Love's Story (54 page)

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Authors: Kristin; Dianne; Billerbeck Christner

BOOK: Love's Story
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Late Sunday afternoon came sooner than the courage Chase Dylan would need to share his marriage plans with Gretchen Steele. His gait was purposeful and determined as he approached the forbidding home. He mumbled as he walked in the cool evening air, practicing what he would say to Gretchen and Henry Steele about his upcoming marriage plans. Although their relationship had changed a great deal within the last week, he was still concerned about how the widow would react to his happy news.

Much to his surprise, Gretchen answered the door before he knocked, and he was captured completely off guard. She wore a wide smile, and with outstretched arms came rushing toward him, hugging him tightly. “Chase, congratulations. Rachel will make an absolutely beautiful bride, not to mention a godly wife.”

Chase's mouth dropped, and he was stunned speechless. Gretchen laughed at his reaction. “I'm sorry to steal your thunder, but I must inform you the whole town knows. Maria had a baby girl yesterday and told Doc Winter. I'm afraid Doc Winter's wife struggles with the same problem I do. But it was such happy news; you couldn't really expect to keep it to yourselves for too long, now could you?”

Chase laughed out loud, “No, I suppose not.”

“I'm making a wedding quilt for you, started a few weeks ago. I think it's some of my best work.”

Chase was truly moved by the gesture. “Wait a minute; you say you started a few weeks ago, but how could you have known?”

“Chase Dylan, I've known you for years. What do you think, I'm blind? I saw the way you looked at Rachel Phillips. It was the same way my Harold looked at me. I knew it was only a matter of time.”

“Gretchen, thank you,” Chase said sincerely, and Henry appeared on the staircase landing.

“I told you Miss Phillips was pretty, Mr. Dylan. Remember? A long time ago by the lake.”

“Yes, I do, Henry. It seems this family is very attentive.” The threesome moved into the kitchen to partake of a rhubarb pie that Gretchen had prepared. They sat in a cheerful circle happily discussing the wedding plans.

“It's not too late, if you've changed your mind about the move. Jeremiah and Veronica can make other arrangements, if need be.”

“No, we leave at the end of the month,” Gretchen said softly.

“But, I thought you might have worked everything out that…”

“Chase, the Bible says, ‘Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger'; I think that's been part of my problem here in Searsville. I shall be busy in Redwood with my new job and I'll have less time to concentrate on meaningless things. I don't think it will solve my problems, but I do think it will help. I've prayed a lot about it and I feel this is God's will for our lives right now.”

Chase just nodded. He knew his friend had reached a place of peace in her life and knew he needn't worry.

The following Monday morning, Rachel arrived at the schoolhouse exhausted from tending the new baby. She had been tempted to cancel class, but knew the children would have traveled far and their parents wouldn't be expecting them home for hours. Soon she would have a husband and a house to call her own, and the very thought made her giddy and gave her the energy she needed to get up for work. Before her class arrived, Rachel heard a faint knock at the closed door. She rose to open it and nearly fainted at the sight of her mother, stepfather, and baby brother.

“Mother!” Rachel gasped, flying into her mother's outstretched arms. “Mother, what are you all doing here?” She pulled away from her and opened her eyes wide, trying to make sure once again she wasn't dreaming.

“I think you have to ask your stepfather about that.” Marshall Winsome handed Georgie to his big sister, and Rachel playfully lifted him into the air, enjoying the gurgling smile that spoke back to her.

“Georgie, you've gotten so big!” Rachel declared. She gazed at her stepfather in a quandary. His face was decidedly different; he looked older since she'd seen him last, although it had only been a little more than six months. And she thought his face appeared kinder, less serious.

“Rachel, it's so good to see you, my dear.” Rachel cowered as he came closer, afraid his gentleness had an ulterior motive. He resisted moving forward and explained his uncivil past actions toward her. “Rachel, when you and your mother came to live with me, I thought you needed to learn how to survive in California on your own. After all, if you work hard and have a bit of luck, California is a land of opportunity. I thought you needed to learn, but I realize now I was wrong about that.” Rachel unwillingly fell against the wall behind her, with Georgie still cooing. “I thought by finishing your education, you would be able to live the life of your choice, but I had lost sight of the fact that you had just lost your father. I came along and, in some sense, took your mother away, too. It's not what I meant to do, you understand, but it happened just that way. I'm hoping you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Rachel looked at the burly man standing before her. She had carried so much animosity in her mind over this man, even following the letter to her mother asking for his forgiveness, but now he seemed shattered, vulnerable, and repentant, his apology sincere. She couldn't very well hang on to her anger. His genuineness wouldn't allow for it, and when she looked into her mother's eager eyes, she knew forgiveness was the only answer.

“Of course I forgive you, Marshall. If it weren't for you, I would never have met Chase Dylan.” Rachel's eyes sparkled with mischief as she mentioned the name casually, looking away from her mother, who giggled with delight.

“Sounds like you two need some time alone. I'll head back to the hotel while you get reacquainted.”

“Chase Dylan, and who might that be?” her mother questioned excitedly. She took her daughter by the arm and they sat for a private conversation, Georgie happily babbling at his big sister.


little to the left,” Rachel directed. “Right there. That's perfect.”

Chase hammered the nail into the wall and placed Rachel's beloved lake painting over their newly finished mantel. He stepped back and the two admired their work together. Rachel looked lovingly into her husband's clear, bluish-green eyes. Her heart was overjoyed at the memory of sharing her wedding day with friends and family. It all appeared too wonderful to be true. But as she peered at Chase's Bible, lying open upon their new kitchen table, she knew God's goodness and faithfulness were indeed true.

Kristin Billerbeck
is a bestselling, Christy-nominated author of over forty-five novels. Her work has been featured in
The New York Times
and on “The Today Show.” Kristin is a fourth-generation Californian and a proud mother of four. She lives in the Silicon Valley and enjoys good handbags, hiking, and reading.

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