Read Love Under Two Navy Seals Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

Love Under Two Navy Seals (24 page)

BOOK: Love Under Two Navy Seals
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“Are we having an argument? Um…what are you doing, kitten?”

“What do you mean, what am I doing? Isn’t it obvious? I’m stripping.” Julia smiled at Drew’s confused expression.

“It’s not all that warm in here,” Dev said. “Are you sure you want to…” His comment trailed off, likely in response to the look she knew she was sending him. Oh, yes, she understood her men. They felt responsible for her having been kidnapped, and now they were going to treat her like fine porcelain and not touch her because she’d been hurt—and because they thought they didn’t
to touch her, because she
been kidnapped and they
feel responsible for that.

“Well, if it’s too cold for the two of you, then, by all means, keep your clothes on.” She didn’t wait for a response. As soon as her panties hit the ground, she stepped out of them and headed toward the door of the barn.

She credited their shock at her actions for her being able to nearly reach the door before they caught up to her.

Strong arms came around her from behind and lifted her off her feet. “It’s raining out there, baby doll.”

The wind had died, the thunder moved off, but the rain continued to fall in torrents.

“I know it is. That’s why I’m going out. Please. I need to wash. I feel

She felt Dev stiffen and heard Drew’s low curse.

“Did that bastard touch you?” Dev demanded.

“No! No,” she said the second more softly. It never occurred to her they’d take her need to be clean that way. “Juan never touched me like that. I just need…I just need.” She couldn’t put it into words any better than that. The appeal of the rain, born of the storm’s fury, fresh, clean, called to her. She wanted to be drenched by it, washed in it, so that she could be fresh and clean and new again. She wanted to wash off the events of the last several hours and revel in the feeling of being free.

Dev kissed her ear, then set her down. “All right, sweetheart. Go on, then. Just here, by the door, on the grass. We’ll be right here.”

Watching over me
. Julia didn’t mind that one bit. She looked over her shoulder. “Thank you.”

The rain fell, not softly like a shower, but hard, tiny needles of cold water that attacked without mercy. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head to the heavens, and relished the prickly, nearly punishing downpour. Cold, cleansing, the water streamed through her hair, over her face, down her body in a steady, heavy flow. Tomorrow she would laze in the luxury of the spa at home, and let the heat soothe her. But for this night, the cold was good, the cold was just what she needed.

It sluiced away the pain of confinement, the dried blood of her cut, and the hard memory of terror.

She began to shiver with the cold and opened her eyes, blinking against the slight sting of the water.

“Come inside now, kitten.”

Julia turned and saw her men there, shirtless, waiting for her. She stepped back into the barn, and before she could wonder, they used their shirts and began to dry her. Drew blotted the water from her body while Dev wrapped his shirt around her sodden tresses, and squeezed, trying to sop up as much water as possible.

“I didn’t think beyond just getting out in the rain.”

“We’re here.”

Wasn’t that one of the wonders of having men who loved her? She didn’t always have to think, to plan, to worry. She could just be, knowing they would care for her.

Despite their own already averred mea culpa, they did take care of her, and she had every faith they always would.

Finally Dev scooped her into his arms. “Hang on to me, sweetheart. We’ll have you warm in a minute.”

How could she not have noticed she was shivering?

“You’re beyond tired, kitten,” Drew said. He murmured that into her ear as she lay, supine, on the blanket they’d spread on the ground.

Huh. I must have dozed. I don’t remember them laying me down

She felt the heat of them, as they cocooned her between them. She smiled, because her lovers were naked, treating her to one of the best sensations in her world—a hard, erect cock on either side of her.

“Mmm.” She reached down and stroked them, and then smiled when they both took hold of her mischievous hands, stopping her explorations.

“Behave yourself,” Dev whispered. He turned onto his side so that he could face her. He kissed her cheek. “Sleep now, baby doll. Help us do one damn thing right today, okay?”

Julia sighed. She thought they were going to have a real battle on their hands once they got home.

She frowned, trying to come up with the words she’d say to them.

“Give us hell tomorrow, kitten. Sleep now.”

Drew’s words echoed, and she realized that despite her best intentions, she was doing exactly as they asked.

Chapter 17

Drew opened his eyes, instantly aware, knowing exactly what had set him on full alert. Julia had whimpered in her sleep, and that whimper had been a sound of pain.

He reached for her, encountering Dev’s open-eyed stare as he did so. “I think it’s the hard surface,” Drew said, his voice low. “She’s covered in bruises from her ordeal.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Dev looked as miserable as he himself felt. Drew didn’t care what kind of logic Julia used, he and Dev’s first, most-sacred duty was to take care of her, protect her. They had let her down, and that failure pained them both.

He gently lifted his sleeping woman and laid her on top of him. She grumbled and she wiggled, and Drew had to bite his lip to keep his own groan from erupting. The sensation of her lush, naked body on his got him hard in seconds. Even in her sleep, Julia moved so that she cradled his erection against the nest of her pussy.

“I’ll go check the perimeter.” Dev eased up, grabbed his pants, and slipped them on. “If all’s well, I’ll see if I can manage to get a small fire going. I bet coffee will put a smile on our woman’s face.”

They’d been on too many missions in their careers not to have packed survival provisions. It didn’t matter that they’d hoped to get lifted out within hours of having landed. They were SEALs, and they
went into a situation prepared.

Dawn would break within the hour. The rain continued to fall softly, but the thunder and lightning had moved off a couple of hours before. After dawn, they’d call for evacuation. Hopefully, Lusty’s skies would be clear, allowing Henry to fly the helicopter. With any luck, by noon hour they’d have Julia at the clinic in town, and then tucked into their bed shortly after that.

Drew brought his attention back to his best friend. “Hell, coffee would put a smile on
face. Thanks.”

Dev nodded and headed out to do the security check.

On his chest, Julia wiggled a bit more, then murmured, “Good.”

Her sleep-heavy voice as she nestled herself closer to him made him smile. Looking down, he watched her face, waiting to see if she’d open her eyes. Instead, she inhaled deeply, smiled, and said, “Drew.”

“That’s right. Just sleep, kitten, okay?”

“Mmm.” She wiggled a bit more, clearly enjoying the friction of flesh on flesh.

“You’re killing me here, Julia.” He kept his voice to a low whisper. “But don’t worry. I’m tough. I can take it.” He stroked her back, hoping the slow, steady caress would send her back into the depths of sleep.

She’d only slept for about three hours. He and Dev hadn’t really slept at all. They’d rested, but in that state of semi consciousness that years spent in perilous situations had honed in them. They’d both been aware of every sound, of every gust of wind—which was how he’d known when the storm had moved off.

His petting didn’t put Julia back to sleep. She mewed, she moaned, and she wiggled her hips even more.

And then,
praise God
, she somehow managed to take his ready cock deep inside her cunt.

“Mmm. Better.” She brushed her face against his chest and sighed.

“Jesus. I’m trying to take care of you, here, Julia. You’ve been hurt. You’re in no condition for sex.”

She opened her eyes and met his gaze. Clearly fully awake, she said, “I just have a little cut and bump on my head, and a slight headache.” Her gaze was clear, direct, and full of lust. “However, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with my pussy.”

“Now there’s an understatement if ever I heard one,” Dev said.

He stood by the doorway of the stall, arms folded across his chest, a sardonic look on his face.

Julia raised her torso up from Drew and looked over her shoulder toward him. “Get those pants off, Lieutenant Commander, and get on over here. I need your cock in my ass.”

“Baby doll, you’d tempt a saint, and trust me, I’m no saint. We didn’t include any lube in our survival kits, so sorry. You’ll have to wait until later.”

“I don’t want to wait until later. I happen to know you have a very talented tongue. Unless, of course, you’ve decided you don’t want me anymore.”

Drew choked back his laughter. Julia could be quite a determined woman when she wanted something badly enough. Apparently, she’d decided she wanted them both to be inside her now. He doubted very much that anything would change her mind.

“Remind me to spank you for that when you’ve healed.” Dev stepped into the stall and shucked his pants.

Julia wasn’t cowed by the threat. Quite the opposite, if the tiny flex of her pussy and gush of her juices against his cock was any indication.

“Oh, don’t worry, darling. I will.” She turned her head back to face Drew and gave him the cheekiest smile he’d ever seen. “But you’d both better be prepared for the fact I just might like it.” Then she wiggled her ass at Dev and looked over her shoulder at him again, all of which just made him laugh.

Drew met Dev’s gaze and knew they were on the same page when it came to their woman. Drew reached up and stroked her face, so that she turned her gaze back to him.

“You want us both, kitten, you can have us both. But we’ll set the pace. It’ll be slow, easy loving for you today—or none at all. You choose.”

“I need you both. I thought…” Her voice broke, and Drew watched as her expression changed, her bravado clearly deserting her. Then her eyes, her beautiful, fierce hazel eyes flickered with emotion, taking on the sheen of tears. “I was afraid I’d never see you again. Never be with you again. I did the best I could to beat the fear back, but I was just so damned scared.”

“Shh.” Dev knelt behind her and ran his hand down her back, neck to ass. Drew cupped her face and brought her down those few precious inches so he could kiss her.

He kept the kiss gentle, putting everything he had into being as tender, and as thorough as possible. Her flavor intoxicated him. He’d become so hopelessly and gloriously addicted to her that he knew he would never be able to be without her.

“Hush now, kitten. We’re sorry. So sorry you were scared. We’re here with you now, and we’re never going to let you go. You know that, don’t you? We’d move heaven and hell for you. We love you.”

A single tear overflowed her eye and Drew felt it twisting in his chest as if it had been a knife, plunged deep.

“Then show me.” She whispered the words, a plea. “Show me now.”

He looked at his best friend—his brother—and knew Dev felt the same. They were strong men, virile men, but they were also two men who were completely powerless to resist her.

* * * *

“Easy, baby doll. We’ll take care of you.”

Dev gently pressed on her back, and she relaxed against Drew, her head on his chest, and his wonderful cock buried deep inside her.

Dev caressed her ass, using both hands to cradle and squeeze her. Then she felt him move in closer, bend down over her. When he spread the cheeks of her ass, she shivered. When he bent closer and used his tongue to moisten her, to arouse her, she moaned and pushed closer to him, silently begging for more.

“Oh, yes.” The heat from their bodies soothed her and thrilled her. She rubbed her cheek against Drew’s chest hair, and when he lifted his hips slightly, thrusting his cock deeper into her, she squeezed him with her inner muscles.

Behind her, Dev leaned in closer, petting her ass, and then began to run his tongue along the rim of her anus. The silken sweep tickled her, tantalized her, and turned her on until she felt aroused to a fever pitch.

BOOK: Love Under Two Navy Seals
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