Loving David (12 page)

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Authors: Gina Hummer

BOOK: Loving David
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“Do you remember when I made fun of you about that movie you made where you had to screw all night to stay warm?” she breathed.

He pushed her hair back from her face and looked deep into her eyes. “How could I forget?”

“I think I’d like to give it a try now.”

Without a word, David smashed his lips against Charlotte’s. She moaned and shucked his wet tee-shirt from his body, her hands traipsing across his chest. He responded by flipping her tee-shirt over her head and yanking the straps of her bra down in one frenetic motion. His hot tongue melted one of her icy nipples and Charlotte began to groan softly as she pushed her fingers through the thick brush of his hair. He began to gnaw her at her other breast, greedy with lust for her. David grunted and bent down to lift Charlotte from behind her knees, which elicited a surprised gasp from her. He set her down on the floor, and she whimpered.

“What’s wrong?” David pulled back.

“Find a tarp… something, anything to put down on the ground.”

David moaned and looked around furiously. He spotted a shiny blue tarp wedged inside one of the boats. He looked up and saw a worn blanket hanging from a hook on the wall. He grabbed that as well, and threw them down on the rough concrete. Charlotte wriggled on top of them, getting comfortable. David pounced and ripped the zipper of her jeans open, anxious to get them off her. Her cotton panties were soaked, and David let his finger linger over the moist material for just a second before he pulled them off. He drove his face in between her legs, which caused Charlotte to cry out just as a raucous slap of thunder shook the boathouse. Charlotte screamed as he devoured her like a sumptuous feast. Just when she thought she would explode he stopped. He looked at her, his body heaving.

“I have a confession to make.”

Charlotte’s heart lurched. “What?”

“You remember when I went to town to get ‘man things’ the other day?”

Charlotte nodded, struggling to catch her breath. “Yes.”

David pulled his wallet out of his jeans and extracted a condom. “I bought a box and put one in my wallet, in case, well you know, you never know where you might be…”

Charlotte laughed and pulled David’s face to hers as they greedily tore each other’s lips off. Finally they broke away, and together they slashed open the condom wrapper before Charlotte helped David out of his jeans. She gulped when he took off his boxers and her hand fluttered to her throat.

is what I’ve been missing out on all this time?” She shook her head at the rock-hard mound of flesh pointing straight at her. “Goodness---- I’m glad I’m not a virgin.”

David grinned. “Oh, I would have enjoyed deflowering you.”

“I think you’re deflowering me now,” she said as she let her fingertips meld into him. David closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh at Charlotte’s touch. She took the condom from between his fingers and rolled it down his shaft. They resumed their passionate kisses, intoxicated by each other. David pushed her breasts together, forming one giant nipple, and began to suck relentlessly. Charlotte panted and writhed beneath him, clamoring to feel him inside her. She clutched his shoulders, beseeching him to fulfill her unspoken request. His head bobbed up and down, his tongue swirling all over her nipples as though they were tiny lollipops. Charlotte flung one leg around David’s waist, on the verge of tears from wanting him so bad.

Without warning he plunged deep into Charlotte, causing her eyes to pop open in shock and emit a guttural growl. Charlotte flopped back against the blanket, rapture flooding every pore of her body. David lifted her bottom and pressed himself against her.

“My God woman…” David gasped as he moved in and out of Charlotte. Her only response was to gyrate her hips to meet his thrusts, her mind focused only on the incredible waves of passion rolling through her. Charlotte began to mewl and thrash her head against the slick tarp. Her mouth dropped open and she squeezed her eyes shut.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Oh I don’t want to come. I want it to go on forever.”

“No, no, no,” he murmured. “You have to come, because I want you to come like you’ve never come before.”

“Oh, God, oh God,” she bleated.

The rain continued to pound against the roof as David and Charlotte thumped against each other with unfettered abandon. Finally, Charlotte could hold back no more and she gave in to the climax she’d been holding off for so long. Charlotte grabbed David’s arm as she shot straight up and let out a long, piercing scream of pleasure. She clenched around him, her core still pulsating around his thickness, which continued to pound away inside of her. Charlotte collapsed onto her back, her body convulsing as David clasped his hands around her hips.

“Oh, sweetheart,” David chattered. “My God, I’m about to burst!”

David pumped away, picking up speed as he dropped deeper inside her. Charlotte felt him tense up, and she held him as he let out a cry. He wobbled inside her, and for a moment all he could do was hold himself above her, his face contorted like a crying newborn. Finally he collapsed on her, his sweat dripping onto her chest and shoulders. The rain had stopped, and now only occasional flashes of lightning were the lone clues to the ferocious thunderstorm. Charlotte delivered soft, gentle kisses all over David’s face as he ran his fingers along the outside of her thigh.

“God, that feels so good,” he whispered.

feel so good,” she breathed into his ear before she flicked her tongue over the succulent lobe for a brief second. A rumble of pleasure fled from his lips before he finally rolled off her, removed the condom, and fell onto his back. Charlotte stared up at the ceiling and placed her hand over the thud of her heart in an attempt to regain her equilibrium. David pulled her over to him and engulfed her in his arms. She burrowed her head into his embrace, content.

“Well, that was certainly worth the wait,” David said.

Charlotte let out a soft laugh. “Yes, it was.”

He rubbed her arm. “You’re amazing, Charlotte.”

“Well, you get some of the credit.”

He chuckled. “You’re so kind.”

“Aren’t I?”

David kissed the top of her forehead. “Indeed.”

“You know what? If we don’t go now, I may fall asleep here,” she murmured. “We should head back to the cabin.”

David gave her a quick squeeze. “What? You don’t want to stay here all night on top of this lovely tarp?”

“Oh, yeah---that’s all we need. Some fisherman walking in on us in the morning naked as jaybirds. Besides, you’re supposed to be hiding out, remember?”

Charlotte sat up. David grinned and put his hands behind his head.

“What a lovely view. I could look at it all day.”

Charlotte giggled and planted a quick kiss on his lips. “Flattery will get you everywhere,” she quipped before she went around in the dark in search of her clothes. David hoisted himself up and joined her.

Finally dressed, they crept out of the boathouse and headed to the cabin. The air smelled fresh and clean, and now only a light mist fell across their rejuvenated bodies.

“I will now have a whole new appreciation for rain,” David said.

“Better than an umbrella,” Charlotte said as she opened the door of the cabin, the warmth rushing to greet them.


They locked their arms around each other and kissed once more as David kicked the front door closed with his foot. Never letting go of each other, they made their way back toward the bedrooms.

“Your place or mine?” David asked.

Charlotte grabbed David by the collar of his tee-shirt and pulled him into her room as passion overtook them yet again. David pushed Charlotte onto the bed and pulled down her pants. He slowly removed her gray Jockey panties and hooked the elastic waistband around his finger.

“Thought you said you didn’t like sexy knickers,” he said; the mischievous twinkle that drove her mad all over his face.

Charlotte frowned, confused. “I thought you called them kegs?”

“Knickers are women’s undies; kegs are for men,” he said matter-of-factly.

She grabbed them from him and threw them across the room.

“Well, whatever they are, I couldn’t care less. Now shut up and kiss me.”


The toasty slices of sun that filtered through the bedroom window the next morning held no evidence of the downpour from the night before. David blinked several times and held up his wrist to check his watch. He let out a soft grunt and smiled as he rolled over to look at Charlotte, who was hunched in the fetal position. He watched her for a few moments, drinking in the wonder of her. The way those unruly auburn curls swathed themselves across her porcelain skin, the soft curve of her hip jutting up from beneath the rumpled bed sheet, the smooth arch of her bare shoulder inviting him to take a bite. He spooned around her, nuzzling into her neck.


She didn’t stir, so he blew gently into her ear before he dotted the back of her neck with light kisses. Finally she moaned and brushed her hair out of her face. She turned to look at him, one eye propped open.

“A girl could get used to waking up like this.”

“I hope you’ll let me spoil you.”

Charlotte grinned, and David moved in to kiss her on the lips. Charlotte clamped her hand against her mouth and shook her head.

“Oh come on,” David laughed. “I’ve seen you naked. I can kiss you with morning breath.”

Charlotte jumped out of bed and ran toward the bathroom. “I refuse to kiss you until I’ve brushed my teeth,” she yelled out.

David sat up and hooked his elbows around his knees. “Well hurry up, because I need to kiss you!”

“Hey, what time is it?” she called out.

David looked at his watch again. “A little after ten.”

Charlotte spit out her toothpaste and squeaked. “Damn it!”

“What’s wrong?”

Charlotte bolted out of the bathroom. “We missed breakfast.”

“Uh oh,” David said. “How about this. We’ll say the storm knocked the power out.”

“In one cabin?” Charlotte asked sarcastically.

“Okay, bad excuse.”

Charlotte flopped back onto bed. “Ten. I haven’t slept in until ten in----” she stopped to think. “I’ve
slept in until ten.”

“Never? Ever in your life?”

“What can I say? I’m a morning person.”

“Oh dear.” David slapped his hands together and hopped out of bed. “Alright; since we’ve missed breakfast, how about I brew up some coffee, and we’ll nosh on some of those cupcake things you’re so fond of.”

Charlotte giggled. “Sounds great. While you’re doing that, I’ll be in the shower.”

David moaned and pulled Charlotte into that near-forgotten kiss. “Want some company?”

“Believe it or not, I’m going to shave my legs, but I will take a rain check.”

“Don’t say
around me, woman. Drives me bonkers.” They both laughed, and David gave Charlotte a teasing slap on her bum as she scooted off to the shower. David raked on his jeans and tee-shirt from the night before and headed into the kitchen to make the coffee. As he waited for the coffee to brew, he noticed a small, neatly folded white piece of paper shoved under the door.

David wrinkled his brow; he went to pick it up and read it.

Open the door
it read.

Not sure whether to laugh or be afraid, David eased the door open and looked down to see a basket covered with a red cloth napkin. He grabbed the basket and shut the door; he gently lifted the napkin and took a peek underneath. It was filled with bananas, some muffins, and a few cartons of yogurt along with a note in looped and swirling letters.

“To keep up your strength,” he read aloud and chuckled. David set the basket on the kitchen table and tore into a blueberry muffin, suddenly starving. He had to hand it to the ladies. They were quite a perceptive bunch.

A few moments later Charlotte emerged from the bedroom in a worn pair of jeans and tight white tee-shirt, her hair pulled back in its habitual ponytail. David’s heart stopped at how gorgeous she was; a sexy, curvy body, sparkling eyes, and skin so flawless that it was hard to tell if she was even wearing make-up. However, knowing Charlotte as he did, it was all her. And he loved it.

David pulled a muffin out for Charlotte. “Here you go.”

Charlotte frowned at the muffin. “What the hell is all this?” she asked, pointing to the basket.

David handed her the note, which she glanced at.

“Oh God,” she groaned. “We will
be the topic at dinner tonight,”


David and Charlotte lingered over coffee for a few hours before they decided to venture out for lunch. They walked hand-in-hand toward the dining cabin, their nerves palpable.

“How bad do you think it’ll be?” David asked.
“They’re going to razz us pretty bad,” Charlotte snorted. “At least lunch is a short meal,” she muttered under her breath.
As they reached the dining cabin, David gave her hand a quick squeeze. “Now or never,” he said.

David opened the door for Charlotte and they both walked in, trepidation all over their faces. Charlotte scanned the room; it seemed like business as usual. Some of the ladies were preparing lunch; a few said hello, and the rest were reading the paper or chit-chatting.

Charlotte took a deep breath. “Afternoon,” she said to Angela, who was filling in a crossword puzzle. David also gave her a brief nod.

“Hello,” she responded cheerfully.

As David and Charlotte made their way to the food table where grilled cheese and tomato soup awaited, a few more people called out hello. They shot each other a quick look, unprepared for the un-reaction of the group. David and Charlotte grabbed their food and sat by themselves at the far end of the table.

“Hey David,” Shirley yelled from the opposite end of the table. He looked up, startled, his soup spoon clattering to the table.


Shirley looked back down at her newspaper. “Are you a baseball guy or a football guy?”

A slow smile full of surprise and relief spread across David’s face. “I like both. Why?”

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