Luke's Surprise (14 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Lewis

BOOK: Luke's Surprise
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As they reached the porch, a loud bang rang out and Luke’s hand slipped out of Mark’s as his mate fell to the floor with a thud.

“No!” Mark shouted.

He fell to his knees beside Luke. There was a large, gaping, angry-looking wound on Luke’s left shoulder blade. Mark felt the tears sting his eyes as his body shook with pain and despair. He turned Luke over on to his back and saw the exit wound on Luke’s chest, which was bleeding even more than the hole in his back. Luke’s eyes were closed.
All of the
colour had drained out of his face and a spot of blood trickled from his lips. He wasn’t breathing.

Mark felt his whole world begin to crumble and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. How could a person go on living with only half of their soul? He leaned over the porch and threw up the contents of his stomach.

“What the fuck have you done?” Mark screamed, turning to glare at Ethan. The emptiness inside him quickly filled with rage.

Ethan’s face had lost all traces of anger. The shotgun fell from his hands to the dirt below and his face paled. Mark got to his feet, all sense and reason having left him the second he saw his mate’s limp body lying on the porch. He charged at Ethan, not sparing a thought to the consequences. The thugs that had arrived to warn Ethan took hold of the larger man and started to tug him away from the house.

“Come on, we’ve got to get out of here,” the smaller of the two said.

Ethan didn’t have the chance to reply. Mark was on him, his fist flying in a blur as he lashed out and struck Ethan in the face. Blood spurted from Ethan’s nose as he fell backwards to the floor, taking one of his goons with him.

Mark didn’t give him a chance to get up. He threw himself on top of the much larger wolf and continued to rain down blows on him. Ethan let him. All fight seemed to have left the man’s body.

“Jacob, help me get him off!” one of the wolves ordered.

The next thing Mark knew, two large sets of hands were prising him away from Ethan’s blood spattered body. He continued to fight against the hands that held him, aware of nothing but the blind rage and fury he felt for the wolf lying at his feet.

Mark was sure nothing could tear him out of his wrath but then two small, softly spoken words pulled him to his senses faster than a bucket of ice water thrown in his face.

“Mark, help.”
The words were quiet and choked out with a splutter but Mark heard them as though they had been shouted in his ear.

Mark broke out of the hold the two wolves had on him and rushed to his mate’s side.

“Luke! Oh thank god!” Mark sobbed. “I thought… You’re going to be okay, baby. I’ll get help.”

Luke’s eyes fluttered but they remained closed. Mark ran into the house and grabbed the phone. He quickly dialled nine-one-one and as soon as he’d explained that Luke had been shot and was assured the paramedics and police were on their way, he rushed back out to join Luke.

Luke’s eyes were still closed and his breathing was laboured but all Mark could think was that his mate was still alive, he was still with him. He had to concentrate on that and try to be strong for his mate.

When Luke tried to speak, Mark leaned in closer to hear what he was trying to say.

“Hold me,” Luke said in barely more than a whisper.

Mark slid his arms under Luke and carefully lifted him to his chest. The tears rolled down his cheeks in an endless cycle as he cradled Luke to him, afraid of what might happen if he let go of his little mate.

“I’ll hold you for the rest of our lives if you stay with me, Luke,
hear me? Don’t leave me, not now.”

Mark was so distracted he completely forgot about Ethan and the two wolves with him. He looked up only to find the yard empty.
he thought bitterly.

The next thing Mark knew, a strong pair of hands tried to pull him away from his mate. He lashed out shouting. No one was going to take Luke from him, ever again.

“Mark! Let go of Luke. The paramedics are here. Let them do their job.”

Mark was dimly aware of the words being spoken to him and the voice sounded familiar but he couldn’t fully understand what the man was asking him. All he knew was he had Luke in his arms and he couldn’t let him go. He hit out again when another set of arms tried to prise him away from his mate.

“Cuff him,” a distant voice said.

Eventually the sheriff and his deputy managed to drag Mark away from Luke and down into the yard.

Sheriff Ferguson. Can you hear me? What happened here?”

Mark looked up at the man that was talking to him. What had he asked him? His gaze went to the porch and Luke’s body lying on the floor. Two men were bent over him, ripping open his shirt. Mark saw red. He pulled himself away from the sheriff and tried to run up the stairs to get to Luke.

“Luke!” he shouted.

“Ah damn. Get him in the car,” the sheriff said.

As they turned to head to the patrol car, Mark saw Cody and a much bigger man he had never met before walk across the yard towards him. The pain and disbelief in Cody’s eyes were enough to bring him to his senses at once. The grief radiating from Luke’s brother was so strong, Mark had to turn his eyes away, afraid he would break down if he kept looking at the man who so resembled his mate.

“What have you done?” Cody whispered.

Mark’s head snapped back up. What? Did Cody think Mark had done this? Cody had to know Mark wouldn’t harm a hair on Luke’s head.

“This wasn’t me, Cody,” he managed to choke out. “I would never hurt Luke. You’ve got to believe me. Call
, tell him to come home. You’ll need him here.”

Mark was led to the patrol car. This couldn’t be happening. His mate needed him and he needed to be with Luke. He fought the officer holding him.

“Please,” he begged “I need to get to Luke.”

“Not now, you don’t,” the man replied. “I’m taking you down to the station.”

Mark fought harder against his restraint. When he turned, he saw Sheriff Ferguson talking to Cody.

“Cody!” When he got the man’s attention he shouted again. “Cody, tell Luke I’m sorry. Tell him I love him.”


* * * *


The next couple of hours were the hardest Mark had ever lived through. He was taken to a cell when he arrived at the station and then questioned by several officers. None of them would tell him how Luke was or even if he’d survived the shooting. Each time a new officer entered the room, Mark would look up expectantly, hoping they would give him some information, but it never came.

Mark couldn’t even entertain the thought that Luke wouldn’t pull through this. He had to. Mark knew he couldn’t survive without him. Luke had become everything to him. Mark couldn’t live in a world where Luke didn’t exist.

Mark wasn’t sure how much time had passed when Sheriff Ferguson finally entered the room.

“What’s happening? How’s Luke?” Mark asked as soon as he saw the sheriff.

“I don’t know,” Sheriff Ferguson replied honestly. “Last I heard he was stable, but I guess you want to go on over to the hospital to find out for yourself.”

“Please,” Mark begged. “I have to see him.”

The sheriff nodded. “We’re letting you go. Luke has been in and out of consciousness but during the short time we were able to speak to him, he confirmed your story. We’re looking for Ethan now. I’ve spoken to
and he said there’ll be someone outside to pick you up to take you to the hospital.”

Mark couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“You mean it? That’s it? I can go?”

“Yes. I’m sorry, Mark, but we had to bring you in until we found out exactly what happened. Besides, in the state you were in, you were a danger to my officers. Under the circumstances, however, we won’t be bringing charges against you.”

“Thank you,” Mark whispered, “I appreciate it.”

As promised there was a car waiting for him when he left the station. A tall, burly, bald-headed man got out and reached out his hand for Mark to take.

“I’m Rick, one of
sent me over here to take you to the hospital.”

and thank you.”

Rick got into the car and leaned over to open the door for Mark. When Mark got in, he fastened his seatbelt and turned to the other man.

“Have you heard how Luke is doing?”

The man shook his head. “Not a word. Luke was still unconscious last I knew.”

Mark leaned his head back against the leather seat and closed his eyes. He sent up a prayer to keep Luke safe. “Is there any news on Ethan?”

“No. I already went to Joe’s place, and he said Ethan wasn’t home but I think he was lying. As soon as I drop you at the hospital,
and I are going to go back out there. The old man might not want to answer to me, but I doubt he’ll disobey a direct order from his alpha. Son or not, even Joe’s too stupid to do something like that.”

Mark thought about what Rick said the rest of the way to the hospital. No, Joe probably wouldn’t want to disobey
, whether he liked
or not—but Ethan was his son. Didn’t all parents do their best to protect their children? Mark doubted Joe would give Ethan up in a hurry.

The closer they got to the hospital, the more Mark felt his stomach churn. It felt like days not hours since he had last saw his mate. He prayed Luke would be all right. He didn’t want to think about the alternative.

Even though the things he’d said to Ethan had been all for show, there was a part of Mark starting to believe maybe it would be better if he did leave Luke. It would break Mark’s heart to do so, but he couldn’t think about himself right now—he had to put Luke first. He couldn’t stand to see Luke get hurt again. Was he just being selfish wanting to stay with Luke? Maybe Luke would be better off without Mark in his life after all.

Mark quickly pushed away the thought. He knew deep down in his heart that he could never leave Luke. Maybe he
being selfish but Luke was the best thing to ever happen to him. How could he give him up?

When they reached the hospital, Mark said goodbye to Rick and with a heavy heart stepped through the doors of the front entrance. A young, harried-looking nurse told him where Luke was being treated in between non-stop phone calls and fielding queries from other worried relatives.

Mark trudged along the corridor to the emergency department, his heart beating faster with every step he took.
jumped up from his seat as soon as Mark approached.

“How is he?” Mark asked by way of greeting.

shook his head. “He was still unconscious when the doc spoke to me last. I haven’t heard anything for at least half an hour.” He put a comforting hand on Mark’s shoulder. “He’s going to pull through this, Mark. You’ve got to believe that.”

Mark nodded and sank down into the plastic chair behind him. He wanted to believe it with all that he was.

“You look like shit. Can I get you some coffee?”

“No thanks.” Mark wasn’t sure his stomach would be able to hold anything down.

sat down in the chair next to Mark. “Okay. Tell me what happened.”

Mark relayed to
everything that had happened that evening.
listened intently, not saying a word until Mark had finished speaking.

“We’ll get him, Mark. I promise you he’ll pay for what he did to Luke.”

all my
fault,” Mark said, meeting
eyes. “None of this would have happened to him if he’d never met me. He’d be safe now.”

Mark noticed the tick in

“Now you listen to me,”
said with a trace of anger. “The last couple of weeks, my brother
been happier than I’ve ever seen him and that’s all because of you. You can’t blame yourself for something Ethan has done. It’s not your fault. You heard what Luke said. Ethan has been coming on to him for years. Who’s to say he wouldn’t have done this anyway if it had been someone else Luke started seeing beside you? Huh? The guy is crazy, Mark. He’s like a ticking bomb. It was only a matter of time before he popped.”

Mark felt an irrational stir of jealousy inside him at the thought of his Luke being with someone else. The mental image had his stomach tying itself in knots. A lone tear trickled down his cheek.

“Tell me he’s going to be all right,
,” Mark pleaded. “I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

“He’s going to be just fine,”
said, pulling Mark into a hug.

“Excuse me, Mr. Morgan?”

Mark broke away from
and stared up at the doctor standing before them. Mark could smell that he was a wolf. He had dark hair flecked with grey and a compassionate glint in his eye.

“Doctor Browning,”
said. “This is Mark Malone, Luke’s mate.”

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