Lucifer’s Fury (A Motorcycle Club Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Lucifer’s Fury (A Motorcycle Club Romance)
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The feel of his scorching hot flesh against mine, coupled with the feel of his thick cock pressing against my wet pussy, was almost more than I could bear. The anticipation of his claiming of my body had every nerve in my body on full alert.

I felt wicked and slutty, but beautiful and loved all at once. It was jarring how perfectly dirty I felt at that moment… and it wasn’t over yet. It had only just begun. Thank God for that because I was dying to feel his cock inside me... finally. I didn’t have wonder how it would feel for long.

“Wrap those long gorgeous legs around me, sweetheart. I’m going to take real good care of you.”

I do as he commands and lock my ankles behind his back.

“That’s right. Just like that. It’s going to hurt a bit, baby, but I’ll ease the pain with pleasure. Trust me?”

I nodded quickly, not trusting my words still. I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

Jasper reached between us and fisted his huge cock, lining it up with my pussy. I felt the head of his steel-hard cock press forward, breaching my slit. I groaned as it slipped inside slowly, stealing my breath.

We were nose to nose, his lips hovering so close to mine that our breath mingled together as we became one. Tears slipped from my eyes as his hips pushed forward. White hot pain seared through me as his dick took the gift I offered him. The gift I saved for him and him alone.

Halting his movements, he kissed me slowly, gently, tenderly, then deeper and more insistent, claiming my mouth as he had claimed my pussy. He wiped away my tears, whispered I love you, and then began to move.

“Jasper!” I cried out, falling to pieces in his arms. “Oh my God.”

“It’s okay, baby,” Jasper said, his voice rough and strained as he fought to keep control of his need. He began to move again, slowly thrusting forward before pulling back and then thrusting in again and again. The pain was gone now, leaving room only for pleasure.

I was vibrating with joy and bliss like never before as he made me his. My heart was full. I was overwhelmed with so much emotion. I could smell him in the air and on my skin, feel his heart beating wildly as he took me. It was beautiful and heady and everything I expected it to be. And so much more at the same time.

Shifting my hips, I gave a wiggle, his big hands spanning over my hips as he rose to his knees. He moved back and forth, his cock impaling me deeper with each delicious thrust. I whimpered and cried out, chanting his name repeatedly.

I felt the orgasm building, pulsing madly, begging for release as he pounded into me harder, faster, and deeper than before. I met each wild thrust, our rhythm in perfect harmony as our bodies danced wickedly together.

“So close. Need to...” my words broke off as his fingers found my clit, stroking it in tight circles. I screamed as the orgasm hit, white-hot stars bursting in my eyes, clouding my vision. My entire body quivered, skin drawn tight, muscles stiff, as I fell into oblivion beneath my lover.

Jasper continued on, his powerful muscles bunching and flexing as he continued to thrust wildly before joining me, a deep animalistic growl escaping from him as his cock jerked inside me, releasing his seed.

Fuck me, I loved this man. And he loved me too.

“I love you, Jasper.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart. I always will.”

Chapter 10: Blaze


I awoke to the sound of someone with a death wish banging on my bedroom door. With an agitated curse on the tip of my tongue, my eyes still hazy from the most restful night’s sleep and best sex I’d ever had in my entire damn life, I came face to face with an angel.

My beautiful angel.

My Lola.

I almost pinched the hell out of myself to make sure she was really and truly real. And all I could think about was how much I didn’t want to move for fear she would disappear. But that damn knocking on the door wasn’t stopping. It only grew more and more persistent by the second. Shit.

Her obsidian hair was sprawled out over my pillows, her naked body sprawled out on my bed, and images of claiming her beautiful body flashed in vivid pictures in my mind. All I could think about was having her again. Closing my eyes, I inhaled her scent, letting it fill me with the beauty that was her, her warm flesh pressing against me. It was perfect... well, except for the jackass banging on the door again. Fuck me. I had half the mind to kill the unlucky idiot.

Grumbling, I forced myself to slip away from Lola, the slight shift of the mattress causing her to roll toward me, her small hand reaching out for me.

Leaning down to her, I kissed her gently on the temple and pulled the sheet up to cover her gorgeous body. She groaned, unintelligible words falling from her lips, and I couldn’t help smiling like a damned idiot. Perfection right here in the flesh. Pushing off of the bed, I quickly and quietly made my way across the room.

After slipping on a pair of boxers, I opened the door quickly, blocking the view of my room with my body.

“What the hell do you want?” I growled… and then harnessed my frustration quickly at the sight of Lola’s little red-headed friend.

“Oh!” she squeaked, startled. “Oh damn.” Quickly her eyes shamelessly roamed my naked chest. “I just wanted to let Lola know that all the girls are on their way and should be arriving in the next fifteen minutes or so. Figured my... well...
girl would want to be out front and ready to do her thing.”

All the while, Cherry Pie bounced around like a baby boxer, trying to see past me into the room. Oh yeah, these girls were going to keep my guys on their toes for sure.

“I’ll let her know.”

“You don’t talk much, do you? That’s all right. I get it. I know all about you and my girl. The past and all that shit. I’m rooting for you. Just so you know.” She wiggled her brows like a little pervert. “So tell me, did you hit that yet?”

“That’s... um... we’ll be out soon.” I responded and shut the damn door. Jesus! She was worse than the sweet butts. “Jesus Christ, that girl is nuts.” I mumbled.

Checking the clock, I turned back to the bed to find my girl with the biggest damn smile on her face.

“Hey. Can you hand me that shirt?” Lola asked, barely containing a giggle.

“Sure.” I said, leaning down and snagging the shirt off the floor. In a few short strides, I closed the distance between us and took a seat beside her on the bed.

“Your feisty little Veep just stopped by. Your girls are about fifteen minutes away. Guess we should get moving.”

Lola leaned forward and kissed me, stealing what little breath I had. It was a quick kiss – too quick if you ask me – but we didn’t have much time to get ready before everyone arrived. “Thanks, I heard. Don’t let her freak you out. Sometimes she can be a bit too much. Well… most of the time she’s a bit much, actually. I’m sure she was just worried I was going to die a virgin spinster biker chick. That would have been a damn sad way to go. If she bothers you, I’ll tell her to back off.”

“She’s fine. There’s no need to say anything. I just wasn’t expecting that type of question after rolling out of bed. It’s no big deal. I won’t be sharing our personal business with her, or anyone for that matter, but what you tell your girls is up to you.”

“All right. I’m going to shower real quick, if you don’t mind. We have a long busy day ahead of us.” Lola smiled and pulled on the shirt before hustling into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

“Go ahead make yourself at home. If you need anything, just holler.”

Fifteen minutes later, Lola and I were dressed and headed for the main room of the clubhouse to await the arrival of the other eight Gypsy Riders. We entered the room side by side but otherwise not touching, which I wasn’t thrilled about.

I knew she was nervous. From what she had told me about herself and her club last night, I knew she had kept her history with Lucifer’s Fury a secret, except with Cherry Pie. The other girls knew very little or nothing at all. That would change today. They’d learn it all. So a little distance didn’t mean she was pulling away from me necessarily. I just bit my tongue and went with the flow.

The clubhouse was already full, almost every seat taken by my men. Siren was sitting next to Suicide at our usual table in the back corner. She stood up in the booth and crawled over his bulky body, hopping down on the other side. The growl of approaching bikes drew Lola’s attention to the door.

“Everything will be fine,” I whispered, low enough that only she could hear. “Don’t worry.”

She gave me a slight nod. “They’re here. Here goes nothing,” she mumbled under her breath, heading for the door with Siren and Cherry Pie hot on her tail.

I glanced around the room, taking in the eager stares of my men as they watched the three Gypsy Riders head outside. As soon as the door slammed closed behind them, a few of the guys approached me. The room was silent but for a few hushed conversations. All eyes remained focused on the front of the room.

“So is the rest of Lola’s crew as hot as them?” a young guy asked, eyeing the door, his eager excited voice carrying across the entire room.

“It’s my understanding that they are all just like the ones you met last night. Why?” I asked, a steel bite to my voice.

Holding his hands up and backing up a step, he smiled. “Just asking, Blaze. Those girls are classy yet wild. Lots of damn fun. Put our sweet butts to shame in every way.”

“They damn sure do,” I agreed. Turning around, I faced the room of excited bikers. “I want every one of you dirty bastards to be on your best behavior. Keep in mind one of the girls was roughed up pretty damned good by the Twisted Bastards so we don’t want to spook her. I’m not saying the girls are off-limits but keep in mind they are NOT sweet butts. You get me?”

Not surprising, a lot of the men nodded in understanding, sitting quietly.

When the front door opened, eleven of the most beautiful women decked out in black leather outfits similar to what Lola was wearing, with Gypsy Riders cuts, strode through the door with Lola heading the pack. She stopped the girls in front of the bar, lining them up like a damn feast for my men. Each one appeared sweet and almost innocent but sexy as all hell.

Their stance screamed guarded but controlled, yet their eyes were harsh and unyielding as if unsure of what to expect. I didn’t have to look back at the guys to know they were drooling like crazy… and there weren’t enough of those fine ass women to go around by far.

Crossing the room, I headed straight for Lola – well, Pandora – considering the situation we faced presently. Big Brass and Suicide closed in behind me, taking their positions at my sides. My enforcers, Judge and Justice, were the only patched members unable to attend. They’d be home soon enough, though. The girls could meet them later.

Stepping forward, I offered a smile to the Gypsies and crossed my arms over my chest. “Ladies, welcome to Lucifer’s Fury. I’m Jasper, the President. You can call me Blaze. This is Big Brass, my Veep, and Suicide, my Warlord. It’s coming on noon now and a few of the old ladies are providing lunch for us so make yourself at home and visit with the guys. Get better acquainted, then we’ll have lunch and get down to business.”

Pandora nodded to the girls, giving them her okay to accept my offer to join the guys. They hesitated briefly, taking in the large room filled with more than three dozen men varying in age from twenty to fifty-ish, and then spread out through the room, staying in teams of two. One woman, still covered in bruises, stayed up front – Trixie. Jesus, they had done a number on her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iceman leave his seat and head for her. She stiffened at his approach, her eyes shifting from left to right, searching for a way out, if I had to guess.

“Is she okay?” I asked Pandora, nodding towards Trixie.

“Physically? She’s fine. Still bruised and battered real good, though. Emotionally?” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Why?”

“Iceman has a degree in psychology… and he’s heading her way. He’s harmless. Might even be able to help your girl get a handle on the inner turmoil.”

“Maybe so. If he can help her, I’m perfectly fine with it. She needs to talk to someone, but she hasn’t yet. If he’s looking for more than that… well, I don’t think it will work too well. But what do I know. She’s bisexual so he could stand a chance. Not my business. But talking to him damn sure can’t hurt her any more than she already is.”

We watched as Iceman introduced himself to Trixie. She slowly shook his hand. After a short conversation, she followed him back to his table.

Lunch arrived and the old ladies and sweet butts descended on the clubhouse, serving up lunch to everyone. The old ladies sat with their men, all smiles as they chatted with the Gypsy Riders. None seemed bothered by having the female bikers around.

But the frowns I caught on the mouths of the sweet butts after a Gypsy Rider interacted with them and walked away pissed me the hell off. Not wanting anything to cause problems with the alliance with the Gypsy Riders, I made a snap judgment call.

Catching all of this from my seat in the corner booth, I excused myself from the table, along with Suicide and Big Brass, and headed down the hallway to my office for privacy. Leaning against my desk, I cleared my throat, shaking my head in disgust. “We have a little problem and from the looks of it, it could become a big problem… and nasty as all hell if we don’t smother it quick.”

Suicide frowned. Big Brass looked between us in confusion. “What’s the problem? Everyone is getting on just fine out there.”

“The patched members of both clubs and the old ladies are getting on just fine. The issue is the scowling, frowning pissed-off sweet butts handing out dirty looks to all of the Gypsy Riders. Not to their faces... yet, but that’ll come soon enough. We all know how they can be, and it will happen and threaten everything we’re working to build here.”

  “We have to nip this shit in the butt, and fast,” I said, looking between the two men. “The sweet butts need to be reminded what their place is in this club. If they can’t handle that, they can go. I have no use for them anyway.” I pointed at Big Brass. “Talk to them and send them home for the rest of the day with a warning.”

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