Loving the Candidate (Capitol Affairs #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Loving the Candidate (Capitol Affairs #2)
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“Prudence.” He eased his body between my legs. I felt the sweat through his shirt. His hard cock pressed against me, and my hands automatically went to his belt.

“I love you no matter who you are. Your secret will be safe with me,” I whispered between kisses. This secret was ours to hold onto as we went into another phase of our lives together. We were even closer and more in love. His eyes were coming back to life .

“Roll over, baby. I want to see that perfect ass of yours. I wanted you during my entire campaign. The minute I saw you walk into my office, I wanted you. I couldn’t stop looking at you. Did I ever tell you that?” He sounded stuffy from crying.

I rolled over on my stomach, and he ran his hands up and down my back. He grabbed my ass and squeezed it.

“No, I had no idea. You were the perfect gentleman. I would’ve loved to have known that. I couldn’t speak when I was around you.”

“I was shocked when I saw how fast you had grown up and filled out. I waited for you to remind me of our connection,” he said, between the kisses he left down my back and over my neck.

“I didn’t think you cared about a young college girl from the other side of the tracks or wanted to bring up our connection. Plus, I was no match for those supermodels you were dragging around, especially Jade.”

“Jade. What was I thinking? She isn’t even your caliber. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. I had to be professional, and it was all I could do not to have my way with you, especially when you ran around in those black yoga pants.”

“My yoga pants? I didn’t know yoga pants did it for you.”

“Your ass was to die for in those pants. I wanted to eat my way through them. I tried so hard to be a gentleman. You know how much I pushed you away. Believe me, the night of your party, I thought I would die. I wanted you so bad. So bad, I became physically ill after I left you. You have no idea what I went through. You are mine now, and I intend to make up for lost time.”

“You were too much of a gentleman, Alex. You sure did push me away. One more time and I would have said to hell with you. Don’t be a gentleman now. Be anything but a gentleman.”

I got on my knees. He stuck his fingers in me to get me ready for him. I didn’t need anything but his cock. I needed him and I needed him hard and fast. I stuck my ass out for him and he plunged into me. He kept his hand on me and opened me wider for him.

“I’m all yours, Alex.”

“Oh, Prudence. You’ve changed my life so much. I love you,” he moaned. His hands caressed my butt ever so slightly.

“Touch me in that place,” I sighed. He reached for my clit, rubbing as he drove each inch into me. His thumb found the place as soon as I mentioned it. He loved it as much as I did.

“Like that?” he asked.

“Oh God, yes,” I cried out. “Like that, Alex. Go deeper.” The pain lasted a second before turning to ecstasy. I came loud and hard, grabbing whatever would hold me steady. The mattress held me up as Alex slammed against the backs of my thighs.

“My Prudence. You are mine.” He moaned as his thumb slid over my anus, massaging me and triggering a force coming up throughout my body. The hoarseness in his voice spurred me closer to another orgasm.

With him in both my intimate places, he fucked me hard and rough. Knowing what he was doing to me made me whimper. Alex wrecked my cunt, pounding into me. I felt him shaking as his balls slapped my ass, and I tightened around him and clenched him like he always wanted. His masculine hands spread my ass wider, not taking his thumb out of me as he thrust. I trembled as he stirred another orgasm in me.

“Come hard inside me.” It was too much to take. I was drowning in the moment as the orgasm surged through me and left me gasping for air. I thought I would black out.

He pinned me against the headboard, holding me up.

“You still love me, even if I’m not the same man?” he asked, as he continued to thrust in my throbbing cunt. His body jerked against mine.

“I will love you no matter what. You are my Alex, and only my Alex.” His semen filled me to the brim as he kept coming harder and harder. He fell breathless on top of me. Both our bodies were veiled in sweat. We lay there catching our breath, our bodies slick and spent.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked.

“For loving me and not being angry. I’m so happy you aren’t upset over this. Thank you for this, too. I needed you so much. I was so proud of you tonight. There’s no one else who should be with me. You’ll be an incredible first lady.”

“I was proud of you, too. I love that you needed me. You’re the same strong and honorable man and nothing will ever change. I don’t think you have any idea what impact you have on people. Everyone is looking at you for answers. They love you.”

Ten minutes later, he had rolled us over and was asleep under me, holding me tight to him. I hoped he didn’t sense my uneasiness. Running for any office guaranteed your past would be dug up no matter how hard you tried to hide it. What if he had a sister or brother who decided it was the time to let the world know they were related? What if his dad suddenly came out, or this Marla, looking for a payday? The press would love a story like that. I shuddered before drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 11



Once back home from the Democratic Convention, we both decided never to mention Alex’s past unless something came out. He was Alexander William Conrad and that was that. Alex got back to his job in the Senate, and helped campaign for Governor Emerson. Governor Emerson had asked that I help as well, and we worked our butts off to try to get him elected, an uphill battle. I half-heartedly helped because it was my party and I wanted to contribute. Secretly, I was hoping he would lose so Alex would have a chance to run sooner.

The closer to the election we were, the more our candidate lost his steam. The press was relentless, saying he was a poor speaker and a wimp who couldn’t lead a Girl Scout troop, let alone a country. His affair with an aide came out days before the election and we lost quickly. It was over before it started. We had to prepare for four more years of President Richardson and the Republican rule of the White House. But, after the loss, Alex could consider his run for office in four years. The future looked bright, and the road to the White House became clearer.

One Sunday morning, I heard Alex on his phone talking with Mark. He was already planning his run, and soon he would accept, and start working on a campaign team. I still had my law practice and worked with Thomas every day. I was able to focus on my life for a little while and enjoyed getting back in the swing of things.

“How does this even happen, Alex? What do you do next?” I asked.

“Well, the next step would be to announce it. I register my committee and create an exploratory committee to get the word out. I fill out a Statement of Candidacy and pay a fee. Once I do, it is pretty much up to me. It means giving a speech, and letting everyone know what this is and what I plan to do. Critics will say I’m too young and inexperienced, and I don’t have the backing. I think they’re wrong, and I plan to prove to them and myself I can do this. I will do this.”

“And there will be idiots saying you are a pervert who married a girl seventeen years younger than you,” I said.

“I don’t give a shit. I know and everyone else will realize what we have.” He winked.

It was a warm summer morning, and we sat outside having breakfast.

Alex shoveled scrambled eggs into his mouth like he was starved. He was always so extreme with everything he did, eating, sex, or life in general. Nothing with Alex was middle of the road.

“Are you sure this is what you want, baby?” I asked, making sure he had no reservations.

“This is what I want. I can make a difference, Prudence. I can change the world. I want you with me so we can do it together.” He winked again and smiled.

“We are in for one wild ride.”

“Nothing better, baby. Only losers talk about their dreams and never achieve them. You and I do what we say we’re going to do. We’re survivors.”

“I’m so young. Do you think America can accept me as a first lady?” I asked, watching him eat.

“Don’t you remember how young Jackie Kennedy was? I think she was about your age. They’ll accept you. You’re an extraordinary woman, and as soon as they get to know you, they will understand why I love you so much.”

“Well, I need to get to the office and do my current job. Thomas left to his own devices could end badly Will I see you tonight for dinner?”

“I have an easy day today. Not much going on. I do have to head downtown, but I’ll be home around six. Will you be naked when I get home?” he said, still eating and smiling.

“I can be naked if you would like, yes. I would love to be.” I sipped my last drop of coffee, picked up my purse, and got up. Lately, he had been too busy for sex. He teased me, talked about it, but when the time came, he was always exhausted.

“Your ass looks so hot this morning. It pops, and I love it. Not to mention those legs of yours. Jesus. This is all I’m going to think about today.”

“This ass has your name on it.” I smiled.

I kissed him. He licked my lips and ran his hands up my bare legs. He let his fingers brush my lips through my panties. My legs became weak. He knew how to make me think about him all day. He wanted thoughts about his lips and his fingers on my body to be on my mind. Little did he know he was on my mind every second.

I found Thomas standing at the copy machine with his hands on his hips.

“Honey, you look wore out,” he said.

“I am, Thomas. The convention and being alone during Alex’s campaigning nearly killed me. He’s home now, but he’s always so exhausted. I’m undersexed and grumpy. I have to be in court in two hours. I worked so hard on this case, and now it’s show time.”

“Honey, you need to take a deep breath and drink your coffee. It’s got a double shot of espresso. I have everything ready, so look it over. I can’t help you with the sex issue, but wouldn’t it be lovely? We could kill two birds with one stone.” He laughed.

“Are you dropping hints, Thomas? This is the second time you mentioned sex with me. Are you crossing over?” I gulped my overly hot espresso, burning my tongue.

“No, I’m not crossing over, honey. I know what you mean, though. I think Bruce feels the same way.”

“What do you mean?”

“We’ve hit a rough spot. You think you’re undersexed? I can’t remember if I even had sex this week. We may be over. I don’t want that. I love him.”

“You can’t let him go, Thomas. Bruce is the love of your life. Plus, you’re planning a wedding and who else would put up with you like him?”

“He’s acting weird, and I think he’s seeing someone. Maybe I’m overstressed too.”

“You are. Bruce isn’t the cheating kind. I bought a new dress for this wedding, and I’m not taking it back.”

The phone rang and Thomas answered it. One day he would be as tough a lawyer as I was, but in the meantime, he had to do the grunt work. He had no choice; I didn’t have time.

“Prude, it’s for you. They say it’s an important personal matter,” Thomas said. I had no idea who it could be.

Chapter 12



“Frank, what’s wrong?” After my wedding, Victoria had left the office due to an illness. Trying to pretend it was a simple problem, she’d told everyone it was a thyroid condition. Frank had told me otherwise. It was thyroid cancer. They thought she had it beat, and Frank promised me it was taken care of. She had not been in the office much for the past year, and no one had seen her. She would call and talk to me and I would ask to meet her, but she always put it off. Apparently, she’d lied to me, and it was worse than she let on. That day, Frank called me to say she was in bad shape, and hospice was at their house. She wanted to see me.

I agreed to stop by after court. At first, I’d thought this was going to be a long drawn-out case. I gave my opening statement in front of a jury. After I presented my case with photographs and one witness, the defense was squirming. They didn’t have a prayer. The defense had been under the impression I was ‘wet behind the ears’ and not ready to take on such a big case. I proved them wrong and enjoyed watching them reel as I expertly went after their client. I had the jury in the palm of my hand. Once we deliberated for the day, I knew I’d won my case.

Done with court, I drove up the winding driveway to visit Victoria and Frank, and the enormous house made me gasp. I was overwhelmed by its regal beauty. It was set back on a huge piece of land, with a horse barn and several horses out in the pasture. A maid greeted me at the door and she led me to Frank who sat by Victoria’s side, holding her hand. A hospital bed had been moved into one of the living rooms, and she lay under layers of covers. She looked so tiny and old I could barely see her. Frank looked ragged and upset.

He stood and kissed me on the cheek. Two nurses hovered around Victoria, monitoring the oxygen tubes in her nose. It reminded me of my mother, the way she had been, close to the end. In just a few months, Victoria had become thin, frail, and her hair was completely white instead of its usual platinum-blond. Her lips were drawn, and her eyes sunken. The familiar smell of sickness permeated the air. It was the smell of alcohol, sanitizer, and death.

She was awake and alert, but Frank whispered she was in a lot of pain. They were going to start morphine soon. It took all I had not to break down and cry.

“You have no idea how happy she’ll be to see you, Prudence. Victoria talks about you constantly, but threatened my life if I called you.”

“Shut up … and let me see her. I did nothing … of the sort,” Victoria whispered. She was still her feisty self even on her deathbed.

“Hi, Victoria.” I reached out to touch her, and she looked as if she was seeing me for the first time. Her eyes had a faraway, unfocused quality. It was heartbreaking. I bent and kissed her on the cheek, swallowing back sobs that could have come screaming out at any moment.

“I didn’t want you to see me in this … shape. I don’t want anyone to see me like this.”

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