Loving Her (4 page)

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Authors: CM Hutton

BOOK: Loving Her
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“Is it okay to hold my hand?”  He
nodded his head.  “Yes, Jack.  It’s okay.”  I nearly rolled my eyes, but didn’t
want to offend him.

We walked into the club hand in
hand and I felt relaxed and content for the first time in a long time. 

“Let’s get a drink then we can
dance.” He was leading me to an empty booth.  We sat on the same side like two
teenagers; his whole side touching mine. 

We ordered then got up to dance. 
I knew the song, but couldn’t place it.  I was trying to focus on what was
about to go down.  I was about to be plastered against a hunk of a man and be expected
to keep my wits about me.  Yeah, right!

Jack pulled me close to his chest
when we hit the dance floor.  There wasn’t even an inch between us.  He kissed
my forehead and I leaned further into him.  I could feel his muscles working
through his shirt and jeans.

“I really love that dress, Jen. 
I can feel every part of you and it feels fabulous.”  I felt myself blush a
bit.  He must have sensed it because he took his hand and tilted my head so he
could see my face.  “You’re blushing.  Hmm, that’s surprising.  You don’t
strike me as someone who would get embarrassed.”

“You’re just
too much
with all your complements, Slick.  I can’t help it.”   I tried a snarky
comeback to help curb my excitement.

“Slick, huh?”  His eyes were
narrow, but not upset.  He suddenly bent down and brushed his tongue across my lips. 
I couldn’t help but to part mine in acceptance.

“Yeah, you’re pretty slick with
your words.”  I barely got the words out with his assault of my mouth. 

I instinctively thrust my hands
into his short hair and pulled him to me.  He moaned against my lips and I felt
it deep in my body.  Geez…this man was something else. 

We were swaying our bodies to the
music, rubbing ourselves against each other.  I could feel his excitement
growing…..literally.  I made a little move with my hips letting him know I noticed
and he moved a little deeper against me and grinned against my lips.

“You do things to me and it makes
me want to scoop you up and take you home.” Oh, you and me both, dude!

Play it cool, sister.  “Oh,

Jack lifted his head away from
mine and looked at me with raised brows. “You know you do.  Don’t act all
innocent.  I can feel your body too, remember?”

Well, crap.  He was right.  Who
was I trying to fool?   “Well, you feel pretty amazing too.”  My words came out
softer than I intended.

He lifted my chin again.  “Hey,
nothing is going to happen here that you don’t want.  It’s okay to admit that
we’re attracted to each other.  Right?”

I didn’t answer.  Instead, I
pressed myself against his chest and watched him gasp at the feel of my breasts
against him.  He blinked slowly, shutting his eyes.   “Jen.”  My name was a

I laid my head on his chest and
prayed that I was doing the right thing with Jack Woods.  He scared me.  I
didn’t really understand his attention.  It was foreign to me to have someone
be kind, respectful and attentive…..of course, this was only the second date.

We danced for a few more songs then
made our way back to our table.  I slid in the booth first and watch as Jack
sat next to me, never taking his eyes off me.  “You okay?”  I asked.

“Yes.”  He winked and leaned into
my ear.  “I’m ready to leave, but I want you to be the one to make that

I stared at him for several long
seconds as my brain tried to decide what was right while my hormones and
growing arousal were screaming profanities at my indecision. 

“Jack….I’m not sure.  I think you
are too damn sexy for
own good and I’m certain you’re too damn sexy
own good.”

He just stared at me then spoke. 
“Jen, I’ll do whatever you want.  I would never want to mess this night up.  I
want to see you again and again.”

I looked at him for several long seconds.
“Okay, Jack.  I’m ready to leave.”  I had a feeling I was making a huge
mistake, but dammit I hadn’t had sex in months, I was horny as hell and had a
hot guy just waiting for me to say ‘yes.’  

He leaned in and laid his hand on
my thigh, gently rubbing it.  “Shit, girl.  You’re killin’ me.”  His hand made
a slow slide up and down my leg.

I closed my eyes at his touch and
leaned my head back against the booth.  I didn’t really mean to do it, but I
couldn’t help it.

Jack leaned in to my ear.  “Feel
good?  I love watching you react to my touch.”  He nibbled my earlobe, making
me take a deep breath.  He started kissing down the side of my neck causing me
to tilt my head for him.  “You have no idea what I want to do to you.”

Fuck!  “Let’s go….”  My sudden
command made him laugh.

He scooted out of the booth and
reached his hand out to me.  I grabbed it and let Jack lead me out of the club
and back to his car.  Neither one of us said a word as he drove back to my
place and parked.  “You sure it’s okay if I come up?”

Oh, Jack….don’t make me start
second guessing.  “Jack, don’t make me think too hard about what we’re doing,

“If you say so, sweet girl.  But,
I don’t want you regretting anything.”

“I’m just nervous, Jack.  That’s

“Why do I make you nervous?”

“Not sure.  It has more to do
with me making good choices, Jack.  I’ve only known you for two days and I’m
willing to let you come up to my place.  I’m just not clear headed when I feel
attracted to someone.”

“Attracted, huh?”   He was trying
to keep things light.

I smiled and answered.  “Yes,
Jack….attracted.  Don’t act so shocked.  You know damn good and well what you
do to women.” 

“Jen, we can say good night right
here if you want.  This is your choice.  You know what I want to do.”

“Tell me.”  I wanted to be clear.

Jack leaned over to my seat and
looked in my eyes.  “I want to hold your body next to mine and take my hands
and rub them up and down your sexy curves.  I have this urge to touch every
part of you.”  Oh, dear God. 

“Damn you, Jack Woods.  You are
such a friggin’ smooth talker.”

He smiled and kissed the tip of
my nose.  “So, what’ll it be, ma’am?”

“Shit….come on, you sexy man. 
You win!”  I’ve never seen a man move so fast.  I was out of the car and hauled
up to my condo in no time.  We barely got in the door before Jack started
kissing me, his tongue completely exploring my mouth.

“Hey…slow down.” I said.  “Let’s
go in the living room.” 

I led him to the couch and sat down. 
He slipped off his shoes then bent to take off my heels.  We stared at each
other as Jack slowly ran one hand around my calf, holding my leg in place as he
removed my shoe and massaged my foot before moving on to the other.

He carefully pulled my legs around
so that I was on my back and made a sexy crawl up my body until he gently
rested his weight on me.  I took a deep breath as I felt all of him against
me.  “This okay?”

“Yes….”  I circled my hand around
on his back and down his ass.  It was a really nice ass from what I could tell.

He started kissing my neck and
working his way to my shoulder.  “Oh, God, Jen….you just feel amazing.”  I
shifted my hips just a little to feel him better.  “Ah, don’t do that, babe. 
You’ll make me crazy.”  Babe?  What the fuck?!?

I started to say something, but
he pushed his arousal against me and I lost all coherent thought. 

He leaned up away from me,
propping himself up on his arms and staring at my face.  “You know you're
torturing me, right?  I might not be able to stop.”

I didn’t know if I wanted him to
stop.  We stared at each other for several minutes; Jack still perched on his
stiff arms.  We were searching each other’s faces.  Then, I made the choice to
do something that was impulsive and stupid.  I wiggled my hips again and
reached up and untied my halter, revealing my naked breasts.

“Oh, God.  You were naked under
this dress all night?”  His face was full of complete shock.

He leaned down and kissed the
edge of my breast, just missing my nipple and sending a surge of heat through
my body.   I arched into him and he rubbed his hips against me as he caressed
my body with his hands.  It was sensual and sexy as hell.

I pulled at the hem of his shirt
and lifted it over his head.  I took my hands and rubbed up and down his chest. 
“You like?” He said with a grin.

“Yep!”  He leaned down touching
our bare chests together and we both let out a small gasp.  “Feels nice.”

“Yes, it does.”  Jack was staring
into my eyes and down at my lips.  I leaned up and licked across his mouth, never
losing our eye contact.  “Jen….”  He was at a loss for words.

“Jack….” I replied as I nibbled
on his bottom lip. 

“You are going to kill me,
girlie!”  I laughed.

“No, Jack.  I’m not trying to
kill you, I’m just having some fun.”  I made a move to deepen our kiss, but he
stopped abruptly and pulled his face away. 

He studied my eyes then smiled at
me and said, “Hell, yeah!”

I laughed and tugged him back
toward me and kissed the fuck out of him.  His tongue made large sweeps of the
inside and I felt the wetness pool between my legs.

I ran my hands up and down his
back and felt him shiver at my touch.  “Jen, I really want you completely naked
right now.  I’m not doing so well with my damn control.”  Jack whispered
against my lips. 

I wanted the same thing and
didn’t care if he knew.  “I was thinking the same thing.”  I was practically

“You were?  So, what are we doing
here…exactly?”  Good question, pal!

I looked into Jack’s eyes. “I
have no idea.  You’re sexy as hell and I do want you, but….” I didn’t get any
further.  Jack jumped up, scooped me into his arms and said, “bedroom?”

I was so shocked by his quick
moves that I just sort of pointed.  He made quick strides to my bedroom and
pushed the door open. 

I finally found my voice as he
was laying me on the bed.  “Jack, I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Stop thinking, Jen.  We both
want this, right?”  He was holding his naked chest over mine and staring at my
face.  I did want it…..that was the problem.

Before I could answer, he slipped
his hand under the hem of my dress and found my lace covered arousal.  I leaned
my head back and closed my eyes when I felt his hand brush across me.  “I think
that is a ‘yes’ that I hear.”  I still didn’t say anything, so Jack stopped
moving his fingers and said, “Jen, look at me.  I need to know you want this. 
Tell me now.”

I raised my face to see his and
he smiled.  I guess the look on my face said it all, but I found my words. 
“Jack, I don’t think I can say no now.  It feels too good.”

“So, that’s a yes?”  Damn him! 
He wanted me to say it.

“Yes, Jack.  I want this.  NOW!” 
I’d worry about the regret later.

Jack rubbed my sex again and
slipped a finger inside the lace.  He was touching me with such tenderness.  He
leaned down to kiss me and said, “You’re so warm and wet.  Fucking beautiful,

I let out a little moan and
lifted my body signaling him that I wanted more.  He removed his hand and my
eyes flew open to see what was wrong, but all I saw was Jack staring at me and
starting to remove his jeans.  I smiled as I watched his little striptease.

Standing completely naked above
me, he said “Your turn.”  I slipped off my dress and panties and laid back
further on my bed. 

Jack made a slow crawl up my body
and just looked at me.  “Are you sure about this?”

“No, but I don’t want to stop.” 
I was at least honest.

I grabbed his neck and pulled him
completely on top of me.  He let out a small laugh and kissed me as I ran my
hands down his back and cupped his ass.  Mmm, nice!

Jack started to grind against me
and I felt my body getting warm.  The feel of his naked skin on mine was a
glorious thing.  It had been too long since I’d had that…a fully naked man in
my bed.

“Jen, I can’t wait.  I need
inside you.”  His words jarred my mind as I heard him rip the foil package that
was the gateway to what I was about to do with a virtual stranger.    I still
couldn’t bring myself to stop it, though.

I didn’t tell him that I had a
box of condoms in my bedside drawer.  He’d probably think I was a total slut
for keeping them next to my bed.

“I hate these things,” he
murmured as he rolled on the condom while I watched.

I unconsciously reached down to
help him and his hands stilled.  He lifted his face to look at me.  “Really? 
This is a turn on to you?”  My face must have been full of lust.

I smiled and shrugged my
shoulders so, he let me finish and I tugged his penis toward me.  “Easy, babe.”

I positioned him at my entrance
and rubbed his head up and down my wetness.  “Jen…” he whispered as I held him
in my hand and maneuvered him into me. 

I moved my hand and let him
slowly slide all the way in to the hilt.  “Fuck, girl.  You feel fantastic.” 
He was almost panting as I started to move my hips. 

“Damn….”  Jack’s voice was loud
and gruff.  He made deep forceful movements with his hips that hit all kinds of
good spots inside me.   I joined his rhythm and soon found myself moaning with
pleasure.   Shit, it had been way to long and I was aching with need.

My moans stirred him into a rapid
pounding against me.  It was just what I needed. 

I could feel my climax coming and
his too.  He was growing bigger and harder, sweat running down his back.  “Are
you close?”  He asked.

“God, yes!”  I yelled, I think.

He pounded into me a few more
times and we both came in a rush of heat and tremors.  We laid there, panting
and sated. The sexual tension we had been feeling for the last two days was
finally resolved. 

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