Loving Faith (4 page)

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Authors: Sara Hooper

BOOK: Loving Faith
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Madison was over the moon that her set up had worked. To Faith's embarrassment and general annoyance, the model had spent the entire shoot after the successful “second” first date crowing about how she'd been right. It had been a very long day at work. Matthew had been entirely amused when Faith had related the story over the phone to him that night. He'd been less entertained when he had a similar lunch with Madison a few days later.

As the Fourth of July neared, Faith decided to move things forward and asked Matthew to come to the picnic her mother was hosting for some extended family and friends. To Faith's surprise, Matthew readily agreed, saying that he'd wanted to meet her mother for a while. Ester had been thrilled.

When the day of the picnic arrived, Faith was a nervous wreck. She'd had boyfriends in the past, but no one serious since college and that hadn't ended well. And if she were to be totally honest with herself, she was a little extra nervous because Matthew was white. Her mother knew already, having seen pictures, but Faith didn't know if her aunties, uncles and cousins knew, and she wasn't sure how they'd react. No one that she could remember had ever brought a white guy home to meet the family.

Matthew arrived a bit early, a bowl of potato salad in one hand, and a nervous smile on his face. He looked amazing, with his hair tousled and without any product, wearing a pair of dress shorts and a fitted green t-shirt that highlighted his eyes and showed off his lean torso. Faith had a feeling he'd changed his clothes more often than she had that morning and that was saying something. Faith had changed from shorts to skirts to dresses half a dozen times before settling on a pale yellow sundress with tiny white daisies. It was cool and light, nice but not too dressy for a picnic and fireworks. Best of all, Matthew hadn't seen it yet and she knew it looked good on her. Judging by the widening eyes and expression of admiration, he was a fan of the choice.

“Hi,” Faith felt a sudden wave of shyness. Matthew meeting Mama was almost as nerve-wracking for her as it was for him. If her mother didn't approve, there was no telling what she might do. One of Faith's first boyfriends had been the result of her one month of adolescent rebellion during junior high. Mama had dragged the boy out of the house by his ear and threatened him with a rolling pin if he ever came near her again. That was the last time she'd ever seen him. It was not an experience Faith wanted to repeat, especially not with Matthew.

“Mama's in the kitchen,” Faith reached out and Matthew gratefully took her hand. She wanted to ask what his parents had been like when he'd brought girls home, but she knew better than to try. While they'd gotten closer over the past month and a half, and she knew childhood and adolescent stories, none of them involved family, only friends or teachers or teammates. She'd yet to hear a single detail about his parents. Sometimes, she wondered if he cared about his family at all.

“Hey, Baby Girl,” Ester was at the sink. “Can you get me some of that lemon pepper out of the cabinet?”

“Of course, Mama,” Faith did as she was asked. As she handed over the small shaker, she spoke again. “Mama, I'd like you to meet Matthew Callaway.” She let the relationship status hang. She always felt weird using the term 'boyfriend' as an adult.

“Good morning, Ms. Williams,” Matthew stuck out his hand.

Ester dried her hands on her blue-and-white checkered apron as she gave him a once over with a critical eye. “So you're Faith's young man.” She shook his hand.

“Yes, ma'am,” Matthew swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing.

“I guess you're a good-looking,” Ester shrugged, “for a white boy.”

“Mama!” Faith was appalled.

Ester grinned and winked. “Just having some fun, Baby Girl.” She turned back to Matthew, expression serious once more. “Mr. Callaway, do you intend to treat my Baby Girl as something precious?”

Faith's cheeks instantly flamed. What was her mother thinking? She opened her mouth to interrupt, but shut it when Ester shook her head.

“Yes, ma'am,” Matthew answered seriously. “I care for your daughter a great deal.”

“All right,” Ester nodded. “But know this, if you hurt her, I won't kill you, but you may wish I had.” She smiled sweetly at Matthew. “I will personally remove your balls with my gardening shears.”

“Mama!” Faith exclaimed, totally mortified.

Ester ignored her daughter and took the potato salad from Matthew's hand. “This looks lovely, Matthew. Thank you.”

“Ms. Williams,” Matthew's voice cracked and he flushed.

“Mama, child. Nobody calls me Ms. Williams. I'm Mama to pretty much everyone in the neighborhood.”

“Okay,” Matthew continued. “Mama, is there anything I can do to help?”

“Well, aren't you just a sweetheart.”

At her mother's words, Faith relaxed. He'd gotten Mama's stamp of approval. The rest of the family would most likely take their cue from Mama. An hour later, Faith's theory proved correct.

Loud and brash Auntie Mindy – Mama's younger half-sister – arrived with her third husband and four daughters, the oldest of whom was sixteen, the youngest less than a year. Shock passed over Auntie's face when she saw Matthew, but after a glance at Mama, she declared herself jealous of Faith's good fortune and started yelling at the younger girls to go out back and play.

The first part of the day was the same as the other guests arrived. Finally, Cousin Henry showed up reeking of beer and it was time to eat. Faith couldn't help but be amused by Matthew's seeming fascination of her family. When she finally asked, he simply said that he hadn't realized how many people would be here. Faith didn't bother to tell him that old family friends Josie and Cal Pryor and their six grandchildren had called yesterday to say they wouldn't be making it and she had at least one cousin who wasn't there either.

As the sun began to sink towards the horizon, a few people left, mostly those with young kids or the ones who preferred to watch fireworks on a television screen as opposed to real life. Still, nearly forty people remained by Faith's count.

“Grandpa George and Uncle Carlton are going to set off a few before,” Faith motioned to a shed at the far edge of the property. “Then we'll see the city fireworks above those trees.”

“I have to ask,” Matthew wrapped his arms around Faith and drew her back against his chest. “Are all of these people actually related to you?”

Faith shook her head. “Auntie Mindy and Uncle Carlton are her half-brother and sister from Mama's father. Auntie Therese and Auntie Tywana are her full sisters. The rest are family friends, people I've known my whole life.”

“You're very lucky to have a family like this,” Matthew sighed.

“I know,” Faith rested her head against his shoulder as the first of Grandpa George's fireworks went up. It exploded red against the darkening sky.

“And I'm lucky to have you,” Matthew's voice was low in her ear.

Faith twisted around so that they were face-to-face. Her eyes locked with his. “I feel the same way.” She leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips. It was brief, almost chaste, but there was a promise there that she knew would be leading somewhere soon. Based on the way Matthew's eyes lit up when she pulled back, she was fairly certain that tonight would be the night that they finally moved forward. That was good because she didn't think she'd be able to handle any more waiting.

As she turned back around, Matthew shifted them from sitting side-by-side in the lawn chair to her sitting on his lap. Faith smiled and leaned back against him, heedless of the heat. She didn't care that they were both damp with the sweat of a long, hot Tennessee day. The second firework exploded but she didn't see it. Her body was tight, thoroughly aware of every place they touched. One of his arms was around her waist, the warmth of his body burning through the thin material to the skin underneath. His other hand was now tracing lazy patterns of fire up and down her arm, each movement stoking the heat in her belly, a heat that had nothing to do with the weather.

As the fireworks from the backyard turned into the city's show, Faith shifted in Matthew's lap, eliciting a primal sound from the young man, a sound that sent a bolt of desire straight through her. She pressed her thighs together, the ache between them building with each passing moment. If Matthew didn't take her to bed tonight, she thought she might really explode. Judging by what she felt pressing against her hip, Matthew was feeling the same way.

Matthew curled his hand around the back of her neck, his thumb lightly rubbing against the skin behind her ear. Green and red and white painted the sky as he turned her head towards him. He captured her mouth with his own, a hunger to his kiss that Faith felt mirrored her own desire. Their lips moved together, opening as their tongues tangled together. The noise of the night faded to the background as Faith dug her fingers into Matthew's hair, pulling him closer. It wasn't close enough.

A dozen explosions in quick succession startled them apart, breath coming in heavy pants. Without a word, Faith turned her attention back towards the sky, each percussion thrumming against her body like the pounding of her heart. She took Matthew's hand, knowing there would only be a few more minutes of the finale. She wanted to make sure he understood what she wanted. She darted her eyes around to make sure no one was watching and then slid their joined hands up the inside of her leg. She felt rather than heard his sharp intake of breath as their hands slipped under her skirt and continued up to the juncture between her legs. His fingers flexed against the wet cloth of her panties and she had to bite back a moan.

“Shit,” Matthew swore, reluctantly withdrawing his hand as the show ended and everyone began clapping. “Message received.”

Faith nodded as she straightened her skirt. She was grateful that she hadn't done that earlier. There was no way she would've been able to keep herself from pulling aside her panties and letting Matthew finger-fuck her right there. Somehow, she doubted Mama would approve. They needed to go. Now.

Faith stood and heard Matthew do the same. She reached behind her and took his hand, threading her fingers through his. They wove their way through the crowd of people and found Ester on the back porch, sitting on the swing next to one of her nieces.

“Heading out?” Ester gave her daughter a knowing smile. “Have a good night, then.” She stood and gave Faith a hug. When Ester turned towards Matthew, her face hardened slightly. “Remember what I said, young man. You take care of her.”

“I will,” Matthew's expression was serious and Faith knew that he was remembering her mother's threat. She doubted he'd forget it anytime soon.

“All right, Mama,” Faith hugged her mother again and reached for Matthew's hand. “I'll talk to you tomorrow.”

Faith didn't wait for anyone else to delay them, instead determinedly pulling Matthew after her. When they reached the driveway, however, they saw the same thing at the same time and burst out laughing.

“Guess we're driving separately,” Faith smiled. The expression on Matthew's face said he feared she was going to head home alone, an idea she found ludicrous. “Are we going to your place or mine?”

A smile broke across Matthew's face. “Whatever you prefer.”

Faith had a quick debate. She wanted them to spend the night together. If they both went to his place and he didn't want her to stay, things could get awkward. If they went to her place, she could make the invitation seem casual but it would be his choice.

“You're over-thinking,” Matthew brushed his fingers over her cheekbone.

“My place.” Faith sincerely hoped she hadn't left anything embarrassing laying out.

Twenty minutes later, she breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't. The tension that had dissipated once they'd separated into their individual cars instantly returned the moment they were together again. The force of it hit Faith like a fist and she practically dragged Matthew up the stairs to her second floor apartment. The moment the door closed behind them, Matthew's arms were around her, pulling her to him, covering her mouth with his. She opened her mouth eagerly under his, her hands running down his back, over the swell of his ass. She pressed her body against his, making a pleased sound as she felt him hard against her stomach. His mouth moved from hers down to her neck and she tilted her head back for better access, eyes closed as she absorbed the sensation. As his lips trailed down her neck, she heard herself making soft mewing noises, but was unable to stop them.

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