Love's Suicide: Love's Suicide

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Love's Suicide: Love's Suicide
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Written b
Jennifer Foor

Copyright © 2014 Jennifer Foor

All Rights Reserved

Cover Art By: Wicked Cool Designs Robin Harper

Photography: BigStock

Editing by: KMS Editing

This book is a written act of fiction. Any places, characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is not allowed to be offered for sale, discounted, or free on any sites other than Kobo, IBook’s, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This book may only be distributed by Jennifer Foor, the owner and Author of this series.

Check out the other books by Jennifer Foor

Letting Go - A Mitchell Family Series Book 1

Folding Hearts – A Mitchell Family Series Book 2

Raging Love – A Mitchell Family Series Book 3

Risking Fate – A Mitchell Family Series Book 4

Wrapping Up – A Mitchell Family Series Novella 4.5

Wanting More – A Mitchell Series Book 5

Saving Us – A Mitchell Family Series Book 6

Blinding Trust – A Mitchell Family Series Book 7

Losing Him – A Mitchell Family Series Book 8

Loving Her – A Mitchell Family Series Book 9

Hope’s Chance

Hustle Me (A Bank Shot Romance)

Hustle Him (A Bank Shot Romance)

Diary of a Male Maid


The Kin Series

Repair Me

Replace Me

Restore Me

Reject Me (April 2014) Jamey and Peyton

Remember Me (March 2014) Shayne and Ashley

Mitchell-Healy Cousins (Summer 2014)

Edited By: KMS Editing

Beta Readers

Kayla Kennedy, Emma Clifton, Kristy Davidson, Catherine Roberts, Lara Petterson , Danielle Sanchez, Danielle Calcote, Amanda Bennett

Jennifer Harried, Mechelle Lovell Jackson, Carrie Stadler, Hazel Smith

Erica Willis, Dawn Williams, Sarah Thompson, Jamie Grant, Kerri McLaughlin, Michelle Leighton, Emily Snow, Michelle Valentine, Holly Malgieri, Delia Steele, Susan Gigler, Tanya Turner, Cindy Driscoll, Jennifer Wolfel

Milasy Mugnolo, Lisa Hentz, Teresa Coleman

Web Design: Amy Haigler

Marketing: Lara Petterson


This Book is Dedicated to my Grandmother

June Marie Schultz Zimmerman

Her beautiful soul will never be forgotten.

Thanks to my street team, Foor Players.

You all help me out so much.

Author: Emily Snow

Author: Michelle Valentine (My Twin)

Author: Michelle Leighton

Author: Amanda Bennett

Author: Erika Ashby

Author: Harper Sloan

Author: Nacole Stayton

Author: J. Sterling

Holly Malgieri

Lara Petterson & Amy Haigler, for everything you both do for me. I Love you!

Thanks to all of my new friends on my FB, Twitter and Goodreads.

Thanks to all of my other Independent Author Friends. (you know who you are)


Blog/Promotional Thanks

RAMBLINGS FROM BENEATH THE SHEETS, Books,Coffee and Wine, Little Red's Book Reviews, Addicted 2 Reading Books, Sassy Girl Books, Pretty Lil Page Turner's, G & C Book Blog, Books to Breathe, Naughty and Nice Book, BlogBiblio Belles, Diaries Of A Book Vixen, Rude Girl Book Blog, Book Bitches Blog, Amazeballs Book Addicts, All Is Read with LexyPat, The Book Hangover, Summer's Book Blog, Diaries Of A Book Vixen, Love N. Books, Books Books Books, mackable book babes, Rustys Reading, Tabby's Tantalizing Reviews, Just Booked, Three Chicks and Their Books, Book Babblin', Hooker Heels Book Blog, Knock Your Books Off, Hot Romance Novel, Author Groupies, Mean Girls Luv Books, Hooker Heels Book Blog, Four Brits And A Book, Midwest Book LoverSix Chicks and Their Love of Books, StarAngels' Reviews, Lezley-Lynn's Book Blog, All is Read with LexyPat, My Favorite Things, Nerd Alert, 2 friends, promote your books with us, Just One More Romance, Lustful Literature, For Whom The Books Toll, Fike's Book Blog, Made For You Book Reviews, A Book Whores Obsession, The Whispering Pages Book Blog, Bridger Bitches Book blog, Miss Little Book Addict's House Of Books, Shh Moms Reading, TRSOR, The Whispering Pages Book Blog, Wolfel's World of Books, Sassy Sext Addiction Book Lovers, Kelly's kindle Konfessions, The Fairest of All Book Reviews, Submit and Devour, Book Boyfriend Reviews, D&SBookblog, Submit and Devour, Mary Lee Huerta, Three Girls and a Book Obsession, Kimerin's Confessions of a Bibliophile, Rose's Book Blog, First Class Books, Niccis book blog, Firefly Book Blog, Krystal Clear Book Reviews, Give Me Books, Brandee's Book Endings, Confessions of a One-Click Addict, Firefly Book Blog, I Heart Books, Reading DelightZ

Special Thanks to:

Book Bitches, Maryse Book Blog, Shh Mom’s reading, Into the night Reviews, Word, Kindlehooked, , Totally Booked, Word, Reading is my time out, Stick Girl Book Reviews, Wolfels World of Books, Dirty Books and Dirty Boys,

Book Broads, Book Studs, Books Books Books, Reality Bites Books, Naughty Mafia, Smutty Book Whores Obesession, Smexy Girl Book Blog, Just Booked Blog, Book Crazy, BookFri-ends,

Submit and Devour, Three Girls and a Book Obsession, The Whispering Pages Book Blog, All Is Read With Lexipat, Lit Slave, Six Chicks and Their Love For Books, Zee Books Blog,

Evette Ashby Sexy Girl Reads, Risque Romance Reads, Nicely Phrased,

Books Coffee and Wine,

S&M Book Obsessions – I love these dirty girls!!

What to read after fifty shades – Summer Daniels

Special Thanks to:

The Mullet Ninjas (You know who you are.)

Everyone who has made this series the success that it is. I am forever grateful. Thanks to my family and my faith. With them, all things are possible.


September 11

It was just like every other school day in Washington, D.C. The traffic was wretched and my mother cussed under her breath the whole time. After she’d dropped me and my neighbors, Branch and Brooks, off for seventh grade, we walked inside and went to our lockers. I felt a little weird being around them after experimenting with French kissing with both of them the night before.

It wasn’t like it was a big deal. We’d spent every day together since we were infants
. Our parents being friends made it all the worse by basically forcing us to do everything together, all the time, even when we didn’t want to.

Branch, being older th
an his brother by nearly four minutes, was the one who came up with the idea to begin with. It was always the understanding that he was in charge of our friend circle, even though Brooks and I were usually the ones enjoying hanging out and not worrying what other’s thought of us.

He said we were twelve and needed to know how to do it
, so that when it happened for real we’d be prepared.

Even at my young age
I wasn’t stupid. Branch always had ulterior motives and it was his way of admitting that he wanted me to be his first.

I told him that I would only agree to
it, if we included Brooks.

So the three of us pinky-
promised and went out into the tree house to test out our abilities, hoping that we wouldn’t get caught by any of our parents.

It was kind of funny because
, even though it had been Branch’s idea, Brooks ended up going first. Branch used the excuse that Brooks would need the most practice, but we both knew it was for the simple fact that he was scared. The only time Branch let his twin do anything first was when he was afraid of doing it himself. Brooks was always Branch’s guinea pig and I hated that about him.

So there we were, me and Brooks, slowly moving in toward each other with our lips parted.
I couldn’t look at him, in fear that he was also looking at me. When we first made contact, our eyes shot open and we heaved away, scared to express what was happening.

I wasn’t sure about Brooks, but when his lips touched mine it felt different than two friends exploring something for the first time. It excited
me and made me feel nervous. There were butterflies in my stomach and also the urge to vomit.

Branch laughed at us. “I knew you wouldn’t do it right.”

Then Brooks shocked me. He moved forward with an annoyed expression on his face. “Come on, Kat, let’s try it again.”

I leaned forward and felt his soft lips touching mine. We held them tog
ether, and then, at the same moment, we touched tongues. I had to admit that a tiny sensation went from my lips through each of my fingertips. The feelings were back in my stomach and I liked it so much that I didn’t want to stop.

Even though we’d promised to never tell anyone
, I felt privileged. I knew that all of the girls would be envious, on account of the boys being so handsome. Not only was I getting to kiss Brooks, but I was also going to do it with Branch too.

Brooks and I separated and smiled at each ot
her briefly before Branch shoved him aside and leaned in for his turn. “Let me show you both how it’s done.”

To be honest
they both kissed similar, as if they’d read how to do it and practiced on their hands at the same time.

An hour later we were back to playing spot light in the backyard, like we did on most fall nights.
One thing was different though. While Branch went running to the door the moment his mother announced that dinner was ready, his brother didn’t follow him.

I started to head next door to my yard, I felt someone grab my hand. Brooks smiled at me. His blue eyes were dreamy and I knew why the girls wanted to be his steady girlfriend, even if we were just children. “Thanks for being my first kiss, Kat.” I loved when he called me that. It was his special name for me.

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. “Thanks for being mine, Brooks.”
I twisted my body from side to side out of being nervous. It was so weird. We’d done everything together our whole lives and I knew I was acting ridiculous.

He looked down at the ground and kicked some rocks. “So, can we try it one more time, so we’ll be sure we got it right?”

I shrugged and leaned in to do it again, all the while celebrating it silently in my mind. We didn’t hold hands or touch each other, like a couple that was going out would do. Instead, we stood with our bodies apart and just leaned in.

This kiss lasted longer. We kept moving our tongues around until his mother called out his name again.

He pulled away, gaping at me. “I gotta go.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye, Kat.”

I didn’t wait for him to turn around, to see if he even did. Instead
, I went running towards the gate that connected our yards. He was probably wondering if I was going to tell someone, but I wouldn’t. He could always trust me.

After all, he was one of my best friends in the whole world. He’d never b
e cruel to me or say I was horrible, and I also knew he’d forever keep it a secret between us.

Branch was the one that liked to brag. He would be the one
that I fretted about.

So, on our ride to school, none of us said much. My mom asked us if something was going on that she needed to know about, but we were never going to tell her. She’d punish me from hanging out with them and I couldn’t imagine that ever happening, even if it

While standing at my locker, Branch came over and leaned against the one next to it. “I saw you and my brother last night.”

I put my books inside and closed the door. “So what? We were just practicing.”

“Whatever. You know he doesn’t like you that way, right?”

I rolled my eyes and started walking in front of him, passing Brooks at his locker. He caught my stare, but never even smiled. His attention was on his brother and for some reason he seemed annoyed.

When the three of us got into class I was feeling a little uneasy. If anyone found out that I’d kissed both boys I’d be called a lot of unfair names, which none would be true. The only thing I was guilty of was being in love with both of them.

Our little private school only had a hundred students and went from kindergarten to twelfth grade. Our class had eleven students, and was one of the largest. We stood, like every morning, to say the pledge of allegiance. I placed my hand on my heart and looked up at the flag.

All of the sudden we heard someone scream and go running down the hallway. Over the loud intercom system, the pledge was stopped and a bunch of commotion was taking place.

My teacher walked out into the hallway to see what had happened, making it clear that we all had to remain in our seats. Branch leaned over. “What do you think is going on? My money’s on a rat.”

I watched the door waiting for the teacher to come ba
ck and explain what was happening. A single hand waving caught my stare. Brooks was trying to get my attention from the front of the room. He’d had to move away from me and his brother because we talked too much in class.

When I looked at him, he stuck out his tongue. It was like he knew that out of the whole class, I was the one who was worried. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but somehow I knew something bad had happened.

Then the teacher came running into the room, out of breath. “I need you all to close up your books and remain quiet as we make our way into the cafeteria.” She had tears in her eyes and was grabbing a bunch of her things, including a cell phone.

Branch raised his eyebrows when I looked at him and shrugged. We did as we were told and noticed that every class was being sent into the larg
e lunch room.

A bunch of adults were standing in the hallways, ta
lking on their phones, weeping.

When we got inside the large room, we all sat down at the lunch tables and gave our attention to the principal. “May I have
your attention please?”

The room finally got quiet. “I need everyone to remain calm until your parents arrive to get you.”

“We just got here,” some older kid called out.

“I understand that the day just started. It pains me to say this and I know some of you may not understand, but I can’t give you any
more information.”

She didn’t have to, because a senior had snuck a phone
into school and was already seeing it unfold. “Oh my God! Someone flew a plane into a building!”

The room went wild with concern and I just sat there, saying nothing. At that point we still didn’t know the details of when or even where. We just knew that the adult
s seemed terrified.

Small children started to cry and the chaos that unfolded was anything but organized. Children and parents scattered around trying to find each other and get out of the city. Branch,
Brooks, and I sat there, waiting patiently for my mother to show back up and get us.

I wondered if she’d left her phone at home and hadn’t gotten the call yet. School was
thirty minutes away, and with us starting later than other public schools in the area, the traffic could have been pretty bad by that time, so she’d just be getting back. Then I wondered if the school would call my dad. He was right on the other side of town in the Pentagon, a heavily secure building located in the heart of the city. He could come and go in case of emergencies, because he was the boss of his department.

An hour passed and nobody had showed up to get us. The room began to really get empty and only a few of us were left to be picked up. The seniors that drove were the first to leave the school. The younger kids seemed to
disappear next, while us stragglers sat around waiting.

With me
still wondering where my parents were, and hoping they’d show up, I had to use the bathroom and I couldn’t possibly hold it any longer. On the way, I noticed that the cafeteria lady had a small radio playing. She was sitting on a stool with her hands covering her face.

I walked slowly to see if I could hear what the person on the radio was saying.

Then I heard it, clear as day.

There had been a second plane that had flown into the sister building
in New York. Before I could take another step, I heard them also say the Pentagon. They spoke of the government officials being transported out of the city and the Pentagon, where I knew my father was, having been attacked.

I think it was that exact moment that I knew my dad wouldn’t be coming to get me. Somewhere in
my gut I knew he hadn’t made it, but it was still too soon to admit.

Danica Valentine was standing with the boys when I came back out. She’d been crying and had tried to conceal it by keeping on her sunglasses. Her tears had
caused her makeup to drip down on her cheeks, making it very noticeable. “Are you ready to go, Katy?”

“Is my dad dead?” I don’t even remember the words coming out of my mouth.

She knelt down in front of me and pulled me into her arms. “We don’t know anything yet, love. I’ve tried to call your mom, but she isn’t home and she’s not answering. Right now a bunch of people are heading down there to find their loved ones. I’m sure your dad is going to be fine, sweetheart. Let’s just get you home safe and then we’ll find out more, okay?”

I don’t remember
a lot of the ride home. Danica refused to turn on the radio. She handed me her phone and let me dial my mother’s number, but the lines said all circuits were currently busy.

The longer time went by, the more I worried.

When it got dark we still hadn’t heard anything from my mother. I think we were all hopeful that she’d found him and was somewhere without a way to call us. The news, which couldn’t be avoided, had been playing all day long. Danica made it a point to keep me out of the living room, to prevent me from seeing anything that would get me more upset.

I’d caught enough to see people carrying bloodied bodies and even a person jumping out of
one of the tall buildings before it collapsed. The coverage kept skipping from New York to D.C., so it was hard to look for someone when I wasn’t sure where the footage was from.

My mother’s ph
one was found over at our house when Danica had gone to get me some clothes. She took care of me as if she were my mom; comforting me and making me feel like everything was going to be okay.

After dinner, which
I didn’t eat at all, I went out into the tree house to be alone. I should have known they’d come find me and not let me be by myself.

“I told you she’d be out here.”

“Shut up,” Branch said rudely as he pushed Brooks towards the wooden wall.

“Any word?” I hadn’t given up hope that they’d find them. Not yet.

“No. Mom and Dad keep watching to see if they spot them,” Brooks assured me.

Then it finally occurred to me that I hadn’t shed a single tear. My eyes filled up and I covered
my face to keep them from seeing all the pain and worry pouring out of me. “She would have called by now.”

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