Love's Pursuit (29 page)

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Authors: Siri Mitchell

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #General, #Religious, #ebook, #book

BOOK: Love's Pursuit
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This book was created through collaboration. I may have begun the process in solitude as I sat down to type, but I leaned heavily on those who lent their expertise and guidance to craft the book from my tattered manuscript. As always, I owe a deep debt of gratitude to those who helped shape these pages. My agent, Beth Jusino, knew the end from the beginning and still she cheered me on. My editors Dave and Sarah Long served as guides as I took the road less traveled.Maureen Lang is a true friend; I benefited from her honest opinions and spot-on advice. I’ve also long been sustained on this perilous path called publishing by the friendship of Ginger Garrett and the encouragement of Lissa Halls Johnson. It was she who graciously answered a question that proved critical to the development of this story. And my readers Linda Derrick, Trudy Mitchell, and ReAnn Johnson all contributed comments and insights that helped to shape consecutive drafts.

This book, as all the others which precede it, would never have found a place on anyone’s bookshelf had it not been for the support of my husband, Tony Mitchell. It is only because I am encouraged and loved at home that I can journey to the far reaches and distant outposts of my imagination.


  1. Have you ever been wrong in your first impression of someone? What were the consequences for you? For your family or friends?
  2. Have you ever stumbled upon love in an unlikely place?
  3. Small-hope felt invisible to most of the people of Stoneybrooke. Did she render herself invisible or did the townspeople render her invisible? Have you ever felt invisible?
  4. Both Small-hope and Susannah felt great shame during the course of the story. Why is shame so binding?
  5. Has anyone ever turned on you because of a mistake you made? Why would someone do that? Why did the people of Stoneybrooke do that to Susannah?
  6. The treatment of women by Puritans was progressive for its time. In what ways do you see that demonstrated in
Love’s Pursuit
? Though 350 years have passed, what similarities do you see between the characters in this novel and women today?
  7. What do you find admirable about the Puritan faith? What similar ideas do people of faith have today?
  8. There are different concepts of beauty illustrated in this book. Susannah is entranced by the beauty of Daniel’s gown. Daniel is captivated by a sunset. Thomas believes Small-hope’s hands to be beautiful. Discuss these different concepts. What kinds of things do you believe to be beautiful?
  9. Isaiah 43:4 was an important Bible verse for Susannah. How do you feel about this verse? Does it make you uncomfortable? If so, why?
10. The concept of God’s grace can be difficult for some people to understand and even more difficult for some people to believe in. Why do you think this is? Do you believe in God’s grace? How has this made a difference in the way you live your life?
11. How has God pursued you? Patiently? Relentlessly? Passionately?
12. Would you call this book a romance or a tragedy?

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