Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge) (7 page)

BOOK: Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge)
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Lucy’s eyes slid from th
e tube to her nanny’s face to see absolutely no flicker of uncertainty.  “Lucille, I will not ask you again,” Molly warned.  Lucy stumbled a bit but then climbed onto the bed and awkwardly bent over her new nanny’s knees.  Molly was intensely pleased and quickly arranged the girl so that her bare bottom was exactly where she desired it to be.  Lucy squeezed her eyes tightly closed.  Perhaps if she didn’t see what was happening, it could all be just a horrid dream.  Molly dipped the bulb of the glass tube into the small pot to lube it before returning the pot to the table.  Lucy tried to be good, truly she did but as she felt Molly’s hand drop to her clenched bottom, her fingers reaching to pull a small cheek away from its twin to expose her bottom-hole, she began to squirm.  Molly almost lost control as the small woman continued to wiggle about.  A sharp cry sounded as Molly released Lucy’s cheek only to slap her hand down upon its surface.

“No!” Lucy cried out, her embarrassment at what was about to happen consuming her. 

“You don’t tell me no, young lady,” Molly said applying another swat to Lucy’s bottom.  “Your Papa wants your temperature taken and it shall be done as he requires.  Now, do I need to blister your bottom, or are you going to be a good girl and stop squirming about like a little worm?”

Lucy didn’t want her temperature taken in this manner but also did not want her bottom blistered.  It was as if she w
ere stuck with impossible choices, choices that would cause her both embarrassment and pain.  When she heard Molly sigh and felt her shift on the bed, Lucy gave her answer.

“No, please, Miss Molly, please don’t…don’t spank me,” Lucy begged, her bottom clenching tightly.  “I’ll
… I’ll be still.”  Molly laid the brush back onto the bed next to Lucy’s face so that the girl would know it was readily available if needed.  One hand holding the thermometer, Molly used her other hand to pull her young charge more firmly into her waist.

I don’t care if your Papa has already spanked you, Lucille.  If you are naughty again, little one, I will be blistering your bottom.”  Inspiration born out of necessity struck Molly.  With both hands occupied, she thought of a way to not only make her job easier, it would also serve to remind her young charge to submit.  “Lucy, reach back behind you and use your hands to pull your cheeks apart for me so that I might see to seat your thermometer into your bottom.”  Molly’s words caused Lucy’s face to flame but she found herself obeying, her hands moving behind her to take a cheek into each one.  She gave a soft moan as she drew them apart.  Molly shook her head though she knew the young woman was attempting to obey.

“Wider, Luc
ille,” she said quietly.  “As far apart as you can, please.  I need to be able to see what I am doing.”  Lucy shuddered but pulled her cheeks apart until she had spread herself embarrassingly wide to expose her bottom flower to her nanny.  “That’s my good girl,” Molly praised as she moved the thermometer into position.  Once it was just barely touching the poor girl’s puckered opening, she gave her last order.  “You must keep still, Lucy.  I know this will feel a bit uncomfortable but you must not wiggle about.  We don’t want to lose it do we?  Do you understand me?”  Lucy could barely think as she felt the slightly greasy tube press against her bottom-hole. 
Lose it!  Sweet Lord, could that truly happen? 
When it didn’t move further, she understood Molly expected an answer.

“Ye…yes, Mi…Miss Molly,” Lucy managed to say.  Molly nodded and without further words, began to press the glass tube into Lucy’s bottom.  Lucy moaned at the sensation, her mind instantly remembering how her husband had inserted his thumb into the same place only a short while ago.  Her face flamed as she realized how aroused she had been and how she had exploded with pleasure the instant his digit entered the forbidden passage.  Though she didn’t feel aroused right now, she felt strange flutterings in her stomach as Molly
continued to advance the thermometer until it was deep inside her bottom, far deeper than her husband’s thumb had been.  Molly kept the end of the thermometer between her fingertips, knowing that she definitely didn’t wish to lose the glass tube inside Lucy’s rear.  With her free hand, she gently patted Lucy’s bottom.

“You did very well, little one,” Molly praised.  “You took your thermometer
into your bottom quite easily didn’t you?  You may remove your hands, sweetie.”  Lucy released her bottom cheeks, bringing her arms in front of her.  Without conscience thought, she reached for her doll where it lay propped against a pillow.  It was too far for her to reach and she gave a soft whimper.  Molly saw her intention and leaned just a bit, picking up the doll and handing it to Lucy.  Lucy buried her face in the mattress, her childhood doll clasped tightly in her arm.  She felt uncomfortably exposed, her bare bottom being invaded, her nanny’s fingers keeping hold of the tube as well as making sure Lucy’s bottom cheeks remained slightly parted.  Time seemed to stop as Lucy waited for the thermometer to be removed.  She found she wanted nothing more than to be allowed to crawl between the covers and fall into the escape of sleep even if it meant being diapered.  The thought of wearing a nappy seemed less shameful when it would mean her bottom was covered, no longer being exposed and invaded.  Whenever she shifted even the tiniest bit, Molly would gently reprimand her and would move the thermometer just a bit back and forth until Lucy was still again.  After what seemed like an eternity to the poor Lady Huntington, she felt the thermometer being removed and gave a soft moan.

“Now, Lucy, that didn’t hurt you at all,” Molly
said reading the mercury.  She shook her head and then shook the tube down again.  “I fear you took too long to lie over my lap, little one.  Your disobedience has caused the need to take another reading.”  Lucy gave a sob as she was once more instructed to open her bottom cheeks.  The tube was returned deep inside her, this time with several withdrawals and reinsertions as if Molly was unsure of exactly where to place it.  Lucy moaned again and was horrified to feel a rush of moisture flow into her sex.  She remained as still as possible, one small hand clutching the bed covering in front of her, the other clutching her doll.  She prayed Molly would not be able to tell what was happening between her legs.  Molly finally withdrew the tube as slowly as possible, this time happy with the reading.

Your temperature is normal,” she said her voice indicating her pleasure.  “You did well, Lucille.  Now, up with you and lay across the bed on your tummy please.”  Molly instructed and helped Lucy off her lap.  Lucy couldn’t look at Molly as her nanny cleaned the tube and replaced it in its box.  She lay on the bed, her face turned away.  Molly opened the salve and began to apply the ointment to Lucy’s bottom and legs.  Lucy remained still and quiet, accepting the fact that Molly seemed to be learning quickly how to be as strict a nanny as Mrs. Bremmer.  Molly finished with the salve and wiped her hands clean.

“A few minutes to dry and then we shall get you into your nappy and rubber pants, sweetie,” Molly said as if Lucy wanted a play by play description of what was still to come.  Molly smiled and found she was pleased with how the regime
n had been progressing.  If someone had told her that Lucille Furniss, her former mistress, would one day be over her lap, her own hands spreading her bottom cheeks wide apart in order for Molly to insert a thermometer into her bottom, Molly would have questioned their sanity.  She barely believed it herself.  She had been elevated to the position of a proper Nanny, her authority soon to be unquestioned by the woman she had grown to love as Lucy accepted the fact that Molly was here to stay. Lucy might have elevated her own status to that of Lady Huntington, but from now on, she would be no more titled than any other little girl who must allow her nanny to do all sorts of embarrassing things to her.

Molly turned Lucy over and told her to lift her own bottom in order to have a nappy slid under her.  Lucy obeyed, her face turned to the side, knowing th
at to protest was useless.  Lucy’s face flamed when she realized that Molly would be able to see the cream that had filled her young charge’s pussy and was grateful the woman said nothing about that fact. Molly simply stood, walked to the washstand and returned with a moist cloth.  She quickly washed quite thoroughly between Lucy’s lower lips before patting her dry.  She applied a coating of diaper cream and then a good shake of baby powder before drawing up the sides of the nappy, pinning it securely into place. Molly pulled the rubber pants up over the diaper and then helped Lucy off the bed and finally pulled the nightgown over her head.  Molly took a seat in the chair and had Lucy kneel before her, her back to Molly as her hair was brushed and then plaited for her nap.  By the time Molly helped Lucy between the sheets, Lucy was exhausted.  She accepted her doll once more tucking Nellie into her arm.  When Molly presented the large pacifier to Lucy’s lips, Lucy attempted to shake her head.

“Don’t be naughty now, Lucy,” Molly warned sternly.  “You did so well taking your thermometer into your sweet little bottom.  I would think taking your binky into your mouth would be far more pleasant.”  Lucy turned crimson but obediently opened her mouth and accepted the rubber nipple.  It seemed to fill her mouth, making it necessary to actually suckle on it to avoid discomfort.  “That’
s my good girl,” Molly said bending to brush her lips across Lucy’s cheek.  “Now, go to sleep, little one.  I know you must be tired and you can dream about playing games with your Papa when you wake.  You must stay in bed until I or your Papa come to get you.  I promise you will be a very sorry little girl if you so much as place one foot on the floor until then.  Understand me? ”  Lucy nodded, her face forlorn as she turned onto her side, facing away from her nanny, her eyes tearing, unable to contain a soft sob, realizing she would be creamed and powdered and diapered every single day for the rest of her life.  She suddenly desperately missed her sister, Louisa.  She wanted so much to be able to confess her fears and her feelings of confusion to someone who would truly understand how it felt to be attended by her own Nanny.  She couldn’t stop her tears though she tried to cry as silently as possible.  She felt Molly sit on the bed behind her and then felt her hand gently rubbing against her back.

“Shh, little Lucy,” Molly said softly.  “It will be all right.  I love you and promise to take care of you for your Papa.  Just go to sleep, sweetie.”  Molly continued to rub gentle circles on Lucy’s back until the small woman sighed deeply and fell into sleep, her mouth gently
pulling on the new pacifier.  Molly tucked the covers up over Lucy’s shoulders and waited a few more minutes to assure herself that Lucy was deeply asleep before leaving the room, closing the door quietly behind her.  Though Lord Huntington had told her she could leave Lucy alone, she decided to spend the next few hours in her own compartment.  This was all still very new to her and she wanted to think about all that had transpired.  She was beginning to understand that though Lucy seemed to fight against what was happening, especially the embarrassing aspects of being cared for like a small child, the evidence Molly had discovered when diapering her told a different story.  Though Molly was not married and had no real experience with sex, she did have experience with helping Mrs. Bremmer with Louisa.  She knew that what she had washed from Lucy’s quim was evidence of her sexual fluids, her unspoken arousal.  Molly wondered if all little girl wives reacted in this manner but without being able to discuss the events of the past hour with Mrs. Bremmer, she was left alone with her thoughts.

Hours later, Molly heard a soft knock on her door.  She quickly opened it to find Lord Huntington outside.

“Did everything go well?” he asked and she was extremely pleased to tell him that it had.  She was completely honest and told him that she had given Lucy only two swats before his little one had cooperated fully.  She also assured him that she had been prepared to give Lucy a good dose of her hairbrush if she continued to fuss but that it had been unnecessary.  Lucas was extremely pleased to hear Molly recounting the story and understood that she did understand her role as both caretaker and strict disciplinarian.  He was also very impressed with her creativity in adding an additional submissive element to the procedure.  He was pleased his little one had decided to behave.

“I’m glad to hear she did well,” Lucas said.  “
I’ll admit I was a bit fearful that the entire train would hear the sounds of her protests as she discovered the contents of the box. I’ll wake her and reward her by going to the reading car to play some games.  I’m sure you would enjoy the car as well.  There are other nannies who will be entertaining their own charges.” 

Molly hesitated, unsure how much fun it would be to be in a small train compartment with dozens of small
excited children.  Lucas chuckled. 
“I’m not sure if you were aware of another little-one like our Lucy,” he said and from the surprised look on her face knew she hadn’t seen the young woman.  “I’ve met her Papa who is a barrister.  His name is Lord Northbridge, a fine gentleman.  He and his wife, Emmaline, have been wed for only a few months.  This is her first trip by train as well.  Little Emmie has her own nanny.  I believe her name is Bertha.  Perhaps you might enjoy spending some time with her as Lucy and I play some games.”  Molly found herself not only grateful but eager to meet the family he was describing.  Perhaps, if Bertha were the friendly sort, she might be able to have some of her concerns addressed.

“That sound
s wonderful, Sir,” Molly said. 
Lucas gave her directions to the car and then entered his own compartment when Molly hurried away.  He closed the door quietly but found he needn’t have.  His little one was sitting up in bed, brushing Nellie’s hair, talking quietly to her childhood companion.  He was enchanted at the sight.

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