Loving Hart (33 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

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Pulling off of him, I scrambled down the bed to take him in my mouth.  He was hot and so hard, his crown wet with pre cum.  I licked it all up, tonguing the crown fast and wet, just like I knew he loved.  He groaned, thrusting up as he wrapped his fingers in my hair.  I transferred my attention from his crown to the vein that ran along the underside of his cock, licking it from stem to stern as he shifted restlessly below me.  “Fuck Delilah, I love
when you do that.”  I smiled, because I knew he did.  I lifted his cock up towards his stomach as I descended down to his balls, licking and gently sucking them both.  He panted and moaned, begged me to keep going.  “That mouth of yours angel… god damn perfection.
Love me Delilah, please love me.

“I do love you Spencer.  More than anything, I love you.”
I hummed around his balls, enjoying his guttural groans as I did it.  Pulling back, I licked the inside of his right thigh before giving him a gentle nip, repeating the same thing on the left side.  “Oh god, baby… that’s fucking hot.”

I rewarded him by raising my head and starting to suck him again.
He was so big that
I could never get too much of him into my mouth at the same time
no matter what we did
, but
what I could get in I sucked hard as I tongued him.  Fisting my hair, he worked my head up and down.  He did it with force, but not eno
ugh to make me uncomfortable.  During the thirty days
we had been together the first time,
I had
learned to control my gag reflex,
now I was
letting him hit the back of my throat with each thrust, humming when I’d pop off the tip.  With a loud yell, he poured himself down my throat.

ting him slide out of my mouth I smiled at him and said, “Thank you.”  His entire body stiffened under me as he stared at me with laser like intensity. He liked that I thanked him, and it made me smile.
I tongued his shaft from bottom to top, all while maintaining eye contact.  He didn’t soften, not for a minute, and I felt myself getting wetter by the second. 

Sliding up, I positioned myself over him.  He held my waist as I grabbed his shaft and worked the head into my soaking cleft.  I slid up and down for a few minutes before I was able to seat myself on him entirely, and when I did he told me to lean forward and hold onto him.  When I complied, he held my waist hard as he started pounding into me from below
and incredibly hard.

Burying my face in his neck, I held on for dear life.  He’d found the spot in me that made me crazy, and
then he went at me like crazy as he hit it over and over again

I cried out into his neck as he kept that pace up, hitting me
in that spot like it was a target
as I gushed onto his cock.  Tightening up around him, I sank my teeth into his neck and sucked as I came.

He caught me by surprise when he flipped us over and got me onto my back again, his assault on me continuing as the headboard banged against the wall so hard, I wondered if it would break.  Grabbing my legs, he raised them up and pushed them against my chest as he hammered into me tirelessly.  “Oh fuck baby,
what you do to me… it’s amazing.”

I shrieked as I nodded, agreeing that what we were doing did feel pretty fucking amazing.  Turning me on my side, he stayed where he was and kept pounding me.  I came again, clenching and unclenching around him as I coated him with my cream.  “
Fuck me Spencer.  Fuck me hard.

Flipping me onto my back again, he grabbed my hips and lifted me onto him as he kept going.  “I’m
going hard angel, but
I’m not fucking you.  I’m never just fucking
when we’re together. I’m making love to
, always loving you.”

Dropping my hips, he came over me so that his elbows were on either side of my head as he slowed down a bit so that each thrust was deep.  I wrapped my legs and arms around him, pulling him down so that I could hold him to me tight.  “I
love you Spencer.

He held my gaze with his as his eyes begged me to let him back in forever.  “Then stay baby. Be mine.  I love you.” 
Leaning down, he kissed me deep but I yelped into his mouth in pain and he pulled back, confused.  “Angel, are you okay?”

I nodded.  “Sorry.  My breasts are crazy tender right now, and when you rubbed against them I lost it for a second.”

That got a raised eyebrow, and I knew he was wondering why, so I clenched around him as tightly as I could and held on.  His eyes rolled back as he focused entirely on how he was feeling, forgetting about what I’d just said.  Lifting my legs again, he push
ed my ankles back as close to my head as he could while
he started pumping in and out again with furious passion.  We lasted another few minutes before we came together, moaning and yelling as he filled me full of his come.

When he went to pull out, I stopped him.  “No.  I want you to stay inside of me.
Just for a few minutes, please?

Chuckling, he grabbed me and rolled us over so that I was on top of him.  “
I love this about you Delilah, the way you like to stay connected.  I feel so loved when we’re together.”

I held onto him tight, squeezing him as I kissed his chest.  “You feel loved because you are loved.  I love you Spencer, and I will always love you, even when you don’t love me anymore.  Always remember that.”


Chapter Twenty-Six:  Spencer


I tensed up underneath her as I tried to process what she’d just said.  What the fuck did she mean when she said I wouldn’t love her anymore?  Didn’t she know I’d take my last breath on this
thinking about and loving her?

“Why would you say something like that?  I’m never
going to
stop loving you,
Delilah.  You’re my sun.  I’ve told you that before and nothing has changed

I felt how tense she had gotten in my arms, and I started rubbing her back and shoulders.  She let me hold her like that for a few minutes, but she didn’t say a word in response to the question I’d asked her. 
I wondered if I should get up and get the ring out of my pants, wondered if it would make her feel better to know that I loved her so much that I'd bought a ring, even though I wasn't sure she would say yes.  The only thing that kept me from asking her was the fact that I hadn't asked Dante, Damien and Aunt Sandra yet, and I also hadn't told Dominique.  Once I had made the decision earlier tonight to actually DO it, I knew immediately that I needed to ask first.

Shifting off of me, she sat next to me on the bed and stared at me. 
The weirdest expression was on her face, like she was trying to memorize me before she jumped off a cliff, and my heart started beating funny in my chest.  I could literally feel the anxiety coming off of her in waves.

“Delilah, you’re scaring me.  What’s happening?”

I sat up when I saw two tears slide down her right cheek, grabbing her to me.  “Delilah, seriously
what’s wrong

Taking a deep breath she pulled back and looked me in the eye before blurting out, “I’m pregnant.  I’m having our baby.”

Like an idiot, I said the first thing that came to mind.  “That’s impossible.  You’re on the pill and I don’t want children.  Take another test.”

There might as well have been a sign over her head that was blinking ‘DUMB MOVE’, because she looked like I’d kicked her

“I’ve taken two tests
and had it confirmed by a doctor.  I’m
just over
six weeks along.  It happened the weekend we broke up… I didn’t take my pill on Friday night because I spent the night at your house after that whole scene in the bar. 
night I forgot to take it again because I was so upset and we were going at each other until the wee hours of the morning, and Sunday I was just too out of it to care.  Sometime within those seventy-two hours, I wound up pregnant.  It’s a definite.”

It was like being in a wind tunnel.  I’d heard her say the words, understood them even, but I couldn’t speak because of the loud vacuum that was in my head.  Pregnant.  Pregnant.  I’d fucking gotten her pregnant.  My child was growing inside of her.  Delilah was pregnant.

I went away in my head, one terrible memory after another assailing me.  M
y childhood bedroom had been filled with terror, anger, fear, s
hame.  In my minds-eye, I saw my father on top of me, pulling my pajamas and underwear off.  “Don’t cry you sniveling
brat. I’m just going
to rub
against you.  See how big I am and how tiny you are?  That’s because I’m a man and you’re a little cunt.  My prick likes cunt, and that’s what you are.
”  I’d cry while he did it, licking my cheeks and nipping at my head with his teeth.  He always made it a point to laugh while he came on me.  “Stupid filthy little cunt,” he’d rasp, and every time, I’d die a little bit more inside.

The terror was more than I could take.
  What if my child wound up like Hank?  The kind of evil that Hank Cross has inside of him isn’t normal.  Only the worst type of person would touch a child sexually or in anger, but he did it with a smile because he enjoyed it.  What if his sickness had skipped a generation and my son turned out like him?  What if I had a daughter like Marceline?

Even if Delilah gave birth to a totally normal child with good morals, the kid would still be totally fucked having me as a father.  Either way, Delilah would regret having my child and she’d hate me.  If
hated me, I wouldn’t be able to go on.

On top of all that, Dante and Damien are going to flip out.  I got their unmarried baby sister pregnant. That’s going to go over like a lead balloon, especially with Damien since I’ve hidden our relationship from him.  Making matters even worse, I still have to tell all of the Harts about the shit that my delightful parents laid on me earlier. 

She’d been totally silent the entire time I was thinking, and looking back at her I found her quietly crying.  I guess being pregnant with my kid didn’t turn out to be su
ch a dream after all.  She looked like it was
a fucking ni
ghtmare actually, and that killed me.  She was
probably so fucking sad
when she realized that she wa
s going to be saddled with my shitty parenting style for life.

“I tried Spencer… I tried to have a termination.  I know that’s what you would want, but I couldn’t do it.  I want our baby.”

When she said that, it felt as though I’d been kicked in the nuts.
I wouldn’t have
her to get rid of it. 
“I’m not a monster Delilah.  I wouldn’t ever ask you to get rid of your baby.”

I could only deal with so much, but I knew one thing for
sure.  No matter what she tried
to say,
we had to do things
my way.
  I needed
to ensure that no matter
what, she’d be
taken c
are of and that no one ever said
shit about he
r not being married when she has
the baby.

“Take a shower and
get dressed Delilah.  We’re driving to Vegas and getting married.”

Spluttering, she stared at me like I’d lost my mind.  “What? No!”

Fucking no was her answer
?  Was she
to hurt me? What happened to her telling me that she loved me?

“It wasn’t a question, and i
t’s not up for negotiation.  I’m always going to take care
of you Delilah, no matter what, just like I always promised you.
  I want us to be married when we tell the family about your baby.”

Her lower lip trembled
and her eyes were filled with tears when she shook her head in the negative.  “I’m not getting married without my family there.  I can’t believe you’d even suggest something so ridiculous.  I’m also not marrying you when I can clearly see this isn’t what you want.  I’m not holding a gun to your head, and I don’t want this.  The family will learn to deal with it.  Yes, my brothers will be pissed at first, but they will get over it.
  I know you don’t want the baby Spencer, know that you don’t want to be a part of this.  I’m prepared for what that means.”

Dammit, she was killing me.  Why didn’t she want to marry me?  Had she already moved on in her mind?

“I want to marry you Delilah.  You’re not having a bastard baby.”

She was off the bed so fast that it was as if she was powered by rocket fuel.  She stood before me proud and gloriously naked, hands on her hips as she glared at me.  “You’re not listening to me Spencer.  You’ve never straight up ignored
everything I’ve said
before, and I don’t like it
. Knock it the fuck off or I am going to go rage out on you, pregnancy hormone style
.  Our baby isn’t going to be a bastard, and if you ever say that again, I’ll hurt you.
  I’ll say it again; I’m not marrying you like this.”

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