Love Unexpected (Navy Love Series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Love Unexpected (Navy Love Series Book 2)
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Not ten minutes after arriving, J.C. is on the dance floor with some random skank and I’m stuck dealing with her friend who can’t catch a clue.

Seriously, not
one fucking
clue. When I pulled out my phone to ignore her, the dumbass thought that was in invitation to scoot closer, and now has somehow worked her way onto my lap.

Just fucking shoot me.

This is not what I needed tonight. Now I’m going to have to be a dick again today, I’m gonna have to tell this broad to take a hike so I can relax.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see that J.C. and dumb broad’s friend are still on the dance floor. My eyes make a sweep of the room, hoping I can find someone I know to use as a means to get away from this chick. I’ve all but given up hope when my eyes fall on the last person on Earth who’d be willing to help me.

Tegan Daniels.

Karma is such a fucking bitch.





After I stormed away from Reed’s arrogant ass, I actually ended up enjoying the baby shower and hung out for a little while afterwards.

We played games and everyone tried convincing Hunter and Tess to announce the sex of the babies, but they’re remaining tight lipped until they’re born.

I was right, no more apologies were exchanged between my sister and me. Saying sorry isn’t something Tessa does well. She’s a true, stubborn, southern woman; her pride is always present. By the halfway point of the party, we were back to our typical behavior.

We did, however, discuss things that were left unsaid from Jo’s apartment the other day.

While Tessa wasn’t super happy with me reaffirming to her that I am capable of handling my personal affairs without her, she did finally seem to become conscious of the fact that I am grown, not the child like she’s treated me as. I understand where her concern stems from. It’s just as Jo said before—she’s terrified Reed will break my heart. It wasn’t easy to lie and keep her from knowing that it’s too late to stop something that’s already happened.

I managed to avoid Reed for the rest of the day. According to Jo, he never came inside after I stormed away from him. I’m assuming he left, and J.C. and Marsh probably had a hand in that.

I wasn’t home long when my phone chimed with a text from Ashley inviting me over to her apartment for drinks with her and Grace. Even though the day turned out better than I had expected, a girls’ night out is a great way to relieve some of the stress I’m still carrying around.

Even though my sister and I are back on good terms, I’m still not ready to forgive Reed. My head feels like it’s constantly spinning from all of the chaos inside it. A drink, or a few, are much needed at this point.

Being around the girls from work is like removing a heavy weight from around my neck. I’m not nearly as worried as how they’ll react if my tryst with Reed is ever discussed. They won’t care about the age difference or the fact that he’s my sister’s friend. They won’t be against us because he doesn’t check off all of my boxes. They’ll simply be supportive.

Once I left the baby shower, I decided that I have way too much going on in my personal life to worry about Reed and his irrational feelings. I just need one night to get sloshed off my ass, wallow in my pity, and then I’ll be ready to move on.

What started off as a girls’ night in quickly changed. As soon as the girls learned I am a dancer, they fueled me with a few shots, made some minor makeup touch-ups, and rushed me to Eagle’s Nest. The only reason I agreed to going is because typically Reed doesn’t frequent this bar. Unless the group forces him to come for a get together. No get together—no Reed at Eagle’s Nest.

I did manage to text Marsh and tell him to get his ass out here. He's supposed to be coming out soon.

Dancing has always been a passion of mine; it’s my go-to stress reliever.

Growing up, I loved dancing. I was always in some different class, but my favorite was ballet. I was on the dance team in high school and took dance classes up until I moved to Norfolk.

I haven’t found a studio here yet, so the clubs are my only opportunity to practice, and even then, there’s only so much you can do in a bar without looking crazy. I have free time now that the wedding and baby shower are over, so I’ll have to start looking for one. And since Reed and I aren’t sneaking around anymore, that clears up even more of my free time.

The moment we arrive in the busy club, I make a beeline for the packed dance floor but Ashley pulls me off track and to the bar. Because obviously more alcohol is needed tonight; we couldn’t even drive here. Luckily, I’ve discovered the convenience of Uber, a cab service, since moving here.

We down two shots each then finally get on the crowded dance floor.

Everyone is always surprised when I let loose dancing, and the girls are no different. While they struggle to learn the basic moves of a line dance, I’m working intricate choreography into the basic steps.

I finally manage to pull myself out of Ashley’s grasp on the dance floor after the third or fourth consecutive song, and make a beeline for the bar for a much-needed drink. She and Grace both continue grinding against each other and shout out their drink orders for me.

My fun-loving mood suddenly freezes when I’m stopped dead in my tracks, shocked at the sight in front of me. I’m utterly speechless for a few seconds when the bartender asks for my order.

Posted up at the bar with a leggy bimbo on his lap sits Charlie-fucking-Reed.

He looks sexy as hell in a charcoal-grey, thermal shirt and jeans. His sleeves are slightly pushed up, giving a glimpse of the colorful tattoos that grace those muscular, tan arms. His outfit is topped off with a beanie covering his short, dark hair. As I stare, my eyes can’t decide what part of him to focus on, the tightly-stretched material across his chest, the hint of noticeable tattoos on his arms, the way his full lips wrap around the mouth of the beer he’s drinking, or the way the skank he’s with is practically humping his leg.

My mind races on what to do, and in a rash decision, I conclude that avoiding eye contact is the best possible option. I know Reed and I will eventually see each other with other people, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon after him kissing me at Tessa’s wedding. Or after he started shit with my sister about that kiss happening again.

I won’t lie, part of me is a little hurt. How can he all but tell Tess and Hunter that our kiss will happen again, then he’s here with a random bed warmer?

The insecure side of me immediately begins to think that I am the
, not the situation. I was a conquest, and at the first sight of trouble, Reed was done bothering with me.

Seems he’s found a new conquest.

Whatever, who he screws is not my concern. I’m here for a fun night out with the girls.

With that mindset, I place my drink order and keep them in my peripheral vision while I wait. I can’t get over how uninterested he is with her. She, on the other hand, looks as though she’s ready to hike up her short skirt and pee on him to claim her territory.

Was I that desperate with him?

Reed has been too preoccupied with his phone and his date that is grinding her ass against his crotch to notice me, thank goodness. The cute bartender sits the round of drinks down in front of me, takes my cash, and leaves me with a wink. I feel as though I’m in the clear, escaping the view of Reed unnoticed, but unfortunately, Karma is an asshole, and Ashley chooses the exact moment I turn away from the bar, with all three drinks in my hands, to holler out my name and bump into me, spilling said drinks all down my front.

The spectacle is enough to draw the attention of most of the people around us. I’m willing to bet Reed’s as well.

My attention is pulled away from the mess that covers my shirt and jeans by the cute bartender offering me a hand towel to wipe myself off with. I can already feel the stickiness setting in on my arms and chest from the sugary ingredients, but I try my best to clean it all off. When I turn to hand it back to him, I no longer see Reed and Bimbo Barbie sitting there.

Maybe he saw me and wanted to avoid an awkward moment. Maybe he took her home to continue her grinding. That thought makes me feel nauseous.

With all that has happened in the last ten minutes, my buzz has vanished and all I want to do is go home. My mind's made up—it’s time for me to leave.

Ashley, the poor drunk girl, tries to argue with me to stay, but when that same good looking bartender distracts her by complimenting her, I know it's my golden opportunity to sneak away.

I turn and run into a wall of hard, sculpted chest. Without looking up, I know who this chest belongs to. I've seen this chest naked, I've raked my nails down it in the heat of the moment, and I've laid my cheek on it after an intense round of sex. This chest, belongs to
Charlie Reed.

Looking up is the absolute last thing I want to do, but judging by the grip on my arms that hasn't let go, I know I have to face him.

I expect anger or ridicule, or something along those lines when I look at his face. What I don't expect to see is compassion.

Standing there staring at each other, the sexual tension, the unresolved issues, the intense desire we have for one another, they all swirl through the air. We're stuck in a trance, mesmerized, silently taking this moment to apologize for all the hell we've put each other through these past few months. I feel like at any moment he could lean down and kiss me like I've been wanting.

“Tegan, I—” His sultry voice stops and both of our eyes move down to his chest where a set of manicured nails is now staking her claim.

Reed’s hands fall from my arms. He places one on his hip and the other begins running through his hair, a sign of stress he’s picked up from my brother-in-law. All the while, skankalicious still has her hand on him, oblivious to the fact that she’s interrupting something.

She finally realizes her prize for the night is caught up with another girl, and the claws quickly come out.

“Reed, baby, I thought we were gettin’ outta here?” She eyes me up and down.

While I'm no ten, I won't be intimidated by this bimbo. I watch as she assesses me, knowing damn good and well that she’s silently judging every aspect of me right now.

Jokes on her, though, because I know my jeans, ballerina flats, and bohemian-style tank top may not be the sexiest thing to wear to a club, and I'm aware that the chances of me taking home a guy like this aren't the highest. That never was my intention for the night. A man is the reason I’m out drinking tonight; the last thing I need to do is find another one. Most men come here looking for her type—skin-tight, short dress, caked on makeup, and, as I've already witnessed firsthand, dry humping anything that will allow her to straddle it. I’ll gladly pass on all of that.

Hell, I'm sure she thought even the mechanical bull showed her special interest.

Reed takes a step back from me, and I'm thankful the loud music covers up the sigh that I can't hold in at the loss of his closeness.

“I should go,” he says, never actually looking at me. “Come on, Mel, let's pay our tab and get out of here.”

Bimbo links her arm in his, once again claiming her man for the night. She actually has the audacity to knock her shoulder into mine as they pass me to get to the bar.

Fuck this.

Before I'm able to rationalize what I'm doing or saying, I turn and call both of them out.

“Are you shitting me, Charlie?” He turns back, breaking the physical contact he has with Bimbo. “You’re seriously going to take
home tonight?” I throw my hand up in a disgusting manner toward her.

“Charlie?” Bimbo looks confused at Reed.

“Yeah, apparently you weren’t even important enough to get his first name.” I rake my eyes over her. “Or you just were more concerned with bagging a sailor tonight that you didn’t give a damn what his name was.”

I know there are plenty of girls like that around here; they latch onto any and every military man they can find. Always trying to find their way into a service member’s bed. The thought of all those nice medical benefits are enough to try seducing them into a one-night stand and eventually a marriage.

BOOK: Love Unexpected (Navy Love Series Book 2)
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