Read Love's Call Online

Authors: C. A. Szarek

Tags: #King’s Riders Book Two

Love's Call (19 page)

BOOK: Love's Call
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She froze in his arm. Her smile fell off, expression sobering. “Love?”

“Aye.” Leargan pressed a quick kiss to her mouth. “My betrothed, my love.”

Her eyes searched his face, her lips parting as if she was going to say something.

Ali broke their silence, answering a series of low howls coming from the corridor.

Ansley glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll let her out. Sounds like Trik and Isair are calling. They probably want to hunt.”

The black wolf darted to the door at the same time as she did, naked as the day she was born.

Leargan watched her move. Graceful. Gorgeous. His hands itched to touch her all over. Follow the curve of her bottom, thighs and calves. Taste every inch of her skin.

The chamber door shut.

His eyes darted to her peaked dusky nipples, and he swallowed back a groan. “Come here. Now.”

Ansley threw herself into his arms.

Leargan caught her up, claiming her mouth, as she wrapped herself around him, legs, arms, pushing into every inch of his hard body.

She moaned as their tongues mated, and he kissed her harder. It continued until she was wiggling and whimpering in his arms. Leargan shook with the struggle for control.

Slow down.

She’s innocent.

He tore his mouth away, as her nails sank into his shoulders. Ansley’s ragged breath tickled his cheek.

Leargan rested his forehead against hers, sucking in air. “I need you. Blessed Spirit, I
you, but there’s no hurry. We have all night.”

She studied him, pulling back. “You’ll stay with me all night?”

“You couldn’t make me leave, love.”

Her legs slipped to the floor, but he held her up, pinned to his chest.

She leaned back, tugging at his belt. “I want to see you, Leargan.”

He smiled at the blush that kissed her already-pink cheeks and helped her open his belt. When she reached for the ties on his breeches, he grabbed her wrists. “I’m going to make it special for you.”

“I don’t doubt it. It’ll be special to me because it’s you.” She met his eyes.

Heart stuttering, he couldn’t tear his gaze away. Words deserted him. He drew her back into his arms and kissed her tenderly, trying to convey all he couldn’t say.

Her eyes were misty when she pulled away, but her lips curved in a wobbly smile. “I want to see you,” she repeated.

He stepped back and ripped his tunic over his head, throwing off.

Her warm palms were on him in seconds.

Leargan shivered, he couldn’t help it. Her touch burned him up from the inside out. He prayed for control while his erection kicked, threatening to blow its top off.

What are you?
A virgin of seven and ten?

She hadn’t even touched him there.

Feather-light fingers
traced the defined lines of his pectoral and abdominal muscles, and he tried not to squirm. There was no reason the woman he’d marry couldn’t touch him.

Leargan groaned, and her gaze shot to his.

“Did I hurt you?” Ansley asked.


“What’s wrong?”

“You’re killing me. I want you. The more you touch me, the more I burn for you.”

She looked away, but he gently cupped her cheeks and kissed her. Her hands brushed his belly and settled at his hips, tugging on the soft leather of his tan breeches. “Off,” Ansley whispered into his kiss.

Chuckling, Leargan grabbed his breeches, lowering one side before looking at her again. “What do you want, love?”

One eyebrow raised, Ansley set her hands on her bare hips.

Leargan tried not to stare at her sex.

“You. Naked.”

“Ah.” Leargan fought for a serious expression. “And then what?”

She glared, taking a step forward. “You’ll make me say it?” Her whisper belied the expression marring her face.

He chuckled again.

“Wretch,” Ansley whispered.

“Oh, all right, love.” He pushed his pants off his hips and slipped out of his boots. Leargan kicked them away and stepped out of the brushed leather.

Her gaze devoured him, and he had the urge to gulp. His manhood liked the perusal, springing forward and aching even more. “Love, you’re killing me.”

“How? We’re not even touching.”

“The way you’re looking at me doesn’t bode well for my stamina.”

When she came closer and smiled, Leargan tugged her into his arms. They both gasped when naked skin came together, his blunt nipples tingling and hardening when hers brushed them.

He inhaled the flowery scent of her damp hair when Ansley pressed closer. “Blessed Spirit, I need you. I need you so badly,” Leargan whispered into her ear, echoing the tremble that shook her in his arms.

She looped her arms around his neck as he scooped her up and took her to the oversized bed. He kissed her, setting her down in the middle of the tan sleeping furs and following her down.

Leargan deepened the kiss and shoved his tongue into her mouth, kissing her until his pulsed thundered in his temples.

When he pulled back, it was only to force air into his lungs. His gaze raked her whole body. She made no effort to cover herself. “You’re so beautiful.”

“With freckles and all?” Ansley whispered.

“Aye, with freckles and all.” Spreading warm kisses down her neck, Leargan settled himself over her, pushing her thighs wider with his knee.

Ansley stilled beneath him.

He didn’t want to see fear in her eyes. He’d never been with a virgin, but Leargan could be a gentle lover. He
be, to show her how much she meant to him. He wouldn’t hurt her; he’d make it good for her, too. “Are you afraid?”

“No. Just nervous.”

“I’ll be gentle, love. I promise. I’d never hurt you.”

“I know, Leargan,” Ansley whispered. “I want you.”

“It may hurt at first, but I’ll go slow.”

Ansley pulled him down. Their mouths met, and he let her control their kiss before as he settled his weight on top of her, his erection trapped pleasantly against her sex.

She pushed up, rocking against him until they settled into a gentle rhythm that mimicked lovemaking. She writhed and wiggled, throwing her head back and whimpering. “More…Leargan, you’re making me ache.”

Ansley wasn’t the only one. If he didn’t calm himself, one thrust and it would be over. He pulled back, running his hands over her breasts and down her belly, dragging two fingers down further, parting the folds of her core. Biting his lip to stave off a moan, Leargan teased the sensitive cluster of nerves at the top of her sex until Ansley called his name. She was already wet for him.

“Please…I’m ready,” she begged.

“I need to taste you first,” he whispered against her belly. Leargan trailed his tongue around her navel, nipping and kissing his way lower.

She wiggled and buried her hands in his dark hair, tugging when he nibbled her inner thigh. He urged her to open wider for him.

At the first swipe of his tongue at her center, she called his name, lifting her head from the pillows. “What are you doing?” she gasped, trying to sit up.

Leargan put a gentle hand to her breasts. “Relax, love, it’s all right. I’ll make you feel good.”

She shivered, but nodded, lowering herself to her elbows, her teal stare burning him.

Maintaining eye contact, Leargan licked her.

Ansley screamed his name, falling flat to the bed and reaching for him.

He gently pushed her hands out of the way after kissing them. He dragged his tongue up and down her sex, pulling her into his mouth, parting her folds and probing inside until she yanked his hair.

Leargan chuckled against her heated skin and her whole body trembled with the vibration. When he sucked her most sensitive part, Ansley’s hips came off the bed. He held her still, giving her no mercy. He wanted her to climax before he joined them. Show her what orgasm was like before her first time making love.

He didn’t have long to wait.

Ansley cried out and arched her back.

She opened her mouth as if to speak, but he shook his head. “Shhh, love. Let it come. Let go.”

Pushing his fingertip inside, Leargan groaned as her body stiffened. Her core latched on, contracting and releasing as her pleasure washed over them both. She was tight, hot, and soaking wet…for

He slipped behind her, holding her, caressing her as she rode the orgasm out.

Ansley turned her face and crushed her lips into his.

He didn’t hesitate to kiss her back, swallowing her moan. Leargan pushed her into the bed, spreading her thighs wide.

Keeping their mouths fused, he gripped his erection and teased up and down her sex. They both shivered. Leargan broke the kiss, panting.

She was gorgeous in passion, long red hair spread on her pillows; skin flushed pink and teal eyes heavy.

Words deserted him, and he had to clear his throat. “Are you ready?”

Ansley nodded, settling her hands on his thick biceps.

Leargan leaned forward, sinking into her slowly. He gripped her hips to steady her and tilted up with each disappearing inch.

She was very still, her eyes going wider the further he went.

He closed his eyes, unable to bear hurting her and shoved forward, breaching the resistance of her virginity.

Ansley clung to him, crying out. Her nails bit into his arms, but Leargan didn’t care if she drew blood. She had to be all right.

“Love, I’m sorry,” he breathed. “Do you want to stop?”

She shook her head, but tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. “I don’t want to stop.”

Ansley wiggled, and he bit back a gasp.

So tight. His.

She belonged to him now.

“Be still, love. Give it a moment. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I want to be with you, make you feel good.”

“Blessed Spirit, you already have. You are.”

Shoving her hips upward, she whimpered, but Leargan rocked back into her, grunting as pleasure hit him. His body screamed to propel forward hard, claim her, but he went slowly, rocking and then gingerly thrusting, until her expression told him discomfort was gone.

She started to move with him, meeting his thrusts and snaked her arm around his neck. Ansley slanted her lips over his, until the kiss mirrored his plunges, both picking up speed at her demand.

Slow and steady was rejected by her hips shoving into his over and over. Leargan lost himself to their rhythm, kissing her even deeper as he moved in and out of her.

Her hands slipped over his shoulders and down his back, settled on his rear end, squeezing, urging.

It was too much, the sensations washing over him pitched him over the edge. Pleasure so intense his blood boiled.

Ansley tore her mouth away from his and screamed his name arching her back, pressing her full breasts into his chest. Her core squeezed him tight as climax hit.

Leargan buried his face against her neck; his spine tingled. He froze as his release shot into her, his erection spasming as her core tightened and loosened. He groaned into her heated skin.

She shook in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Leargan collapsed on top of her, sweat covering them both.

He struggled for breath and coherent thought as Ansley wiggled beneath him, shooting a tremor up his spine.

What the hell just happened?

Lovemaking had never been like that
. Ever.

Ansley caressed his stubbled cheek, offering a small smile when their eyes met.

Leargan held her hand to his face as his mind raced. “Are you all right?”

“Aye. Are you?”

He nodded and slipped from her body. After a fortifying breath, he rolled to the bed, pulling her into his arms. Leargan kissed her temple, then rained soft kisses over her face until she giggled.

She nestled close and pressed her lips to his in what melted into a tender lingering kiss. Their tongues brushed, danced and melded, but there was no urgency. Just her mouth against his, searing his soul.

She was his. Forever.

Leargan swallowed hard, heart thundering. “You are mine, Ansley.”

She kissed his chin, then his chest, a smile playing at her kiss-swollen mouth. “Are you mine?”

“Aye, always.”

Silence descended until she shifted against his side.

He cupped her face and made her meet his gaze. Her gorgeous eyes were misty. “Are you all right?” he asked again.


It was more than that, but her expression was guarded, so he let it go, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “If you say so,” he whispered.

“I do say so.” Her voice wobbled.

He cleared his throat. “I’ll get something to clean us up.”

Without waiting for an answer, Leargan slipped from her bed, wincing at the blood on his softening arousal, even his thighs. It was real. Her innocence was gone, but she was his now. No other man would touch her, make love to her.

Dipping a small corner of linen in the cooling bath water, he washed himself facing away from her, then rinsed the cloth and returned to the bed, wiping blood away from her inner thighs and sex, gently cleansing her.

When their eyes met, Ansley blushed scarlet, but he smiled. He tossed the cloth over his shoulder and crawled into the bed, tugging her to him. “Don’t be embarrassed after what we shared.”

“I’m not.” She snuggled into his chest after he pulled the sleeping furs over them. “You’ll sleep with me?”

“All night, love. I want to hold you.”

She smiled and let her eyes slip closed, resting her head on his chest with a sigh. Soon her breathing became deep and even.

He smoothed her long hair, following the curve of her shoulder and dragging his hand down the soft skin of her back. She was so soft, supple. Fantastic beneath his fingertips.

His breath exited on a whoosh. He closed his eyes, contentment and
washing over him along with instant sleepiness Leargan didn’t fight.

Ansley’s bed was where he belonged.

“I love you,” she muttered in her sleep.

Leargan smiled. He’d never had a more pleasant dream.

Chapter Eighteen

Ansley was warm all over. She snuggled closer to the source of heat and felt strong arms encircle her. She smiled against a fully-muscled chest. His clean scent tickled her nose as she inhaled, and she kissed the nearest skin.

BOOK: Love's Call
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