Lucky Charm (33 page)

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Authors: Marie Astor

BOOK: Lucky Charm
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“Lilly loves everything
. S
he’s got a real sweet tooth,” Annabel replied absent-mindedly, for her
mind was preoccupied with
anything but sweets. Of course
she was happy for Lilly, but she could not help thinking just how much her own life was going to change now
. H
er best friend would be moving half the way across the world from her
. T
here would be miles between them
. T
hey would be in different time zones. Sure, they would do their best to keep in touch, but their friendship was bound to change through sheer force of physical distance
. T
here would be no more spontaneous late nights out, no more swinging over by each other’s place on a Sunday morning with bagels and coffee,
no more talking till midnight. And then there was something else
. A
s much as Annabel was happy for her friend, she could not help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy
. T
here was Lilly, successful in both love and caree
r, while Annabel was at a stale
mate in her life, stuck in a job that had morphed from a temporary gig to a permanent occupation that was going nowhere fast and, she had to admit it, with her love life up in the air. This was her last week in Paris
and she and Etienne had yet to discuss their plans for keeping in touch after she left for
New York
, that
s, if he wanted to keep in touch with her at all. But now was not the time to dwell on her problems
. T
oday was Lilly’s day, and Annabel was determined to be happy for her friend.

“I think those éclairs look great,” said Annabel, perhaps a bit too chirpily, in an attempt to get her mind off the gloomy thoughts that had been plaguing her all day.

Etienne nodded slowly, as though he had seen through the overt brightness in Annabel

“I’m going to get flowers while you’re waiting here
to save us time.”

“I’ll see you in a bit.” Annabel watched Etienne walk out the door. What she really wanted to do was to ask him whether their time together
meant as much to him as it did to her, but of course
she would do no such thing.

Annabel was in the middle of ordering éclairs when her glance fell on the shop’s window, and she noticed Etienne standing on the sidewalk outside the bakery with a bouquet of roses in his hand. Annabel was about to wave at him when she noticed that Etienne was not alone. Next to him was an arresting blond woman
. S
he was in her mid-twenties
with long, tan legs that seemed to go on for miles from under her barely-there mini skirt
. She had
large, probably fake
breasts that were barely covered by her skimpy top, and long, blond, teased hair that looked like it could house a bird colony. The woman was unmistakably American
. S
he looked like she had just walked off a set of a Vegas show, and was a dead ringer for Pamela Anderson during the Baywatch years. However, this was still no reason to get alarmed
. T
he blonde could be anyone
. J
ust because she was drop dead gorgeous did not mean that Etienne had to be attracted to her
. S
he could be his friend from work or an old acquaintance. With her eyes glued to the window, Annabel watched the blonde wave her hands animatedly as she was fervently telling something to Etienne. Then, Annabel’s glance shifted to Etienne, and from the brooding expression on his face and the way he tilted his head as he listened to the blonde, Annabel guessed that she had to be much more than just an old acquaintance.

“Mademoiselle, will there be anything else?” The bakery clerk looked questioningly at her.

“Pardon.” Annabel felt the blood go to her face as she ducked her chin, tearing her eyes away from the window. She rattled off the rest of her order and paid for the pastries.

Then she quickly grabbed her purchase and hurried outside, determined to find out just what was that blond bombshell doing flirting with her boyfriend
. N
ot that Etienne had solidified the current stage of their relationship in terms of girlfriend and boyfriend, but
at the moment
this matter seemed completely irrelevant.

Her stomach twisting with agitation, Annabel flung open the door
only to see Etienne standing all by himself. She looked this way and that, but saw no sign of the blond

“You saw that, huh?”

The tone of Etienne’s voice left no wiggle room, and Annabel simply nodded. “Who was she?”

“Amanda, my ex-fiancé
.” Etienne reached inside his pocket and pulled out a cigarette pack.

“I didn’t know you smoked,” Annabel’s tone sounded more accusatory than she intended.

“I quit a few months back, but it’s a hard habit to kick.”

Just like your ex
, Annabel wanted to add, but
held her tongue instead.

Etienne slowly ripped off the plastic from the cigarette package
. T
hen he lit the cigarette and took a long drag.

“It’s not what you think, Ann.”

“How do you know what I think? I didn’t say anything, did I? You’re free to speak to whomever you want.” Annabel bit her lip.

“You don’t exactly have the best poker face in the world, you know.”

The warm tone of Etienne’s voice made her smile in spite of herself
. E
ver since she could remember, everyone was always telling her that she wore her heart on her sleeve.

“You got me there.” She grinned, staring right at him. “So then
why were you talking to her?”

“I ran into her on the street.” Etienne shrugged, taking another drag. “I wanted to keep on walking, but she approached me, so I couldn’t exactly walk away from her.”

Yes, you could
, Annabel thought, frowning.

“Anyway, she is back in
now, doing a stint at the Crazy Horse, believe it or not.”

I believe it
, Annabel thought, remembering Amanda’s trashy outfit.

it’s not going so hot for her and Hew, so she started dropping hints to see if I wanted to get us back together.” Etienne paused, taking another drag.

And do you?
Annabel ached to ask, but she forced herself to remain silent instead.

“I think you know that the answer to that is no.” Etienne looked right at her, as if having read her thoughts.

Etienne’s eyes looked like two dark pools.
Why then, if he no longer cared about this woman, did he look so tormented?
Annabel wondered.

“Bonjour!” Lilly swung open the door. Her face was flushed
and she had a bewildered look in her eyes
. T
he apron around her waist was splattered with the ingredients of the dinner she was cooking. “You will have to fend for yourselves for now
I have to get back to the kitchen!” Like a lightning, Lilly dashed down the corridor.

A few moments later
Simon appeared in the foyer
. H
e was wearing a dark blue shirt and black jeans
, and
he held an apron in his hand. He shook hands with Etienne and kissed Annabel on both cheeks.

“Please come inside,” he welcomed them into a small, but cozy living room and motioned for them to take a seat on the sofa. “I suggested that we go out, but Lilly insisted on cooking.” A smile glinted on his face, mak
ing it clear that by now Simon
had become
familiar with the extent of Lilly’s cooking skills. “How about a drink before dinner?”

“I’m going to go and see if Lilly needs any help.” Annabel rose from her seat.

“You’re wasting your time. I tried to help, but she kicked me out.” He held up the apron.

“But then maybe you will have better luck than me
. Y
ou are
after all
her best friend
. S
he trusts you with everything.”

“May I?” Annabel reached for the apron that Simon was still holding in his hand.

“By all means
. J
ust don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”

“How is it going in there?” Annabel poked her head into the tiny kitchen where Lilly was spinning like a hamster in a wheel.

Ann! Get out of here
. T
he meal is not ready yet.” Lilly stirred one of the pots on the stove.
started fuming from one of the pots, and Lilly flung her hands in exasperation. “Oh, no! I burned the mushroom sauce!”

“That’s it
I’m stepping in.” Annabel wrapped the apron around her waist. “So, what are you cooking?”

“Coq au Vin.”

Annabel barely managed to hold back a smile
. I
t was just like Lilly to select an overly complex dish for her cooking debut. “Lilly, you didn’t have to go all out on our account! We would have been happy with plain roasted chicken.”

“It’s not just that
Ann. I want Simon to know that I can cook. His last girlfriend was a chef in one of
’s top restaurants
. A
chef! How could I ever compare to that?”

“Oh, sure how could you? You’re only the next famous fashion designer who very soon will be the talk of Paris, but other than that and your gorgeous looks
you don’t really have much going for you,” Annabel teased her friend, but when she saw that her joke failed to produce the intended effect, she added simply, “Why would you want to compare yourself to his ex-girlfriend?”

“Because, I want him to know that I’m capable.”

“I think he already knows that.” Annabel grinned.

“Ann,” Lilly drew a deep breath. “Simon asked me to move in with him
and I said yes. That is, once we figure out where we are going to live.”

“Well, that’s wonderful! Aren’t you happy? I thought that was what you wanted.”

“Yes, but I’m also terrified
. I
t’s all moving so fast. And my life will change completely
I will have to learn how to cook and keep house
I’ve never done any of these things.”

“Lilly, don’t you think that Simon already knows that? If he wanted someone to cook him gourmet meals, he would have stayed with that chef he dated. He loves you and everything about you.” Annabel squeezed Lilly’s hand. “The way he looks at you makes it clear that he worships the ground you walk on
. H
e doesn’t care if you can cook or play house, he wants you – the Lilly who’s spontaneous, fun, and stops at nothing to get what she wants. There, I’ve sung you enough praises.” Annabel mock-punched Lilly in the shoulder.

“Ouch!” Lilly wrinkled her nose. “I guess you’re right
I might have over
acted a bit.’

“Just a very tiny bit. Now
let’s see what we can do about that chicken.”

As Annabel opened the stove to check on the chicken, her thoughts turned to Etienne again. He had said that seeing Amanda meant nothing to him
. W
d he look
so shaken up by the encounter with his ex?

“Ann, what’s wrong?” Lilly looked at her quizzically. “Is the dinner beyond salvation?”

“No, it’s fine
. I
t should be ready in twenty minutes or so.”

“What is it then?”

“It’s nothing really.” Annabel shrugged
. S
he was not about to ruin Lilly’s night.

“Come on.” Lilly placed her hands on her hips.

“Well, on our way over here
we stopped by Angelina’s to pick up some pastries…” Annabel’s voice trailed off.

and a great idea that was
I can’t wait to try those éclairs.”

“Well, while I was waiting for my turn at the counter, Etienne went to buy flowers, and then, just as I was placing my order, I saw him outside talking to this drop-dead gorgeous woman, and I mean, smoking hot: blond, long legs – a dead ringer for Pamela Anderson.”

, fine. So, who was she?”

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