Love's Embers (Canon City Series) (9 page)

Read Love's Embers (Canon City Series) Online

Authors: Lauren Marie

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BOOK: Love's Embers (Canon City Series)
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His hands moved to her bottom and pulled her closer. “No way are you a slut. To be honest,” he pushed his fingers through her hair. “I gave myself a hard-on when I was riding. All I did was think about you.”

“I watched you walk back in with Fox and walk really nice. I’d never noticed it before.” She kissed him again and smiled. “You do know it’s all I can do not to tear all my clothes off and let you devour me. It’s too cold...” She moved her legs a little and adjusted her pelvis. She looked down at him. “Oh dear, what are we to do?”

Charlie laughed. “Oh dear is right. Try walking down an incline with an erection. It’s definitely a learning experience.” He smiled and moved his hands up under her sweater. “I’m getting one of my wishes right now.”

“What is your wish, me sitting on you?”

“That is one of my wishes, too, but I love the feel of your skin. It’s so soft.” He moved his hand up her back and unlatched her bra.

She sat up and looked down at him. “Your hands are being very naughty.”

“Yeah, they have a mind of their own. I hope it isn’t a problem?” His hands moved up the front of her sweater and cupped both breasts under her bra. He put his bottom lip out. “Can I see, please?” he whispered.

Lark pulled her arms out of the sleeves and took her bra off. She then put her arms back in and let him lift the front. She took the bottom of the sweater and held it up. She watched him gaze at her chest. His hands moved up her stomach and his fingers lightly tickled her overly excited buds.

“Lou, you are the most beautiful woman. Always have been, always will be,” he said and leaned his head to her right breast. His mouth covered the tender, hard tip and his tongue and teeth teased her nipple.

She sighed and closed her eyes, letting Charlie perform magic. Her body flamed inside and out. She’d felt excited in the past, but nothing like this. She wanted him, all of him.

“Oh Ducky,” she moaned.

She felt one of his hands move down to the hot V between her legs and pressed on the right spot causing Lark to moan, again.

“Sweetheart, does the back seat flatten out? If I don’t get inside you soon I’m going to bust.”

She looked down at him, not paying attention to his words. His hands were making her crazy. She glanced out the back window of her Bronco and saw a truck coming towards them. That seemed to register.

She leaned back and pulled her sweater down. “We can’t do this here. There’s too much traffic.”

“What?” He saw where she pointed and looked. She saw him glance at the truck and take in a deep breath. “Let’s go back to my place.” He turned back to her.

Lark put her hand up to his face and ran her thumb along his brow. “You don’t have any furniture, Ducky.”

He kissed the palm of her hand and grinned. “According to Playboy magazine there are other ways of making love around the house. I’ve always wanted to try some of the moves.”

“Charlie Stone, you’re going to make me have a stroke.” She kissed him and moved back to her seat. She started the engine.

“Lou, are you going to put your boots back on?” he asked and put his hand on her thigh.

She grinned at him. “Maybe I’ll put them back on, but right now I’m hot...”

“Scorching hot, baby.” He leaned over, put his hand around her neck and brushed her lips with his.

She pressed toward him, let him take her mouth with passion and felt amazed at what a great kisser he’d become and how he woke up her raging hormones. “Ducky,” she said and kept her eyes closed.


“I don’t know if I can drive with your hand on my crotch.” She opened her eyes and saw him look down.

“Tit-for-tat, baby.” He grinned.

Lark didn’t even realize her hand was cupped on his jeans over his penis. She felt him twitch through the fabric. “Hmmm, can I get us home in under thirty minutes? I wonder.” She straightened in her seat and shifted the Bronco into Drive. “Buckle up, sweetie.” She arched her eyebrows and grinned.

Chapter Fourteen

They made it back to the neighborhood in twenty-six minutes. Lark drove carefully and did her best to not spin out. She kept her Bronco steady on the road and didn’t put them into a ditch.

“Maybe we should leave Breaker with Gran. He might think we’re playing and want to join in the fun,” Charlie said.

Lark grinned. “I’m only interested in human animals, Ducky.”

He grinned back at her. “Quack.”

They both laughed and she turned the Bronco onto Pine Ridge Road. As they approached Gran’s driveway, Lark could see a black Lexus parked down by the front of the house. Her stomach instantly tied in knots and she stopped laughing.

“Whose car is that?” Charlie asked, as she slowed down.

“Crap, reality never seems to give it up. My fiancés.” She pulled the Bronco behind the Lexus.

“That’s a mood breaker. Lark...” He looked at her.

After she put the SUV into Park and turned off the engine, she leaned over to put on her boots. “Don’t Charlie. We were having too much fun and I shouldn’t have led you on.”

He sat back in his seat. “Definitely a mood breaker,” he mumbled. “I guess dinner’s off.”

She stamped her foot down to get her boot all the way on and looked at him. “No it’s not. Gran is really excited to go out with us tonight. We’re still on.” She looked back at the car in front of hers. “I don’t know why he’s here. My phone was on all day and I don’t have any messages.”

“I better come in and round up Breaker.”

She watched Charlie get out of the Bronco. She grabbed her coat and the bag of cookies off the back seat and got out. As she approached the back door, Charlie stopped and waited for her to go into the kitchen ahead of him.

Lark handed him the cookies as she walked past and looked up at him. She wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words. The flame that built inside of her earlier at Bickens Ranch had waned to a small ember and she suddenly felt very cold.

She opened the door and saw her Gran come in from the living room. “There you are. I didn’t think you’d be gone riding so long,” Gran said with a question on her face.

“Fox threw a shoe, so it took longer to get back in. It’s my fault,” Charlie said.

Lark took off her coat. “Where’s Thomas?” she whispered.

“In the living room,” Gran answered.

“Where’s Breaker?” Charlie held out his hands in question.

“Oh, I had to put him up in the bedroom. He made Thomas uncomfortable.”

Lark saw Thomas stroll into the kitchen, his blond hair combed perfectly and an annoyed look on his face. He wore a pair of dark grey flannel pants, a blue turtle neck and grey jacket. He was a handsome man, but she realized she didn’t really have any feelings for him. What was she thinking about when she accepted his proposal?

“Thomas,” Lark said and went to stand by him. “Why didn’t you let me know you were coming down?”

“I left several messages, darling.” He leaned over and kissed her quickly. He turned to Charlie. “You must be Mr. Stone. Aurora explained your relationship with the family. I’m pleased to meet you.”

Lark looked up at Thomas and knew he’d just lied to her. There were no messages on her cell phone. She looked back down and thought he put on a good act, but she could hear the ice in his voice.

Charlie nodded. “Yeah.” He looked at Gran. “I’ll go up and take Breaker home. Is half an hour enough time for you ladies to get ready for dinner?” Both Lark and her Gran nodded. He walked past them and disappeared up the stairs. In less than a minute he came back down with Breaker keeping pace beside him.

When they entered the kitchen, Lark saw the wolf’s fur stand on end and heard a low growl in his chest.

“Let’s go Breaker. I’ll be back,” Charlie said and shut the door behind him.

Lark stared at the door and wanted to follow him. She looked up at Thomas and smiled. “I’m going to change.” She turned and headed to the stairs and he followed her to the bedroom.

He closed the door and leaned against it. “So, you have assisted the needy, I see.” He smiled.

Lark stood at her closet and looked over her shoulder. “Charlie isn’t needy. He’s a bit scruffy around the edges, but he’s a college graduate and knows his way around.” She almost sucked in her breath when she realized she had taken off her bra and it was still out in the Bronco. She walked to her dresser and pulled out a pink one. She took her sweater off and put it on with her back to Thomas.

“Is that so? Your grandmother said he was going to veterinary college. How exciting for him,” Thomas smirked.

Lark thought Thomas might be feeling a bit of jealousy and wanted to smooth things over. She didn’t want him here right now, but would have to make do until she could figure out the best way to discuss their relationship. “Will you come with us for dinner?”

“I came down here to spend time with you, not your grandmother and the next door neighbor. Why don’t we have dinner somewhere without them?”

Lark zipped up a pair of red pants and slipped a red sweater over her head. “We can’t do that tonight. Charlie doesn’t have a car yet and I’ve volunteered to drive.”

Thomas crossed his arms over his chest. “You know it’s interesting that you’re wearing red. It matches your face.”

She’d bent over to pull on her boots and straightened up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He walked up to her and put his hand under her chin. “They match your swollen red lips and cheeks. It makes me wonder.”

She moved her chin away from his fingers and took a step back. “Thomas, it’s cold outside. My ears are probably red, too.”

“Be very careful, my dear.”

“Okay, I give. What’s that supposed to mean?”

“If I find out there’s another explanation than just the cold, we’ll have to discuss it very seriously.”

Lark wanted to scream at him to mind his own business, but knew he would only get very angry with her. If she challenged his position he could turn mean. “Thomas, there is nothing happening here. It’s cold outside and that is all.” She bent over, again and pulled her other boot on. “Look, you can join us or wait here. It’s your choice.”

He landed a heavy hand on her shoulder and wound his fingers into the sweater. “Why is this so important, Lark?”

She put her hand on his arm and looked up at him. She’d had a knot in her stomach since she parked the SUV and it just kept getting worse. “It’s not that important, but I committed to it and, as you know, I hold to my commitments.”

“I’d rather spend the evening alone with you, my dear,” he said in a quiet tone. He put his hand up into her hair and grabbed a handful.

“I know, but in three weeks, after we’re married, we will probably spend so much time together that you’ll get tired of me.” She tried to get him to release her sweater and her hair.

He moved his hand out of her hair, put it around her waist and leaned in for a kiss. Lark thought it was interesting that when Thomas kissed her, there never was any fire, anymore. The more she thought about it she realized she’d never felt much for him physically and became confused.

Thomas always approached kissing and making love like he felt angry at the world. He’d jam his tongue in her mouth and never acted very tender. She remembered Charlie’s lips on her breast and almost smiled, but stopped those thoughts and focused on Thomas.

She pulled back. “Please, come out to dinner with us.”

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“I’m not certain. Gran got to pick the restaurant and its likely going to be Black Angus. She loves that place.”

“You know I don’t care for places like that.”

“I know, but they have a big menu and I’m sure you can find something acceptable.” She felt his fingers begin to loosen on her sweater. “I’ll ride with you and Charlie can drive Gran in

the Bronco.”

Thomas arched his eyebrows and slightly smirked. “That would be acceptable.”

“Good, good.” She latched onto his arm and moved towards the door.

When they got downstairs, Gran was waiting with Charlie, who’d changed into a tan pair of jeans and the flannel shirt he’d bought earlier in the day. He still wore his jean jacket. She found it difficult not to look at him.

“So, Thomas is coming with us.” She glanced at Charlie. “Would you drive Gran in my SUV?”


“Great, let me get the keys.” She headed to the coat hanger and pulled her jacket off the hook. She took the keys out of her pocket and handed them to him. “Where are we going?” she asked and slipped on her coat.


Charlie watched Lark and could tell something bothered her. She wasn’t her usual easy- going, mischievous self. She looked stiff and kept her hands folded in front of her.

Gran hooked her hand around Charlie’s arm and they walked to the Bronco. After Gran was settled and buckled into her seat, he walked around to the driver’s side. He slid in, moved the seat back and started the engine.

He backed the SUV out to the road and pulled forward slowly until he saw the Lexus headlights in the rearview mirror. Charlie noticed Gran fumble with something around her feet. “Is everything okay over there?” he asked.

She looked over at him and smiled. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She sighed and sat back in her seat. “I don’t like that Thomas very much. It seems like whenever he’s here from Denver, Lark is on edge.” She looked out the front window. “I never understood why she accepted that man. He seems so arrogant and stuffy. I wish I’d chosen Burger King for dinner instead of Black Angus. That would have turned him on.” She laughed.

“I think I only said five words to him and got the arrogant attitude completely. He seems like a jerk. You know Gran, Burger King works for me.”

“No, let’s do Black Angus. I love their Fire-grilled Artichoke. It’s so good. I don’t know, maybe he’s the way he is because we’re small town folks and he’s big city,” Gran said.

“If that’s the case, I’ll stick with the small town folks. We’re much warmer and friendly.”

He stopped at a red light and lost sight of the Lexus. He figured Thomas, not being familiar with the roads, might be driving slowly. He thought about waiting for them to catch up, but the light turned green and he decided to go.

They got to the restaurant parking lot and Charlie wedged the SUV into a spot as close to the front door as he could.

He helped Gran out and they walked carefully to the entrance. Charlie arranged for a table and since it was Sunday night, the place wasn’t that busy. They would only have to wait a few minutes.

Just as the hostess pulled out the menus, the door opened and Lark and Thomas entered. Thomas held on to her upper arm and steered her into the entrance. Charlie could see what looked like blood on the corner of her mouth.

Gran moved quickly to Lark. “Sweetheart, what happened?” She pulled a small package of tissues from her purse.

Lark pursed her lips together and looked down. “Dorky me, I slipped on a patch of ice getting out of the car and bit my lip.” She looked up at Charlie and he instantly knew it was a

lie. She shook her head slightly at him.

Gran took her arm. “Let’s go get it cleaned up.” She led Lark toward the ladies room and they disappeared.

The hostess led the men to a table. They sat across from each other and Charlie stared at Thomas. He felt he knew exactly what happened to Lark and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.  He watched Thomas reach for the wine list and glance at it.

Thomas looked up from the list at Charlie and smiled. “Fine dining,” he smirked.

Charlie wanted to fly over the table and beat this asshole into a pulp. He’d seen this kind of behavior too often with his mother not to recognize it.

The ladies returned and both men stood up to assist them. Lark sat next to Thomas.

Charlie didn’t look at her, but continued to stare at Thomas across from him. The waitress came and took their drink orders. Thomas ordered a glass of red wine, Charlie and Gran had coffee and Lark, a cup of tea.

Charlie watched as Lark started to take her coat off. Thomas turned to help her and she flinched ever so slightly. It verified his suspicions. He felt the anger build and continued to watch Thomas.

The waitress brought their drinks and pulled out a pad to take down their food orders. When she turned to Charlie, he held the menu up to her. “New York strip, medium well with a baked potato, no sides.”

Thomas laughed. “You didn’t even look at the menu.”

“I have it memorized.” Charlie frowned at him.

“Have you worked here?” Thomas asked.

“No,” Charlie answered and that was all he said.


Dinner seemed to drag on forever, although they only sat at the table for about an hour and a half. Charlie paid the waitress in cash and looked at Gran. “Are you ready to go home?”

“Yes, thank you for a great dinner. How did you like the artichoke?” she asked as she stood.

Charlie helped her with her coat. “It was fine. The pesto sauce was really good.”

“Yes, it was very good. Thank you, Mr. Stone. You really didn’t have to pay for all of it, but it was an interesting meal,” Thomas said. He stood next to Lark who struggled into her coat and turned to leave.

Charlie felt worried about her and wanted desperately to talk to her. She’d barely said two words since she sat down. He really hadn’t said much himself and when Gran asked him a question he’d asked her to repeat it more than once. He felt guilty for not paying better attention, but it was all he could to keep his eyes off Lark. He wanted to go over and wrap his arms around her and to protect her from the dick sitting across from him. At one point he thought he saw tears in her eyes.

As they walked out, he heard Thomas tell Lark he was going back to Denver and she would have to ride home with her grandmother. He said he’d see her on Saturday for the dance.

Charlie got Gran into the Bronco and looked toward the Lexus. Lark and Thomas stood by the trunk. Thomas reached for her, but she stepped back and started toward the SUV.

Charlie felt fed up. He shut Gran’s door and started toward the Lexus. He walked past Lark and went straight toward the asshole. Thomas looked surprised. Charlie put his hand on the man’s shoulder and grabbed the collar of his coat. He pulled him close and moved him to the driver’s door.

“Let me explain something to you, fuckhead. If you ever so much as think of hurting Lark again, there will be consequences to pay.” Charlie shoved him against the car.

“Get your hands off me,” Thomas said and struggled against Charlie’s hold.

“I just want to make sure you understand what I’m saying clearly. If you ever touch her again, you will pay for it.”

“She is my fiancée, Mr. Stone. I can do what I like.”

“See, you’ve got that all wrong,” Charlie said between clenched teeth. “If you do whatever you want, then I will become angrier than I am now. I have experience with making people stop breathing. So if you want that, just try me. I’d be more than happy to attend your funeral.”

He let go of the coat and saw the look on Thomas’s face. He felt he’d gotten through to the bastard maybe just a little. “Drive carefully, asshole. I have friends in big rigs out there who would love to take you out head-on,” he said and turned.

“Is that a threat, Mr. Stone?”

Charlie heard that and laughed. He turned back to Thomas. “If that’s the way you want to take it, then fine, but remember what city you’re in. I have friends here, too.” He walked back and saw Lark still stood in the same place. “I just wanted Thomas to know how nice it was to meet him.” He smiled at her and held out his arm.

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