewhere around the fifth lap. I felt a
volcanic pressure building, a molten blast that wouldn't be stopped
for anything in the world.

My legs twitched. He tightened his grip, snarling with
satisfaction, and added that fierce vibration to the button
responsible for my sticky, shaky climax.

I came, and he kept
licking. He devoured my orgasm even as it ripped through me. I
imagined his tongue and teeth duplicated all over my body: licking,
sucking, fucking me with his mouth, and somehow shouting
coming for me
through every inch
of my flesh.

I choked on my own pleasure. I couldn't gasp, couldn't
breathe. There was nothing to do but throw my head back, suffer the
delicious trembles, and come.

The circular jerks of his tongue on my clit were no
longer confined to it. His hypnotic laps tore through every part of
me, making my muscles pulse in time to his licks.

He's training my body to respond to his,
I thought as the white fire lifted, awed at the careful intensity in
his movements.
And it's totally awesome.

His licks slowed as my waves lessened. The ferocious
spasms turned to quiet aftershocks, but I was still trembling when he
lifted away, rising up between my legs for some well deserved air.

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