Love You Anyways (6 page)

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Authors: Mj Fields

BOOK: Love You Anyways
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Chapter 6






It was a colder than usual February day and my boy and I were in New Jersey so that we could watch the playoffs together. My college buddy, Jose, was coaching the Giants and I hadn’t seen him in years. We were at Dad’s place, packing up the car to head closer to New York City because a storm was coming up through and neither of us wanted to miss the big game.

Ava had surprised us and came home for the weekend. I wasn’t there, and Ashley was never there. I felt bad but called Jade to see if she’d keep her busy. Jade let me know she was with Harper so the guilt subsided and I set out to enjoy the weekend with my boy.

“You really gonna wear a Cowboys Jersey to Giants stadium?”

“Hell yes I am,” Logan laughed.

“You trying to get your old man in a fight?”

“Will your buddy be pissed?”

“Jose? Hell no, he’s one of the coolest guys you’ll ever meet. But you have NFL hopes and you wanna piss off my NFL coach friend boy?”

“My team’s playing. No band wagon jumper here Dad.” I laughed
as he continued, “When the Giants are paying me I’ll still be wearing blue, white, and silver, just not on the field.”

The phone rang as I was pulling out onto the highway. It was one of my guys telling me he had overheard something about Ava getting in a fight.

“You’re on speaker Bones so give me the rest in PG please.”

“Dad I’m almost eighteen,” Logan huffed.

“Hey Logan,” Bones laughed.

“Sup Bones?”

“Not much, when you talk to Ava tell her I saw her on TV and she hits like a girl.”

Logan laughed, “She hit someone?”

“Self-defense little Links,” Bones chuckled.

“I got your little swinging between my thighs Bones. Why don’t you send your girl over to check it out?”


Bones was laughing, “Let him be
the ‘other’ little Links.”

“Yeah little, that’s not what your sister said.” I busted on him.

“Shit’s old school stuff you’re bringing up Lucas, you sure you wanna go there?”

“Shit! I’m sorry man I forgot…”

“Digging that hole deeper Lucas.”

Logan busted up laughing.

“Sorry man. Thanks for the heads up.” I hung up and looked at Logan, “I was inappropriate, and so were you.”

“Nothing wrong with sharing the love Dad.”

“It was a long time ago…”

“In a galaxy far far away?”


We laughed and then were silent for a while.



“Mom say’s Harper is a bad influence on Ava. She’s gonna be upset.”

“What else does your Mom say Logan?” I hadn’t meant to snap.

“Nothing.” He looked out the window.

I couldn’t believe that bitch had said that to him.
Mind fucking whore
! Playing games with my kids was not a part of the deal between her and me. She can fuck whoever she wants, max out credit cards buying lingerie every damn month to try to get under my skin, talk on the cell phone I pay for every night before she goes to bed and now not even stop the conversation when I walk in the room to push me further. Fuck with me all you want but do not fuck with my kids head!

“Do you think Harper’s a bad influence on her?”

He shrugged; my snapping had pushed him back into a corner, distancing himself again.

“I think your sister and Harper have been friends for years and they balance each other out pretty well. But that’s my opinion Logan I won’t force it on you bud okay?”

“Yeah okay.”

“Should we go check on her?”

“Yeah.” Logan put his head against the window and closed his eyes.

“Tired bud?”

“I am.”

“Take a nap
then, I’ll wake you when we get close.”

There was nothing as disheartening as pulling into the underground parking lot of the hotel Athenee with Logan sulking beside me. My son reminded me so much of my younger self over the past year. He was angry or was distant. He would act out at school or just not talk. I knew it was because of the confusion his mother and my relationship was causing him. I was sure it was all her fault.

Now as I sat next to Logan, I knew I was hurting him. I didn’t know how to stop that hurt. I tried my damndest to keep things normal. But now without Ashley even trying to hide the shit from me, and telling my son Harper was a negative influence on Ava; well she was crossing fucking lines.


Logan and I weren’t even there for two hours before NYPD came knocking at the door. My girl was in trouble. She was defending a friend, exactly what I would have done but she couldn’t do that shit.

cops showed up and Maddox’s father, Brody, and I both stood between the ladies and the cops. Tessa came up and got in front of us.

“You two,” Tessa pointed between me and Brody, “Don’t act like a couple of asses. Let them talk. Ava and Harper, just be honest
, you’ll be fine.”

“Good evening, we’d like to speak to Ava Links and Harper Abraham.”
The front cop said.

“That’s us,” Ava smiled and waved them in. “Would you like some pizza officers?”

“No thank you ma’am.”

“Now do I look like a ma’am, isn’t it more like Miss?”

“Ava,” I growled. She was batting her eyes at the whole situation.

, please step out in the hall with us,” one of the four officers nodded to the door.

“No, they stay,” I tried to stay calm.

“You Lucas Links?”

“Yes I am.”

“We were warned about your temper and about these two,” he pointed to Maddox and Brody. “Ladies step outside in the hall please.”

Tessa stood in front of me and put her hand on my chest
, “Play the game Links.”

Maddox walked
to the doorway and I behind him, watching them. “Step back into the room Hines.” One of the fuckers snapped at him.


“Fine, ladies you’ll be coming downtown with us.”

“What? You have got to be kidding me! I have a black eye and I’m getting arrested.” Harper said nervously.

Maddox started to walk out in the hall and Brody grabbed his shoulder. “Stay back Maddox.”

“They aren’t taking her!”

“We aren’t arresting you. We’re taking you back to the precinct to interview you. This appears to be a hostile environment.”

“You’re fucking kidding me right! You four are armed for fuck sake,” I couldn’t keep it shut even with Tessa’s hand on me. Fuck!

“Tell me your three G men aren’t,” the oldest officer laughed.

“Are you gonna cuff me?” Ava smiled and held her arms out.

“Do we need to?” the youngest officer smiled.

“Watch how you talk to my daughter
, fuck stick!” Control lost and I couldn’t help it.

“Lucas, shut up.” Tessa stood in front of me and leaned back against me ensuring I wouldn’t move. “Officers this is unnecessary, can’t you all just go down in the lobby and chat?”

“Sorry ma’am,” he tipped his hat.

Harper and Ava, we’ll be right behind you,” Tessa’s voice quivered.

“With an ass load of lawyers and a fucking lawsuit or at least media coverage talking about what pussies NYPD is!”

“Hey Maddox, it’s alright,” Harper smiled trying to calm him.

“You’ve been through enough!” Maddox’s voice boomed.

“She has me. Oh and by the way boys, unless your cuffs are pink and fuzzy I would prefer they not be put on me.” Ava smiled and took Harper’s hand. “Come on, we’re just going on an adventure.”

“If anything happens to them I will…” Maddox started.

Tessa jumped in front of him. “Not another word or you’ll be joining them and not for questioning.”

The elevator doors opened and I heard Ava. “Did you guys know I’m a law student?”

“No ma’am.”

“Well technically
, I’m a third year student, concentrating on criminal law. So I know we are cooperating nicely with you and am sure you’ll treat us as such. Harper is …”

The door shut on the elevator and we all scrambled to get our shit together and head down to the police station.

Maddox turned and pointed his finger at me. “I want that fucker Sam’s address!”

“Maddox, don’t worry. I think Ava…”

“Fuck! She better control herself.” I crouched down.

“Give her some credit Lucas,” Tessa patted my head. “Come on let’s get a move on.”

Tessa hugged Maddox. “She’ll be fine.”

Maddox looked like he was going to blow. I heard shit about that boy and Harper needed him to keep his shit together. “They both will be. Hey Logan, you hang here.”

“No Dad…”

“Logan it wasn’t a question and for God’s sake don’t call your mother!” I clenched my eyes and then looked at Maddox. “We got this.”

“I want his number.”

“I have a better idea. Besides he’s probably padding the pockets of half the city officials. Trust me on this one; he’ll back down or I’ll fucking ruin him. Let’s get going.”


I walked into the precinct holding Tessa’s hand. When she started to lose it I stepped up, just like she needed me to. Who the fuck am I kidding, I needed to do that for her.

“Trust me Tessa?”

“What are you up to?”

“Trust me Tessa.” This time it wasn’t a question. “Tell Hines to call whoever his publicist is and have her ready if I don’t get anywhere. But sit back and watch this shit. No worries okay?”

She nodded. Game on.

A female officer walked through the door. “Hey gotta minute?”

“Oh my God, are you Lucas Links?”

I tried not to smile but had to see if Tessa noticed, she rolled her eyes so I knew she did.

I gave her my best smile, “I am. Do I know you?”

I heard Tessa grumble and decided it best I tone it down.

“No, but my dad still watches the game you played against the Giants when they messed you up.”

Shit, I heard Tessa snort and I turned around and rolled my eyes at her. “That was Karma, I deserved it. Those two girls back there, they don’t deserve this shit.”

“You know I agree.
I was just coming out here to call one of the detectives to straighten it out. Ava Links?”

“Mine.” I turned and motioned for Tessa to join, “Harper
Abraham is hers.”

“She’s good. I
’ll keep checking on her. I will make sure she’s okay.” She looked down at her phone. “Won’t be long.”

“Dirty cops?”

She looked at me and smiled. “You walked off the field that day. I have no clue why or how but you did. I have admired that for years now. Here’s my card Links, if you need anything, anything, let me know.”

“Ma’am I am going to check on your daughter again.” She turned and walked away.

I didn’t even want to see Tessa’s face right now.

“How do I get ma’am and you get anything,” she purred and nudged me.

I looked at her, “I’ll do anything I can for the girls Tessa…”

“The girls?” She laughed.

“No not THE GIRLS, our girls.” I smiled and she did too. “They’re both good. You good?”

“I’m good,” she looked down and those blonde curls fell in her face.

I pushed her hair back and tucked it behind her ear. Tears were filling those baby blues. “Don’t cry baby, you’ll miss the British invasion.”

My hand had been on her face too long and I willed it back.

“What are you talking about?”

“The British Tessa,” I nodded towards Maddox and Brody. “I heard they’re hot heads. I think we should go tell them the girls.” I stopped and winked, “Meaning Ava and
Harper will be fine.”

“Yeah maybe we should.” She let out a breath and looked up at me. “Thanks Lucas.”


When we finally got back to the hotel
, Logan was not a happy camper. Ava looked at me, “He’s pissed Dad.”

“I made him stay here.”

Tessa smacked me when she walked by, “How would that have gone over with you when you were his age?”

“What?” I gasped.

“Don’t what me Lucas,” she laughed and gave Ava a hug and kiss. “Glad it worked out. And thank you for sticking up for my girl.”

I walked up and looked at Logan, “You ready to head back to our room?”

“Sure Dad. By the way, Mom called three times. I didn’t answer. You wanna handle it or do you want me too?”

“No, I got it. Sorry Logan.”

“She’s my sister Dad. Do you understand that?” He hit his chest, “My sister.”

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