Lover Mine (Blood Brothers 1) (11 page)

Read Lover Mine (Blood Brothers 1) Online

Authors: BJ Brandon

Tags: #adventure, #sensual, #erotic adult fantasy, #hardcore sex erotica explicit erotic

BOOK: Lover Mine (Blood Brothers 1)
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"We need to double security for a bit, and
check on the other outposts to ensure no one has tried to breach
them." He looked around the table as everyone nodded except Chayle,
who was stunned by the silence.

"What outposts?" she asked but no one

"Kayne, you need to keep a closer eye on
your woman. She is a handful, to say the least. Especially if they
still want to get their hands on her!" The grin Rafe shot Chayle
was payback for the foot stomp, she was convinced but she did not
take offense.

"No worries, brother. She's mine. They can't
have her!" was all Kayne growled.

"Good, because I'm afraid we haven't heard
the last of the one called the Master, and we still have to figure
out what they wanted with Chayle and those other young girls."

Everyone agreed as they helped clear the
table and drifted in their own directions for the evening.



Chayle leaned against Kayne's broad chest as
they curled up on the chase lounge under the stars on the balcony,
listening to night sounds on the warm evening. Somewhere in the
distance, an owl called its mate and was answered not long after.
Chayle shivered, and Kayne wrapped his strong arms around her. She
could not believe that only a short while ago she was alone and
terrified, unable to free herself. Now she had a mate, someone who
could feel her inner most emotions, thoughts, and dreams. It
terrified her even more that she might not measure up to what might
be ahead of them.

"What has you so quiet, Corazon?" Kayne's
warm breathe brushed her ear lobe and made her shiver again, this
time with something more.

"You know I have to find this maniac, don't

"Love . . . "

"No!" she stopped him. "I have to be a part
of this, no matter what, Kayne!" Chayle turned so she could look
into those unique blue eyes that had captured her soul so he could
see how serious she really was about this, how much it meant to

"He tried to take something from me that
wasn't his to take and I have to make sure he can never do that to
another person again! You have your honor that you live by! So do
I." She touched his cheek and kissed those lips that drew her every
time she looked at them. "This is my honor code, and I have to be a
part of it, too."

"On my life, I will protect you no matter
what happens. You know that, right?" he whispered, taking her lips
in a crushing kiss. When they could breathe once more, Kayne
realized his woman was smiling up at him.

"Well of course! Why else would you be my

Kayne proceeded to remind her of just why
she loved this man of her's so much.


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